My JDox Drabble Pot
Disclaimer: I do not own Scrubs. I am merely a fangirl with a Dr Cox fetish. Lol. These are purely for my own enjoyment and hopefully the enjoyment of other fangirl/boys.
A/N: So I decided to give JDox slash a go after a couple of awesome reviews on The Horrible Day of Dr Percival Cox. You know who you are. The first ten are going to be music based i.e the Ipod challenge, cos I've read a few of those over different fandoms and enjoyed them. Each will have a verse of the song at the top and then the drabble. After these ten I will try to take on requests. Other than that I'll just upload things as my muse gives them to me.
I'm missing you so much,
Can't help it I'm in love.
A day without you,
Is like a year without rain
- Selena Gomez, A Year Without Rain
J.D rolled over in bed, the space beside him cold. He sighed tiredly. He missed Perry terribly already and he'd only been gone a day. He felt like even the air was drier with him gone - it was hard to breath. He sat up and got out of bed. He was just being silly, Perry would be back from the medical conference in a few days. He could weather the drought until then,