A/n: This is a really last minute post as my vacation actually starts tomorrow, but I really wanted to post this. I know it's short but this is just a little test run to see if I should continue the fic or not. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroko no Basuke, only the plot is mine.

*Bang!* the shot echoed throughout the warehouse, the noise was louder than a normal shot as the warehouse was empty. Except for the heterochromatic, red haired, Akashi Seijuro. Smoke came from the recently fired gun that Akashi held in his hand as if it were nothing but a toy.

The reason for him being in the ware house was what happened earlier that day. He had made a deal with another mafia family, but when he got to the meeting place (The ware house) the man had brought counterfeit money instead of the real thing. Only then did Akashi order his men, who were waiting outside if anything happened, to kill the buyer's subordinates. Soon all that was left was the weak scum, who was trembling in fear on the floor, otherwise known as the boss of "The Green Sapphire" group. They were supposedly the best mafia group in Japan, but in less than ten minutes Akashi had "Broke" them.

The red head had only assembled his "Family" only two years ago so many people did not know about them. Akashi was a good strategist, but he was also a very skilled fighter. If you were bothering him and he glared at you, or even so much as looked at you, well you were as good as dead. The red head started to walk away from the scene but turned around to take one more look at the dead mafia boss. The body held no life in it, bleeding from the wound in his chest. Akashi smirked to himself.

"I wasted my time with this piece of shit," He thought, "This was just too easy."

About 10 miles away, Kuroko Tetsuya was having a very calm and relaxing day as he sat on his couch in his apartment. Except for one thing, Nigou the 1 year old husky was running around crazily in the semi-small apartment.

"Wait Nigou!" Kuroko called after the hyper active dog. The husky barked back as if they were communicating between each other. Kuroko sighed,

"I give up!" Nigou then went to his master and licked his face in a happy and friendly way. Kuroko laughed, smiling at the dog in his lap.

"Good boy" Kuroko praised the puppy. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Kuroko's head popped up at the sound and stood up and started walking toward the noise.

"Who is it?" He called out. The response was not the voice expected to hear.

"It's Akashi Seijuro." Kuroko opened the door a bit cautiously and said,

"I didn't expect you to come over…" Nigou then ran up to the stranger that was intruding his home and started barking and growling. Kuroko then picked up the puppy and scolded him,

"Hey, be nice Nigou!" Akashi laughed at Kuroko's antics as he put down Nigou. The shadow tilted his head to the side, curious as to why Akashi was laughing at him.

"Sorry Tetsuya, it's just funny is all. It's also kind of cute." Akashi explained. Kuroko blushed at the red heads words and smiled slightly,

"Oh... Um… Akashi-Kun?"


"Why are you here?" The shadow asked. Akashi smiled and answered,

"Because I didn't have any plans and I wanted to see you. Can't I come see my boyfriend?" Kuroko leaned toward Akashi and kissed him passionately, breaking apart soon as the need to breath interrupted them. Kuroko pulled away leaving a thin strand of saliva still connecting the two of them.

"You're always welcome here…"

A/n: So how did you like it? Good? Bad? Great? Needs improvement? Sucks? Should I continue it? Leave a review to let me know what you thought! Sayonara!