after a talk with turbo ace I was given permission to adopt this story since he was on hiatus I intend to hold the same concept as him just with some detail adjustments of previous chapter. I hope you enjoy and I hope to do the story justice.

"Whats taking Kakashi so long?" said a Kunoichi wearing a standard chunin flak jacket with red shinobi pants

"Yeah I agree with Kurenai this is such a drag" said the shinobi with a cigarette in his mouth obviously tired of waiting

"No need to worry too much Asuma he will be here. He may be late but he always shows up. "S0aid the bandana wearing shinobi with a sword on his back

"Hay0ate is right no need to sweat it my eternal rival will not be late to a spar amongst comrades" said the man with green spandex with very big eyebrows

Hearing this Naruto thought this would be a good idea to observe real shinobi combat. He quickly made his way to the nearest tree and proceeded to climb up it to get a view without being seen.

Soon after a shinobi with silver hair with a mask reading an orange book showed up.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late I found something on the way here and I had to stop to see what it was up to" said the man known as Kakashi eye smiled with a noticeable glance towards the tree containing Naruto, all of the leaf shinobi noticed what Kakashi was talking about now with nod from each of them. "Well lets get a good workout before going to see what that is now alright"

Naruto not hearing what they were saying was getting restless ready to see shinobi.

After a quick warmup with the exercise last out of the circle wins it was down to Gai and Kakashi. Naruto saw so many things the academy is not teachings with Ninjutsu such as the phoenix flower jutsu or Kenjustu like the Crescent moon dance and some incredible Taijutsu the Gai guy was using. 'This was what it was to be a real ninja' Naruto thought to himself watching the jonin do battle. It was nothing like the sparring sessions at the academy it was a series of jutsu and high speed attacks. The intense battle with Kakashi saying he gives the match to Gai saying he needs to check something, the other shinobi nodding in understanding all disappeared in a shunshin jutsu. With Naruto wondering what where they went he was quickly answered when the 5 shinobi quickly appeared near him on several branches. Almost immediately Naruto fell with sudden surprise of the 5 shinobi. Almost immediately after Asuma caught him while standing on the tree trunk to Naruto defying gravity.

Naruto then preceded to say how sorry he was for spying on their training. With Gai saying it's no trouble at all.

" Now tell what is your name kid" asked Asuma

"My name is Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki the next hokage-ttebayo."

With a slight chuckle Kurenai asks "then you must be at the academy right Naruto-kun" Naruto just nodded.

"Then you must be the rookie of the year right Naruto-kun?" asked Kurenai

Naruto couldn't help but feel embarrassed having to answer this "actually im the dead last right now, but it's not my fault I don't have friends or family to help me learn, and I don't get the lectures but nobody will help me I'm just not good at book work.

After hearing that the 3 Jonin and 2 tokubetsu jonin decided to give Naruto something to help him the academy and some friendly advice. "ninjas don't make excuses they make solutions."

Hayate gave him a new outfit saying that orange could get him killed before he even becomes a ninja stating it's a huge target. The outfit contain black shinobi pants with a regular black shinobi long sleeve shirt that had leafs floating around on his shirt with regular shinobi sandals.

Kurenai gave a scroll of multiple chakra control exercises which contained more advanced ones such as the tree walking and the water walking exercise.

Kakashi gave him some books saying if he gets bored during the lectures to read these instead they contain multiple strategy guides from Konoha, stealth exercises, a Bingo Book, and even a book called Tale of a Gutsy Ninja with Kakashi stating that he would like the main character since his name is Naruto as well. Naruto couldn't help but smile broadly at that.

Asuma Gave him a scroll of 8 techniques that contained Fire Style: ash pile burning, Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu , Water Style: Wild Water Wave, Lightning Style: Shadow Clone Jutsu , Wind Style: Gale Palm , Ninja Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu ,Shadow Clone Jutsu and the Transparency Jutsu. With Asuma saying that these with the Academy Jutsu you will already be a dangerous foe in the future.

And Lastly Gai gave him a green jumpsuit similar to his but smaller stating all the good uses, with Naruto accepting since he needs more clothes and he offered Naruto Taijutsu lessons after the academy to head down to Training Ground 9 for lessons in the Goken (haven't met Lee yet)

When Naruto got home he immediately went to work going over the scrolls he had gotten excited to have such cool stuff to work with. After a few hours he mastered the shadow clone jutsu and with the instructions in the scroll new he could use his clones to save information so he had them all reading the scrolls.

The one thing he didn't have the clones read was the book tales of a gutsy shinobi he personally wanted to read that. It only took the first chapter but he was hooked. The main character was exactly what he had always wanted to be in life, and now with this stuff and hard work he could be a great ninja like in the story.

With this Naruto was Determine to make his own style. The Leaf style.