Erza Scarlet Vs. Undyne

There's an old saying: courtesy is a lady's armour. But these two ladies take this saying literally by donning armour and don't have a lot of courtesy! These powerful divas have solved many problems with their blades and if that didn't solve it, they would use more blades to solve it. Erza Scarlet, the Fairy Queen from Fairy Tail and Undyne, the Captain of the Royal Guards from Undertale! It's my job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!

In the not so distant past, an evil cult dedicated to the dark mage Zeref attempted to build the R-System, a tower that would try and resurrect their idol. They used slaves mostly of young children to see this goal through. One of these children was Erza Scarlet. Erza came from Rosemary Village when she was kidnapped and forced to work on the evil tower, and although she was beaten to the point her left eye was damaged, she ventured on. But what would any other 9 year old girl do? That's right! She led a rebellion against those sons o' bitches! Though only a small girl at the time, Erza was successful in freeing the slaves and found freedom at last. Her first act of freedom: join the Mage Guild Fairy Tail where her strength grew to an S-Class Mage, rocking magic armour and swords and earning her the nickname "Titania".

Erza has a lot of weapons and armour at her disposal, but unlike most traditional RPGs, she doesn't use hammer space to store them, but instead calls upon them with her magic. Erza has "The Knight" magic, a class of spells which allows her to use the traditional Ex-Quip magic to summon her weapons and armour almost instantly and without having to put on all the individual parts as well. Each time Erza uses this magic, it steadily depletes her magic power; every Mage has a set container of magic that allows them to perform spells and magic; if their magic is nearing full depletion, their stamina will decrease and if fully empty, they will be close to death. Their magic does restore over a period of time, but in the heat of battle, that can be tricky. How much magic can Erza use? Early on in the series, during the battle against Laxus, Erza is seen being able to summon up to 200 different weapons at once before growing tired. But as the series has gone on, Erza has grown stronger and has unlocked Second Origin; thanks to Ultear Milkovich, Erza has a second container of magic, effectively doubling her magic potency, so she can summon anywhere between 600 and 800 weapons before growing tired.

Erza's power mainly comes from her armour, each one she wears grants her a special ability that gives her an edge in combat. Normally she wears the Heart Kreuz armour, a regular armour with no abilities. Her Heaven's Wheel armour allows her to wield as many swords as her magic can allow, carrying them with her magic, she mainly used this armour to take out a large number of foes at once, with attacks like Circle Sword, spinning her blades in a circle that takes out her opponents. Her Black Wing armour increases her attack power with every successful hit on the opponent, being able to bring down the demon Lullaby like it was nothing thanks to it. Her Adamantine Armour can protect against almost any attack with dual shields: it defended against the Jupiter Cannon, an attack so devastating, it could take out the large town of Magnolia in a single blast; Erza's armour defended against it, but left her weakened. Her Flight Armour, contrary to what it sounds like, gives her the power of extreme speed, being able to move at hypersonic speeds, being able to keep up with Racer, despite his slowing magic. She also has a collection of Empress Armours for each element: Fire, Water, Lightning and so on, these reduce damage from the respective element she wears while the weapon generates that element, fire damage will be halved if she wears the Flame Empress Armour while doing fire damage with the sword, while water damage will be halved while wearing Sea Empress Armour while doing water damage with its sword and so on. Her Giant Armour augments her throwing range and combined with a rocket spear and Natsu Dragneel's Fire magic, aimed to destroy the moon with it...Though we never actually get to see if it worked or not. Her Nakagami Armour allows her to cancel out any magic and use a spear that could cut through Space itself against Minerva's spatial magic, though at the cost of tremendous magic power. And lastly, by wearing just a regular breast band and flame patterned pants, Erza can pour all her attack force into one devastating attack at the cost of her defences.

In reality, Erza has an infinite number of armour for any number of enemy she faces: her Robe of Yuen, a seemingly regular set of robes, was able to counter Midnight's reflective magic; her Wind God Armour was able to overcome Ajeel's superior sand magic, and even has a sexy armour she calls Seduction Armour! Regardless of the problem she finds herself in, Erza will have an armour that will get her out of it.

During her slave youth, Erza's eye was permanently damaged, but thanks to the medical Mage, Porylusca, she was fitted with an artificial eye. Although nobody saw it at the time, it has a special ability to resist any sight-based magic, including Evergreen's Medusa-style magic, Nightmare's Illusions and beat Kyoka's sense-robbing curses. Wait a minute! I thought she overcame that because "She was Erza"?


Erza's artificial eye stops any magic from affecting her body, although it was her eye that was immune, she stopped Evergreen's petrification magic completely, the same thing happened with Kyoka, if any magic affects her eyes then she cancels all the magic completely, that's why she was able to defeat Kyoka, and not some soppy bullsh*t reason like that!

Erza's attack strength and swordsmanship is also a force to be reckoned with, her attacks are capable of wiping out large numbers of enemies at once, destroy a large town and as previously mentioned, space itself. Erza is also known to be a heavy lifter, as we saw on her first appearance, she can carry a giant ornament ten times her size with no effort at all. She has mastery over a large number of weapons, including swords, dual knives, war hammers, spears, bow and arrows and shields. What's even more impressive is that she is not only ambidextrous on both hands, but also feet as well, able to wield four swords on her hands and feet to repel Evergreen's Leprechaun rain shower effortlessly.

Erza is one tenacious fighter, her stamina is one that refuses to go out without one hell of a fight, even when running low on magic, she still took on the demon Lullaby along with Natsu and Gray; fought a life and death battle against Azuma and then went on to fight Hades immediately afterwards; fought a death match against both Kagura and Minerva and still had enough juice to fight a mini-dragon army and was tortured for hours at the hands of Kyoka, but fought afterwards like nothing happened. Erza has been cut, blasted and punched to oblivion but has still came out on top.

Erza is a very battle driven Mage that will do whatever it takes to both win the fight and protect her friends; she can be incredibly intimidating to those she sees as enemies, as well as allies if they cross the wrong string, although she can be a bit of a sucker for both cute things and cake. And by Jove, you don't want to come between her and cake, if you know what's good for you! Erza has overcome many challenges and hardships and has risen above and beyond them all. Her armours create the perfect defence while her peerless swordsmanship provides the perfect offence. She is Erza Scarlet and she is suited for battle!

Deep in the underground where monsters roam, a hero dwells. She fills the monsters with hopes and dreams, they look to her with pride, even if she does look like a fish, she is the Undying Heroine, Undyne.

When she challenged King Asgore to a fight as a child, the goat-like King took an interest in her and began to train her how to fight, eventually becoming the captain of the Royal Guard, now teaching her own pupils how to fight and cook...If you get over how bad she is at cooking. Although it's when humans arrive from the over world when Undyne brings her A-game.

Undyne is regarded as the strongest monster in the underground and with good reason. Undyne wears a large suit of armour that protects her from most harm, along with giving her a menacing look. This armour can withstand several attacks from the main character, even when going all out. She has the special ability of producing a near endless amount of energy spears from thin air and on surfaces like floors and walls. These spears pack a punch as only a few hits can kill the main character during a pacifist route of the game. She can command these spears to attack either in four directions, forward, backwards, left or right, or in all directions at once. Along with this, she can even redirect spears to fire in one direction and coil around the target to hit them from behind, with the only clue to this being their colour, which is yellow as opposed to white. As she is now, her armour can deflect most attacks, skewer enemies with powerful energy generated spears and can take powerful strikes before going down. In one of the flavour texts during her battle with the main character, she can even suplex a boulder just because she can. Assuming the boulder has an average volume of 64 cubic feet, which is 4 foot in width, breadth and height, it can weigh over five tonnes, and Undyne lifts and suplexes it like it's nothing.

However, the true power of Undyne comes from her Determination. Aww, that's sweet, so the power was in her all along, right? Err, sort of. Determination in the Undertale universe is a kind of performance enhancing steroid that any one, both humans and monsters can produce; anyone with Determination can live longer, have stronger attacks, take more hits and so on. But while humans can produce infinite amounts of it, giving them the power to accomplish anything they set their mind to, monsters cannot and if they do have any Determination, they begin to melt and in worst cases, die. This is no exception to Undyne, when she has overwhelming amounts of Determination, she will melt and die as seen in her neutral playthrough. However, if Undyne has a powerful desire to fight on, even when death is calling for her, she will overcome the fatal side effects Determination has on monsters and weaponize it. From there, Undyne will achieve her final and strongest form: Undyne the Undying.

In this mode, Undyne's attack, defence, speed, endurance and magnitude of attacks have increased many fold. In the pacifist route, it took the main character, Frisk, several hits each doing around 90 damage, but in the genocide route, it did well over 20,000 in Undyne's normal form, killing her instantly, but after gaining Determination, Undyne was able to reduce the damage to around 1500, increasing her defence by 15 times, while increasing her maximum vitality twenty times what it would normally take to kill her. It sounds like complete math, but let's put it into perspective: one of Frisk's attacks in the Genocide route could bring down a moving airplane, the enemy Tsunderplane in just one swing of their weapon, along with ending the world in a single strike; Undyne resisted about 10 to 15 of those swings before dying of her injuries. Heh, so much for Undying, huh? Her attack is buffed considerably, able to kill Frisk in as little as five hits, whereas the Tsunderplane enemy had to do around fifteen hits to bring Frisk down, meaning that one of Undyne's spears have the force of three airplanes crashing into you. That's one powerful spear! Along with this dramatic increase in power, the speed and amount of spears Undyne can conjure has increased as well; in the neutral route, her spears would go at a fast enough pace, while keeping as little as fifteen spears generated at one time, but with Determination, Undyne can blast her spears at blinding speeds and can summon more than two hundred at once, seen during her most powerful attack, surrounding Frisk in a barrage of spears and unleashing them all at once in formations of six. And assuming Undyne's lifting strength is increased as well, that would mean she can lift way more than a petty boulder; if Undyne's multiplier when filled with Determination is 15 times her normal strength, then Undyne can lift a whopping 75 tons which is the weight of a humpback whale. Truly, Undyne is at her peak while under Determination's effects.

All that said, Undyne also has her weaknesses: being a fish, she can't survive in hot conditions, prolonged heat exposure will incapacitate her until she is revived with water. Also her armour is very heavy, during her maximum speed, she was only just able to keep up with a child Frisk, who would realistically be much slower than a running adult. But as Undyne's main offences come close to mid range combat, as long as her opponent doesn't go long range or flees, it shouldn't be a problem.

Undyne is a calm and composed soldier during times of battle, but once Undyne gets in the swing of battle, her true character is revealed, going completely berserk, attacking anything in a wild bloodlusted rage, seeking the thrill of battle which extends to everyday life, burning down her own home to prove to the food she's cooking who's boss...Hardcore! However, she isn't completely heartless; on several occasions, when the life of another monster is at risk, Undyne will stop any attack to make sure they do not get hurt in battle, stopping her attack against Frisk when Monster Kid got in the way of her spear, even when killing both would be a more beneficial option and again in the Genocide route, going as far as taking a lethal blow for him which sliced her in half. Vicious and chivalrous, nice combo!

Undyne is one seriously powerful monster, able to go toe to toe with a world destroying entity of destruction, and is widely considered to be the first step for Undertale players to have a really bad time. She's Undyne and she's filled with Determination!

Alright the contestants are set! It's time to end this debate once and for all! It's time for a Death Battle!

In a vast and open-spaced meadow, the red-haired knight-Mage Erza was returning from an easy mission when she spotted a river with a waterfall pouring down from a hill and underneath that waterfall was the fish knight Undyne. Undyne was seemingly meditating beneath the waterfall. Erza approached to give her greetings.

"Hello there!" She greeted. "How goes your training?" But this opened up Undyne's solitary eye as she jumped out of the waterfall and facing Erza.

"You dare disturb my sleep! How foul! Unforgivable! I won't sleep again until you are dead!" Undyne professed angrily.

"H-Hey, calm down, I was just-!" Erza tried to reason, but Undyne blasted a spear at Erza which she narrowly dodged, angering Erza. "If it's a fight you want..." She summoned two wing-hilt swords with a flash of light. "Then I shall give it to you!" Undyne smiled menacingly at this.


Undyne fired several spears at Erza, but the quick Mage dodged them all and got close to Undyne before attacking with her swords, but the sturdy armour protected her from serious damage.

"Is that all you got!?" Undyne grinned as she summoned a spear from her hand and swiped at Erza, but Erza managed to barely dodge it, receiving only a scrape to the cheek instead of a severed head.

"You bitch!" Erza cursed.

"This should be fun! A fight against a flowery anime woman swordsman, how I've waited for this day!" Undyne grinned. "Now fight me with everything you've got!" Erza rose to this challenge by summoning her Heaven's Wheel armour, changing into pure white armour with wings and many swords floating above her.

"I'm never one to back down from a challenge!" Erza spoke as Undyne too readied for battle. Erza charged and swung her sword, creating magical energy slashes that launched at Undyne with great force, but the fish knight fired several energy spears which cancelled out the slashes but with a huge shockwave blasting the battlefield as a result. Erza used this ruse to get close to Undyne.

"Circle Sword!" Using the floating swords, she spun them fast, creating a disk of spinning blades. But rather than dodging, Undyne took the attack head on, making an energy spear and blocked the attack, and stopping the swords.

"My turn!" Undyne grinned a spiky grin as she summoned many spears all around Erza that attacked from all sides, but Erza quickly donned her Black Wing Armour, flying upwards and dodging the spears while deflecting the spears that attacked her and went to land to perform a counter attack. "Watch your step!" Suddenly, an energy field appeared below Erza and in the nick of time, Erza rolled to the side to see a spear rise from the ground, a second sooner and it would have skewered her. But the ground spears didn't stop and chased after Erza, but the swift fairy swordsman was able to dodge each one, but spent so long looking at the ground, she failed to see a barrage of spears attack from above. Erza noticed at the last second as the spears hit, but thankfully she donned her Adamantine Armour and blocked the attack effortlessly.

"Damn, thought I had her that time!" Undyne cursed.

"I'll need to be fast!" Erza deduced as she switched to her Flight Armour and attacked Undyne with great speed. Undyne went for the block, but Erza dashed behind her and attacked with her short swords, but the armour provided good defence.

"Why you!" Undyne growled as more spears circled her and attacked at once, but Erza's superior speed outpaced the spears as she circled Undyne who was busy trying to strike Erza. But the cheetah-clad swords woman sped up to Undyne, dodging spears as she went and transformed just in front of Undyne into her Blackwing Armour and ran Undyne through with her sword, pushing Undyne backward until she was up against a boulder, but Undyne didn't flinch, despite a large sword in her side, simply smiling as she grabbed the boulder she was pinned against, picking it up with ease and performing a suplex on it right on top of Erza in an attempt to crush her. But the fairy swords woman blocked it with her Adamantine shield, pushing forward against Undyne's raw power and then used her sword to slice the boulder in half, but leaving herself open to Undyne's barrage of spears that pierced many spots on Erza, but nothing fatal.

"Ngh!" Erza groaned as she gained some distance between herself and Undyne. "She's slow, perhaps I can use that to my advantage!" Erza changed into her Fire Empress Armour and sent a wave of fire at Undyne with her magic sword, but though she managed to dodge, the heat of the intense flames began to wear Undyne down.

"You think fire's gonna stop me!?" Undyne snapped and using the fire as a smokescreen, fired several spears at Erza, which she barely dodged, while the flames were dispersed, but not before Erza saw Undyne sweating and panting. It was then that Erza used her sword to surround Undyne in flames, heating her armour to extreme temperatures. "Think you got me beat, punk?!" Suddenly, Undyne jumped up from the flames, her armour been discarded and now wearing a simple tank top and denim pants.

"I must finish it with this last strike!" Erza ex-quipped into her last resort armour: nothing but a bandage and flame-patterned pants with two katana.

"That's the spirit!" Grinned Undyne grabbing two energy spears to match Erza's dual swords. "Let's call this our last strike!" The two fighters charged and their blades clashed, sending shockwaves coursing through the meadow, until Erza's swords broke the energy spears and carried on to bisect Undyne.

"I'm the victor..." Erza panted, as she looked to Undyne.

"Damn...Looks like my best...wasn't enough..." Undyne coughed as she suddenly turned to dust. Erza changed back into her Heart Kreuz armour as she let out a soft sigh of victory.


Well that was a fierce fight! One might say, a very sharp fight?

While Undyne did have good defences and have good supply of spears, her attacks are pretty weak; her attacks take several hits to bring down a level 1 Frisk who was just a normal child and could even bring down Undyne in that form...given they want to break a pacifist run. While Erza has undergone far more punishment and far more powerful attacks; her bare swords could cut through giant tree trunks like butter. Not to mention Erza's speed being far superior, Flight Armour or no, leaving Undyne to be a sitting duck. Erza's strategy to use fire was exceptional, but there was one snag: Undyne herself isn't weak to fire, but rather her armour itself, evidenced when she spent a good deal of time in a burning house without being affected while not in her armor, but taking it off to counter this weakness made her vulnerable to attack without her armor for defence. Once Erza landed one hit, it was game, set and match.

The winner is-


Erza's eyes darted open and looked back to see the dust reform into Undyne, but was struggling to maintain it's form.

"I've waited...a long fight a real…anime swordswoman..." Undyne spoke. "I won't die...until we can have a proper fight! Prepare yourself...anime swordswoman! I, Undyne, shall strike you down!" The dust began to reform and Erza was shocked to see Undyne don black armour, with an upside down heart crest in the centre with her eye patch gone and shooting out strange lights from within.

"She reformed?!" Gasped Erza readying for battle by going straight into Heaven's Wheel Armour.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that!" Undyne grinned with a hollow ring to her voice.

Round 2! FIGHT!

Erza charged with a battle cry and attacked Undyne with all her force behind her ten swords, but Undyne fired several spears at Erza, which the Fairy Swordswoman barely managed to dodge, but had to keep running to the side to avoid a further hail from Undyne's spears.

"Where does she keep all of them?!" Erza thought to herself, when a barrage of spears appeared directly in front of Erza's path; but at the split second, Erza changed into her Adamantine armour, and summoned her magic shields to take the full force of the attack. But this was what Undyne anticipated as she fired several yellow coloured spears, but before they hit Erza's shield, they rebound around her and one managed to strike her from behind, but before more could pierce her, Erza escaped with her flight armour.

"Ugh!" Erza grimaced, removing the magic spear which impaled her shoulder, but didn't hit any vital organs. But before Erza could work out a strategy, the ground lit up as hundreds of spears rose from the ground, seeking to impale Erza further, but the ever-quick Erza was fast on her feet. Erza found an opening in Undyne's attacks and charged, changing into her Heaven's Wheel armour up close and attacked with her ten blades, but unexpectedly, Undyne blocked all ten with ten of her spears, completely matching Erza's power.

"Tough little human, ain'cha?!" Undyne smirked as she pulled her head back to slam it into Erza, but Titania thought of the same move as both their heads clunk together, but while Undyne didn't feel a thing, Erza's crown completely shattered on impact and Erza was ready to faint as the raw power from Undyne was too much. Erza quickly backed off to think of a strategy. Quickly, Erza changed into her Herculean Armour and launched her rocket lance at Undyne, at an endless stream of Undyne's spears, but the lance was vastly overpowered and sent hurtling away while the spears were blasted off-course to not hurt Erza. The Mage Swordsman quickly changed back into her Flame Empress Armour and sent tongues of fire coursing around Undyne.

"I'm not gonna fall for that mistake again!" Undyne grinned as she jumped upwards, armour and all away from the fire, but giving Erza enough time to charge at Undyne in her Black Wing Armour, but couldn't deliver a decisive blow, as two more spears fired from mid-air, causing Erza to dodge and Undyne to counter attack, punching Erza down to Earth.

"Bitch..." Erza growled, wiping away a blood stain from her lip, but looked around to see hundreds of spears all around her, with all their tips pointed at her.

"Let's see you dodge this!" She clenched her fist and all the spears fired at once towards Erza.

"With pleasure!" Erza smirked as she switched to her breast-band and flame patterned pants as she summoned two katana on each hand and two on each foot held by her toes as she swirled around in a frantic dance, slicing each spear that got close to her vicinity. Some got close, but only scratched her skin, but the ones that got close were instantly slashed, until soon the entire wave of spears was eradicated. "Got to finish this now!" Erza spoke and changed into her Nakagami Armour, using all her magic power just to don it and wield her halberd strong enough to cut space itself.

"Go on then!" Undyne challenged. "One free shot!" Undyne opened her arms out leaving her wide open. Erza took this chance and swung her weapon at maximum power.

"Nakagami Starlight!" Erza called the spell's name as the Halberd struck Undyne, but to Erza's shock, the halberd shattered on impact. "Impossible!" Undyne merely grinned at this and shot several spears in Erza's direction, slicing her to pieces before she could have time to counter.

"Put up a good fight, but you're gonna have to try harder than that!" She smirked.


I-Is it over now? No more interruptions? Ah, that's a relief!

Erza was stronger than Undyne back when she wasn't empowered by Determination, but only just. Once Undyne was back with Determination on her side, however, the tables were quick to turn in Undyne's favour.

Erza's strongest armour and weapon failed her because the Nakagami Armour only prevents magic attacks from hitting the target, but Undyne doesn't use magic, and Erza's halberd can cut through space, but Undyne endured an attack that could slice the very fabric of reality itself, both time and space together and didn't even feel it until ten or so of them were made.

And Undyne's powers are nothing to shirk at either! Besides Photoshop Flowey, Asriel and Sans, the former of the two having to use other souls to gain infinite power and Sans having the power to hack the game to turn off invincibility frames and poison the player after every hit, Undyne is the strongest monster stats-wise, 99 for attack and defence, which is more than any other monster in Undertale, besides regular Mettaton with 999 Defence. It's also worthwhile to note that Undyne the Undying had the exact same stats as Chara when they obliterated reality, so not only could Undyne take several hits that could wipe out realities, but she can also dish out that same number. Meanwhile, the most that Erza endured was the Jupiter Cannon, which was enough to destroy a town, twice, and although impressive, it doesn't live up to Undyne. Erza just couldn't quite cut it.

The true winner is Undyne.

Next Time on Death Battle!

In the ruined battlefield where the powerful Madara and Aizen fought, there stood ten individuals, all clad in black robes with red clouds patterned on them.

"Hah?! The big-boss man kicked the bucket?!" One particular grey haired member spoke.

"It makes no matter, the Moon's Eye Plan will-!" Spoke another orange haired member before seeing a strange sight as ten individuals clad in white approached.

"So Aizen-sama was victorious." The shorter of the new group spoke with a white mask covering the top right part of his head.

"Then it will be up to us to defeat the underlings." The elder of the group spoke, who adorned a white crown over his head, as the two sides prepared for battle.

Akatsuki vs. The Espada