Author Note: The last bit actually ran a little longer than I expected I was going to put this on at the end of the previous part but it seemed wrong to cut it down and it's a pretty decent place start to the next part.

JC: Yes Burke is a Company man through and through. Quite a junior one.


Alarms sounded throughout Pegasus as Admiral William Adama entered the vessel's CIC already present was Major Elena Rand and Commodore Glenn Ross. "Someone want to silence those alarms before the CMO declares us all deaf?" He asked moments later the sirens silenced "what's going on?"

"Sir, Raptors and the Blackspurs have returned Admiral reporting that a massive Cylon fleet has jumped into the Terra system." Rand reported Adama immediately looked up at the DRADIS screens "they are on the far side of Terra Admiral, we are shielded by the gas giant New Caprica orbits." She continued.

"Send out the recall message to the crews of Pegasus, Icarus and Phoenix. Double the CAP until further notice." Adama ordered "Commodore Ross, I want you to land on New Caprica and bring Galactica's crew together they will Coordinate the civilian population's evacuation." He said Ross looked at him quizzically.

"Admiral, we don't have the lift personnel for all our civilians." Ross pointed out Adama already knew this the civilian population had been growing since the Colonials had landed on New Caprica and they had traded FTL capable vessels for supplies. "Even if we double or triple book all our ships Pegasus and Galactica included."

"Do what you can" Adama ordered Ross nodded and headed out "I'll inform the President. How long until New Caprica comes around the gas giant?"

"Fourteen hours" Rand said looking at the readings.

"I want to speak with the Blackspurs commander after I've spoken with President Roslin." Adama said stepping back out the doors several of the crewmen exchanged glances at the Admiral's calm manner.

On Galactica things were far less calm as the Cylons continued to close on the planet. They didn't recognize the Terran ships so they were approaching slowly giving the defenders time. Galactica had too many marines and not enough naval personnel and was responding very slowly to Colonel Tigh's Condition One order. "Chief Executive Maxwell this is Colonel Tigh aboard Galactica, we will stand with you if your people are willing to put our differences behind us?" He asked

"We are ready Colonel but these Cylons are numerous. Perhaps if we spoke with them we would be more successful." Maxwell suggested Tigh looked at Lee Adama and shook his head.

"You're more likely to get a nuke landing where you were transmitting from." Tigh shot back "if you won't stand Maxwell let me know now."

"We have fighters raising from the surface, Colonel, we will stand." He replied

"Very good, have your ships move forward and aft of ourselves. Full defensive flak barrage on my command. Have your fighters rendezvous with Galactica's we will teach these toasters exactly who they are messing with." Tigh said cutting the transmission "your choice Apollo, pilot or Commander of Galactica?" He asked Lee was a Commander higher in rank than the Colonel but Tigh knew the crew and the ship better.

"I'm on detached duty, Colonel, I'll fly my Viper. I have to ask how long can we hold against that many Baseships and their fighters?"

"That depends on how well the Terrans built their ships, how well you trained their pilots and how long it takes Pegasus to get here." Tigh said seeing Lee's surprised glance "Adama had Raptors and Blackbirds deployed throughout this system they will have jumped back to Pegasus by now. We need to keep them busy long enough for the Admiral to reassemble the crew and get that Battlestar here."

Aboard the lead Basestar the Number One, Cavil, in charge watched on the video screen as the Battlestar Galactica with its new set of armour moved clear of the shipyard facility into formation with the two unknown ships. "It seems the Colonials have found allies."

"More from Earth?" A Number Three, D'Anna, asked looking at the screen she sounded almost hopeful.

"These ships are like but unlike the ships previously encountered." The number Four, Simon, said analytically.

"Regardless they cannot stand against us all" the Number One said "have the Hybrids move us into attack position deploy all Raiders and Heavy Raiders. I'd like one of those alien ships captured we must find out what and who defends this world." He said.

Back among the Viper pilots Lee Adama looked through the cockpit canopy with a small sense of awe as Galactica and the two ships from Terra all opened fire at the same time creating a massive flak canopy over the three ships and over Terra. "Apollo to all Destroyers you are our anvil remember you volley fire your missiles into your targets and you will cause some serious damage. Everyone else we need to keep the Raiders and the Heavy Raiders off the Destroyers and our Capital Ships." He said swapping back to his squadron's channel.

"Oh my Gods look at them all" Sheba whispered looking at the massive amount of Cylon craft massing beyond their forces.

"Stay focused Sheba, we fight the targets we can beat" Apollo cautioned her. "Here they come people, I'll see you on the other side!" He said turning his Viper towards the Cylon craft.

"Apollo this is Barracuda One stand-by for volley fire." One of the Terran fighter pilots communicated before Apollo could even ask what a volley fire command was all thirty of the Barracuda fighters clustered together in formation opened fire together with their forward cannons. The primary armament of the Barracuda was based on the Wildcards Hammerhead fighters unlike the Viper's main guns which fired directly forwards the Barracudas spread fire over a large area. This made the fire from individual craft less effective in eliminating enemy targets but the concentration of craft filled the air with deadly fire. The weapons fire tore through the massive formation of the Cylon craft eliminating dozens of ships.

"Very nice" Starbuck commented

"I agree, Barracuda One this is Apollo, that was a nice piece of work." Apollo said watching as the Cylons reformed giving Apollo "if they group together again try to hit them again. But be careful they adapt as they fight." He warned "Vipers our turn split them up and knock them down."

On board Galactica things were not as triumphant as the Battlestar rocked from several missile impacts "increase defence fire." Tigh ordered as the Galactica rocked again fortunately the ship's new external skin of thick armour was preforming better than the Battlestar's guns.

"Sir, the gun crews are undermanned and are still getting used to the new weapons this is hardly ideal test conditions!" Shaw called back from her position at tactical.

"No-one said this was ideal! Lieutenant" Tigh nearly shouted turning towards Dualla "Dee, order the Terran ships to overlap their fire over our own." He said planning to cover the Galactica's current troubles "but make sure they don't leave themselves vulnerable because of it." He said

"Colonel, with the refit Galactica's weapons are as effective as Pegasus' in a head on fight or a firing pass." Shaw pointed out Tigh just looked at her a silent indication for her to continue. "Sir, we leave the Terrans to defend their own soil and we take Galactica on the offense." She said crossing from her console "we take Galactica along this course and concentrate all our fire on these three Basestars. We put them on the defence."

"Can the Terrans defend their planet and the shipyard if we follow this course?" He asked but without waiting for a reply he pushed on "can we survive that pass without the Cylons gutting us?" He asked arguing back "Lieutenant, we only got this Battlestar back into fighting form I don't plan on sacrificing her on a suicide run."

"It's better than being pecked to pieces" she shot back as the Galactica rocked heavily again from another hit "Colonel, if you don't risk this ship we could lose the entire fight!" Tigh looked at the table then up at the DRADIS screens thinking as Galactica took another hit.

"Set your course, Lieutenant." He said Shaw nodded and moved to her station. "Dee, send a message to Apollo that we're moving order the Terrans to close ranks we're not leaving this area but we are moving to a better position." He said glancing at Shaw who nodded "alright Lieutenant let's go." He ordered

Outside several of the Viper pilots called out their surprise as the Galactica lit her main engines moving out of her defensive formation. Instead of general flak fire the Battlestar was making far more concentrated weapon strikes. The Battlestar rolled as it cut through the battlefield smashing through several of the Cylon Raiders and Heavy Raiders as it went. "Hull breach Observation Deck!" Shaw called out moments later Dualla followed.

"Reports of small arms fire forward sections forty and forty-two." She said "we've been boarded."

"Dee, get a hold of Anders direct him to the Cylons. Tighten defences around CIC and Secondary-Damage Control." Tigh ordered "Helm, keep us on course. Shaw, give me a firing solution on the first Basestar then fire on the others as we pass. We are not stopping when we pass through." He added this was not a stand-up fight, it was not a head on charge, the Galactica was cutting over its enemies sights drawing fire and presenting the Cylons with a very dangerous target. The Battlestar rocked several times under the increasing amount of fire the Cylons were able to target on the ship as it closed.

"It's working" Shaw said triumphantly "the Terran ships have less to deal with. Two minutes to optimal target position. Primary weapons stations standing by." She reported

"Anders reports he's bogged down the Cylons Colonel, the pressure doors sealing off the observation deck are slowing the Cylons progress they aren't built for this kind of punishment." Dee reported Tigh smiled grimly the Cylons seemed to customize their Centurions of different types of battle, tougher armour for assaults, deadlier close in weapons for close quarter battles and heavier weapons for planetary assaults. This group had probably been designed to assault the planet not expecting Galactica and the other ships to stay and fight.

"Damn that ship can fly" one of the Barracuda pilots commented looking at Galactica cutting through the enemy formations as he pulled up alongside Starbuck's Viper. Starbuck's wingman had been cut down by a Cylon it seemed the Barracuda's had been lost also everyone was paying the price of this fight.

"She's not the only one, you're on my wing" Starbuck said it wasn't a question she didn't care for his rank or position in the Terran military instead she'd made the choice. Diving after a group of Cylon Raiders that were arcing towards the Terran Capital Ships she straffed the targets with her weapons cutting down one Raider.

"Nice, my turn. Firing missiles!" He called out Starbuck hadn't even been aware the Barracuda's were carrying external munitions instead of going straight to guns the heavier Terran fighter pilot engaged the Cylons with four missiles instantly claiming two Raiders with three direct hits.

"Nice yourself" Starbuck commented as the Cylon formation broke "let's get the rest!" She shouted laughing as she spun her fighter after a target surprisingly the Barracuda stayed with her despite its larger frame.

"We're in position Colonel" Shaw said in the Galactica's CIC the ship had come through the Cylon fire surprisingly well but now had Cylons on two sides. Even with the new armour Tigh did not expect them to last long.

"On you're order, Lieutenant" Tigh said despite himself and the likely cost he was proud her plan had worked. Shaw didn't reply instead Galactica's guns instantly began to spit out at the first Basestar. The higher calibre of weapons fitted to Galactica's primary turrets not set the Battlestar in better stead than she had been this entire war and instantly her strikes began to get results on the weaker armoured Cylon vessels with several secondary explosions on the first target. "Helm, roll us onto the other target." Tigh ordered

Aboard the Basestar the Number One was furious "we should have never allowed them to escape so far!" He screamed "Galactica has better weapons and armour now than she has ever had!" He continued furious as the Battlestar's first target spun out of control burning. Even though Galactica was taking more hits now the ship's destructive capabilities were not something easily ignored.

"But they are closer now we can kill them quicker" a Number Six said her blonde hair and her passion setting her apart from the others.

"We had better be able to or we're all dead!" Number One snapped glancing at another screen "deploy the Raiders to Primary Targets all force authorized." He ordered seeing a gap in Terran defences.

"Is that wise? These people that Galactica fight with could be worth study" a Number Three said her brown hair and careful words making Number One think over his order. "There are also no Colonial ships other than Galactica present. We may need prisoners..."

"Not today" Number One "deploy the frakking Raiders!" He snapped.

Lee Adama noticed a change in the Raider behaviour almost immediately the "Personnel Carrier" Heavy Raiders were pulling back while the smaller "fighter-type" Raiders were breaking off their dogfights heading for the shipyards, the Terran capital ships and Terra herself. "All Destroyer commands support Galactica's assault on the Basestars concentrate your fire and Coordinate with Galactica's gunners. Vipers and Barracudas we need to protect Terra, on me!" He ordered even as he turned his Viper Lee saw the first nuclear detonation on one of the Terran capital ships. "Oh gods!" He shouted seeing the ship weather the hit then take a second almost immediately afterwards. "All fighters break, break, break!" He shouted seeing two Vipers and a Barracuda eliminated in the nuclear fireball. A third nuclear missile struck the Terran ship consigning it to a slow death losing power from the multiple detonations the ship rolled out of formation with its sister ship into a collision course with the shipyards. There was no way to stop the burning ship as it tore through Terra's orbiting facilities and continued towards the planet tearing through the atmosphere. Moments later a nuclear fireball erupted inside Terra's atmosphere. "Not again" Lee whispered seeing the destruction brought to the Twelve Colonies brought to Terra. "All fighters that's the last one that gets through!" He shouted into the wireless system "we cut down every raider we see!" He ordered as there was suddenly a series of nuclear detonations all originating from Galactica consuming the Battlestar in a massive flash "frak me" he called out blinded by the flash "has anyone got eyes on Galactica?" He called out not seeing the Battlestar "no..." he whispered seeing no trace of the ship.