Author's note: ayyyyy good to see y'all again. Been a busy/stressful week for me, so hope all is well with all of you! Smut and some fluff ahead, since that's what I love and that's what you have probably stuck around for.

I never got to thank you all for your reviews personally for the last chapter, so let me say I'm sorry to all of you who were sad over Crookshanks! I think the little buddy deserved a home with a lovely Disney family; rest assured I didn't mean to break your hearts, okay? :)

Hope to see you soon for the next...maybe the last chapter? We'll see how it all goes. Hugs!

PS my Tumblr name is now AllisonArgentsArrows! Someone took my other one while I had it changed for the Orphan Black season 2 premiere!

Anna never half-assed anything. If she was in, she was in and she would see it through to the end. So it was with Zeta Kappa and with her classes. So it would be in her relationship with Elsa.

It wasn't that she was in any way ashamed of her sexuality (whatever it was) or her girlfriend (like she ever could be). But as a sorority president, she was often in the limelight. And, as Elsa had pointed out, there weren't many queer people in fraternity and sorority life. At least, not at this big university.

So, she was a little apprehensive over what might happen, and mulled it over as she showered off the slight smell of animal shelter. Would any of the girls take crap for it? Would she? Would any of her sisters care that their president liked girls, and would it suddenly be awkward in the bathroom? Or was it well and truly 2013, and the announcement of her non-straightness would simply fly under the radar?

She hoped it was going to be that last option.

Anna had debated talking to the girls-well, she was still debating talking to them. What if people asked about it? But at the same time, this was her private life-not something to hold a chapter meeting about.

Still, she was pretty sure there weren't any other sorority or fraternity presidents in same-sex relationships on campus. Or even on the executive boards.

She stepped out of the shower, mind racing, and wrapped a towel around herself.

The bathroom was packed-some of the girls had gotten muddy, so there was a major rush for the showers, since there were only ten of them in the whole house. Anna smiled at Jasmine, who was brushing her teeth, and took her shower caddy and wet self back to her bedroom.

She noticed that a few of her sisters and other members of the Greek community had liked her updated relationship status. That was a blessing. She had been obsessively checking it since she got home and noticed that Elsa had accepted the request. No one had commented on it yet, or messaged her to say anything rude. And Elsa, who had fewer FB friends than Anna did, had a few likes herself-one from each roommate, and a handful of others.

Calm it, Johnson. You're not the first queer sorority girl in the world.

But sometimes, she sure felt that way. Especially now, with no real 'role models' to compare herself to.

She sighed, exited Facebook, put on some happy country music and tried to study. But she kept waiting for someone to bust in and question her or something.

Elsa called her around five, which was good, because Anna was already bored after an hour of trying to analyze Spanish literature.

"Hellooo?" she answered.

"Hola, hermosa," came Elsa's voice. "How's it going?"

Anna smiled, feeling her spirits lift a bit. "Oh, you know. Studying. Loads of fun."

Elsa snorted. "Still up for dinner? The boys want mushroom burgers, so I have to go get shit for that. Is like 6 or 6:30 too late to come over?"

"No, not at all." Maybe getting out of the house will soothe some of my anxiety. "Need me to bring anything?"

"Nah, just your cute self."

"I'll see what I can do," she said dryly, prompting a laugh from the blonde.

"Okay. See you in a bit."

"Bye," Anna said, closing her eyes and smiling.


There was a knock on her door.

Ohhhhh boy.

"Come in!" she called.

Kida, Tiana and Charlotte made their way in.

"Oh, hey girls," said Anna, standing. "What's up?"

"Well, a little update on our situation," said Kida, closing the door.

Oh, right. My other source of stress.

Anna beckoned them in, and pulled her chair over so they could all gather by the loveseat. She stayed standing, arms folded, drumming the fingers of her right hand against her left arm.

"So, like we know, people thought they saw Mal get pulled over," said Kida as she sat. "Well, my boyfriend pulled the police records this morning and she was pulled over last night, arrested for drinking and driving, and he's trying to figure out if she is being held for anything else. But they're not telling him yet."

Turquoise eyes closed. "The plot thickens."

"Right. Still, that's something. And there aren't too many hardware stores very close to campus where they could have bought those bricks. So, if the cops hustle, they could pin something on her. I think she's been in trouble before-that whole lot probably has."

Charlotte snorted derisively. "Well, I will march in there myself and demand that they speed things up," she said. "With a megaphone. And some combat boots."

"I'll go with ya," Anna sighed. She looked at Tiana. "You ready to have your day in court if they charge these assholes?"

"Probably not, but it would be important for me and anyone else who got drugged to be there."

"I'll go with you. Hell, the whole house probably would," Anna said reassuringly. "No one's been bothering you, have they? Asking you about it or calling you a snitch or something?"

"Nah, I'm good," said the other.

Anna nodded. "Well, please keep me updated. And I will if I hear anything-I've been emailing with the other presidents and trying to collect their sides of the story."

She hugged them all tightly as they stood to leave.

"By the way," Charlotte said airily as they left. "You think you can quietly slip a relationship past us? Dish on those details sometime, Madam President. Just because you're in charge doesn't mean we can't all pin you down and get all the juicy info from you."


"Oh come on, you haven't really gone out with anyone since you joined the house. And really, you live with more than 50 other women and you don't think someone's going to try and get the whole story of your new cute girlfriend out of you?"

She waggled her eyebrows, and Anna turned red. Her sisters laughed, heading down the hall.

At least they didn't care she was dating a girl.

But she definitely would expect some awkward questions just in case.

It was a welcome relief not to have a chapter meeting that evening, and she borrowed Charlotte's truck to drive to Elsa's. She had just thrown on a v-neck and a sweater with some jeans, and had her hair in a ponytail.

Olaf and Sven greeted her at the door with a hug (Olaf's) and a hand lick (Sven's). Hans and Kristoff were playing video games on the couch, and Elsa was in the kitchen.

"Is it like this every Sunday? You're cooking and they're goofing off?" asked Anna, wrapping an arm around Elsa's waist and leaning to rest her cheek on the smooth fabric of a blue scoop-neck shirt. The blonde kissed the top of her head, and Anna smiled.

"Nah, we switch off and on," she said, and Anna heard happiness in her voice. "So most of the time, I'm the one screwing around."

"Sounds about right."

"Watch it, or you'll be eating dog food."

"Probably tastes better than what Olaf cooks!" yelled Kristoff.

"The man is a truther," Olaf sighed.

As hard as Anna tried, she really kind of got in the way of the cooking. So, she sat on the counter and chatted with Elsa as the tall blonde worked up some giant grilled mushroom caps and hamburgers, and dumped a bag of potato things on a cookie sheet.

"Are those shaped like..."

"Yep. They're dinosaurs."

"Huh. I haven't had those since I was a kid."

"You still are a kid, young one," said Elsa with a smirk, and Anna aimed a kick at her.

The burgers, served on some kind of crusty golden rolls, and the dinosaur fries were delicious. Kristoff had whipped up a salad before they all sat down, and Anna felt perfectly at home as the roommates all bantered with one another. She sat next to Elsa, who was eating with one hand-the other was in Anna's lap, not in a sensual way, but in a "hey, I'm here and I'm happy you're here" way that was still sensual to Anna, don't even think otherwise. Plus, she had on that cute Deathly Hallows necklace that Anna loved so much.

She had always felt comfortable with Elsa and her roommates, but was even more so now-and she had a lock on their personalities. Olaf was curious about everything, and he was damn funny, with no filter on his mouth. Kristoff was logical, sarcastic. Hans was charming, definitely wanting to verbally spar but slightly hampered by his less-developed English skills.

And Elsa, beautiful Elsa, in that cute blue shirt with her side braid, was at complete ease with her roommates, sarcastic and smiling as they all chatted. From what Anna could tell, she had a wicked sense of humor but was rather shy until she got to know you-had a protective streak, loved animals, cared deeply for people. And definitely treated these three boys like her own brothers, as Anna was beginning to.

Living in a sorority house was amazing-Anna was with her best friends, her sisters. But she loved being over at Elsa's and hanging out with the guys. She was sure it was less dramatic than the ZK house could be. And though she knew she could be herself around her girls, over here she had no presidential responsibilities, no risk of someone busting in with a problem that needed fixing. And that was good.

Plus, of course, there was Elsa, who made really good food. And was really good at kissing. And was so considerate and caring.

Anna would like to keep her around for a while.

After dinner, the boys took care of the dishes and Anna suggested going upstairs to play video games.

Which she may or may not have intended to turn into something else.

Which definitely turned into something else.

Anna was a lot more confident the second time-even if she had kind of taken the lead their first time, it was with some trepidation, and luckily the lust and head rush had kind of taken control. But it was Elsa who took control tonight, and the shorter woman couldn't do much but melt into a half-clothed puddle on the bed as soft hands began peeling off layers. Anna fumbled with Elsa's shirt and slid it off, with the necklace following, as the blonde moved to practically tear the shorter girl's pants off.

She heard music downstairs and was glad it was loud, because as Elsa gently slid a finger inside her, Anna moaned loud enough that she was sure the neighbors could hear.

And the noise she made when she felt a tongue slowly tracing around her center could have probably shattered glass.

She looked down right before she reached her climax and connected with piercing blue eyes framed by now-messy bangs, and the pressure building up inside of her exploded, her hands tore at the sheets as she cried out, her legs shuddered, hugging Elsa's slender frame as the blonde continued, waiting until Anna had her fill.

Anna slumped back, panting, but still had enough energy to pull Elsa closer and kiss her, savoring the taste, her heart still racing as their bodies pressed flush against one another.

"Are you o-" began the blonde before Anna flipped her on her back and began fervently kissing the pale skin, stripping off the bra and then immediately wrestling off the blonde's pants, biting her lip at the sight of those gorgeously long pale legs.

Last time, she had just used her fingers, but she knew how fucking good oral sex was and even if she was a bit nervous, having never gone down on a girl, she was bound and determined to try and give Elsa the orgasm of her life.

She didn't need to be, as it turned out, because it sounded like Elsa thoroughly enjoyed every single second of it, and both hands were on the back of Anna's head, encouraging her, and there were some absolutely fantastic sounds coming in that husky voice.

"Yes, Anna, keep it there-oh my God-" the blonde choked out before Anna heard her gasp, felt her shudder and her back arch. She quickly moved to hold Elsa right after it stopped, slightly sweaty bodies pressed against one another, breathing heavily but smiling.

"Was that good?"

"Mmhmmmm," Elsa muttered, and Anna smiled, pulling her closer. She could feel the beautiful blonde trying to catch her own breath, and she stroked her hair, pressing kisses to the back of her head. Elsa wriggled and rolled over, also smiling as she ran her hands up and down Anna's freckled skin.

"You're beautiful," she said with a smile, leaning in to kiss the strawberry blonde.

"You're beautifuller," Anna breathed, nuzzling the smooth, pale skin on Elsa's cheek. The blonde leaned in to kiss her again, and again. "How was the rest of your day, pretty girll?" Anna asked. Elsa frowned for a second.

"It was good."


"Mmhmm," she said, some kind of hesitation in her voice. Anna kissed the tip of her nose.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I...well, that family ended up adopting Crookshanks, and I suppose I was a little bummed about it."

"Oh, honey. Of course you were! Are you okay?"

Elsa smiled, but it looked a little sad. "Yeah, I'm all right. I'll just miss that little shit."

"He's such a sweetheart. Do you think he'll be happy?"

"Yeah, probably."

"I'm sorry, I know you two were close. Do you wanna talk about it?"

Elsa shook her head. "No, I think I'm okay."

"Okay," said Anna, stroking her cheek. She frowned. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right? I'm here for you. I'm sure that it bummed you out."

"Thank you," said the blonde, her beautiful eyes warming. "I-I do."

"You're just not an oversharer like me, are you?" said Anna with a smirk. Elsa giggled.

"No, not quite. But I don't mind your...I wouldn't even call it oversharing. You just like to talk more than me most of the time."


"It's not a bad thing!" said Elsa, brushing back Anna's bangs. "We're just different people. Sometimes you have to drag me out of my head kicking and screaming to get me to talk about feelings."

"I'll remember that. Please let me know if you're ever pissed off at me, okay? And we can work it out." Anna paused. "I...would like this to work out. For a while. You know? So, I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy. I'm not a great cook, though-"

Elsa cut her off with a kiss.

"You're doing a wonderful job already. I promise," she said softly.

"Well, so are you, miss 'turn up with a guard dog like a SWAT team.'" Elsa snorted. "You know I appreciated it, though. I felt much safer."

"Well, you are with me. I promise."

"And you with me. Really. One of these days I'll have to pay you back for all the times you've been just the best person in the world."

Elsa laughed. "Having you around is wonderful enough. You want to stay here tonight, or you have some work to do?"

Anna groaned. "Eh, I'll head back eventually. Whenever you kick me out. My stuff I need for tomorrow is all jumbled. I can't wait for fall break."

"Well, we can always play video games like you suggested."

"Why?" Anna asked playfully, trailing her fingers down the curve of Elsa's slender frame. "That requires getting out of bed and putting clothes on."

The ice-blue eyes took on a more sultry tone. "Well then, guess we'll just occupy ourselves here for a little while."

"I could live with that," Anna murmured as she tilted Elsa's chin up and pulled her in for a kiss.