His possession

- Chapter 1 -

God can give us all,

but He can take it all.

It's He's choice and no one else's.

We are all under Him.

Ragged, exhausted breaths filled the otherwise silent room. Torches that normally lit the space were put out and the only light coming into the structure from through the ceiling high windows, lining the huge room everywhere around it, was the bright shine of the moon. The see-through curtains gave an eerie shapes and formations on the black marble floor and the pure black columns with their shadows.

Two bodies were moving together, in union. Sweat glistered on the bodies, falling on the sheets but neither of them cared. They had a goal: to satisfy their needs.

Her fingers scratched his biceps leaving white lines behind that soon changed color in to a raw red. He didn't care about it and continued to move with steady movements while both of his hands were squeezing the silk sheets next to the woman under him.

A high-pitched moan broke the steady rhythm of breaths and was soon followed by a quieter and lower groan.

Another set of steady breaths filled the room along with rustling of the silk bed sheets, after a moment of complete silence. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed and continued to regain his breath. Just as he was about to get up from the bed, the slim woman crawled to him across from the bed.

She slyly wrapped her arms around his shoulders while positioning her head next to his on his shoulder. She was still out of breath. Her inhales were deep but calm, and he could feel how her body got warmer just by touching him. Her entire body reacted to his in almost robotic manner and it was getting so familiar to him that he was starting to get sick of the mere thought.

Not that he has ever enjoyed this because he hasn't and every second of it he regrets it even more. The way she's reacting to his touches increases his doubts and especially his self-hatred. He never wanted to do this but this is the only way. He has looked everywhere to find another solution but there's no other. And no other solutions meant that he is stuck with this.

Rubbing his face with his hands he pulled away from her hold to stand up. Quickly looking at the clothes laying on the floor to find his, he picked his pants up and pulled them on.

After he tied the rope keeping them from falling he finally turned to look at the red-haired woman sitting on her legs on the bed looking intently at him, taking his body in with a lusty gaze. Her eyes continued to roam his body and the lust in her eyes was more evident than before, but he didn't want to see any of it. None of it. It disgusted him.

"Leave. Now." The curious look disappeared from her face and was replaced by a frown.

"Why?" She wanted to know. Every time it was the same result, they had 'amazing' sex and then he would push her away and tell her to leave him, only to tell her later to come back and do everything once again. It has happened before, and it will happen again.

"I don't need to explain myself to a nymph." How he despised nymphs. All they want was to get close to a god. Their passions and thoughts circled around the idea of standing next to a god for the whole eternity. They lusted after the higher positions that are out of their reach. All they wanted was to be equals with something that they can't never be equal with. The thought disgusts the God of Darkness. If he was to decide these pathetic creatures would be wiped off from Eden. They cause more havoc than anything else. They're nothing but pointless loss of space.

But as much as he wanted to get rid of them, he couldn't. He needed them more than they even can understand and more than many even knows. And that's what aggravates him even more: to be so dependent on someone like them. He shouldn't depend on anyone or anything. He's right under the God himself so why does he need to submit to such need! That is only because of the rules the God has placed upon him and he can't do anything to change them, no matter what or how he tries.

The God of Darkness shouldn't lower himself to beg to get what he wants but he had to. The God of Darkness shouldn't try to over throw the Creator of his position to have what he wants, even though he has tried it. The God of Darkness shouldn't even lift a finger to get what he wants but he had to. The result is always the same: he can't do anything to help his situation.

He has tried to use everything in his power to have what he wants, but it doesn't help. He's been cursed to suffer the conviction laid upon him by the Highest of them all, and just because he doesn't want to obey the rules set to every god and goddess there is. But not every rule that binds him bind the others and that is not fair in his mind.

Everything was stricter for him than for anyone else, even the punishments he receives. No other god had to lose a part of them no matter what they do but he did. No other god had to wait for millions of years to get back what he has lost. All of this makes him feel empty inside and the God knows that but doesn't do a thing. He sees every day as he suffers from the consequences of his actions.

He is the God of Darkness. He controls the dark side of everything. He is above every other god and goddess right under the God himself, but still he is powerless to undo the punishment laid upon him.

To relieve the consequences of his conviction he seeks the comfort from those pitiful creatures called nymphs. Everything they represent makes him want to puke: their smell, their looks, the way they talk, but still he is so dependent on of them that it's almost unnatural and unheard of.

Just as she was about to retort back he walked pass the bed and out of the double doors leaving her in the huge structure in the middle of a dark green garden, alone.

He walked across the colonnade to the main building of his temple-like black palace. He needed to get away from the needy nymph. His needs wanted to have another round with her since it was the only way to calm himself down quicker but, of course, it wouldn't last long and he was repeatedly telling himself that he didn't need to do it.

He growled in frustration as he walked swiftly along the black structure getting more and more annoyed by the second. It has already been over millions of years and still the God doesn't return that what he needs the most in the whole universe.

Not many know of the situation he is in and don't understand why he clings to the red headed nymph like she's his life. When they question his motives he normally grunts at them and leaves the situation to avoid making any excuses, since their minds are quickly distracted by other matters. Oh, what he would give to just forget for a moment. To forget everything and then when the time comes for him to get back what rightfully belongs to him, he would get back his memories. But this is part of his punishment. It's his punishment to be tormented by these lustful thoughts, wants and desires.

Just as he was about to go to do his work in the Universe room, a small about 51.1 inches tall maid walked to him. The black and white simple dress didn't show any curves and made her look conservative. On her forehead she had two really small horns peaking from under her thick blond hair. Her skin was a little yellowish that matched the darker horns. She bowed before him, "My Lord, the God of Spirit has arrived."

He didn't say anything to her and just changed his direction from going to the Universe room to the lounge. The small maid trailed after him staying good ten feet away from him. She knew how unpredictable he becomes when the nymph comes for a visit and so does every maid in the temple, too.

The mentioning of the God of Spirit annoyed him even more. He wasn't in the mood for his happy nature and bright blond hair and that annoying smile of his. He wanted to do some work before calling it a night but, of course, the idiot ruins his plans as always. But it was part of him that can't be changed. His power is to maintain the life-force of everything and bring positive air everywhere he goes. No wonder he barges in and tries to brighten up the otherwise gloomy house.

The God of Spirit had made himself comfortable on one of the couches in the room and had propped his legs on a small table in front of him. He was whistling to himself until he noticed the person he came for.

"Sasuke!" He jumped off the couch to see properly the person standing behind him. He was welcomed by a man clad only in his pants and his dark hair tousled like he had just got off the bed. It didn't take him long to know why the Sasuke Uchiha looked like that but nonetheless he almost ran to his friend to hug him.

The blond god squeezed the dark one, who gritted under his breath, "Let go." and grumbling he did.

"You're no fun." he pouted and returned to his seat.

"What are you doing here, Naruto?"

"I can't just come here for fun?"

"No." Sasuke crossed his arms over his bare chest, "You always have a reason to come here and it's almost always about ramen." Suddenly Naruto's nostrils flared and he sniffed at Sasuke, "You got to be kidding me." He frowned and crossed his arms over his bright orange t-shirt, "Is Karin here?"


Naruto's mouth opened in shock, "What the!? Are you serious?! Are you still-"

"What is your business in here?" Sasuke caught him off. He didn't want to discuss his private life with Naruto of all people.

Naruto was about to retort back but decided against it and just admitted his defeat, "I want to go to Earth to get some ramen."


"Oh, come on!"

"I don't want to get in trouble just because you want to have ramen. Go ask someone else." And with that said he turned around to leave the room but Naruto was in a second next to him, "But you're the only who doesn't immediately throw me out!" He whined and tried to stick with the quick pace of the God of Darkness.

Sasuke didn't answer him and resumed walking, but the persistent god Naruto kept up with him and continued to whine, "I haven't had ramen in a long time! It's been too long! And God won't make a portal to Earth for me."

"I don't care."

"Come on, Sasuke! It's just for one bowl."

Sasuke couldn't take his whining and abruptly stopped walking causing the God of Spirit to almost fall and the maid following them to stumble on her feet.

"I can't make a portal." He gritted through his teeth causing Naruto's eyes widen.

"Why?" The words just fly out of his mouth before he even realized the reason on his own. He had heard that Sasuke had tried to overpower the God some time ago but thought of it as a pointless rumor. Of course, he would be punished but he never thought the punishment would be to ban Sasuke from creating portals.

Sasuke notices the realization in his features and resumed to walk into the Universe room, leaving Naruto stand behind on the hallway and the maid walking briskly after him.

He was indeed banned from the gift of creating portals after his attempt to over throw the God but it's not like he needed that power right now. He had no business in the other realms especially not in Earth.

Naruto was fond of the place, since he was created from a human, unlike him who was directly created by God without any former body. Few years ago, Naruto got one goddess to create a portal for him to go to Earth and there he decided to taste a food called ramen. After that he's been obsessing over the food and many times tried to get Sasuke and many others, who has the ability, to create a portal for him to get some of that 'goodness' as he says.

But, unfortunately Sasuke, who was allowed to travel between realms as he wishes, was ripped of that gift as an extra punishment for his desperate tries to get rid of his former punishment unsuccessfully.

The God has forbid Naruto to move between the realms since it has become a habit of his to cause problems everywhere. He doesn't understand that he can't use his powers so that humans can see them. That is the main reason why the God rid him off the gift of creating portals a long time ago, and now he needs to ask another God to create one for him.

The God has placed strict orders on everyone, including Naruto's want to return to Earth, and that applies to Sasuke as well. The 'Big Man' doesn't want to take any risks so Naruto is only allowed to go to Earth accompanied by another god and with a very good reason to go there. But who god wants to go there to just watch him eat ramen. Literally no one and neither do they want to feel the wrath of God for disobeying Him.

In the middle of the Universe room was a huge stone table with nothing on top. Sasuke walked next to it to lift his hand on top it and was about to open the view of the realms when the maid stopped him, "My Lord, do you need anything?"

"No. You may leave." It wasn't a task or anything to read the thoughts of a such a low-ranking demon. Their minds weren't built to be strong and deflect the attempts of mind reading. Like nymphs they were easy to manipulate and bend to do whatever. She seemed eager to leave him, and he didn't doubt that a second because he was not in a good mood.

A soft click of the door meant that the small woman had left the room.

But unlike nymphs, demons don't seduce gods - they obey them and especially they obey Sasuke since he's the one in control of the Underworld that contains the most of the demons. Few selected one's work in his temple to maintain its clean state.

Many might think that gods are served by angels but no. Here in Eden all gods and goddesses are served by demons. Angels guard the realms. They make sure no one ordinary aside from gods goes from realm to another.

For example, if human was suddenly to found a natural portal, not created by a god of any kind and rather caused by interference in the space that connects all realms together, angels make sure if the human teleports to another world that he or she is safely returned to Earth. Of course, after returning the human they wipe their memories and destroy any evidence that might exist of the portal.

Portals are also reasons for many people disappearing suddenly: they come across a portal and end up wherever it will take you and if an angel doesn't intervene soon enough they die because of the foreign atmosphere or the portal kills the one going through it. That's why angels guard the worlds and make sure no one gets killed by accident because an average human body might not always cope with the powers of a portal.

There are side effects to using portals so normally they think they've been kidnapped by aliens. For gods it's a daily fun to watch humans roam around their planet looking for 'aliens'.

Angels are also the ones to direct you to your right path after you pass away. Everyone who dies are weighted between going to the Underworld or the Heaven. Their actions in life determine where you're going to end up. Angels stand in guard by the Gates of Afterlife, making sure that no soul wonders to the wrong realm.

Against a common knowledge you won't end up in Hell immediately after you die if you have done bad things. Bad things are weighted with the good ones to see are you suitable for Heaven or not. Also other minor things affect the outcome.

Even those who have killed another person might get in Heaven. It's not that simple.

Such acts that humans do to secure their place in Heaven, are daily fun for many deities and especially for goddesses, who have free time of their duties. Especially those people who think they have a connection with a god are a laughing stock among everyone. They imagine all the things happening. It's just their imagination tricking them and maybe someone just playing with their minds.

But still there are those whom are gifted with unnatural talents such as a gift of being able to see the future or heal someone. Those people are so-called off-springs. In distant past their ancestors has had a contact of some sort with a god when they have decided to visit the realm.

Sasuke avoids contact with humans because he has more important things to do than blessing them with an off-spring or even with his presence. He has the Underworld to take care of and that reminds him that he needs to contact his subordinates to check how things are going.

He wiped his hand over the stone table and a dark cloud appeared on top of it. Its shaped changed until it looked like a mirror fading from the sides. A picture of a black-haired male came to view.

"What is it, boss?" His pointed teeth showed when he grinned at the Dark Lord and his unnaturally thin eyelids covered his eyes for a moment. But it almost didn't matter, if he closed his eyes or not, since the skin was so thin you could easily see his eyes even through it.

"How things are going?"

"Fine. There's been just a tiny little problem." The sly smirk didn't do any good to Sasuke's patience.


"There's a soul that has an equal amount of bad and good things. We're having a small discussion with the angels, because they won't allow it to pass to Heaven unless the God allows it." He raked his head in frustration.

"Have you contacted Him yet?"

"Oh, yes! One of the angels is talking to Him right now, and according to other angels, he's coming back with an answer-" he drifted off at the end looking away from his Lord, to somewhere else were Sasuke couldn't see, before turning his attention back to him, "It's solved. He is allowed in Heaven."

"Good. Inform me if anything else happens." He cut off the connection that had lit the otherwise dark room.

He couldn't even leave the Eden to do his work properly in the Underworld. He had to use demons and other messengers to do his job there and it annoys him because he can't do something he's used to doing by himself.

Sasuke didn't want to stay in the Universe room for longer than necessary so he left right after the connection was severed. He still needed to make sure that Karin had already left and wouldn't bother him for rest of the night.

As he walked back to his bedroom it became evident that Karin, in fact wasn't there. She wanted to please him too much to not disobey him. One of her better qualities.

The temple was quiet. It was full of women, but none of them made any other move or sound that wasn't the rosaries moving. Mouths opened in silent prayers as the nuns continued to pray in front of the statue of Goddess Tsunade, the Goddess of Health.

For the temple nuns, it was a custom to pray each day two times for their goddess; in the morning and later in the evening. They prayed for their country's and people's health and wealth every day, and for their patients' health. The monastery for nuns was built into a temple over two hundred years ago to honor the goddess Tsunade.

In the convent, they practice all kinds of healing methods like using herbs and surgeries. That is their characteristic. Some convents farm animals, others corps, but here they heal. Many who don't have enough money to go to the doctor come to them and they help as much as they can.

A 19-year-old Haruno Sakura, a young nun novice has been in the care of the convent since she was a baby. She was brought there by an unknown person who left her on the doorstep, leaving before the nuns had a chance of seeing him or her. Luckily she had a note attached to the blanket wrapped around her telling her name and how old she was. The nuns suspected that a young mother couldn't care for her enough and decided to give her to a better home so the nuns took her gladly, since alongside the hospital the monastery had a small orphanage.

The orphanage was not huge, so they only have ten children at the same time but it does help, even though just a little.

When Sakura turned 16 she had a chance to choose whether to stay and become a novice or leave the monastery to find a life from somewhere else. During her young age in the care of the nuns, she became accustomed in praying and found interest in curing sick people. She loved to help the nuns in the hospital wing where they would tend their patients.

One of the older nuns Chiyo took her often with her to see what was happening in the hospital, and the young child took in every bit of information and helped to bring equipment around the room. Chiyo also taught her about different herb and basic healing methods so when it came time to choose her path she chose the convent because it had become her home over the years and she loved medicine. To put it bluntly, the decision was easy.

Right now, that she was a novice she grows her own herbs in her small room's windowsill and often talks to them if she feels bored and has time. When she's not busy tending herbs and flowers around the temple she helps the older nuns and, also Chiyo in the hospital wing, with a goal to become the best medical nun in the entire temple.

She wants to help others. She isn't scared of blood and wounds because it's in her nature to help the weak. This is the best way for her to fill her need of wanting to help and she wouldn't change her life for anything else.

In next year, she was bound to become a real nun and after that everything is about learning as much about medicinal care as possible. Maybe she's even allowed to finally have her own patients for once. But still there was a long road ahead of her and she was ready for anything. Hopefully.


So what do you think? I know you must think I'm stupid for starting a new story but I had to make this one. This actually was meant to be a high school fic that later turned into a werewolf fic and then into this one. I know I'm bad at decision making but what can you do?

But please review and tell me should I continue this story or not.

- Jakura