Chapter 17

Thranduil wastes no time in locating Talia. It's not hard to guess where she spends most of time considering her reputation and upon reaching his destination Thranduil is met with what can only be described as noises royalty shouldn't hear.

Bursting into Talia's chamber unannounced, the King is not at all surprised to find her half-naked on top of one of his soldiers.

"I expected nothing less."

"Oh…my king…I was not expecting you…"

She smirks, climbing off the soldier as he scrambles to attention still nude. Thranduil doesn't acknowledge him, he's too focused on Talia who is now fully facing him, sprawled languidly across the bed. Suddenly the soldier shoots out of the room as the king lets out a fierce growl and lunges at Talia, pushing her flat against the bed constricting her throat in his iron grip. With his other hand holding his sword he rests the tip against her throat, pressing it with the slightest bit of pressure. Her eyes immediately widen with shock as she begins spluttering and choking, desperate for breath, yet she continues to provoke him.

"You'll never kill me. You wouldn't risk it."

Tightening his grip, Thranduil leans into her, hissing angrily.

"Are you sure of that?"


"You have threatened Ariella, my son, my people and myself. If you think I am forgiving, you are mistaken. But, you are right…"

He releases his grip on Talia and she coughs violently, struggling for breath.

"I will not kill you. Nor will I throw you in the dungeons…"

Talia locks eyes with him not daring to question what he has in store for her.

" not fear, Lady Talia.."

He grins sensing her panic.

Lowering his voice to a deep whisper, he rests his hand on her shoulder and lets out a sinister chuckle that causes Talia to feel strangely exposed and incredibly vulnerable.

"…I am confident you will enjoy what I have planned for you."

Crowded round the top end of the council table, you, Thranduil, Haldir and Legolas partake in discussing this new turn of events. Much to your delight, the king had returned to you without cutting off Talia's head (despite secretly wanting him to, it would have been an invitation to war). Instead, he proposes something quite different.

"You should not have invited her here."

"Legolas, if I had not done so, she would have come by her own will and it is almost certain that she would have endeavoured to cause even more damage than she already has done."

Legolas shakes his head and Nym mirrors him. Yet one thing continues to puzzle you, what was his intention in inviting her here?

"I don't understand, if you knew what she was like, why would you want her to come here and marry Legolas?"

"My intention was not for them to marry… I simply saw it as an opportunity to keep her under close watch and it wasn't exactly a secret that she favoured my son. I knew she wished to become Queen, so naturally she would never have declined my invitation."

"That may be so, Ada, but now what? How long did you intend on her staying here?"

"Actually that has been sorted. Talia is to marry an elf of…how can I put this lightly…less respectable birth."

"An arranged marriage!?"

Both you and Haldir exclaim, exchanging surprised looks. Nym, on the other hand, beams with pride, taking the lead, he puts his hand across his chest and closes his eyes.

"Yes, my good friend Rhangyl, he's a very– uhh, less respectable?"

Realising the King's harsh words against his close friend, Nym's eyes fly open.

"My King, Rhangyl may lack certain aesthetic features, nevertheless, I can assure you-"

"He is a physical anomaly to his race. He has failed at every physical task to qualify as a guard and is therefore resigned to the kitchen with the maids, he has the brain size of a nut and the height of- well, he could practically pass as a dwarf."

Nym looks dejected and remains silent until something makes him light up.

"…although, he does make a great leek and potato pie."

You can't help but giggle slightly. As one of Nym's friends it isn't that hard to imagine what he must be like, but despite this, having never met this Rhangyl, you already pity him: who in this realm would want to marry her?!

Haldir still looks puzzled.

"But her family…won't they refuse?"

"I already have Talia's consent, she knows what will happen if she fails to go through with this, and as for her family, I am to have them believe Rhangyl is a distant relation to Celeborn – they would not dare question such a connection…as hard it may be with his looks…"

Nym releases a soft grunt, offended by the King's remark.

"..the papers are being drawn up and he has agreed to sign his mark. Talia has long been under the watch of many realms, thankfully we are not the only ones wanting rid of her."

You begin to think over this plan and turn your attention to Nym.

"Does your friend want to marry her?"

He answers slowly.

"…He…well, to be direct with you Lady Ariella, Rhangyl has been, despite my best efforts, failing at courting any such woman. Therefore, when I put the King's proposition to him he was more than thrilled. I did leave out some minor details concerning her treacherous behaviour, but he seems very content with what he knows so I left him with that."

Poor guy, he has no clue what he's in for.

Thranduil focuses back on the task at hand.

"Now, I'm afraid in order for this deception to work, we must perform the wedding as if it were a true royal wedding..."

A collective sigh sounds from everyone standing.

"..which means everyone will have to play a role and assist in the ceremony."

"Would it not have been easier to kill the-"


"So, what now? Where is she?"

"Tauriel is guarding her. I have sent a messenger to inform her family of the match and the wedding is to take place in two days. I will send you further details to let you know what is required of you. For now that is all."

Legolas turns to leave, mumbling.

"The sooner this is over the better."

As the rest begin to leave the council room, Haldir approaches you.

"Lady Ariella, I do hope you are feeling safer now, telling the King was the right thing to do."

"Yes, I am, thank you Haldir…"

You take his hand and whisper softly.

"…for everything."

He nods understanding your gesture. Without Haldir there you may have gone a little bit crazy.

"Good, I am glad. Good day, my lady."

He bows before leaving and as you turn to find Thranduil, he is already by your side entwining his hand with yours as he smiles, watching you gently blush.

Suddenly, Nym pops up out of nowhere to whisper over your shoulder.

"Who knows…perhaps one day you'll be the princess marrying our own royalty..."

He winks at you as he walks away, leaving Thranduil smiling at you. He's clearly heard Nym's comment. Your face quickly turns red as the two of you are once again alone. With your gaze now to the floor, Thranduil takes your hand leading you towards the balcony.

"You know, he isn't all that senseless."

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind…"

Smiling, Thranduil kisses your forehead as you ponder just what he means. With his arms wrapped around your waist, you couldn't feel any safer than you do right now.

"Tell me, Ariella…are you feeling happier now?"

Looking out over the treetops, you rest your head against his chest as he caresses your cheek, a light breeze tickling your skin.

"Yes, much happier."

"Mmm, I'm glad to hear it."

As you begin to feel sleep taking over you, Thranduil gently removes his arms from around you as he wanders back inside.

"Wait here, I have something for you..."

Taking in the view, you travel further along the balcony, attempting to see for as far as your eyes will let you. Finding the best spot, you lean out across the wooden barrier, noticing how thousands of tiny leaves had been carved to create one huge winding bar that stops you from falling. It is at that time where the night is now melting into the day, the light from the sun is fading as the sky begins to darken and the moon makes its first appearance.

Little rays of silver light begin to dance across your arms and the moon's reflection is shining in your eyes. Your hair delicately whirls across your shoulders and you close your eyes, listening to the silence of the night, it's the most peace you've had in days.

"It must be-…"

Not hearing Thranduil return, he catches you taking in the serenity of his realm.

"I have never seen such beauty…"

You open your eyes and turn around to see him observing you like no man has ever done before; it is almost as if it pains him to watch you. Smiling you walk over to him and gently touch his cheek, he almost moans at your touch as he leans into your hand and you feel him relax.


He sighs, you can tell in his voice he needs more of you.

"My king?

Instead of replying he kisses you passionately, removing your hand from his face he pins both your arms behind your back, lifting you up on top of the barriers, his arm rests behind your back, careful to support you enough to keep you from falling. Wrapping your legs around his waist he grunts as you pull back slightly after every kiss to tease him. You enjoy the little chances of teasing him that you get, after all, he is the one who does it most often and sometimes a girl has to return the favour. But you also know Thranduil has no patience whatsoever, and that teasing him only fuels his lack of restraint – which you also enjoy.


He warns, pulling you even closer, fully aware of your trick. But this doesn't stop you. Smirking against his kisses, as he quickly removes your underwear, you recall Nym telling you one of his outrageous tales of elvish kinks he has bared witness to over the years. Desperately wanting to see if this one held any truth, you begin to stoke Thranduil's hair, slowly nearing his ear, yet you are suddenly distracted as he begins to kiss your neck, making you want him in you now. But you resist. You lean in and trail kisses along the edge of his ear, immediately causing him to bite down on your neck, releasing a guttural groan you've never heard before. It instinctively causes you to part your legs wider as you feel the strain of his erection the fabric between you.

Before you could even continue in exploring the other sounds Thranduil would make if you repeated your actions, he hikes up your dress and plunges two fingers inside of you, making you gasp and cling to his shoulder. He smirks at feeling how wet you are already, adding to the urgency of this thrusts. It's not long before you feel the tension building, craving more of him you begin to moan into his hair.


"What was that princess?"

"I-…need y-you…"

You wine, squirming and pleading against him, desperate for him to fuck you already. The cold air is now making the heat of your arousal even more noticeable and as you continue to mumble incomprehensible words, Thranduil removes his fingers and replaces them with the tip of his cock, but before he enters you, he pauses.

"Look at me."

You sigh, looking into his crystal blue eyes as he gently slid into you, eliciting a whimper that was immediately silenced with his mouth on yours. It seemed at every moment you were about to gasp or moan, his lips would refuse to let a sound escape your mouth as if every sound you made belonged to him. Within minutes you feel yourself climbing higher as the tension within you grows with each thrust he makes. As your walls start to restrict his movement, you hear him growl with frustration and he speeds up, wanting his own release as much as yours.


Becoming desperate he grabs your hips and does long sharp thrusts that he knows bring you to orgasm. Within seconds of doing so, you are struggling for breath and on the verge of crying with the need to release.

"I can't- I..."

Silencing you once again, he kisses you just long enough not to make you faint. Still edging you to bliss, Thranduil rips down the top half of your dress to expose your breasts. He groans at the sight of them bouncing up and down to the rhythm of his thrusts inside you. As you reach out to hold onto him he pulls you closer, dipping his head down slightly whispering words that bring you over the edge as he thrusts deeper and longer. Your release triggers his and with a deep moan, Thranduil cums inside you. You feel the warmth spread down your thigh as you collapse forward onto him quietly whining from the pleasure. Thranduil hushes you and stokes your hair splayed across your back as he regains his breath. Lifting you up off the barrier, Thranduil carries you back inside and heads to his chamber.

"So beautiful…"

You hear him whisper as you doze off against his chest - telling Thranduil about Talia certainly has its perks after all.