Sorry I haven't updated in a while :P



My boxes were packed to the ceiling and wanted to fall. 6 days filled of Netflix and packing had passed me by. Turns out, I was eliminated from the school system so it was a fair coincidence that I was moving. Mom didn't mention the school. She just said it was a nice neighborhood and a great school. That didn't mean great kids. I tried not to be negative about the situation. Cecelia had called by my house 6 times and told me how everything would be fine and. I could FaceTime her any moment. I did just for practice. Tyler of course couldn't stay on the ground. He was so flippin excited it was annoying.

"We're going to Texas!" He hollered running up and down the halls. Where does he get the energy for that, I wondered. "Bed stuff?" Sabrina listed.




"Tyler's extra crap that he doesn't have room for so he sticks it in our stuff." She yelled loud enough for Tyler to hear.

"Check!" He hollered back . I held back a laugh as Sabrina rolled her eyes. She went down the list, but I just stared around my clean room. The house was bought so quickly that we had to move a.s.a.p. It would be tomorrow. The day I left Tennessee, hopefully for good.

"Alright. I'm gonna go load my stuff up in the moving van er whatever. Meet me down there in a bit?"

"Y-Yeah," I reassured without looking at her. Sabrina hoped down the hall past the frantic-thing-with-dirt-on-it. I pulled a box into my arms and met mom downstairs. She took my box and handed me something. It was a new phone, all shiny and everything.

"Mom, thank you, so much," I looked for a place to hug her, but there absolutely was none.

"Hold on," she placed the box on a table and hugged me.

"Things will get better. I promise."

I took in her strawberry scent and watched my boxes being packed away. Sabrina was holding the neighbor's cat, looking like a Disney princess. That cat was Lila.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I'm just a little agitated to get to Texas." Sabrina smiled and pushed away the cat.

"I don't really like them. Anyway, me too. I can't wait see Houston. I hope it's pretty." I smiled and took a glance at the shattered remains of Gabe's house.

"Oh, I bet it will."

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Mom called. But now, it wasn't for school. It was for Texas. The car was packed. I had a window seat and Sabrina was squished in the middle. Tyler had the other end.

"Coming!" Sabrina called and dragged her duffel bag along. I griped mine and stepped out of the house. Tyler squeezed out and I tried to make it a memorable moment. Apparently, that wasn't happening.

"Perry, Houston awaits!" I nodded and raced to the car. We were settled in faster than. I thought. Tyler had his DS. Sabrina was trying to get comfortable. But I look a last long look at that tree. The one that I collapsed upon after my run-in with him. Maybe I thought about it too much. I couldn't surround myself with him. Mom started up the car and pulled us away from my home. We were completely silent the whole ride out of our neighborhood. We passed by Darcy's, Cecelia's, and Louis's house. Cecelia and Louis were holding up a sign reading, Peace out, Girl Scout.

I laughed and showed Sabrina it. I would really really miss them. I plugged in my earbuds, played some music, and began to write a letter. I had not written back to Stanley in 2 months. He hadn't written back either. Maybe he's busy, I thought. It was the school year. He probably didn't have time for me though. I tried to focus on my letter the rest of the ride to the airport. I felt Sabrina poke me on the arm. I took my earbuds out.

"What if Alan is there?" I froze. A new thought came into light.

"I-I don't know...I don't think they live in Houston." "But X-Ray and Armpit live in Austin. D-Tent could be spread out all over Texas." I fell back in my seat, "For all we know, Alan and Ricky may not even live in Texas." I sighed. Positive, Perry, be positive. For Sabrina. I could be that, but hope wasn't an option. I refused to get worked up and find disappointment waiting in my new home. It was sad. Just sad. Truthfully, Ricky and I told our addresses but not our states. I guess he assumed I lived in the same state. Or I assumed that. Anyway, it was over. I kept repeating that over in my head the whole ride to the airport.