And here we go! The final part of Beyond Fullmetal: To Change the world! {Wow…it's kinda hard to believe it's finally done!}

{We'll save all the mushy stuff for the end! For now, on with the epilogue!}

A year.

It's been a year since that final confrontation on the roof.

It turned out that Al's lung had been scraped by the bullet while I had been up confronting Maliki on the roof. Luckily, they were able to get him to the hospital really quick, and was able to recover in no time.

In that time, Oliver Armstrong took over the position of Furher President when Maliki stepped down, with my dad at her side. While he isn't actually part of the official government, he plays a major advising role for Oliver.

The first major thing they had done was release all of the camps, and start up programs to help bring back all of the alchemists to their families. For some reason, Oliver gave most of the responsibility to me and my dad, which I love.

Not only do I work really well with my dad, but I love being able to help those who have lost everything stand up again. One of the other major things the programs do is reacquaint the alchemists to free lives, and society again…although it's mainly my dad who covers that aspect. Because even though we've been free for a year, I still find myself amazed at some of the things that I find while living in Central.

While it's mainly been me and my dad, Rin has been helping out quite a bit as well. That is, he's helping us out when he's not helping out Winry in the shop. It turns out that he's not only an alchemy nut like his father, but also a gear head like his mother. The automail shop that they opened has quickly become one of the most popular shops in central, and has constant customers.

Surprisingly, Ed has continued his teaching, although now it's in Alchemy at the Central University. Al has also joined in teaching, only instead of college students, he mainly goes around the primary schools to teach beginners.

My mom now works for a local gun range, as a long range expert, while occasionally giving lessons. As it turns out, I am just like my mother, and am surprisingly accurate shot. I quickly learned that I was talented as my mother and enjoyed shooting as a recreational sport.

While there is still a lot of work to be done before life is back to normal, I can see a very bright future ahead of me.

For now, though…

All is well


There was a knock on the door, before it opened, causing said girl to look up.

Riza smiled at Pace, as she stepped into the room, and looked over her daughter, "It's almost time, do you want to help with trying to keep Winry calm? I haven't seen her this nervous in year."

Pace smiled and stood, tucking her pen into the small leather bound notebook. She placed the book into a small drawer and stood, brushing down the skirt to her dress.

"Oh, darling, you look amazing," Riza smiled gently, as Pace followed her out of the room.

"Thanks, mom," Pace smiled. "You look really good too!"

Riza shook her head, "You pull this dress off much better than I do."

Pace laughed, "I think dad would disagree, if he were able."

The two laughed, before ducking into a side room, where a worried Winry stood with Rebecca and Nelly fussing over her.

"What if I trip? What if I forget what to say? Oh, I don't know about this…" Winry was babbling as Rebecca added the last brush sparkle to her chest, and Nelly fastened the last glittering ornament to her gracefully knotted hair.

"You'll be fine," Riza told Winry firmly, as she gently pulled her to stand in front of a full length mirror. "You look stunning."

Winry stared in shock at her reflection, as if surprised at the woman standing in the mirror.

Her snow white dress brushed the ground, the silky folds shimmering with each movement. Her shoulders were bare, as the sleeves were around her upper arms in feathery bands that continued down into the v of her breasts. Just as Nelly placed the flowery veil on her head a quiet knock came through the door.

Opening the door, Pace found Al standing there, in a smooth black tux and purple tie.

"Hello ladies, are you ready?" he smiled, as his eyes traced Winry's beautiful form.

"If you mean ready to throw up, then yes," Winry smiled weakly.

Al laughed, before turning to Pace and Riza, "You ladies look wonderful, it's time to head up front now."

"Alright, Al," Riza nodded, hooking her arm with Pace and pulling her out of the room to Al's gentle reassurances to Winry.

Quickly the two went out front to see lines of chairs filled with both old and new faces.

Pace could see all of her dad's team sitting near the front, Jason and Dennis. A group of Xingnesse also sat within the seats, with a grandly dressed man sitting in the center. A group of people from Rush Valley also sat within the seats alongside various soldiers and other friends of Ed and Winry.

Quickly the two made their way to the front, where Roy, Terrin and Havoc all stood with a clearly fretting Ed. All three men were wearing identical tuxes to Al. Roy had his hair neatly slicked back while Rin's hair was pulled into a tight pony tail.

"What if I mess up? What if I forget what to say?" Ed was asking Roy, who grinned at the worrying man. Ed was wearing a fully white tux with a purple carnation rose pinned to the lapel and a silver chain hung to his pocket.

"You're a genius, Ed, you'll be fine," Roy said smoothly.

"Wow, you look amazing," Rin greated Pace with a quick kiss and a compliment.

"You look pretty good yourself," Pace smiled, glancing down at the 'Regency' purple, which was a dark purple with a touch of blue, dress. It came down to just above the knee, with a white sash. The skirt was free flowing, while the upper section was pulled smoothly to the right side. Her left shoulder was bare, though it wasn't very visible due to her hair. Her hair fell in dark curls, swept and pinned to fall over her left shoulder.

She fiddled with the purple flowers pinned to the white sash for a moment, before smiling to Mr. McAnderson, who was dressed in black robes with white trim.

At the que from the back of the aisle, everyone moved into place along both sides of the alter, while Mr. McAnderson took his place behind a large bible. Ed stood nervously in the center, waiting for Trisha to come skipping down the aisle as the flower girl, then finally for Al. In sight of Winry's parents being gone, Al stood up and took the place to give Winry away to Ed. He was accepted to have both that position and the spot of Best Man with little resistance, while Riza stood as Maid of Honor.

Suddenly, the bells started to chime, the music begins.

Pace couldn't help but think again.

All was well.

So! That's the end! {It's amazing to be able to say that we have finally finished!}

It's a very bittersweet feeling…{We've been working on this story for almost two years!} in fact, it'll be two years exactly in one month! {Oh man!}

{BUT! Keep an eye out, because there may be a companion one-shot coming out sometime soon!}

In all reality, thank you to everyone so so much! {THANK YOU SO MUCH} this was the first time that I have publicly published any of my writing {your welcome} and I can happily say that I enjoyed this experience. Even the criticism was amazing to receive.

{Thank you everyone so much for all the support that we have gotten!}

{A special thanks to everyone who spent time to read and favorite and follow again!}

A mega thanks to: Practice4morale, Mixmax300, DeyaniraSan, Digi-fanCatt, TheKawaiiPatato, Kakkorat is Cake and all of the guests for reviewing!

Every single one of your reviews have been read many times {By both of us!} and have helped both of us through two very tough years.

One more Final Quote!

"Many's the time that we feasted

And many's the time that we fasted

Oh, well, it was swell while it lasted

We did have fun and no harm done

And thanks for the memory"