Mamura never understood how she could always keep her calm as she does. Suzume would flow through forests and through hills like a deep river, lulling you with all of her grace and life. He could imagine her rising with the sun and falling with the moon, equal to life, that springs in warmth, and that falls into deep slumber when cold comes back in. All of it, while he stumbles over branches like walls, while words seem as gigantic as mountains are, all crashing and falling. Which is why he avoids situations that remind him of crashing waves and raging storms, if he can.

Yet here he stands, before the girl, with quivering hands and shivering breath.

And she stands before him, eyes closed, awaiting and trusting.

He had been standing for quite some time here already. Mamura was awaiting Suzume, as they had made plans to go home together. With ticking minutes, he waited, hands first fiddling with his sleeves, then with the buttons with his shirt, lastly with the ends of his locks - for he could never keep his hands still upon thinking of the girl he was waiting for.

And she had found him like that, hunched over, tugging at his hair, grim expression on his face, somehow. Her laugh was light as a bell in a howling wind, and he prayed that if he were to ignore the heat in his cheeks, it would cease to exist.

The sun was setting, and Suzume's hair seemed to catch every falling ray. Mamura observed the girl silently, as she slowly changed her shoes and got ready for departing home, talking about her day and, incidentally, still laughing about the amusing position she had found him in. The boy wanted to retort, but he simply could not - the laugh of her was far too pleasant for his ears.

And then, she stood, watching him. Curiosity changed the amusement in her eyes, slowly, like rising water on a full moon. Mamura's feet moved forward as he was about to ask if something was wrong, when her words made his burn right on his tongue, and his feet turn to stone.

"Kiss me." She said, upon closing her eyes, eyelashes covering her face in shadows.

And here the boy stands, with quivering hands and shivering breath, as the girl is before him, eyes closed, awaiting. Awaiting for him.

His cheeks, ears, neck, the very tips of his fingers - everything burns, yet there is no fire. Even though impulses scream in his whole body, he dare not deny her. He dare not disappoint her, for she has had enough of that already.

Instead, Mamura moves forward, burying his hands in her silk locks, as his lips connect with hers. He feels the burning, and he is melting, from his toes to fingertips, every single thought in his mind evaporating or exploding, leaving nothing but stardust behind. Mamura feels shivers run down his spine as the girl breathes into him, and he takes it all in.
Her scent reminds him of the ocean, and yet eyes are a reminiscence of the sun - so warm and pulsating, it makes him melt from inside out.

And as he holds Suzume, there is a break when their lips separate to regain breath. The sun behind them is setting, and her rays adorn and paint every single of the girl's features.

Mamura notes the scene breath-taking, and as he does so, he leans back in, to take another draught of the flowing river.

Okay, well, first of all, I know the formatting is odd. But I somehow got stuck with it while writing, so here you go. Weird formatting for all of you, sweets.
Also, mazume is hell. I can't get those darn sweethearts out of my mind, so this is the result. I fear there is more to come, as well.