Chapter Two
Benny winced at the sound of his best friend's voice. "What? But how is this-? I don't understand. Wh-. How?"
Benny opened his eyes and saw that Ethan looked lost. He felt sorry for his friend. "Sarah wasn't able to suck all the vampire venom out of you last night. We were too late to save you."
Ethan was silent after Benny told him that and stared into space, without any expression. Benny was beginning to worry.
After a minute of silence Benny was really starting to worry, it wasn't until then when Ethan started laughing.
"Nice joke Benny, really funny." Ethan shook his disbelief.
Benny just sat there in silence not knowing how to respond. "Ethan, this is not a joke." He finally told him.
Ethan looked at his friend and by the tone of his voice he realised that Benny must be telling the truth. Ethan shook his head furiously.
"No stop." Ethan said, standing up. "You're lying."
"Ethan." Benny replied, and began to walk over to him. But Ethan shook continued to shake, not believing anything.
"Don't come near me." Ethan said but Benny didn't listen to him.
"Ethan come on just calm down." Benny said calmly.
"I said don't come near me." Ethan yelled loudly and pushed Benny out of the way, not realising that he had super strength the force of the push, made Benny fly across the room into the bookshelf.
Ethan's eyes grew wide and rushed out of the room before Benny could say anything. Benny groaned in pain. He sat up slowly, rubbing his head and waiting for blurriness to go away.
"Benny." He heard his grandmother's voice. "What happened are you okay? Where did Ethan go?"
Benny was confused. He looked at his grandma and the around the room and realised that Ethan must have run out of the room after he had pushed him.
"Grandma, I think you better get that blood substitute ready." A look came across his grandma's face and he knew that she had understood what happened. Benny groaned again and fell back onto the floor.
Ethan had rushed back home, thankfully his parents or Jane weren't home. He ran straight upstairs to the bathroom and slammed the door behind him.
He had expected to be out of the breath, because let's face it he wasn't exactly the fittest person in the world. But he wasn't and he found that weird but pushed the thought out of the way.
He went over to the sink and splashed his face with water. He shook his head. No this wasn't real. He was definitely NOT a vampire. He vaguely remembered last night. The last thing he remembered was lying on the floor in extreme pain – seeing Sarah kneeling down beside him and that was it.
But other than that he couldn't remember anything else. He remembered his dream though. It didn't make sense to him because all he could remember was seeing the colour white and then that was it.
How could Benny think that he was a vampire? That was ridiculous. Ethan shook his head this whole thing was a mess. He looked up and stared at his reflection in the mirror. Well – if he had a reflection. He couldn't see himself. It was all murky and he couldn't really see himself properly.
Ethan froze. Last night really happened it. Ethan shook his head. No, no, no, no, no. This cannot be happening. He cannot be vampire – he was only a teenager. He couldn't die this young. He suddenly got really angry and punched the wall.
"Woah." A voice behind spoke. He twirled around and saw Benny standing in the doorway looking sheepishly.
"Benny." Ethan breathed.
"I know you probably want to be alone right now but I think we need to talk about this." Benny told him before lifting up a bag. "And I thought that this would come in handy."
Ethan recognized it as the blood substitute that Benny's grandma had made for Sarah so that she wouldn't have to feed on human blood.
"This is real isn't it?" Ethan whispered. Benny nodded, looking grim.
"Ethan I'm sorry this happened to you." Benny said quickly. "It should have been me that got bitten, not you."
Ethan stared at his friend, eyes wide. "Benny you can't say that. It wasn't your fault that we thought we could take on Jesse."
Benny stared at the floor not saying anything. "We didn't know that this was going to happen."
"But it did and now you're a – you're a." Benny stopped himself, not being able to say the word.
Ethan looked down. "Now I'm a vampire."
Benny nodded. "How are you feeling? Feel different or anything?"
"I'm not sure." Ethan told him truthfully. "To be honest, I haven't exactly let this sunk in yet."
"Well, one thing's for sure your powers are definitely growing." Benny told him, grinning trying to light the mood. "I'm definitely going to have a bruise somewhere tomorrow." Benny rubbed his again.
Ethan winced. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise I would do that."
Benny shook his head. "Doesn't matter, E. I would have reacted the same way if I was in the same situation as you."
Ethan nodded. "So what do we do now?" He asked. "How are we going to explain this to my parents?"
"Don't worry, my grandma's going to work that out. She's going to help us." Benny told him. "But do you know what this means?" He gave Benny a grin.
Ethan grew cautious of the look on Benny's face. "Why are you looking like that Benny?"
Benny's grin just grew wider. "Vampire training 101." Ethan just groaned loudly.
"How do you expect to train a vampire?" Ethan asked incredulously.
"You know, gaining control of your strength and speed. Gaining control of your newly developed senses. Making sure you don't have the urge to bite anybody…." Benny trailed off quickly.
Ethan looked shocked at the last bit. "You honestly think I'm going to want to bite somebody?"
Benny shrugged, with a sheepish look on his face. "Well you know how vampires are…they tend to get all you know…" Benny made his hands into a claw shaped and went "grrrr."
Ethan rolled his eyes. "Really Benny? Grrrr?" Ethan said, replicating Benny's actions. "You've seen Sarah and Rory, you know they're not like other vampires."
"Yes but Rory also likes to eat rats and have you seen Erica?" Benny told him. Ethan thought about it before agreeing, his friend did have a point.
"Okay, fine. Vampire training 101." Ethan told his friend, not liking where this was going.
Benny grinned. "Okay so first I found this spell that could help us and –"
"No." Ethan yelled, knowing how badly Benny messes up his spells sometimes. "No spells." Benny pouted. "Not just yet." He added and Benny agreed. Ethan smiled at his friend to which Benny replied
"Ethan, I'm really sorry." Benny said again after a moment of silence, Ethan looked at his friend. "But just so you know that I'm going to be here for you."
"Benny you make it sound like I'm dying." The look on Benny's face made him realise what he had said. "Sorry." Ethan gave Benny a small smile.
Benny returned the smile. "So, vampire training?" Benny asked.
Ethan just groaned.
Authors Note: Well there's chapter two. Not really too happy with this but I wanted to update it. Updates will probably be about once a week depending if I have college assignments or not. I was also thinking about doing another story with just different oneshots about Bethan. So if you guys wanna give me a prompt or something to start it off I'll be gladly to use it. Anyways, hope you guys liked this and if you did please leave a review. Would be much appreciated.