Since my last story got such positive feedback, I've decided to write a sequel to 'What's Past is Past'. This is the story of Jade, Eleanor's daughter.

I was born differently from other people. My mother showed no signs that she was pregnant. No doctor in their right mind said that she would have any more kids. But the doctors working with seekers rarely were completely in their right mind, and one of them believed her. He told my mom to change into a examination gown, and that saved me from further injury. When I was born, my mom had two seconds of warning. Then I shot out into the life and crashed on the floor. Either the way I came to be or the landing affected me for the rest of my life. I was paralyzed from the waist down and mute.

No one would have expected much from me if it weren't for my dad. From the time I was four, Dad taught me everything that he thought a kid would need, and hired someone to teach us the language of hands. That way he could understand me, and I could communicate with other people. Not that I ever wanted to leave the house. I got used to the pattern of my life, but once again a change came. Mom had been acting strangely for months; eating three times the amount of food, got more emotional than ever, and she seemed to be gaining a little weight. One time I was drawing on the back door when a message came from his friend Eathan to head to the local seeker hospital.

We arrived at the hospital about the time they showed up. Mom was bleeding badly from her arm but she was clutching her stomach. She saw Daddy, "Metz! I'm pregnant again! And this one doesn't want to wait!"

We were swept into a small hospital room, and the nurse raced off to find the doctor. But almost as soon as she left he shot out and landed in my arms. Eathan yelled for the nurse to come back, and when she and the doctor arrived, Mom was unconscious. They freed my brother, and sent us away. Dad sent me home with Eathan, and I didn't know what happened for a long time. Later Dad told me that Mom was completely unconscious for a week. She had been shot by a 'bad' guy, and that's why she was bleeding from her arm.