A few days before the genin exam Naruto invited Sasuke, Hinata, Shino, Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, and Sakura for a training session and to discuss something with them.

All the academy students were all sitting and talking amongst themselves while waiting for Naruto.

Suddenly in a swirl of leaves

"Hey guys sorry I'm late I saw a black cat on the way here so I took the long way here." Naruto said sounding too much like Kakashi.

"Baka! we were waiting for you for 30 minutes why you call us all here anyway." Ino yelled while voicing everyones opinions.

"Well I first wanted to share some information with you all and I think you all will be interested in it." Naruto said

"Just tell us already this is already troublesome listening to Ino talk all day now" Shikamru said lazily

"Alright well first its about the genin exam. After we pass the test there is another test after that one." Naruto said slightly more seriously

"What other test Naruto?" Kiba said really confused

"Well after the test at the academy we have a test from our sensei's. I got this information from Team 9 which consists of Maito Gai, Neji Hyuuga, Ten-Ten, and Rock Lee. Lee told me that out of all the graduating students only 9 of them will pass since it has a 66.66 failure percentage. And Team 9 was the only ones becoming genin that year. I'm telling you all this since I have a good idea on what the teams will be." Stated Naruto

"Well what are they Naruto?" Asked Choji eating some chips

"They will want to recreate the Ino-Shika-Cho formation so there will be a team of Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji." stated Naruto

"Yeah thats why my dad said that I should get along with Shikamaru and Choji better saying I will most likely have to work with them in the future" Ino said

"Yep now I have to work with an annoying blonde how troublesome." Said Shikamaru looking up at the clouds.

"Yep I also overheard that one sensei's going to make a tracking team and it will consist of a Hyuuga a Inuzuka and an Aburame" said Naruto looking at Hinata Kiba and Shino

That's sound plausible It will be Konoha's best interest for a tracking squad. Said Shino

"And we get to find some cool ninja and kick ass" yelled Kiba

"And lastly the 2nd Hokage started a tradition where the top student in the fields and the top rookie in the written portion will be paired with the dead-last forming the attack group. So basically we have the best shot at becoming genin this year" stated Naruto

"What do you mean all of us no one here is dead-last" said Sakura

"Hehe actually I am they take account of all 4 years at the academy and I was dead last for 2 of them and I can't do a basic bunshin so I'm therefore the dead-last with Sasuke and Sakura being the top students." Said Naruto with a sheepish smile on his face

"How troublesome our arguably best classmate and one that even helps us is the dead-last" said Shikamaru

"Yeah, anyway the other reason I called you here is for the test our sensei's are going to give us." Said Naruto

"Well what is it Naruto" asked Sasuke getting a little impatient by taping his foot repeatingly

"I'm getting to that, the Ino-Shika-Cho will probably have something to do with trapping the opponent, while the tracking team is probably going to be an advance version of hide and seek , while my group is going to be more of a survival test like 3 genin vs 1 jonin said Naruto getting a little tired of speaking

"I think we should get used to working in our group so we can have an unfair advantage in our test, so what do you think we should do Shikamaru." Naruto asked him

"Why are you asking me?" Asked Shikamaru

"Well your the best at making plans so I thought I asked you" said Naruto

"Troublesome, well for my group, we will have to try to trap the one holding this red leaf. Pulling out a red leaf out of his pocket. you guys will decide who will get it while we will have to try to find it from the all of you under a time limit. Then Naruto Sakura and Sasuke vs all of us since it will be a survival test for them. And if we have time the tracking team will have to find all of us scattered throughout the village. Before it gets to dark." Shikamaru said while still looking up at the clouds

"That means we have 9 hours till it gets too dark to properly train" Naruto said "so which group wants to go first?"

"How about your group Naruto" asked Hinata acting a little shy especially with the thought of fighting Naruto in her mind.

"Sure, you ready Sasuke? Sakura? "Asked Naruto slipping into his Goken style position

"Of course" said Sasuke and Sakura slipping into the Uchiha and Academy style positions respectively


Choji quickly started it out by using his Human Boulder Jutsu with Naruto and Sasuke jumping out of the way with Sakura still standing in the same position.

Then she did something nobody expected she stood her hand out and stopped Choji completely using to same hand to grab his hair and her other to punch Choji through some trees knocking him unconscious and breaking the tree

"How was that Naruto-kun!?" yelled Sakura with a sweet smile on her face as if she didn't just knock out a four hundred pound human boulder with a singl.

Naruto just giving a sheepish thumbs up. While Sasuke could only grin and shake his head. Then Naruto and Sasuke regrouped with Sakura quickly With Naruto explaining their plan.

"Okay my plan were to take out the biggest threat. We are all close range fighters with me and Sasuke and me knowing some Mid-range jutsus. So should we go for Shikamaru first since if he gets a plan fast enough we will really be in trouble? Or should we go for Kiba since he is very fast and strong plus with Akamaru it will be from 3 on 1 to 3 on 2 which doesn't help." Naruto said

"Lets go for Kiba first it will be beneficial to take out their heavy hitters like I just did." stated Sakura looking over in Choji's direction

"Alright lets go for Kiba." Naruto said I hope Shikamaru's not one step ahead of me

Naruto Sakura Sasuke (Team 7)vs. Kiba Akamaru Hinata Shino (Team 8)

"Incoming!" Hinata called out with her Byakugan active

"Alright its time for my rematch!" Kiba yelled with him and Akamaru in the ready position

Naruto Sakura and Sasuke landed

"Damn it! They are all here this will take longer Naruto said getting ready with a frown on his face

"Whats wrong, so there all here big deal we can take them" Sasuke said confidently with a smirk on his face.

"That's not the issue they weren't together at first that means they already know we will attack in a group, meaning we are in a trap" said Naruto preparing some hand signs

"No worries we'll have to take them out before Shikamaru and Ino get here. Sasuke! Maneuver 7" called Sakura

Sakura ran towards the other group stopping a good 15 feet away, stopping and turning hands out, with Sasuke running towards her using Sakura hands as a springboard lifting him up about 40 feet in the air with him forming hand signs. (Young Justice Maneuver 7)

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu" called Sasuke with a continuous stream flaming down towards the tracking team ,

"Eight Trigrams Palm Rotation" called Hinata with a huge dome surrounding her friends.

"Sorry guys I used too much chakra Hinata said as she was knocked unconscious by Sakura quickly

Shino was taken out by the heat of the dome causing him to faint from the humidity. Leaving Kiba and Akamaru

"Na-Ru-To Uzumaki Barrage" and then Kiba was taken out as well as Sakura effectively knocking out Akamaru

"Who's Next!?" Sasuke called out feeling pumped and excited. No one but his friends would guess that the calm headed Sasuke was a serious battle freak who loved to spar more than almost anyone else.

With this it was down to Naruto sasuke and sakura (team seven) vs ino and shikamaru (team 10)

Shikimaru new he and ino where at a disadvantage without choji and all tree of team seven ready to fight luckily he had come up with a plan to capture the team and use their strength against them.

"Ino now." Shikamaru said calmly as ino put her hands up for the mind disturbance jutsu, though before she could use it the opposing team quickly jumped separating themselves and as soon as they did ino changed to another hand sign directed at sakura.

"Mind transfer jutsu" ino said as her body feel limp.

Sakura knowing what the jutsu is and what it does simply used her chakra to cling to a tree jumping off and avoiding the forward blast of her friends soul that would've taken over her body.

As Naruto looked at what happened he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable 'that all seemed way too luck dependent for one of Shikamaru's plan even picking off sakura because she is the slowest of the team is still too big a risk especially since it would leave ino defenseless well all that considered if the three of us come at shika with a combination attack whatever he's planning won't matter." With those thoughts in mind naruto gave the signal and his teammates joined him for a synchronized taijutsu assault on Shikamararu.

As they were coming in for their attack the believed to be unconscious body of ino smirked as she threw a flash bomb into their path as soon as it went off shikimaru smirked with success as a shadow extended from under him and connected to the shadow of the stunned members of team seven leaving them all unable to move.

"shadow possession jutsu complete, nice work ino." Shikamaru stated as ino stood.

"So you were faking it the whole time..." sakura stated feeling stupid for not suspecting something though she had Ino did hide her body movements perfectly.

Ino put a thumbs up "yup it was a part of shika's plan if we got you to believe that I was trying to hit you with my jutsu you would scatter even for a moment then he knew if you thought the plan was to pick off one of you for my mind transfer jutsu you would attack as soon as it looked like I falled so subtly prepared my hidden weapons one of which being the flash bomb to captur the other one is just in case." She says pulling out a kunai with a purple ball attached to a string at the end.

"Honestly Naruto you should've anticipated a trap like that im honestly a little disappointed though it makes it less troublesome." Shika said relaxing his guard. "Guess this is checkmate"

Naruto then smiles "I did anticipate a trap" with that Naruto vanished in a puff of smoke revealing he is a shadow clone when suddenly the real Naruto appears behind him "that's why during the flash I made a shadow clone a shunshined out of there then I waited to see if you had anything else." With that Naruto built up chackra "water style…"

As Naruto was talking ino quickly performed a mind transfer jutsu to protect shikamaru. As soon as it hit "yes it worked but something feels wrong" as ino said that Naruto fell apart into a puddle of water leaving an unconciouss ino.

"Dang a water clone then where is the real Naruto." Shikamaru began looking, thinking, calculating all potential moves though he knew Naruto was a wild card and he could only hold the position for maybe another 5 minutes on these two and that was assuming no disturbances happened."

As shika was thinking suddenly from below the ground Naruto came up "earth style headhuntr jutsu." But instead of attacking shikamaru he came up where his shadow was extended the hole formed severing the connection between his shadow and sasuke and sakura.

Shikmaru raised his hand in defeat knowing that the three of them against him wasn't a fight just a beat down. "I'm out too troublesome" Shikamaru states helping up choji to pick up ino's still unconscious body and handing food pills to the member of team 8.

"Alright so now shikamaru it's your teams turn" Naruto stated.