Hey so my friend Rose of Doom (who gave this to me ages ago, again sorry!) wants me to adopt her stories and post them here, since she can't do so anymore (life got in the way) So I decided to proof read and upload Time Reversal no Jutsu first. Sorry for the long wait. But here it is. I have also been tasked with finishing these stories so I'm sorry if they aren't as good as the original author but I will try my best.
Disclaimer: Plot isn't originally mine but it was given to me.
The morning was crisp and welcoming. The sun was shining brightly, yet it wasn't too hot. Birds were singing and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves in the surrounding forest.
Deidara sighed contently, as he gathered fresh new clay from a small river near the base. He dug his hands into the riverbed and pulled out handfuls of the wonderful substance. He grinned widely, placing it with the steadily growing pile. He lost track of time as he immersed himself in the activity.
"That should be enough un," he muttered to himself, cleaning his hands off in the water. He gathered up the clay in pouches and turned around to head back to base.
"Oi Blondie, took you fucking long enough!" growled the Jashinist. Deidara scowled a little at his friend.
"What are you doing here Hidan un?" he asked, "And what is he doing here?" He pointed at the Uchiha who appeared behind Hidan. Said Jashinist shrugged.
"Dunno, Pein in the ass wanted you back at the fucking base, and we were available," he grunted. Itachi did nothing to back this statement up other than looking smugly at the blonde. Deidara sighed irritably and pushed past the Uchiha.
"Hey, hey wait up Blondie," called Hidan. He hurried towards Deidara and walked with him back to base. Itachi made to follow but suddenly got a bad feeling. He looked around suspiciously.
"Deidara, Hidan," he warned. The two ninja turned to him.
"What's wrong un?" asked Deidara, becoming alert. Hidan sighed and looked at the surrounding trees.
Itachi drew a kunai. Just as he fell into a defensive stance, two people appeared out of the tree line. The first was a young woman. She smirked mischievously at the three men. Behind her was a man, forming hand signs at a fast pace. Itachi tried to react but found that he was completely paralysed. His gaze flickered to Deidara and Hidan. They were also in the same position as he.
"What the fuck is this?" roared Hidan. The young woman giggled sadistically.
"Don't worry darling just an experiment," she chuckled, kissing her companion's cheek. He smirked and began to form hand signs.
"What are you going to do un?" demanded Deidara, only a slight tint of fear to his voice. The woman smiled at him, malice flickering in her eyes.
"Nothing that will hurt," she replied, "Too much." The three men's eyes widened as the man finished making hand seals and a bright purple light flashed. All around them the world seemed to grow larger.
The two people smiled down at them.
"Aww adorable, you did so well!" she exclaimed, hugging the man tight. He smirked and whisked her off her feet before running into the forest.
"Those fuckers!" yelled Hidan, trying to run after them, only to trip on his oversized cloak. Deidara looked down at his tiny body, swallowed up by the black material.
"What the hell un?" he exclaimed, looking at Itachi and Hidan in alarm. Itachi growled.
"Seems to be an age reversal or something of the kind," he concluded. Hidan snorted.
"Well done fucking Uchiha prodigy!" he snapped. Deidara smirked. Then his face fell.
"We are gonna get so much hell for this un," he groaned. Hidan let loose a colourful stream of curses. Itachi rubbed his temples with his tiny fingers.
"We have to get back to the base," he said. Deidara nodded, for once putting his grudge against the Uchiha aside and helped Hidan drag his now massive scythe back to the hideout. Itachi took the lead, holding a kunai in his tiny fist.
The sight would have been rather comical to anyone else but as soon as the three five year old versions of the Akatsuki managed to tramp their way into Pein's office, one clutching a kunai and the other two dragging a large scythe, all the Leader of the criminal organisation could do was stare in shock.
"What the hell happened?" he demanded, trying hard not to faint on the spot. Hidan and Deidara scowled but Itachi answered his question.
"We were ambushed by two people," he explained, "They bound us with some kind of paralysis jutsu. Then the man performed another jutsu which shrunk us down to this size. We appear to be four years of age but our minds are still just about intact."
Pein's eyes narrowed slightly.
"Just about?" he queried. Itachi nodded.
"A few things in my mind are slightly hazing, almost like I'm forgetting things," he said, thoughtfully. Deidara's eyes widened.
"Same with me un!" he exclaimed. Hidan frowned.
"Me too," he muttered. Pein sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. This was going to be a big problem. Clearly the jutsu had to be reversed but for that, the caster had to either undo the jutsu or be killed. And of course, Kakuzu, Kisame and Sasori had to be told of the situation.
"Right wait here, do not move," he said eyeing them warningly. They nodded and the leader left to find the other three. Kisame and Kakuzu were in the living room.
"Kisame, Kakuzu we have a situation," said Pein sternly. They looked at their pierced leader questioningly but followed none the less. They headed to Sasori's workshop and found the puppet master working on his latest creation.
"Sasori, meeting in my office now," called Pein. Sasori growled.
"This better be important," he muttered. Pein smirked.
"Oh yes it is," he replied. The four criminals made their way back to Pein's office. The sight that met them was very unexpected indeed.
Propped up against Pein's desk, Itachi, Deidara and Hidan were in a deep slumber. The blonde was sitting in the middle, his head leaning on Hidan's shoulder, while Hidan rested his head onto of Deidara's. Itachi was leaning against Deidara, his and Hidan's arms draped protectively over the youngest.
Kakuzu and Sasori stared in shock. Kisame's eyes began to sparkle.
"Aww so kawaii!" he squealed, hearts radiating from him. The other three sweat dropped. Pein sighed.
"Your partners were attacked by two enemies and changed into four year olds," he explained, "They still have their adult minds for now but Itachi believes that it will fade away. We need to get the back to normal as soon as possible but for the time being, you three will look after your respective partners."
This was met with protests from Kakuzu and Sasori, while Kisame cheered with happiness.
"Pein, you expect me to look after that brat?" demanded Sasori.
"That little bastard will cost me nothing but money and trouble!"
"Hurray, I want to buy loads of cute clothes and take him to the park and-"
"Kisame shut up!" barked the other three. The arguing caused the sleeping kids to awaken. Deidara yawned and rubbed his eye with a tiny fist. He looked up and his face lit up when he saw Sasori.
"Danna un!" he squealed, leaping up and hugging the puppet's legs. Said puppet looked, rather irritated.
"What brat?" he growled, trying to shake the younger off. Deidara looked up, eyes sparkling.
"I'm happy to see you is all un!" he said sweetly. Sasori rolled his eyes and picked the young blonde up. He smiled and snuggled into the puppet's chest, quickly falling asleep again. Itachi walked over to Kisame and held onto his pant leg, while Kakuzu stepped forward and lifted Hidan, roughly by the collar.
"What the fuck you heathen bastard! Put me down!" screeched the tiny Jashinist, as he waved his fists at the miser. Kakuzu just smirked and carried him out of the room, much like a puppy.
"Now, should a little kid like you be using such language?" he teased. Hidan pouted angrily, crossing his arms.
"Fuck you bastard!"
Kakuzu rolled his eyes and threw the younger onto the couch in the living room. Hidan rubbed his neck after being practically strangled and glared daggers at the money lover. Pretty soon, Kisame walked in carrying Itachi, who looked rather annoyed by his partner's antics.
"Itachi-Chan you are such a cute child," he cooed. Itachi rolled his eyes and jumped out of the blue ninja's arms and walked over to the couch, sitting next to Hidan. Said Jashinist snorted.
"I think I got it fucking lucky, with that bastard," he muttered, to the disgruntled Uchiha, "I feel sorry for you man."
Itachi sighed and nodded, trying to avoid Kisame's adoring gaze. Sasori walked in with a sleeping Deidara and set him down next to Itachi. The blonde immediately woke up and looked around wearily.
"Where are we un?" he asked, sitting up straighter. Itachi rolled his eyes.
"Living room," he replied. Deidara grimaced and looked over at the three elders.
"So how are we gonna get back to normal un?" he asked nervously. Being stuck in a four year old body made him feel vulnerable. And Deidara hated feeling vulnerable. Sasori smirked at him.
"What makes you think we will turn you back?" he said slyly. Deidara gulped.
"Um, because we would be a burden to you like this and we can't defend ourselves and we will kick your asses if you don't un!" he said quickly, getting annoyed at the puppet. Kisame snickered.
"Like a couple of four year olds could defeat us," he laughed. Deidara smirked.
"Itachi still has the Mangekyo un!" he said proudly, "He could beat all of you yeah. So change us back!" Hidan scowled.
"I bet the fucking paedophiles won't," he muttered. Itachi sighed, looking over at his partner.
"Kisame," he began, trying to look cute and succeeding," Please."
Kisame looked at the younger and bit his lip.
'Must-resist-cuteness!' he thought desperately. Itachi's gaze intensified, until finally Kisame cracked.
"Fine we'll help fix you!" he cried, throwing his hands in the air, "But you're all so cute!" Everyone in the room sweat dropped. Kakuzu pinched the bridge of his nose.
"How old are you again?" he muttered. Kisame pouted.
"I'm thirty two! A helluva lot younger than you!" he snapped. Kakuzu growled.
"Then act your age not your fucking shoe size!" he retorted. Deidara and Hidan snickered at the two fighting. Itachi sighed.
As Kakuzu and Kisame squabbled, Pein walked in and surveyed the scene. The three younger ones were sitting laughing at the swordsman and the banker as they bitched at each other, while Sasori watched the whole ordeal with a blank expression.
"Sometimes I wonder is this a criminal organisation or a day-care centre!" he cried throwing his hands up. Kakuzu and Kisame stopped midsentence, Deidara and Hidan continued to giggle quietly and Sasori and Itachi smirked. Pein massaged his temples.
"Right, all of you, go down to the store and buy those three," he pointed at Hidan, Deidara and Itachi, "New clothes and the like. Those cloaks are far too big. Once that is done, get back here and we will send you all out to track down the people who did this!"
His commands were met with a few 'yes sirs' and such. He smiled smugly and retreated to his office, which was rapidly becoming his sanctuary from the chaos which was Akatsuki. He sat down at his desk and looked through the many files and scrolls he had containing jutsu from all five nations. There had to be something in at least one of them. He sighed heavily, sifting through document after document.
"I wish Konan was here," he whined.
"Right, let's get the brats clothes quickly so we can leave," said Sasori, holding Deidara's hand tightly. Said blonde was happily looking around at the shops, trying to find one he liked the look of.
"Oh Danna un," he called, "Let's go there yeah!" Sasori looked towards the shop and sighed.
"Fine," he muttered. Deidara grinned triumphantly and dragged the puppet towards the clothes shop. Kisame and Kakuzu snickered at the sight and followed suite with their partners.
Naturally Hidan was being difficult.
"Why the fuck are we doing this?" he whined. Kakuzu growled and dragged him in by the arm. He winced at the miser's tight grip but continued to bug him anyway. There was nothing more fun than annoying Kakuzu!
"Kuzu you're hurting me!" he whimpered, tugging against his partner's hand. Kakuzu scowled.
"Never call me that again or I will kill you!" he grunted, "And hurry up picking clothes or you can run around naked for all I care!"
Hidan smirked.
"I bet you'd like that you fucking pedo!" Kakuzu pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Hidan shut up!"
Meanwhile, Kisame was picking out clothes for Itachi to try on.
"Oh this one is cute! Oh and this! That one too! What do you think Itachi-Chan?" he asked brightly, holding up a black shirt with fishnet sleeves. Itachi smiled a little.
"Okay," he replied. Kisame squealed with happiness and hugged the Uchiha tightly.
"I couldn't have asked for a better little kid!" he exclaimed proudly, ruffling the younger's hair. Itachi cringed. He looked over to see Deidara merrily choosing outfits, while the puppet watched, looking rather bored.
What Itachi wouldn't give to be in the blonde's position right now.
The rest will be uploaded in due course and then I will upload the other stories and try to get them all finished as well as I can.