Hello! And Good Morning, Afternoon, Night, whatever time it is! I'm sorry to readers who have been waiting, if there are any, for this story. But nevertheless I'm going to pace myself once more and these chapters won't be late for a while. I do hope my school schedule allows me to do so…But here we go!
Chapter 8 – No Plan Is Needed For Us!
Luffy hopped around in excitement until Ace kept a firm hold on him. The pirates began to slowly climb the slope their new captain following close behind. All three brother's grinned. Sabo held up three fingers and the other two nodded. He counted down slowly, two fingers, then one and once it came down to zero they sprang forth. The pirates yelled in surprise, not expecting an ambush especially with only two teens and a child. Sabo quickly wiped out those in front of him with hard, accurate hits to the head, knocking them out. Ace went a little overboard by actually frying some with his fire abilities. Luffy just went to biting ones head, the man screamed in pain as he tried to pull Luffy off, but his teeth kept a firm grip.
"Luffy don't do that you might get sick!" Sabo yelled, whacking another pirate who tried to come up the slope. Luffy transformed into his smaller form and scratched the man's face till he fled.
"Okay!" He yelled back happily. "Ace! Ace! Let's go for a combo!" Ace smirked as he held up a flaming arm.
"Alright little bro let's see how It goes." Ace agreed. Luffy transformed once more into his larger form which frightened the crew and in his mouth blue flames began to form. "I've been trying to perfect this, but now's not the time to dawdle." Sabo moved out of the way behind his brothers and watched the scene unfold.
"Hiken!*" Ace yelled out as he held his fist forward, a column of fire shot forward towards the enemies and Luffy shot his blue fire right after Ace performed his move.
"Burūfurea!*" Luffy cried out. The blue flame wound its way around Ace's attack making a spiral and it soon caused a huge explosion, creating a big tremor for everyone on the island to feel. "Ace did you see that? Did you see? That was soooo AWSOME!" Luffy roared in triumph. All of the enemies now lay on the ground, burnt and unconscious.
"Kuro isn't going to be happy about this…" Django muttered to himself. "These people are too strong for us…" Zoro appeared from behind some bushes with Nami and Usopp.
"Oh, come on, you guys should've at least saved some of the fun for me…" Zoro grumbled. Nami and Usopp though looked at Luffy gaping.
"S-s-s-s-Sabo w-who's that?" Usopp stuttered while pointing at the roaring Luffy, his legs were shaking violently. Nami hid behind Usopp and narrowed her eyes at an object hanging around the "dragon's" neck. It was an old battered straw hat that looked way similar to the one….Luffy?
"Is that Luffy?" Nami asked cautiously, she knew he had eaten a devil fruit, maybe this was another of his abilities.
"EHHHHH?!" Usopp shrieked. Sabo nodded while stroking Luffy's fur. Ace's narcolepsy kicked in as he fell down onto the floor asleep. The eldest stared with disbelief at the sleeping figure.
"What is the meaning of this?"
Everyone whipped their heads around to look at the source of the voice. The butler walked forward with gloves that had sharp, long blades at the tips of the fingers and crimson blood dripped down from the silver metal. It almost resembled a cat's paw if not for the long blades.
"Hey you're that bad guy!" Luffy snarled. Kuro looked up, unfazed by his size.
"Well look who we have here, the meddlers that stick their noses into other's businesses." He scoffed and pointed a blade at Usopp who yelped in surprise. "And I'll need to make sure to kill you for ruining my eye."
"What, well y-you deserved that y-you s-stupid idiot!" Usopp managed to say while hiding behind Zoro who sweat dropped.
"Getting beaten by some puny kids…" Kuro scowled, looking at the fallen crew. "How disgraceful, you sorry lot don't deserve to be called pirates." Luffy stomped up while craning his neck down to look at Kuro.
"Come and fight me so we can settle this!" He growled lowly. Kuro stepped up, pushing his glasses upwards with the palm of his glove. Luffy changed into his smaller form while getting into a fighting position.
"Very well it seems you want to die first." Kuro then disappeared into thin air as Luffy whipped his head around, confused. Sabo watched closely, seeing a faint blur of black he quickly rushed forward and whacked Kuro away from his brother.
"Watch it where you're trying to aim." Sabo said in a low voice. "If you hit the wrong person, this may just be your graveyard." Usopp aimed a pachinko ball, Zoro drew his swords, Nami got her pole ready, and Ace had flaming fists, apparently he woke up from sensing danger.
"How unfair, it's six against one." Kuro said, a sarcastic tone clear in his voice. He then disappeared again and kicked both Nami and Usopp in the back. "But the thing is, you have a few burdens on your side." Kuro held up his blades, preparing to strike. Luffy changed back and rushed forward, his tail sticking out as he slammed it onto Kuro's back.
"Nice one Luffy…!" Usopp mumbled, his body was trembling all over, from fear and from slight pain, but mostly fear. Nami pushed herself back up and grabbed her pole. Ace rushed forward while trying to land a hit on the previous pirate captain. Kuro quickly regained his balance after Luffy had hit him and dodged all of Ace's punches with his speed.
"Honestly, is that all you got, I thought you would hit me harder than that." Kuro scoffed, still dodging with ease. "As for you, I think you're a little too slow." Ace's eye twitched. This man was mocking him. Luffy jumped into the air while doing a somersault and then aimed a kick at Kuro's head Ace took this as a cue and held another flaming fist while attacking from the front. Kuro easily moved out of the way and Ace's fist collided with Luffy's foot. Luffy hissed in pain slightly as the fire easily burned through his sandals and he quickly fell down blowing on the injury with a small tear. Ace's eyes widened, realizing what he had done as his expression darkened.
"You bastard…!" Ace said in a low voice that would assure pain. Sabo tended to Luffy's wounded foot, it wasn't that bad though, just a light burn and his little brother could already stand just fine, but still it ticked him off.
"Ace let me take care of this one." Sabo declared, standing tall. He slammed his pole on the ground while giving a neutral look to Kuro. "You're opponent is me." Kuro pushed his glasses up while giving a glare.
"I have no time to waste with you fools so I'm just going to get this over with already." He hissed while disappearing again. Sabo closed his eyes and stood still. His ears were straining for any noise to be heard. There was a flash in his head as a picture of Sabo and Kuro appeared. Kuro raised one hand and stabbed Sabo from the side with his blades. The picture dissolved as Sabo dodged Kuro's attack, much to the pirates surprise, and raised his pole as fast as he could, slammed it down on Kuro's head knocking him onto the floor. Kuro coughed up some blood while holding his bloodied head.
'What in the world was that?' Sabo thought as he held the pole with one hand while tipping towards his hat down with the other. Luffy watched his elder brother fight in amazement as he dodged the attack. Nami crouched down and picked up Luffy while staring in awe.
"Wow it was as if he actually predicted that move…" Usopp whispered to himself. Zoro watched with interest as he sat down on the floor with an unreadable expression. Ace stepped back, still pissed off, but he was pleased that Sabo gave a good hard hit.
"Well do you still want to continue..?" Sabo smirked. "You should retreat like the good kitty you are." Kuro scowled as he raised his weapon.
"Mock me will you..?" He rhetorically asked. Sabo stepped forward and went into his fighting stance. The two locked eyes for a few seconds until they charged at one another. A hit to the left, from above, from below, It was a fast battle with both sides blocking each other's attacks. Kuro managed to graze Sabo's cheek with one blade while Sabo's pole brushed against his arm. Sabo jumped back and threw the pole like a boomerang which Kuro easily deflected. But the blond had a few ideas planned up his sleeve as he charged forward and jumped into the air doing a back flip. He caught his pole mid way and hit Kuro's back. Sabo then wasted no time on slamming a fist into his stomach and hitting his head once more for reassurance.
"You lose, too bad, former Captain Kuro." Sabo grinned. "It was an honor to fight you." He tipped his hat while doing a small bow.
"You're way too formal with enemies." Ace scoffed, but he couldn't hide his grin as he walked up holding a hand. Sabo raised his hand as well as both did a high five. "Good work." Usopp made sure that Kuro was unconscious by holding up a small metal hammer.
"USOPP HAMMER!" He yelled out, slamming the hammer down onto Kuro's head. "USOPP HAMMER, USOPP HAMMER, USOPP HAMMER.." Usopp stood up and put a foot on the now beaten, yet barely alive Kuro. "Take that you scoundrel." Luffy ran up and hugged Sabo.
"Wow you were awesome!" He exclaimed in glee. Sabo ruffled his hair.
"Yeah I sure was huh? But I think the battle ended a bit too quickly for my tastes." Zoro stood up.
"Well our business is done here right? We should hurry and leave." He then walked off in a random direction until Nami put a hand on his shoulder.
"Wait just a moment, we still didn't obtain our ship…" She muttered darkly. "Like I said we're being too reckless…" She then had an idea, similar to that of Luffy's. "Or we could just ask that nice girl-"
"Wait didn't you say that we shouldn't ask her before?" Ace pointed out and everyone nodded.
"I didn't finish...What I meant to say was that since we defeated her 'used to be butler' and saved her life at that, I don't think she would mind that much. And plus we can't afford to wait."
"Yeah sure I'll ask her myself while apologizing." Usopp said. "Then maybe everything would be alright." Someone down the slope quietly tiptoed away as the group conversed about what to do. He tipped his hat and dashed off. While two people on the boat shivered in fear.
"Well first off lets clean up this mess, you two on the boat." Ace said in a commanding voice. The two figures looked up, sweat clearly shown on their face. "Take this sorry mess and make sure to never come back! Understood…?" The two nodded furiously while proceeding to pick up the wounded members and their previous captain. They didn't notice the disappearance of one's body as they were too blinded by fear.
"I'm sorry for all the misunderstanding that was caused and I also apologize for any damage we have done." Sabo bowed. Kaya smiled sadly.
"It's not a problem and I should be the one who's apologizing, I was too naïve." She then looked at Usopp with a small cough. "I'm sorry for not trusting you enough, and I'm sorry for your arm." Usopp looked solemnly at the now healed wound.
"Oh this? No problem Kaya! At lease now you're safe and the village believes it was another lie that I told everything is going to be alright now!" He exclaimed in happiness. Kaya smiled. They were all currently walking towards the shore to see their new ship.
"Well here we are." Kaya announced, stopping in her tracks. One of her servants, Meri stood next to a ship. Nami ran up while folding both hands together.
"Wow, a Caravel!" She exclaimed. Luffy immediately jumped on the figure head, a white ram. Zoro smirked, impressed by the new ship they were obtaining. Sabo touched the ship's side.
"It's called the 'Going Merry' she's my pride and joy, but since you saved us, I'm more than happy to give her to you." Meri smiled. "I'm sure she won't mind it."
'Nice to meet you…Merry.' Sabo thought. For a split second, he swore he saw the ships figure head's smile grow bigger. When he blinked, it was normal. "I think something's wrong with me…" He muttered to himself. Sabo jumped on with Ace while Zoro inspected the ship a bit more. Deeming it worthy, Zoro hopped on. Usopp stepped up while smiling.
"You know, it was really nice meeting you, all of you gave me courage and I thank you for that!" He grinned. "Let's meet on the seas again, Luffy! As fellow pirates!" Luffy looked confused while jumping off the figurehead.
"What are you talking about Usopp…I thought you were our comrade already!" Luffy pouted. Everyone smiled.
"That's right so hurry up and get on will ya?" Ace smirked, leaning over the railing. Sabo and Zoro only smiled, watching the recruitment.
"Hurry up or we'll leave you!" Nami smiled warmly. Tears dripped down on the floor as Usopp cried out tears of joy. The group has done something for him…again.
"OKAY THEN I'M GOING TO BE CAPTAIN! REFER TO ME AS CAPTAIN USOPP!" He yelled in joy while jumping on the ship. Luffy slammed his small hands on the railing.
"HELL NO I'M THE CAPTAIN!" Luffy yelled, slamming his hands onto the railing. Everyone laughed at the pouting Luffy, who also eventually joined along the laughter.
"Usopp can you help me?!" Luffy whined desperately. Usopp quickly ran towards the little boy.
"What's wrong?!" He asked in panic. Luffy sniffled as Usopp immediately crouched down.
"I can't draw!" Usopp sighed in relief and softly stroked Luffy's head.
"Okay what is it that you can't draw? Usopp-sama will help you out!" Luffy led Usopp inside the ship towards the dining room, there was a small kitchen and a table along with the steering controller. Luffy held up a pure black flag which had some messy white, yellow, and red paint splattered all over it.
"I wanted to make our pirate flag, but I can't because I can't draw!" Luffy looked down sadly. Usopp then took the flag and examined it, it was pretty well done for a child his age, but still it didn't look right. Usopp then took another spare cloth from the table and grabbed the paint brush Luffy had used while getting to work. After a few good hours, Usopp finally presented the new pirate flag.
"Hey Luffy look at this!" Usopp said proudly. Luffy looked in awe and hugged Usopp tightly. The sniper smiled and hugged Luffy back.
"It looks amazing!" Luffy held the flag up. It was just a plain skull with two crossbones, but atop its head was a straw hat. The boy ran outside on deck and called everyone. "EVERYONE COME LOOK AT THIS!" The whole crew assembled after a few minutes and looked expectantly at Luffy who grinned and showed them the new flag.
"Look it's going to be our Jolly Roger, the Straw Hat Pirates!" Luffy exclaimed, proudly showing the flag. "Usopp made it for us, isn't it amazing!" Usopp puffed out his chest in pride as he grinned.
"Wow it's nicely made…" Nami complimented.
"You have talent Usopp, it's painted on really well." Sabo smiled warmly. Ace put a hand to his chin, as if he were in deep thought.
"But then wouldn't our little brother here get a bounty sooner or later? I mean he always wears his straw hat, since it's his treasure. Not to mention his ears underneath that he can't exactly conceal." Said Ace in concern. Everyone's, except for Luffy's, faces fell. They did not want a bounty being placed on a 10 year old, especially if it's Luffy himself.
"Alright so everyone who's against Luffy obtaining a bounty say 'Aye'." Sabo whispered. A chorus of silent "Aye's" was heard and they all nodded confidently.
"Hey what are you all doing? Is there something wrong with the flag?" Luffy asked, unconsciously using his puppy eyes. The group dispersed and shook their heads.
"Oh, then let's go put these up!" The small boy exclaimed with glee.
"Luffy, listen whenever there's a fight going on hide yourself, do you understand?" Ace said in a calm and slow voice. Luffy's eyes widened in shock.
"But Ace I want to fight too!" He whined. "It's not fair when you get to hog all the fun by yourself. Plus I'm a pirate! I have every right to fight with you too."
"Okay listen Luffy, we don't want you to be found out especially you getting a bounty, the marines will try and catch you without fail, no matter if you're a child or not. Depending on how dangerous you are, no matter the age, they would still either throw you in jail, or even worse…" Ace swallowed, "…kill you." Luffy's eyes narrowed.
"So what, then I won't get caught!" He yelled with determination. Nami decided to step up this time and try to convince him.
"Listen Luffy, you have a few options to do this, either take that straw hat off, cover it up, or stay as a…a…mysterious captain." She finally said. Luffy's eyes sparkled at the mention of "mysterious captain".
"But still….I don't want to take Shanks's hat off!" Luffy pouted and then went into a thinking position as his face turned red.
"Okay then what about covering your hat up with a cloth?" Usopp repeated Nami's second suggestion. Luffy thought about this and finally nodded.
"So then now I can fight?" He asked hopefully. Everyone nodded in unison and he smiled. "Okay then I'm going to go put these flags up!" Right when he said that Luffy climbed up the mast and tied the flag on the top. Sabo placed the second flag carefully while Usopp got to work on painting the sail. The ship was finally finished once Usopp painted the finishing touches.
"Now the Going Merry is complete!" Luffy yelled in joy. Nami walked up and tapped Luffy lightly on the shoulder.
"Alright so now were going to have to make this clear to you, so firstly you can wear your hat off and on when you're on this ship, you don't have to cover it up." Luffy nodded. "Second, if marines or pirates, whatever vessel that comes towards us you make sure to cover up your hat." He nodded once more. "And lastly if we arrive at a town or island stick with at least one of us and cover your hat once more."
"Roger!" Luffy grinned. Sabo highly doubted his younger brother would ever remember those rules. Ace fell onto the deck, his stomach growling.
"I'm hungry…Luffy we really need to get a cook on this ship, as well as a good food supply..." Luffy made an "O" with his mouth.
"Oh hey you're right! We also need a musician!"
"What's the use of a musician…?" Usopp asked.
"Well pirates sing, and when they sing they need a musician!" Luffy declared. "So having a musician is important!"
"No, no…" Everyone thought together. Luffy then rushed off towards the cannon that was on the ship. He looked around for a target, finding a rock he aimed and tried to shoot it down. After a few shots, Luffy gave up and Usopp came over again.
"Watch the great sniper shoot down that rock!" Usopp declared with a glint in his eye. He aimed the cannon carefully and then shot the rock down, straight from the middle.
"Wow that was amazing aim!" Sabo came from behind the two. Usopp jumped in surprise. "You should be our sharp shooter from now on."
"Wow one shot!" Usopp thought, he then nodded to Sabo's offer as he grinned. But that glory was short lived as a figure quickly jumped off the rock and swam towards the boat. He silently got on while raising a sword behind Sabo. Luffy's ears swiveled forward and quickly reacted by jumping over Sabo, pinning the man down on all fours. Luffy hissed in warning as the man gave a short yell in surprise. Everyone ran towards the source of the noise while looking at the soaked and strange man.
"Johnny?" Zoro's eyes widened in realization. Johnny looked over, still pinned down, and yelled in delight.
"Zoro-aniki!" Johnny said scrambling away from Luffy while clinging onto Zoro's white shirt. "Yosaku is…Yosaku is…!"
"You're such an idiot you know that!" Nami scoffed. Luffy and Ace were currently pushing a barrel full of limes inside Yosaku's mouth. "He only has scurvy, he'll probably get better in a few days."
"IS THAT TRUE, SEMPAI?!" Johnny cried. Nami only nodded and Sabo explained.
"The thing is, long time ago people used to die from scurvy, basically scurvy is a lack of vitamin C, the ships back then didn't store any kinds of fruits or vegetables on board."
"Ace, Luffy, I think that's enough limes…" Usopp muttered. Yosaku had his mouth stuffed with limes and the two continued stuffing more. "Oh, forget it's no use getting through those thick heads of yours."
"Nami you're really smart!" Ace complimented.
"Yeah you're a great doctor!" Luffy grinned while stuffing another lime.
"IF YOU GUYS WANT TO BECOME PIRATES THEN LEARN THESE SIMPLE THINGS!" Nami yelled in irritation. Yosaku woke up and jumped in the air in joy.
"SCURVY DOESN'T HEAL THAT FAST! " Both Nami and Sabo yelled. Both stopped bouncing around and took poses.
"Sorry let us introduce ourselves, my name is Johnny and this is-"
"Yosaku, we're bounty hunters, we used to be on the same level as Zoro-Aniki, nice to meet you all." Yosaku then bowed. "Thank you for saving my life, I have no idea how to repay you, but I will somehow!"
"But it's kind of unbelievable that Zoro-Aniki has become a pirate…" Johnny commented. Zoro only pointed a thumb at the three brothers who smiled in return. Yosaku then smiled, but he coughed up blood as he fell onto the deck.
"YOSAKU!" Johnny yelled, crying.
"Let this be a good lesson to you all…" Nami said dully.
"If we didn't find them on time, that guy would be dead by now." Usopp sighed. "So which means we would need a good chef to make sure everyone gets what nutrition's they need."
"Okay then let's go get ourselves a chef!" Luffy grinned, currently perched atop Ace's head.
"Oh if you need a chef then I recommend this place, it would take around two to three days, and I don't guarantee someone will join you, but it's worth a shot." Johnny said. "And I also heard that Dracule Mihawk is heading there, since it's pretty close to the Grand Line." Zoro's eyes had a gleam of excitement once that name was mentioned.
"Okay then let's go!" Luffy cried out, putting his arms in the air.
"WE'VE ARRIVED AT THE RESTAURANT!" Johnny informed. Everyone came on deck, Luffy sitting on the figure head. Sabo covered his straw hat carefully with some blue cloth that he found.
"Wow a big fish!" Luffy said in awe. "MEEEEAAAAT!" Nami looked at the strange restaurant as Zoro fingered his swords in anticipation. The Going Merry docked next to a marine ship while tying the sails and dropping the anchor.
"We need to be careful…there's a marine ship so which means a marine is probably in that restaurant." Nami said, pointing at the ship. Right when she said that a man was kicked out. The same man quickly scrambled towards his marine ship and quickly sailed away. The crew was still processing what had happened in their heads.
"What a scary restaurant…" Said Usopp, effectively breaking the silence. The three brothers then wasted no time at going inside as Luffy barged in first. All the customers paused their meal for a few seconds, looking at the people who entered and went back to eating.
"Look, an empty table over there!" Luffy pointed at a spare table with a few chairs, enough for the crew themselves and the small boy grabbed his brother's hands, dragging them to the table. "Stay here okay? I'm going to go get Zoro and the others." Luffy said with a failed serious face, his features were just too…childish for that. Ace chuckled and nodded while Sabo began to relax. Luffy ran out and cries of protests were heard as he dragged the rest of the crew, leaving Johnny and Yosaku to guard the ship in the meantime. Once they were all seated a waiter gave them menus and they picked what they each wanted to eat. A different waiter came and took their orders. He had short blond hair that was covering one of his eyes. The outfit he was wearing was a black suit and what looked the strangest on his features was that he had curly eyebrows.
"Curly brows!" Luffy cried out in glee and the waiter's eye twitched before setting down some water.
"I have a proper name you know and it's Sanji, not 'Curly brows'." Sanji then looked around the table and when he saw Nami, people could've sworn that hearts were flying around him. The waiter then spinned over to Nami while holding her hand gently. "It's a pleasure to meet you mademoiselle, would you like anything special to eat?" Nami looked surprised for a second before smiling a fake sweet smile.
"I would like this parfait, but it's a bit too expensive…" She said while stroking Sanji's chin effectively making him fall into her trap.
"But of course, I can always make it for you especially for free." Sanji crooned and then turned to the rest of the males at the table with a dull look. "You guys have to pay." Usopp spat his water out and pointed at Sanji with a vein popping out from his forehead.
"What the hell does that mean?! So you only let women get the free things while we pay?!"
"That's exactly it."
"YOU SERIOUS?!" Ace only laughed while nodding at Sanji.
"Of course we can pay, so now can we order the whole menu about…let's say five times the amount please?" Sanji looked dumbfounded, not only him, but the rest of the crew excluding Sabo and Luffy. "What? Is it that strange?" Usopp gave a look of disbelief.
"Yeah I apologize for their monstrous appetite, but I do have the money for it so can we please get the food right away before Ace starts to eat the table itself?" Sabo smiled.
"Hey!" Ace scowled while hitting Sabo lightly on the head. Sanji just nodded and walked away, hands in pockets. Once the food was served, Ace and Luffy wasted no time in digging in. Sabo ate in a more calm manner along with the others. After a few moments of eating, the door to the restaurant was barged open as an intimidating man walked in slowly. He swayed towards a table and plopped himself down on a chair.
"Food, and make it quick." He ordered.
"Welcome ya bastard." Another waitress gave a rather creepy grin. "Do you have money?"
"No, I don't." He sent a glare towards the man. "Hurry and give me food or else I'll trash this place." The waitress's face darkened and then he slammed the man's face down onto the table.
"Sorry, but no money, no food." His voice deepened in anger. "Now get out before I shoot you with our secret weapon!" The man was effectively kicked out quickly and the people who were eating cheered in delight. That is, all except for one table.
"Who was that guy?" Luffy asked.
"Probably a random rogue." Ace responded through a mouthful of meat. "Well, it doesn't matter, we need to keep heading on course soon."
"As well as recruit a cook." Sabo bit into a piece of meat. "I hope that man will be alright, he looked starved."
"You shouldn't worry about people like him." Nami scoffed. "Since we are pirates, there's no need to feel sorry for others who do things worse than us."
"Yes, but still, dying by hunger isn't a really pleasant way to die." Sabo firmly said. "Maybe we should give him some food."
"Not mine!" Luffy swallowed whatever he had in his mouth at the time. "I don't share my meat, but he can have my veggies!"
"No, that's not necessary." Sanji came out with a plate in hand and walked outside. "I'll be the one to feed him, continue with your meal, guests." Luffy stared at the retreating figure with his coal eyes and something clicked in his head.
"I found our chef!" He cried in happiness.
"Who?" The crew asked at different times. Luffy merely grinned and giggled.
OKAY. THERE. I UPLOADED SOMETHING. LOL. SORRY. I WILL UPLOAD LONGER CHAPTERS. Uuuu please forgive meee IknowsomeofyoumayhavegivenuponmebutnowI'mbackI'mnotdeadforgiveepleaseeeeeeIbegforforgiveness. -bows- BUT SORRY. REALLY. TRULY. AANND ALSO SORRY IF THIS CHAPTER WAS WEIRD. AHEM. Hope you enjoyed!