Wow! I love you guys so much! Thank you for all the feedback, it's absolutely amazing.

Chapter 2

"Why is the hospital calling Spencer, guys?" Toby asked, worried for her. "I hope she doesn't have... some problem with her. What if she's really sick or something?"

"As cute as your concern for her is, it's probably something stupid," Hanna responded, rolling her eyes. "She probably has questions about her menstrual cycle or something."

"Whoa there, Hanna!" Aria said, stopping her. "You could have said something simple like the flu."

"No one calls the doctor for the flu. Besides, she wouldn't be so embarrassed if it was the flu, either," Hanna explained. "I'm sure it's all about her womanly health."


"Hey there."

"Oh, hey, handsome," Spencer said lazily, rolling over to face him.

"I've been missing you," he said, sighing. "You've been absent all week. I really need some one on one time with you." He chuckled, and made his way over to her bed. She didn't look well, and he could tell, but he didn't really know what to say.

Instead, he leaned closer and kissed her lips in a heated way. She tried to return in, her hands running up his chest as they kissed. He started to toy with the hem of her shirt, desiring to pull it right off of her body, but she pulled back and stopped him from doing so.

"What's wrong, Spence?" he asked, his blue eyes looking at her with full concern.

"Nothing's wrong," she told him, shaking her head. "I'm just... Now's just not the time for me to have sex, okay?"

He nodded his head and said, "Yeah, I got it. Is everything okay, though?"

She chuckled and said, "Trust me, I'm fine. It's just lady problems. Should I make you a schedule for the week of every month that we can't hook up?"

"I know you're kidding, but that would actually be pretty damn helpful," he said, smiling at her. They both laughed together in sync. "Then I won't have to go through this awkward situation. Next time, I'll just start out by asking 'is it that time of the month?'."

"You're just so charming, Toby," she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Snapping out of his flashback, Toby said, "No, it couldn't have been about her period. It was perfectly fine. She has it during the first week of every month, and I remember, she was on it, and it seemed fine."

Hanna raised an eyebrow and asked, "I didn't mean it was for sure her period, I was just giving an example of something personal." She paused for a moment and looked over at him to ask, "Uh, since when did you keep up with all things Spencer's lady problems?"

He realized where he slipped up, and desperately tried to think of a cover up, but it was no use. He didn't have an excuse to get out of it.

"Never mind," Hanna said, rolling her eyes. "I forgot that you two had that thing going on... or whatever you guys pretend it is."

"What are you talking about?" Toby said, nervously.

"Oh, come on!" Hanna said, laughing bitterly. "You think nobody noticed how much time you spent with her. You two spend more time together than an actual couple. We all saw what was going on."

"We're just friends, Hanna," Toby quietly said. "I don't need your mind making things up about Spencer and I. We are just friends, and that's all we will ever be! I have a girlfriend, and I really like her."

"That slut Serena who wears shirts lower than I do?" Hanna scoffed.

He sighed and said, "Her name is Selena, and she isn't a slut. She's a nice, strong, woman."

"Bet you don't know anything about Selena's menstrual cycle, so why do you know so much about Spencer's?" Hanna challenged, raising an eyebrow.

Emily, who had been rather quiet during their battle, finally spoke up, "Hanna, would you just drop it? As weird as it is for him to know about her period, we shouldn't be invading on his personal life. If he's happy with a new girl, then let him be. We can't speak for him. We don't know how he feels about Spencer."

"Thank you, Em," he said, offering her a smile.

Increasing the awkwardness by one billion was Spencer, returning from the women's restroom. All her friends were looking at her. She groaned, not wanting to deal with that, but she didn't know who else to talk to. She immediately noticed a face that she was somewhat friends with. Paige, Emily's long time girlfriend.

"Paige, hey—" Spencer began, but Hanna grabbed the brunette and yanked her to the table.

"You thought you could just get away from us?" she sair, raising her eyebrows. "Why the hell were you calling the hospital... or why were they calling you?"

"This isn't an interrogation. I don't have to answer any of your questions," Spencer snapped. "We are supposed to be celebrating your engagement, not pinning poor Spencer down. She doesn't like it when you do that to her."

"Stop talking about yourself in third person!" Hanna yelled. "The toast is over, Caleb's mingling with some friends, and the rest of us are all worried about you, so I think we have time for this interrogation. We care about you! We just want to make sure you're okay."

"Well, I'm okay, and that call concerns you in no way, so I don't think I need to tell you anything," Spencer defended herself. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get some more champagne."

The brunette excused herself from the table and went to the minibar. The hired bartender poured her champagne order and slid it over to her. When she turned around from the minibar, she bumped into a hard chest wearing a black tuxedo. She backed up, startled.

"Toby..." she mumbled. "What the hell do you want?"

"I'm worried about you, and I miss you, and I miss us," he said quietly, holding a margarita in his hand.

"There's no us, there never was," she said, shaking her head. "Having sex doesn't mean we had a relationship. The only relationship there is... is the one between you and that skank ass Selena girl who has been grinding on several men all night long!"

"Hey, don't drag her into this!" Toby cried. "Spencer... are you jealous?"

"No, I already told you that I'm not, so would you just back off?" she snapped.

"Okay, fine. I'll back off. But if you ever need something, or someone, please, call me," he said, sighing. "Just because you've stopped caring about me... doesn't mean I've stopped caring about you."

With that, he walked back to the engagement party and conversed with the other guests.

Moving on was not what Spencer had intended to attempt. Not with the baby. She didn't want to start looking for another guy, as much as she wanted to learn to accept the fact that Toby and Selena were together. She needed to abort the baby, and she would get it done soon. It was cheesy, how all those people in TV shows who got pregnant at sixteen, never aborted the baby. It was an easy way out. And she did not want to tell Toby that she was having his baby. Knowing Toby, she knew he would probably break up with Selena or give everything he had to support the baby, and Spencer just didn't want to ruin that for him.

Having a sexual relationship with Toby (strictly sexual) did prohibit her from seeing other guys. Throughout their whole scandalous relationship, she hadn't flirted or went out with other guys. She never paid attention to anyone else! She was physically in a relationship, even though it wasn't a real relationship.

Little did she know, she would be able to rebound super easily thanks to one trip to a little coffee shop. Bumping into a chiseled and muscular young man, she looked up. He was a high school friend, too. Andrew Campbell. It was easy to connect with someone so intellectual, handsome, and successful. He was a dream. And as much as she didn't want to start trying to move on just yet, she knew she had to. Or else she would keep being jealous of Selena and Toby, and just complicate his world.

"Thanks for having coffee with me, Spencer," Andrew said, offering her a sweet smile. "I had a lot of fun. It was good to catch up with you, since it's been so long. Those old decathlon days..." He chuckled a little bit before continuing, "I wouldn't like the fun to end here. Maybe we could pick this up again. Maybe you would like to come to dinner with me this weekend."

She smiled like an idiot. She hadn't been asked out in forever!

"Of course," she agreed. "I would love to, Andrew. And I agree, this was so much fun. It would be a shame to stop hanging out so soon. I gave you my number earlier, so call me. We should definitely have dinner."

"Great!" Andrew exclaimed, smiling back at her. "I'm so glad you feel the same way as I do. I will definitely call you some time this week. Hopefully dinner will go as well as this coffee thing. Have a lovely day, Spencer. I'll see you soon."

Getting up, Andrew left the coffee shop. The brunette girl sighed happily. Maybe she could move on. She couldn't believe how sweet Andrew was. How had she never noticed him in high school? He revealed how he had a massive crush on her in high school, yet she never noticed him as more than a friend. But now she did.

Stepping into Buccali's, a nice Italian chain restaurant, Andrew Campbell took Spencer Hastings's hand. It was their first date. Both of them were a slight bit nervous, but it was good. A good kind of nervous, if you will.

"Campbell, reservation for two," he said.

"Right this way, please..."

Sitting down across from each other in their booth seats, they both smiled at each other. They were the nervous kinds of smiles, but they were cute.

"You look fantastic tonight, Spencer," he said, biting his lip. "I'm dazzled. Your dress looks magnificent."

"You look great tonight, too," she said, smiling at him. "You really do. I really like your t— Toby?"

The blue eyed carpenter's eyes widened. He didn't expect to see Spencer on a date with some other guy! He wasn't jealous, was he? He couldn't be. He was there with another girl. He was on a date with Selena.

"S-Spencer..." he choked. "Hi, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Hey, babe, I'm back from the bathroom!" Selena exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Toby. "Let's go to our table, sexy..." she purred into his ear, running her hands down his body.

"Um, change of plans. Why don't we sit here with Spencer and her date?" Toby said, smirking. "Double dates are always extremely fun! Come on, Sel, sit down."

Selena was about to sit next to Spencer, but Toby stopped her.

"Oh, no, no, you should sit next to him, I'll sit next to her," he said, and slid next to Spencer. "Wow! Are you guys on a date?"

"Well, we were..." Andrew grumbled, annoyed. "Spencer, is he a friend of yours?"

"Yeah, but I don't know why the hell he's here!" Spencer snapped. "Toby, go away."

"Why?" he asked, smirking. "It'll be more fun this way."

"Fine," she said, sighing.

"Glad you see it my way," Toby said, smiling victoriously.