Title : Duo and The Bee part 1
Author : Akuma
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Pairings : 2x1
Disclaimer : GW characters are not mine.
Warning : yaoi, humour

"This medicine has a side effect though", said a woman with white outfit

"Nani?", Duo stared at the doctor, " What's the side effect?"

"It prevents your physical reaction against sexual stimuli"

"WHAATTTTT????", Duo eyes widened.

Quatre tried to close his mouth, Wufei snickered, Trowa's lips curlep up a bit and Heero........"She was saying you are impotent now, Duo"

"Damn it Heero! I know that, you don't have to be so blunt!", Duo felt an urge to strangle the Japanese pilot's neck.

"Now that is justice", Wufei snorted happily.

"Shut up, Wu-man!", Duo turned to the doctor, "So how long does this side effect last?"

"Probably a week"

"A WEEK!!!!???????", Duo didn't believe his ears.

Behind him, Quatre was holding his poor stomach which ached because of the surpressed laughter.

"Nataku has really done her justice", Wufei smiled mockingly.

"Wu-man, I swear I'll get you later! Now Doctor , why don't you tell me this thing sooner before you gave me that damn fucking medicine??", Duo fumed up

"What for? I don't think a 15 years old boy will have problem with that. Beside it's only a week". The doctor didn't realize that her life was at the mercy of furious God of Death now.

Strange sound came from Trowa's direction as Trowa fought his laughter to emerged.

"Trowa! Not you too!!". Duo really wanted to get in his partner, Shinigami at the moment so he can blow up this damned clinic.

"Face it Duo, who is the one who threw stones on bees' nest and got Queen of bee shot her needle to his nose". Wufei looked at the red nosed Duo.

"I was just trying to get the honey!", Duo tried to defend himself.

"You can buy it in the store", Heero said calmly.

"HEERO!! You will get a couch to sleep on tonight!!", in his rage, Duo forgot his current condition.

Heero just shrugged, "Fine with me"

"Yeah, what's the difference anyway? You can't fuck him even if he sleep on your bed tonight", Wufei enjoyed teasing Duo.

Quatre noticed the doctor's eyes went wide and her face became red, the blond Arabian quickly paid the bill and hauled his friends including the furious Duo out of the clinic.

They got into the car, Trowa was driving while Quatre sat next to him. Duo, Heero, and Wufei sat on the back with Heero in the middle, stuck in the war between Duo and Wufei who kept teasing Duo on.

Wufei was really enjoying the situation. It will be a payback time for all the problems and miseries Duo had caused on him. The Chinese boy then moved closer to Heero, "So Yuy, now that Duo can't satisfy you and dumped you to the couch, why don't you sleep in my room instead?"

As Wufei had predicted, Duo jumped and pulled Heero away. "No way! Hands off Wu-man. Heero is mine", Duo hugged Heero too tight made Heero growled.

"Duo, let go off me"

"Not until we arrived at home", noticing Wufei's hand began to snaked toward Heero, Duo pulled Heero onto his lap.

Wufei smiled mockingly, "Oh, and what can you do when you arrive at the house anyway, Mazwell? You can't screw him"

"Wufei...", Heero growled, he shifted on Duo's lap, brushing his hips against Duo's thighs.

"Well, Duo still can give him a blowjob though", surprisingly, Trowa was the one woh said the words. Quatre just stared at his lover in disbelief.

The movements of Heero on his lap and Trowa's words normally will turn Duo on but being in his current condition, he got nosebleed instead.

"Shit Duo!", Heero tried to pull away from Duo while Wufei immediately searched for Kleenex

Quatre was surprised, this is the first time he saw Duo got nosebleed made he wondered what had happened to Duo. The same question was also floating on Heero, Wufei, and Trowa's mind while Duo was struggling to stop the blood with Kleenex.

As if answering their unspoken question, Quatre's mobile phone rang. Quatre answered the phone, and his face turned into red after some seconds. After saying thank you and turned off the phone, Quatre looked at Duo.

"It's from the doctor. She forgot to say that if you do react against sexual stimuli, instead being turned on, you will got an awful of nosebleed. She suggested that you don't get near the stimuli's source if you don't want to loose a lot of blood and get a blood transfer".

Duo was confused, "What do you mean?"

Quatre blushed, Trowa kept on driving, and Heero...being Heero, he kept silent. That's left Wufei to explain to Duo.

"In other word, you may not get near Heero", said Wufei

"WHAAATTTTTT? HELL, NO! I rather die"

Wufei shrugged, "You will die because lack of blood if you get near him. Like this". Once he finished the words, Wufei took Duo's arm and ran it through Heero's tanktop, touching the flesh beneath the tanktop.

The blood burst out from Duo's nose again before he fainted.

"Wufei! Omae o korosu!", Heero pulled Duo's hand from under his tanktop and checked the unconscious boy.

"Well, I prefer doing that to listening to his curses along the way back to the safety house", Wufei really really enjoyed himself.

They got a very peace time for the rest way to their currently safety house. Heero was busy cleaning the blood from Duo's face. Wufei was thinking another idea to tease Duo, and Trowa kept on driving.

Only Quatre realized they were in big problem. "Uhm, guys.....I hate to say this but what will Duo do if he can't get near Heero nor he got nothing to distract him in the night?"

The three pilots went pale, they came to the same conclusion, Duo will be very very bored and tried to get one of them to be his target of boredom. Wufei was the one who often to be the target and last time Duo get bored, he spent his day guarding Nataku from Duo whose hands got pink paint and lot of stickers with various colors of ribbon's picture on them.

Heero already planned to stay in Wing for a week, not forget to bring his laptop with him while Quatre and Trowa were thinking of locking the door to their room after taking enough food for a week. Meanwhile Wufei was not thinking about running away.

"Well, I think I can handle his boredom this time. He has a weakness now", Wufei looked at Heero who suddenly got an eerie feeling and know what will Wufei say next. "But of course I need your help, Heero", Wufei's eyes gleamed mischievously.

Quatre and Trowa stared at each other and both of them agreed not to join Wufei's crazy plan. They prefer to have a little peace in this week and stick with their early plan. Quatre called Rashid and asked him to get a week food's supply for two persons. They didn't bother to ask Heero to join them for they knew Heero will survive by his own.

Wufei looked Heero wanted to say no, so he whispered to Heero ,"If you don't want to help me, I'll tell Duo that you are ticklish on the bottom of your feet". Heero's eyes widened and stared at Wufei. "Yup, I know you are and I bet Duo must enjoy torturing you if he knows that", Wufei looked triumphantly. He knew Heero was ticklish accidentaly when they got in a same mission and he never thought this knowledge was very useful as it's now. He knew this is not honorable to use someone's weakness but he can't help it. He was dying to make Duo suffering.

"What do you want me to do?", resigned to his fate, Heero leaned back to the seat. He had a feeling that he would be a ball in tossing game between God of Death and Chinese Dragon.

Quatre jumped in surprise while Trowa raised one of his eyebrows. They never thought Heero would agree for they didn't hear the whispered words.

"Not much. I bet you will stay in Wing to avoid Duo having nosebleed so instead of that I want you to stay in the house. I don't care which part of the house as long as you didn't locked yourself in one room. You have to move into from one room into another room at least once in two hours. How is that?"

".......Ninmu ryoukai"

"Heero!! You really want to help Wufei??? Allah, please help us". Trowa just looked at his almost fainted lover. What else can he do anyway?

It has been dark when they reached the house and noticed Rashid has waited in front of the house. Trowa and Quatre quickly took the food and locked themself in the room. Wufei walked to his room, his mind was full of evil plans, leaving Heero alone to carried the still unconscious braided boy to their own room.

They never realized that Duo has been awaked when Wufei asked for Heero's help. And from his position on Heero's chest, he can heard the whispered words. It's hard for him to pretend still unconscious, when he knew Heero was ticklish. He has tried to find some vunerable spots on the Perfect Soldier's body but he never thought it would be on the bottom of his feet. However he managed to keep silent and listened to their conversation till the end.

As Heero took him to the bedroom, he felt so sleepy and fell asleep even before he touched the bed. But one thing for sure, tomorrow he was ready for whatever Wufei had planned on him. And of course he will get a revenge on Wufei. Not to mention 1001 ways to tickle Heero had already been in his mind.

On that night, two boys had very good dream, two others were busy screwing each other, and the last one was having nightmare on the couch he was sleeping.
