Enjoy the newest chapter! We would like to apologize for its shortness.

We received worries about Ren's fate and we would like to reassure you that you will soon see him again.

CA Productions

Disclaimer: See first chapter.

Chapter 21 - Every Beginning has an End

-Three years later-

The past three years had been eventful; the last one was more rushed and all too short for the White Wizard.

He wished he had more time.

Most of his time was spent with the transformed tree herders, helping them adjust to the new feelings and new body they got, teaching them about basic human behavior, gestures, feelings, emotions and also made sure they were aware of their tendency to lie, cheat and kill if they were not taught better. This way they won't be so easily overcome and can filter out such people.

They do need to practice, though.

He also visited some of the kingdoms and Hobbiton once more, making sure everything was in order and goes the way they planned. He wanted to make a visit to Mordor as well, to see if their wraith was still where he was put but the humans were persistent and told him it didn't go anywhere. He wasn't as convinced and wanted to see for himself but he had to trust them. He didn't have as much time.

Gandalf also spent his remaining time to help his student, Hyano in her studies. He did not yet take off her enchanted cuffs but taught her differently and showed her the many books he has written through his time here, which contain much advice, locations of hidden herbs, spells and an exact map for Isengard. He wanted to prepare her for what is to come. She will be soon the remaining only member of their Order in Middle-Earth, the head of Isengard, the istar to whom the humans may come for advice and ask for help.

Gandalf also watched Iron Bark grow, month to month he became more sturdy, his bark harder and his branches thicker, he also sprouted more and more leaves each year and learned the language of Man rather quickly. But even today he still struggled with some sentences and words.

So, here they are now, the night before his departure.

Gandalf stood in his room; a pipe in one of his hands while the other was held outside at the window, his white staff was set aside next to the wall beside him. His blue eyes surveyed the young forest, having watched it for so long.

And now he had to leave this all behind.

The old wizard did seem to be quite calm and collected but his mind was swirling with thoughts, his stomach shivered... He felt the pain in his chest, not liking the fact that he had to leave one bit. He was nervous but didn't show it. He didn't know what will await him... He already packed his belongings which he will take along, the packing itself was rather slow, lasting days, showing his hesitation. The istar sighed, lazily puffing out smoke, this time not forming anything special from it... He didn't have the will to do that... But felt so heavy...

So old...

So slow...

Hyano had learned much in the few years she had been here. She had eventually gotten to meet the reformed tree herders and now that she knew about them, she knew she would likely be seeing them often even after Gandalf departed...

Which brings up the departure they are all afraid of.

Hyano had already spoken with Iron Bark about it, letting him know that he only had a short time left here at the tower before he and Gandalf would be leaving. She had not told him yet that she would not be leaving, though, she was sure subconsciously the young tree herder knew already. He had become quite protective over her, becoming something of an over-protective little brother rather than her charge. It could get rather hilarious at times...

She would miss it.

She sighed as she walked into the tower, rubbing the back of her head. Iron Bark was asleep for now. That put an end to the day...

Their last day.

The orange wizard shook her head, trying to push out such thoughts. They were not helping her feel any better. She walked heading towards her room and stopped when she noticed Gandalf through his open door. She smiled a little and leaned against the doorframe. Most would not be able to see the struggle going through the old istar's mind but Hyano knew him far better than that. He was thinking many of the same things she was she was sure.

"You know if you don't have your usual smile on tomorrow, someone is going to think a storm is coming." She teased him trying to pull a smile from the old man.

All she got from him was a chuckle, not the usual happy one but a lazier one, which indicated his mind was elsewhere. The old istar took the pipe to his mouth again and inhaled, blinking slowly, starting to hum an elvish song silently, standing at the window and still not facing her. His blue eyes still swept the forest, trying to imagine how it will look like once it has grown and debated which herder will be assigned for duty here once the trees are ready and strong enough.

Which won't take long.

The first birds started nesting last spring and the squirrels made the new forest their home as well, much to the chipmunk's dismay. He apparently hated crowds and especially the fact that he had to compete for food now and the birds take all the little holes in the trees. But this was how nature worked. Soon the little birds will fly out and make their own nests somewhere else. Just like how he and the remaining elves had to leave to build a new home somewhere oversea. They were rushing him in the past month and could remember their visits. They cannot take the weak presence of the magic anymore. It wasn't enough for their mental and physical health, especially not for their own magic.

Not that he didn't feel it too.

The process has slowed somewhat now, as if a large surge was gone, letting the magic flow much slower. Hyano has about five hundred or a thousand years left here until she had to depart as well. At least if there will be no more stronger flow. The White wizard sighed once more, stopping the song to put out his pipe then turned around to face Hyano. He put on a smile and nodded at her before going towards his bag, putting in the item that was in his hand.

The younger looking istar was hardly convinced by the smile and his lack of anything to say hardly helped his case. She watched him move around for a moment, thinking about what was to come. She would be very alone now... If she hadn't been before she would be now. There would be no more istari. No elves. Many of the other creatures would soon dwindle and eventually become one with the humans. At one some point they would forget where they come from altogether and there would be only humans. As she continued to think on this she became sadder and sadder until she finally did something she knew they both in a way had really wanted to do for some time.

She started to cry.

Hyano felt like such a child for it but once the tears started down her cheeks she could not stop them. She had not let herself get too overly emotional over this besides the one time she lost her temper. Besides that, she would sigh or let the information just stay in her mind affecting her mentally but never letting out how much it hurt. She gritted her teeth and tried to use her sleeve to stop the tears, cursing under her breath, annoyed that she couldn't stop herself.

Gandalf's reaction wasn't immediate.

He heard the all too familiar sound of sobbing and trembling of the voice when she cursed but simply couldn't bring himself to go and comfort her. What will he tell her? That everything is going to be alright? That nothing bad will happen? Should he really lie? No... he couldn't... Nothing is going to be alright for a while for both of them. Nor for anyone in this part of the world. There was too much uncertainty, too much to learn for the humans and everyone is skeptic about Mother Nature's powers. The Valar felt she was ready, so she must be... But it was simply too strange... Too depressing. Who likes to leave the place where they lived for so long and felt so alright...?

Gandalf sighed, trying to shake off all these feelings and thoughts. Turning finally, he directed his sad eyes to his student before slowly walking over to her and standing there, watching her crying, trying to smile... But he couldn't... There is nothing to smile about. Many would say to separate happily... But those people are lying. He would never lie. If he didn't feel alright, he won't fake it. Raising a hand, he put it on Hyano's shoulder, squeezing it lightly, trying to reassure her of his support mutely. He didn't think anything bad about her crying... It was just natural. If he could allow it, he would do so as well.

The orange wizard opened her eyes when she felt his hand touch her shoulder and met his blue eyes with her green ones. She looked up and saw how sad he was too, when he left he would be alone too. There were no istari on the other side. They were the only two. At least that she knew of. The blue wizards, the star wizard, brown, white. All gone. She gripped her fists. When he got to the new lands he would be the only one. Not by choice. Not because of travels. There would be no one he could come and visit from time to time. Hyano would not be there to join him for many years... If she came to join him at all. Who knew what would happen between now and then? She was sure hell was going to break lose more than once. It was without question. The time of Man even without the aid of magic would likely be full of war and change until they finally settled into their role as the main species of Middle-Earth. And who knows what would happen after.

Hyano gripped her fists thinking of all these things then jumped up wrapped her arms around his neck tightly.

"I am going to miss you so much, Gandalf... It isn't fair." She told him as she buried her face in his shoulder.

As soon as she did so, the White wizard hugged her right back, tight enough to make sure she knows he is there and holds her but loose enough to not crush her and let her pull back once she wished so.

"I will miss you too, Hyano." He said finally, his voice surprisingly smooth, devoid of sadness but it did sound slower, slightly older than usually. It also lacked that mischief tone and that wise tint. "I will miss everything that I will leave behind... But..." He sighed, bringing up a hand to stroke her hair gently, letting her cry into his shoulder as long as she wished. "This can't be considered unfair... This world is ready; the masterpiece of those who shaped it and now it is time to take care of a new world. We cannot hesitate and let this other world wither." He tried explaining, not only to her but himself as well. While he wished to stay as well, he knew he couldn't by duty. He wasn't allowed to. Command of the Valar. "One day you will feel their call as well. Then we will meet again..." He smiled, closing his eyes. "Imagine it... A completely new world. And it will be shaped by our hands."

As nice as that sounded... Hyano had a feeling it wasn't going to be some dreamland. If life had taught her anything it was that nothing was nearly that simple. She held him tighter before finally letting go and looking up to him.

"Gandalf... I..." She wanted to say she was not sure she would ever join him, much less get to see the new world but... it might be better if they not think of such things. Instead she put her head on his chest and sighed. "I will do my best, Gandalf... Is there... Is there a chance you could come back to visit before then? Or maybe send letters?" She asked him, sure she knew the answer but... Well, the istari were known for asking questions.

Even when they knew the answers to them already.

The White wizard smiled at her suggestion, chuckling once, happy that she still didn't lose her hope. She didn't yet give up in holding contact with him, which was a good sign. She wasn't fully devastated, nor overly depressed about this. He thought for a few seconds, blinking before closing his eyes and slowly shook his head.

"I won't promise anything, Hyano. The sea is unruly, work will be plenty. I will be needed, so cannot come back... And letters... I am not sure if I will have the time or the tools to send it to you... There is no bird that can cross the sea and no fish will carry it this far..." He told her, reaching out to touch her cheek, caressing it gently. "You also will have your own tasks. Right now, we are all faced with this change but later you will not think of all this often. You won't have the time." He was sure she will know what her duties are; after all they spoke of this so often. Her tasks are complex and needed her to be alert at all times. Stand ready to aid the humans or scold them for what they did. He wished he could help at her very first task but it was too late to think about that now. "And while we will be standing on a different piece of land, the sky will be the same." He said gently, nodding. "If you feel lonely, just look at the blue sky, the white clouds, the shining moon. I see the same, and we will know we aren't alone."

His words helped her relax a little. Hyano giggled lightly as he talked about the sky. She smiled up at him.

"I will see the sky and see your eyes, Gandalf. I will see the clouds and see your beard. I will see the moon and see your robes. That is what I will see." She giggled at the thought, then looked at her wrists. "I get these off tomorrow, I presume... I kind of got used to having them on. I never thought I would say it but magic will take some getting used to since it has been so long since I could last use it." She told him honestly. There was a time where she used magic almost all the time throughout the day, mostly to keep her mind busy when she had nothing to do. She wondered if she would do that again... Likely, since she will only have the humans and animals to keep her company.

His smile brightened at her words, and chuckled at the comparing she made. While none of his colors are as magnificent as nature makes hers, he was glad she thought of this more as a way of relief than mourning. He knew every time he makes mischief he will remember her, just like when he selflessly takes care of a hurt animal. She represented healing and the forests, seeing she could never hurt a soul, yet defended the forest to its fullest, helping any creature it seems to be in need of it. As she shifted the topic to the handcuffs, he let his gaze fall to them and slowly took her hands, examining the slightly glowing items, running a hand over their smooth warm surface, feeling the enchantment he put onto it.

"And it was the perfect time to learn how to find yourself and how to live your life without using magic. Magic shouldn't be a tool to be used for everything. Your creativity and survival skills without it would suffer. Find new ways to fill your time. Find new solutions to the problems that you could only solve with magic. Try to live with as little as possible and you will see... you will go through so many great adventures." There had been many opportunities in his life where he could just swing his hand and destroy evil with his magic, or find an item just by calling to it... But what is life and struggle if you miss out on everything? While many would consider all that a waste of time, it helped him to live like any other. Looking for books he lost, trekking through the forest to find a single item or herb without calling to it, help and aid the humans in the wars without doing the work for them...

Hyano smiled and nodded.

"Yes. I think I can do that... I am probably going to be busy with my studies for quite some time anyway. Man will one day forget the world of magic and look at it as nothing more than legends and myths. That is the way it is meant to be... However... Mordor will be a problem until then. That is where most of my focus will be. I believe there is a way to remedy this problem but it will take time. And from the looks of things, I will have quite a lot of it." She told him. She had a few ideas, ways in which Mordor could be taken out of the world of Man while not being destroyed. However, they were very high level spells and would take many years to get ready. Also, she would have to speak with the humans and gain their trust before she could do anything. Eventually, she hoped to fade into the background, helping the humans on the side quietly without them even knowing it. But that was a long way away.

Raising an eyebrow, his curiosity getting the better of Gandalf, he couldn't help but ask how she wishes to treat the problem.

"May I ask what you plan on doing? Of course, not that I want to criticize it but I do need to know so I can give advice." He said, looking at her, watching her expectantly.

"... I'm going to do something I don't think has ever been done before Gandalf... I'm going to make Mordor disappear from the eyes of Man." Hyano told him. "I'm going to turn Mordor into the prison that only I can see. If all goes correctly then like magic itself Mordor will become nothing but a myth until the magic that created it and the people inside it disappear and there will be no need to hide it anymore." She said then looked down, expecting a number of reasons why this could not work and so on.

"Ah, I know which spells you might mean." The White wizard replied, only briefly thinking, searching for the right spell in his memory. "It was used before... but not in that scale that you plan on using it." He knew the spell all too well. All the istari used to hide holy or important items from the eyes of the humans and could easily dispel it at any time or kept it hidden even today. The humans didn't even know how many important and powerful items are laying about. However, using it on a whole land? That might be a little... more complicated. "Preparing this one will take you at least a hundred or a thousand years and all the time you will be called away to do your duties, to aid the humans and settle disputes. You could of course try but it will simply take all too long." He wasn't even sure if the spell can be powered up enough to hide a whole land. That would need further study. "You also need to calculate how much magic it will use daily. With the magic flowing away so rapidly, the barrier might stay only for a few years and will cease functioning way before the creatures inside perish or change."

"That is what the years of study are for... I... may have come up with a way of powering the spell... not from the magic in the world... But..." The orange istar cringed, knowing this would sound bad. "But from the magic from the creatures inside." She finally said. "If it works properly then as long as the creatures inside still survive on any form of magic they will be fueling their own prison. Likelihood is, considering the number of creatures inside Mordor, it will likely take longer for the spell to take away the magic from the creatures inside itself than it will for the humans outside to forget Mordor ever existed." She explained.

The old wizard frowned at this, not sure if he should be happy about this or should he start panicking. He watched her with judging and strict blue eyes, not sure what to say or what to think. First, he was proud that her studying and his teaching finally paid off and she found new ways in the arcane arts. He always knew she was extremely intelligent and was assigned to the bad teacher from the start. Radagast was intelligent as well and smart, however he was known to be more insane at times and not teach at all, letting Hyano teach herself, only showing her what he thought she should know. She should have been assigned either to him, to Saruman -even if she hated him- or any of the blue wizards. On the other hand, he wasn't exactly happy about her choice and work-around for the magic. He knew from the humans that after Sauron's destruction only a single being is held captive in Mordor.

The wraith who they wished to dispose of.

He wasn't sure if it was a good idea to let her go and see him again. With her mind-cleaning being recently complete, it can become unstable if she meets the Nazgul so soon. Will need at least a hundred years to stabilize itself against such blows to the mind. He also was sure that the creature will talk to her and try to make her remember once he sees she 'forgot' about him. He needed to know which was more important... To make sure the humans stay away from it or Hyano's loyalty. For him the latter meant more. And will make sure to defend it.

"It would still last a long time to establish this setting. More than how long this barrier would be in place. I'd say let Mordor be and let the humans guard that place and sometimes just check on them. You will have far too many duties to mess about even with that." He tried coming up with any excuse but tried to sound as worried as he could get. It wasn't so hard, seeing he was concerned about her mind-clearing.

"I don't plan to do it anytime soon... Like you said, it will take many years to prepare something like that and you are right, I will be very busy... But I still think it needs to be done. If the humans forget the threat that lies in there and some start taking it lightly, the creatures inside could very well look at a whole other attempt at takeover of Middle-Earth again. Any slipup from the humans could very well send this world into chaos despite the lack of magic in it. The lack of magic could very well mean their destruction because there will be no elves to aid them and only one istar here to try. Besides that... if the humans really are meant to move on like everyone is saying... wouldn't it make sense that they shouldn't have this huge threat always looming over them for who knows how long?" She pointed out to him. She admitted he was right and that she wouldn't be able to get to it for who knows how long but she was not going to give up on the idea. Not completely anyway. She knew if given the time and energy she could make this happen and it could possible run until at least a little before she had to leave Middle-Earth herself. She knew she would at least try to hold out until then.

Before he could even think of an answer Gandalf shook his head, not wishing to let her do this. While she said she doesn't want to do it now, it can still endanger her at a later time. He didn't even want to hear about it. It would be a greater danger to the world if she sides with the creature once more. The humans will rather easily get rid of the Nazgul if he is alone... However if she joins him, then it will be an impossible fight for mankind. He had to ensure their safety and found it fortunate that she decided to bring this up and he can quickly find a way to make her step back from this idea.

"You forget that the magic's disappearance also affects the creatures in Mordor. By the time the humans forget about it, the creatures would die or vanish. I am also sure that by the time you find time to do all this, the creatures would be gone already..."

Hyano was starting to note that he seemed determined to put an end to this idea no matter what. She wasn't sure if it was for the reasons he was giving her, though. However, she decided not to ask. Whatever his reasons were they were likely for her safety along with everyone else's. She smiled a little, knowing this made her feel better.

"We will see, Gandalf. Knowing such a spell, though, would prove useful later even if I don't use it here. Who knows what might be on the other side of the waters. There could be dangers similar to the ones we have already dealt with here." She pointed out.

"We are well aware. The darkness is always following the light. It will find a way to appear. An endless fight between the light and the shadows. One doesn't exist without the other." The wise wizard smiled, relieved that she seemed to pull back from this idea. It really was only for her own and the world's safety and hoped she will never try this. "I will of course start writing books about the spells I know and take a few books with me, just to be sure. It is time we relocate the knowledge we gathered through the many Ages."

"That is good because a lot of time or not re-scribing all those books eventually is going to be a pain in the neck." Hyano said, not looking forward to it. She knew she would have to sooner or later, considering they were all important spells and documents but the idea of doing it and how long it would take was going to be horrible. She could already feel her hand cramping in fear of the pain to come. She then smiled realizing something. "Oh! Once these cuffs are off I can restart Radagast's herb collection." She said happily.

Gandalf couldn't help but smile at her. Just as he always remembered her. Whenever he was around the Brown Wizard's shack, he and Hyano were always out and about, looking for the herbs they needed. Radagast took great care to rub this habit and hobby down onto her, collecting and growing the plants close by. While they were also useful for potions and healing methods, most of them wither without being used at all. He never understood hoarding if they are never used. It is more wasting and should be left alone until they are truly needed. But then again... everyone has their own little habits. Like the way he likes fireworks. He laughed, before suddenly going serious; his strict eyes searched hers in the next moment and held up his index finger to gain her full attention.

"But... I wouldn't feel comfortable to see Isengard's basement transformed into a plant factory." He said, watching her before dropping it all and smiled. "But I still wish you good luck with the collection; just remember the fragile magical presence in Middle-Earth. Some rare plants shouldn't be hoarded."

Hyano blinked then realized something.

"Oh! I forgot you and the others never did get to see the special herbs Radagast kept in the basement, did you?" She asked. It was rare that the other wizards visited, let alone had an interest in going in his home. "Radagast had a special collection of herbs, rare ones that glowed in the dark. They were quite beautiful and very hard to find... I doubt I will find many of them again. I don't even know what half of them are called to be honest." She said, rubbing the back of her head. "I... can't really remember what happened to it either... I know it's gone but... I don't remember how or why." She said, stopping and starting to think for a moment but no matter how hard she tried she kept coming up blank. That really bothered the young wizard.

"They aren't lost as long as you can find more of them." Gandalf spoke up very quickly, not wanting her to think too much about all this. While he knew she will think much about her past in his absence and surely won't come up with anything, he just wanted to make sure at her thoughts get controlled, even if for a little while. She will have enough duties to keep her mind from wandering. "Glowing in the dark you say..." He said thoughtfully, having heard of such plants before. Some moss tends to glow as well, those that grow in dark caverns with plenty moisture and underground springs. "Perhaps they were some kind of moss?" He asked, trying to help a little here, voicing his idea before. He knew of a cavern system up north which has these glowing mosses. They were plenty when he last looked.

Hyano giggled and shook her head. "There were some mosses but most were herbs and roots. They were magic based plants, hard to find because they either didn't grow in the same place twice or because they only bloomed once every so many years. I guess if I do find some of them I will gather the seeds and bring them over with me to show you. When that time comes anyway." She offered. The lack of magic would eventually make the seeds as good as soft rocks but hopefully once she got out of Middle-Earth they would regain their life. She sighed then smiled. "Oh well... Have you eaten yet, Gandalf? You should make sure you eat well tonight. Eat too much before your trip tomorrow and you're bound to get sea sick." She said giggling at the very idea of Gandalf getting sick.

The White wizard chuckled at this and reached out, ruffling her hair playfully.

"My stomach is as strong as if it was made of steel. Nothing can make me sick. But I will not eat as much as I do before I depart." He smiled but nodded nonetheless, taking her advice to heart and will make sure to hold himself to it. "I did eat an hour ago but not much... I am... not as hungry. My appetite isn't as good as it used to be." He told her, now letting her go completely before turning around and facing his bed. He sighed, somehow not wanting to sleep tonight. He didn't want to fall asleep today, only to wake up like time skipped and having to make the last preparations, going to the location where they will board the boats. He didn't want this all to end in a flash... On the other hand, he will have to be well-rested if he truly didn't want to end up sick. A new world awaits... It should be full with new adventures, replaying all the actions he did in Middle-Earth. He should be excited... but all there is nervousness... "I think... I will lie down and get some rest. You should too. A long day awaits both of us." He turned slightly to address her before slowly walking towards the bed and sitting on it, looking around as if trying to memorize everything he sees now. So he can remember... It will be painful to wake up at a different place the next time he falls asleep... He should as well enjoy his sleep tonight...

Hyano watched him and his actions for a moment. The effect of the lack of magic seemed to affect him along with the depression of having to leave. She watched him for a moment before noticing his staff.

"Do you mind if I borrow your staff for a little? I will give it back before you leave. I want to see something." She asked as she walked over to it, picking up the staff that was meant for the far taller man. Gandalf was a rather tall man even by human standards so he had a tall staff to compensate. It kind of made her laugh a little on the inside to see that even his staff was taller than she was.

"What?" Gandalf asked, snapping out of his thoughts before turning around to watch her take his staff. "Oh... Alright... You can take it. But I want it back before I leave." He smiled and sat down on his bed, caressing the sheets gently, turning his attention back to his room and memorizing how it looks like. He knew he will dream about this room and about Middle-Earth frequently, which will maybe soothe his pain somewhat. A little home will be always with him in his mind. However, just the way he got used to Middle-Earth he will get used to the new world as well. He will slowly accept it as his new home and slowly forget about his past here. And who knows... maybe one day the humans will destroy themselves or after a tragedy Mother Nature decides she cannot hold this land anymore... In this case they might come back and recreate life in Middle-Earth once more.

A completely new start.

But until then, all he had were his dreams. He sighed and laid down, spending his last night sleeping surprisingly comfortably and without dreams.

Hyano smiled as she watched him pass away into dreamland and quietly took the staff and walked out with it. She would give him something to remember alright. She took the staff to her room then ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, then got to work, etching a few things into it. By the time she finally finished her work the lack of sunlight was forcing her into dreamland as well. She was happy she could get it done fist, though. She etched in a mix of old elven tongues, the sky, then etched in a rather nice sun with a moon in it and some clouds around it. So he wouldn't forget his own words and to look up whenever he was feeling homesick.

She knew he would...

Before she knew what happened she had passed out, leaned back against the headboard of her bed, the staff laying on her lap.

-next morning-

The sun rose too soon for the old looking wizard.

The usually gentle and welcomed rays disturbed his peaceful sleep, ending his dreamless resting rudely. As if it was intentionally keeping him from falling asleep again, making sure he didn't forget what day it was.

The time has come.

It is time to move.

Time to get up, eat then take Iron Bark to the boats... He dreaded this day from the moment he received the news about the vanishing magic. He mumbled to himself first before deciding to get up. He sat up slowly and stood, stretching thoroughly, feeling his bones crack. Is it just him or he got old? Neither, he is just more sensitive to the disappearing magic. The wizard's first motion was to grab for his staff, reaching to the side to retrieve it. However, he only grabbed empty air. Frowning, he looked and noticed it wasn't there... But where-... Oh... Slowly, the time with Hyano came back into his mind and remembered that she asked for his staff, telling him she will give it back before he leaves. Curious, Gandalf moved towards the door, stepped out and went straight to Hyano's room. He wanted to knock and reached out to do so but the door was slightly ajar, so simply pushed the door in and looked inside.

Hyano was lucky. Her room was not on the sun facing side so it took a little longer for the morning sun to seep into her room. This worked out wonderfully for the wizard who lived off of the sun because it meant she could work longer into the day and sleep in a little bit.

However, that did not last forever.

As the older wizard came into her room the sun was slowly working its way into her room as well, forcing her awake. She stretched and grumbled something about needing to stop sleeping in odd positions. It always made her stiff. The knife she had used and the wood shavings still rested on her bed. She had passed out before she could clean them away and she was not fully awake enough to get to them now. She had yet to even notice the old wizard was there to be honest.

The White istar smiled as he watched her, shaking his head. She was once more working on something and passed out because of the lack of sun, yet again, in a not all too comfortable position. It didn't take long for him to notice the sharp object on her bed. His eyes didn't find yet his staff, so ignored it and walked forward, quickly snatching up the knife and putting it aside, making sure she did not cut herself in any way. He watched her turn and stretch but did not say anything or wake her up further. Instead he kept watching her as she peacefully laid there, wanting to remember her the way when she is carefree, not when she embraces him for the final time, more sad than happy about it. He leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms, waiting for her to wake up and notice him.

Hyano stretched once more and turned over, her eyes taking a moment before finally seeing the other istar. She instantly jumped, not expecting to see another body when she opened her eyes. She yelped then fell off the bed with a groan, letting out a number of wizard curses before forcing herself up.

"Ugh... Not sure if I'm going to miss how you can surprise me no matter how hard I try to predict you." She said jokingly, knowing she in a way loved that detail about the older istar. She forced herself to her feet, leaving the staff on the bed for now as she leaned back slightly, sighing as her back cracked a couple times releasing some of the stiffness.

Gandalf wasn't surprised at her reaction and smiled, chuckling at her and her comment. There was a hint of worry when she fell off of the bed, hoping she didn't break an arm or a leg but was relieved once she emerged once more without a scratch.

"Nah... You are just getting old." He smiled, before pushing away from the doorframe and walking up to her, looking her over for wounds or red blotches from the fall. "Did you hurt yourself or was it just the shock?" He asked before stepping back and let his eyes wander the room, remembering how different hers was from his. It was so much lighter and so much simpler. In color and in furnishing, yet more colorful with the herbs and flowers she picked and put into pots. They gave such a special feel to her quarters. He took in a deep breath, taking in the scent of the flowers before his blue gaze finally found his staff. It was lying on her bed, shielded from his view mostly by the covers and briefly wondered what she wanted with it. He tilted his head slightly to the side and raised an eyebrow, meeting her gaze, asking about it just with this motion.

"Oh I'm fine. Trust me. I've been woken up in far worse ways." Hyano told him with a giggle as she dusted herself off a few of the shavings from his staff getting on her. She then noticed his gaze and looked towards the staff before smiling, then picked it up and held it out to him, making sure the marks she had made were facing up so he could see them. "I hope you don't mind... I just thought you always have your staff with you... so this might help you always remember." She told him a little sheepishly. If she was to try a stunt like this on the wrong wizard she would likely get scolded for ruining a perfectly good staff. However she didn't believe that was the reaction she would get from Gandalf.

The White wizard watched as she noticed his gaze before retrieving it and showing him his staff. His blue gaze wandered the now not as smooth, carved surface of the artifact, recognizing the symbols, the old elven writings, the sun, the sky, the moon... He knew this way she wanted him to remember what he said last evening. To always look at sky and the moon, because those are eternal and both of them see the same thing. It is like... they gaze at them together. A small smile appeared on his lips as he reached out and took the staff, running a finger gently over some of the carvings, noticing new ones now that he looked at it closer. He surely will spend some days on the boat searching and finding new and new markings that she carved in. He couldn't wait to learn the location of all and hope for new ones to appear. He finally looked at her and with a chuckle he went and wrapped his arms around her slowly and gently, patting her back.

"Thank you, Hyano. Trust me, I will never forget you. Staff or not. One cannot forget such a persistent, headstrong but mostly very hard-working student."

The orange istar blinked and smiled before hugging him back, letting herself get lost in his arms for the moment. She had always loved his hugs.

"I will never forget you either, Gandalf. You are the closest thing to family I've ever had. You stuck up for me when others wouldn't and made me feel like I was worth something when other wizards tried to make me feel worthless." She held him tightly. "I love you, Gandalf, and I will miss you very much." She added, closing her eyes and letting her head rest against his chest feeling his beard tickle her cheek and making her want to giggle despite the situation.

All the White wizard could do was smile and hold her for a little while. There was nothing to say in answer to what she told him, other than that it was just the way he was. He never liked judging someone without seeing what can become of them. He had seen her potential and knew she will once become a very good wizard. Even more so because she wished to prove herself to everyone. But she never needed to do so to him. He was always proud of her. After a few minutes, he was forced to pull away. The sun has halfway risen above the horizon, meaning he had just a few hours left and still needed to reach the river before the sun reached its highest spot. Patting her back once more, Gandalf pulled away and shook her shoulder firmly.

"And you be strong for us, Hyano. Represent the Order with honor and determination. Be helpful but don't let the humans' greed make you their prey." He told her with a stern look, then let her go and turned around, going to get his bag and the belongings he planned to bring along. A few books really, nothing more. He didn't have such great needs either. The elves already told him they will provide the boat with barrels of water, enough for him and Iron Bark for the long journey. Weeks they will spend sitting about before they reach their destination. He hoped no storm will come their way. If it does, he will make sure it doesn't hit them directly. But this is as much as he can do.

Hyano smiled and nodded, allowing him to leave before going down stairs and making two bowls of nuts and berries. A small breakfast for a very long trip. She left Gandalf's on the table where she knew he would find it before taking hers with her outside. She wanted to spend some time with the young tree herder... as much as she could anyway before she couldn't anymore. How was she supposed to tell him she wasn't coming? She still hadn't figured that part out yet. She smiled as she saw the young one and walked up behind him quietly, not saying a word, just waiting for him to notice her.

While Gandalf prepared and brought down his bag, ate a little after finding the bowl that Hyano put out to him, the young tree herder was already up and waiting, standing among the small saplings, swaying his branches as a breeze passed through the patch.

It took him a little while but eventually noticed the young wizard further away from him and turned, walking up to her, wondering why she didn't come to him this time. He didn't notice she was there before... Normally she would walk straight up to him, sometimes even waiting for him to wake up. Iron Bark finally stopped in front of her and couldn't help but feel excited about what will happen soon.

"I can't wait!" He almost shouted, behaving like a little human child, not noticing her inner conflict. "Do you think the boat will be very big? What is the boat made of? Will we really travel on the sea for weeks? Won't you get sick?" He asked, of course having many more questions, but decided to go from here and see where it all goes. "Oh, we could watch the fish. Do you think the ones in the sea are bigger than those in the river?" He was already good in her language, just more struggling with the pronunciation than anything else. Thanks to her care, he was almost ready for his official duty as Tree Herder and protector of the new world.

Hyano couldn't help but laugh at his set of questions. Always a new set every day. She wondered if the elves on the boat would be able to keep up with his questions. She thought a moment before answering his inquiries.

"The boat will be a large one with plenty of room to run and play so you won't be too bored during your trip. It will be made of a strong wood that came from trees that met their time. Elves are very picky about the wood they use. You will like them I'm sure. You will be on the boat for a very long time... I will not get sick." She said, her mind cringing a little as she got to the last question for his first set. She decided to finish answering his questions and try not to think of the sadness to come later. "The fish will be much bigger, some bigger than the trees of the old forest. They will be quite a sight to see but like the old trees they are not to be teased. It is impolite and these may try to eat a young tree herder if he is not wise and does not keep his hands to himself." She warned with a smile.

Smiling as best as a Tree herder can, he grabbed her hand and started hauling her towards the saplings, wanting to do one last round in taking care of the saplings before they have to go.

"But you will be there to protect me if they come, will you?" He chuckled before stopping at the patch and looking over them. He fell silent here for a brief second, feeling something... weird... he never felt this before... maybe he did... He always felt this when he had to leave his big brothers and come back here but this was... far worse. Stronger... maybe the knowledge that he will never see these trees again made it more intense? He didn't know. Slowly, he turned around and faced her; a slightly worried expression could be read from his face. "What will happen to the saplings? Who will take care of them if we leave? Will the others come and water them?" He asked, referring to the older tree herders. They surely volunteered to make sure nothing bad happens to the saplings.

Hyano let him pull her around and smiled as she watched him care for the little ones. Her heart sank when he asked if she would protect him then it felt like it dropped altogether as he asked about the trees and he turned those worried eyes on her. She looked at him sadly before kneeling in front of him. "I am sorry... but Gandalf will be the one to protect you from now on, young one... not me. I will be staying here with the saplings. I will be watching over them until one of your older brothers is given these lands to protect... These saplings will be fine... and so will you. I promise." She assured him, knowing he would not like this news much.

Iron Bark's worried expression changed to that of shock first as she shared with him that she won't come to the new world. His shock soon vanished, replaced by sadness and denial, blinking rapidly at first, not wanting to believe what he just heard.

"Y-... You are not coming?" He asked, wanting a confirmation. He surely heard it wrong. She surely is coming with them, she is just joking. She must be joking. She must be. "This is not true!" He denied this fact. "You will come with us surely." He tried reassuring himself of the opposite of what Hyano said and nodded to himself. Yes, he must have heard everything wrong, his excitement made him hear things, no matter if he heard it from her and she was looking at him.

The orange wizard shook her head and put the bowl down before putting her hands on the side of his head gently to make him look at him.

"I'm sorry, little one, but it is true... I am not coming. I can't. Not yet anyway. The world here still needs a wizard, just like it needs your brothers. I must stay as long as Valar allows, helping the humans as much as I can. They are what I must herd. I am a herder of people and creatures and this is where I must stay. For now at least." She explained to him trying to put it in words she felt he could understand.

"But I am a herder too..." He tried, putting his hands on hers as she held his head. "These are trees... Shouldn't I stay too to do my job?" He asked, trying to find a way to not having to be separated from her. For as long as he can remember, she had been by his side and he didn't feel himself ready to leave her guidance and protection. Not yet. The time didn't yet come. He was too fragile and had so many questions... He didn't yet ask all of them... and she wants to stay? "If you stay, I stay too." Iron Bark said firmly, puffing out the chest part of his body, wanting to stand firmly to his word and wish. He won't go anywhere if she isn't coming with him. At least, she won't be alone with him here. They can walk among the trees all day.

Hyano gave him a sad smile, then kissed where his forehead should be, before shaking her head.

"No... Your place is with your little brothers. When you get across the waters they will need you to help them grow into strong tree herders like yourself. I wish we could stay together but for now we must part ways. You must now live up to your name. You must be strong even without me by your side." She replied to him softly then pulled him into her arms and hugged him, mindful of his leaves. "I am sorry, Iron Bark... but there is no way you can stay and for now I cannot go with you. But we will meet again. Someday." She told him, feeling determined to make sure she got to that point.

The small tree herder blinked and let his shoulders slump, disappointed, suddenly uncertain, sad and feeling... vulnerable... for the first time since his birth. Iron Bark hugged her back, feeling security seep back into him at this but it wasn't enough. Suddenly, for the first time since he was told he will travel, he felt afraid. With her not there, to whom will he run if he needed help? While right now he did feel so big and strong, eager to take over the duty to take care of this part of the forests, suddenly he felt so small, fragile and shy, he won't be able to do his duty. Suddenly the responsibility to adjust to a new world, take care of his brothers and guard the forests will all fall on his shoulders. He didn't know if he can do all this without her... Not yet. But... He did need to do all this one day. He would be the oldest among his brothers there and can be proud of his work when they part ways with him. Once she comes to him with time, he can tell her all he did and make her proud. The tree herders did talk about this with him and told him what to do with the trees if they refuse to be guarded by him and seeing a whole new world promised so many exciting adventures. But this all is so scary... At the mention of seeing each other again one day, he pulled back a little to look at her, a sad expression playing on his face.

"Promise?" He asked, watching her expectantly.

Hyano smiled down at him.

"I promise I will do everything I can to see you again... but Mother Nature has plans of her own. We cannot be sure of the days to come. But I promise to put all my powers into seeing you again one day... and I can't wait to see the great tree herder you will become." She told him, already seeing a big and strong tree herder. She assumed he would be the one picking her up at that point instead of the other way around. She giggled at the very thought, then thought on Gandalf's words and smiled before tapping the top of his head lightly and pointing up. "Whenever you are missing me or feeling homesick, look up at the sky. No matter where we are or how far apart we may be, that sky is always the same. So you will know that no matter where you are I will be looking at the same sky with you. The same stars, clouds and even sun are above us, letting us know we are not truly alone. Remember that. Yes?"

Iron Bark nodded, a faint smile appearing on his lips. While he was young and did not understand the distance of the sky, he still believed every word she said. The way she talked about maybe seeing him again wasn't exactly what he expected and still felt the uncertainty within her words but that didn't matter at the moment. As she said, one doesn't know what Mother Nature plans. Maybe they will see each other much sooner than expected.

Just at this moment the door to the tower closed and Gandalf walked down the steps slowly, clutching his bag and belongings in one hand, while his staff was in the other. As soon as he arrived down the steps, he turned around and cast a last glance at his home. He will never see it again. He sighed and silently bid it farewell, before turning and motioning for the two to hurry up. They were already late. Not like he wanted to go so fast and so soon. He was slower compared to his usual self, as if wanting to drag out their departure.

Hyano looked over towards her elder and nodded before picking up Iron Bark, thinking it would probably be the last time she ever got the chance to and walked over to the cart, dragging it out a little herself. There was a part of her that really didn't want them to leave. A good amount of her inner self did not want them to leave but she would make herself anyway. She hopped into the cart and placed Iron Bark in the back where he could look around as they drove. She knew the trip would be quiet... No one was really sure what to say. What does one say when all there was to say was 'goodbye' but no one wants to say that...

Those words hurt too much.

-few hours later-

Gandalf stood with the elves, watching them as they packed in the last bag he brought from the cart.

Iron Bark was already about the boat, touching its wooden surface and strangely not finding any life within them unlike when he touches trees. He was coming and going in and out of the boat, looking around curiously, wanting to see everything.

He certainly was excited.

Gandalf -on the other hand- wasn't as sure how to feel. The dreaded time has come. And while it pains him to leave behind this world and Hyano, he was still also looking forward to arrive at the new world. He wanted to see what awaited them and it was always entertaining and important to shape it to the taste of the Valar, create a new land for life to bloom on. While the basics are laid down, sentient beings still need to be brought there. The elves already made it their home and started their work there. He sighed and as the elf nodded to him, meaning they are ready, the old wizard nodded back, and turned towards Hyano, stepping closer to her.

"Well... the time has come... A new world awaits... New adventures... New settings for both of us."

Hyano smiled up at her old friend. She did not need to cry, and had cried enough. Instead, she felt a little happy.

"New friends to make and new stories to tell when we meet again." She said, confident now that she would see the old White wizard again. She then looked at her wrists before sighing and holding them out to him. A part of her didn't want them taken off. They were in a way a good memory in themselves but it was time. "Take care, Gandalf. I don't want to get there and finding you missing an eye. If I do, you are in trouble." She warned him playfully.

Gandalf couldn't help but chuckle at her threat, shaking his head.

"What? I would get a nice eye patch. Wizard pirate. Or... pirate wizard. Sounds scary, doesn't it?" He laughed at this before looking at the cuffs. Reaching out without hesitation, he grasped both of the cuffs on her wrists and after a small silence -saying the spell within his mind- he pulled away his hand along with the cuffs. Now she can cast magic once more. "Remember..." He said, nodding. "...Don't make magic a tool. Only call to it when necessary." He smiled, before stepping closer and wrapping his arms around her, patting her back gently. "We will miss you, Hyano. I can't wait to listen to all the stories about your adventures." Just at this time there was a nudging coming from the side as Iron Bark came up to them, pulling on her robe, wishing for her attention. He was slightly jealous of the care the old wizard received and his childish mind wanted her love for himself.

Gandalf pulled back, letting her say her goodbyes to Iron Bark and moved to the boat, ushered in by an elf as they boarded. He made sure to check every belonging he will bring with himself, making sure everything was in place and was protected, including the large seeds of the tree herders. Luckily, none of them got wet, which means they will make it to the new world and will grow to strong tree herders under his and Iron Bark's care.

Hyano blinked and giggled as she felt the little one tug on her robes. She let Gandalf pull back from her and knelt down so she was the young one's height and put her arms around him.

"Don't forget all the songs and music I taught you, Iron Bark. I'm sure all the new herders and trees you will meet will enjoy the soft tunes just as much as you did." She told him. She at least hoped if he forgot everything else that he at least remembered the music she would play for him every night when putting him to bed or sometimes in the day when they were playing around.

The tree herder sapling already humming his favorite one for a few seconds.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" He asked, stepping closer, returning the hug she gave him. "I am sure you would like it there." Even if he didn't know how it looks like. He didn't think it was fair that he had to lose her so soon. He wanted her to be there and wave to him when he becomes bigger and felt ready to move on... to wish him luck then... not now.

Hyano giggled lightly.

"I never said I didn't want to go. The last thing I want to do is being separated from you and Gandalf. However, it is something that must be." She told him, giving him a good squeeze before pulling back and letting her fingertips stroke his leaves for what might very well be the last time. She stepped back from him. "You be a good big brother and don't give Gandalf too much trouble. Alright?" She told him then saw that the elves were growing impatient. They never were very good at waiting. About as bad as humans, really. She sighed then put her hand on Iron Bark's back and pushed him lightly, giving him a reassuring smile.

Iron Bark chuckled at this and after a small hesitation nodded. Not like he would become a problem. A tree herder wasn't bound to make mischief or be disobedient to their protectors. It was more meant to accept him as his new protector and not fuss about it. As she pushed him lightly, he started going towards the boat slowly, subconsciously dragging out the time that he can spend with her still, before he actually arrived and had to get on the boat.

The last elf who was still on the shore unbound the boat from the pole and got on himself, joining his brethren and prepared for the long journey to come. They pushed the boat away from the shore by a paddle and started turning the boat to follow the river towards the sea. Through the whole time they didn't vanish among the fog on the river, they waved for the young wizard, Iron Bark even ignored his exciting travel and just sat at the edge of the boat, watching her until they truly vanished from sight, leaving Middle-Earth to begin a new adventure.

Hyano watched them as they disappeared for a moment before looking at her hands. She knew she told Gandalf she would not be using her magic all the time... However she thought this counted as a good reason. She smirked then her hands lit up before she shot magic straight into the sky.

The magic lit up then set off like the fireworks she knew Gandalf loved so much. She assumed -considering the circumstances- they deserved a proper send off.

Besides, this is not a day to be sad.

It is a day to celebrate.

New adventures and new people to meet.

And what is a celebration without fireworks?

"Goodbye, my friends… Goodbye."


We hope you enjoyed this slightly short chapter. This time, it is indeed the end. We are not joking.

Well, the end of this part of the story.

Stay tuned for the sequel!

Cub: *Walks in to see Avp crying.* Aw. Don't cry Avp. It isn't over. We still have a whole other book to write.

Avp: *Sniffles then cries harder.*

Ren: Stupid human! He wasn't crying because he was sad! He was crying because we were finally done!

Cub: Oh… Woops.

Hyano: That's right folks! This is our final chapter of this book but we would love to see you all with our next book!

CA Productions