A/N: This is my first FMA fanfic, so please review and let me know what you think!

1. The Invisible Door

Edward Elric was an alchemist who prided himself on his maturity, his military ranking, and above all, his dignity.

Which Colonel Mustang had then proceeded to stomp over with all the grace of a mountain gorilla.

He would never forget the moment when he was humiliated. It had burned itself onto his brain for all eternity.

Ha! That's not the Fullmetal Alchemist, he's the shrimp of a boy over there!

Ed growled. Mustang…

Which is precisely why he decided to throw away his maturity, rank and dignity – all for his revenge.

His shoulders shook with silent laughter as he carefully took out the panes of glass from the door in front of him, leaving the wooden frame intact.

Why this door, I hear you ask?

After weeks of careful calculations and patient stalking, he had finally discovered that this was the door Mustang was guaranteed to walk through – to go to the most important meeting of his career.

"Hey, brother? I don't think this is good idea."

"Nonsense, Al. It's a great idea! I'm done anyway. Now all we have to do…is wait."

Alphonse Elric couldn't help but notice how much his brother looked like a pixie as he tiptoed away.

"They're waiting for you, sir." Riza said.

"Right." Mustang made his way through to the conference room where the Fuhrer and a dozen other military officials waited.

He smoothed down his uniform, straightened his back and cleared his throat importantly before beginning his grand entrance into the room. He strode forward, the picture of sophistication, and raised a hand to push against the glass in front of him.

His hand passed right through.

"What the –"

Barely able to register his surprise, he pitched forward and landed flat on his face before the Fuhrer.

He heard muffled laughter from behind him and he growled.


And thus the war began.