
I lay here bleeding away,

Only seconds until I fall into eternal slumber,

But for the first time since the retched war,

My homeland doesn't cry,

And the skies are blue and bright,

A rainbow painted across,

And for the first time in what seems like forever I smile,

Even though I am only a few moments 'till death,

I am glad to part from life,

The ones that I care for deeply,

They have already left me and should be waiting now,

I have nothing to worry for,

My dream is being carried by a boy,

Who reminds me of my very first love,

My legacy will be continued through a girl,

Who is just like me in so many ways,

And I set my unending faith to them,

For I will be the pillar that supports the great bridge of hope and peace and love.


I can feel my life sap away,

And I can see the woman I love falter and sway,

Although it will cause her pain this is the best,

The boy who changed me will finish this test,

My death many will see as a new light,

But for few they will notice it is a great fright,

My turn is over in this hectic game,

And my legacy will remain the same,

But the boy who I placed it on will see,

That life isn't close to easy,

When you don't even know what's good or bad,

And you and your friends are close to going mad.


I know I shouldn't have left them,

I know I shouldn't have died,

I know that it caused great pain,

I know I was the cause of this all,

I know that my death was important,

I know that I wouldn't let my friends die,

I know that it was either me or them,

I know that eventually I would meet the end,

I know that many hate me,

I know it's all my fault,

But did you know that I didn't care,

As long as my friends were alive,

As long as they could go on,

But that was a mistake,

And it seemed to strike a nerve,

I know I was the start of this all.

Dedicated to: The Ame Orphans Yahiko, Nagato, Konan

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

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