I do not own the characters named herein from Disney, and am only using them for a tale meant for entertainment purposes only.

Kim Possible: Dark Destiny

By LJ58


"That thing is loud," James Possible complained as they activated the machine that was built in pieces, with relays placed throughout the house. The primary emitters, however, were aimed at a focal point in Kim's room.

The center of her bed.

Kim stood staring into the mirror near the bed, wondering if it was selfish to want the experiment to fail. If it did, she have a real family. Friends. She had a world that wasn't dying by inches. Yet if she went back, what did she have?

"I'm going to miss all of you," Kim said when she turned to eye the people crowded into one side of the bedroom, the twins helping Wade operate the relays to keep the power steady.

Ann said nothing, but smiled at her.

"I'm scanning for vibrational frequencies now," Wade told them. "Keep the energy flow constant. That's our primary concern."

"We know," Jim huffed.

"We're not amateurs," Tim added.

Kim couldn't help but smile.

Smug, arrogant, and annoying, they were still nicer than her own real brothers.

She didn't miss them at all.

Still, this wasn't her world. And she did miss her mother.

"Nothing," Wade sighed. "I'm going to try to….."

"What's that," James asked, noting the quivering echo coming from the side of the room.

Look," Kim rasped, pointing in the mirror. "It's….."

Kim looked back at herself. Only it wasn't her. Her 'reflection' wore different clothes, and there were no friends or family crowded around her.

"Get on the bed," Wade shouted.

"The bed," Kim pointed as she mouthed the words at her reflection, moving to lay flat.

The other her nodded, and turned to address someone she couldn't quite see. Then the mirror stopped shivering, and the image went blank.

"She's gone," Ann cried.

"No. They're redirecting their emitter," Wade said. "The bed is beginning to shift out of phase. Kim, don't move," he shouted as Kim lay there, looking at them, and suddenly had tears in her eyes, feeling the transition this time as she now remembered the weird, hazy rush of vertigo she had dismissed as a hangover that first time.

She was starting to move between worlds.


She looked toward the family that could have been, and smiled.



"Kimmie? Princess? Did it work," Shego asked as she cautiously approached the bed that wasn't shimmering like a desert mirage any longer.

Kim looked up at her, and stared hard.


She looked past the green-skinned woman, and saw two strange men.

And Ann Possible in her club uniform.

"I'm…..home," she rasped, sitting up, and looking around.

"You're home, Princess," Shego nodded, sounding sad.

"Why are you…..? Are you going to.…arrest me," she asked uneasily.

"I'm your friend, Princess," Shego smiled. "If you want me."

"Why are you calling me…..?"

"Because, Kim," Ann smiled at her. "You are the new ruler of the Nations."

Kim's jaw dropped.



Kim groaned, and sat up, one hand going to her head.

"Okay, that felt familiar. And it still sucked."

"Welcome back, Princess," Shego smiled at her. "Have fun?"

"Shego," Kim murmured, looking up at her, and staring longer than usual as the green-skinned woman actually blushed.

"Okay, is there something on my face, or what," she sputtered.

Kim only smiled.

"Later," he told the woman. "Ron. I didn't know you were back yet. Dr. Director, too? Wow, you're all in on this?"

"It was a group effort," Wade smiled at her. "We're just glad you're back home."

"You are you, aren't you," Jim and Tim asked. "I mean, the real you?"

"Boys," James sighed. "Just because your sister's other-dimensional counterpart wasn't from here, doesn't mean she's not a Possible! In my day….."

Kim laughed now.

She was definitely home.

"I guess I'd better be going," Shego said, moving toward the door now.

"Not so fast," Dr. Director cut her off.

"We need to talk," Kim cut in first.

"Yes," the head of Global Justice asked.

"No. Shego, and I. We need to talk. It's…..serious."

She glanced toward the mirror, but saw only her reflection now as the machines around her powered down.

"Why not," Shego shrugged. "I'm in no rush."

"Let's take a walk," Kim suggested, climbing to her feet, and feeling slightly unnerved to be wearing her own clothes again, when five minutes ago, she had been wearing….other clothes. "This is going to be private. And it'll give you Tweebs time to clear out my room."

"Ah, but you're leaving anyway when you go to college. And this would make a sweet lab. Especially with these dimensional projectors….."

"No," Ann cut in firmly. "Absolutely not. They are going. Now!"

"Agreed. This equipment is far too dangerous to be left in the wrong hands," Dr. Director stated flatly.

"Or even the right ones," Wade stated pointed, and pressed a button even as Kim and Shego simply walked out, leaving them behind.

The stench of scorching circuits, and frying components filled the air in the same instant.

"Just in case," he told the senior agent.

"I won't argue. I suggest we take in the rest for disposal, too. Just in case," she echoed him.

Wade nodded.

"The programs, and blueprints are gone anyway," he added knowingly.

"Just as well. From what I heard of that other world, I don't think we want any more incursions."

"I almost feel sorry for her going back to…..that place," Ann said, having learned the truth of her 'daughter's' life in that world.

"Okay, so, as you say, what's the sitch now, Princess," Shego asked blandly as she followed Kim out of the house, and up the block as people around them gaped.

"I met your counterpart," Kim told her after a moment.

"I heard about her. She's…..real evil. Did you….?"

"Actually, she was a lonely woman looking for company. In a way, she was a lot like you."

"Me," Shego sputtered.

"And me," Kim added.

"Okay, Kimmie, what are you trying to say," she huffed. "Because it's sounding like that little jog into that dimensional vortex screwed up what little brains….."

Kim silenced Shego in a most unexpected way.

"You….? Why…..? I….."

Kim smiled up at her.

"Just tell me you didn't hate it," Kim asked after releasing the woman she had just kissed without warning.

Shego stared hard, not even thinking of the people on the block around them.



"I didn't…hate it," she finally murmured, still looking stunned.

"Good. That's a start. Let's talk," she said, and started walking again.

Shego just stared after her, and moved to catch up as the redhead kept walking.


"What happened to Emperor Drakken," Kim asked Shego as she followed her into the palace that was now hers. Or so it seemed.

"He goes on trial according to old American law next week. We would have already tried him, but it's been tough finding lawyers to try the case. Or people that wanted to risk sitting in a jury."

"Yeah, because he killed most of them his first month in power. And jury duty..."

"True," Shego murmured, still seeming a bit listless.

"So, you really backed….that other Kim, and helped stop the emperor?"

"She….opened my eyes to a few things," Shego said quietly.

"Yeah. Her friends opened my eyes, too."

"Did they? I suppose they probably did. I can't begin to imagine what kind of world….."

"It's…..what ours could be. If we try."

Shego finally smiled just a degree.

"Now you're sounding more like her."

Kim smiled back.

"Well, I won't say I was ever a good student," Kim admitted. "Still, I just didn't know how to rebel at the time. Now, I do."

"It won't be necessary now."

"Actually, I think it will. The first thing we need to do is get rid of this palace."

"Kimmie said that, too. I only brought you here, because I want to offer you something. A….token of peace to show you I'm sincere in helping you. I was going to show her, but then I realized who... Who she wasn't."

Kim stared at her as Shego led her through the palace now almost devoid of the usual robotic sentries.

"You love her."

Shego said nothing to that as she led the redhead so like her lover though the palace.

"Everyone in her world loved her, too. But from what I heard, though, she was kind of slow about figuring out her own emotions, though."

"She wasn't slow here," Shego murmured, and stopped to open a sealed door with a key code.

"So, you…..?"

"She was… Is special."

"Yeah. I got that when I was trying to live her life," Kim nodded, and stepped into the room when the doors slid open.

She got three steps, and stopped.

"Is that," she rasped as Shego stepped up to the console, and began starting up certain controls.

"Your father," Shego said, glancing up at the frosted tube. "Drew's first trophy. He's still alive. We just have to defrost him. This is my token to you, Princess. I gave Kimmie my word to help you, and this is proof I will keep that vow. Whatever you want…. Whatever you decide. I'm obeying your commands now."

"Call me Kim," she rasped, and impulsively hugged her. "And thank you, Shego. I think…. I think you're more like your counterpart than Kim realizes."

"I hope so. For Kimmie's sake," Shego said, feeling very nice after the redhead had impulsively hugged her.

"So, what else did she plan?"

Shego smiled openly at her now.

"She left everything in your hands, Kim. She said she knew you would do what's right."

Kim stared at her, then at the defrosting stasis tube that held her father, long thought dead.

"I wish I could have met her," she said, thinking of that brief glimpse she had of a woman that looked so much like her in that mirror.

"Just tell me one thing," Shego asked.


Shego blushed faintly when she asked, "Can you fight, too?"

Kim grinned.

"Funny you should ask."

Not The End...