Well hello everybody! Spark n' Jetz here. Dang, it's been a long time since I've written minecraft fic. I'm going to attempt another series like when the world falls down. I haven't been able to write an actual story for who knows how long. Anyway, I hope you guys like this story. I will be constantly updating (hopefully) and wish me luck!

Daniel's P.O.V

"Domo?" he said over the mic.

"Yeah?" Domo says, his probably best friend. Also the only one who's willing to play minecraft with him.

"Where'd you go?"I ask. We were mining, I saw some redstone, and I guess I got carried off from there.

"Uh….I dunno?"he says. I sigh, and punch in the /tp domoman and waited. Soon enough, I was teleported to him, where he was mining who knows what. He turns to me, or at least his avatar does. We were using a voice chat system to communicate with each other.

"Come on!"he says. We both start sprinting up to the top of the world. Just then, there's a knock on the door. Hurriedly I type in POS and log off and close my computer. POS means parent over shoulder. I open the door. My mom looks at me. She narrows her eyes, and then looks suspiciously at the computer.

"What?" I said. "I was reading my book." I point at the book, I am number four by Pittacus Lore. It was actually pretty good, but minecraft was better. Since she had seen me reading it in the morning, she nods her head.

"I need you to do some chores."

I sigh and make a grumbling noise.

"Now now, you need to do them. And if you do, I can perhaps lend some money for that new videogame?"she asks. I grudgingly agree. So what if I did play other video games? Minecraft was still my favorite. I walk out and start taking out the garbage. When I finish, I take the sweeper and start the clean. After that, I have washed the dishes. AFTER THAT, I cleaned my entire room and then did various yard work. Two hours later, I glare at my mom while she merely smirks.

"Did it all?"

I look at her, with a scowl on face. She smiles and hands me ten dollars. I finally soften up my facial expression. I go back into my room and lock the door, and open up my computer. When I log back on, Domo is still on.

"Where were you?"he asks.

"Chores,"I say. "I also now have enough money to buy battlefield 3."

"Lucky duck."It's my turn to smile.

Just then, something happens. I'm kicked from the server, for reasons unknown. When I try to reconnect, I find the whole server list gone. Instead, there's only one server on. It's simply called, Survival of the Fittest. Glitch maybe? I shrug. I try to reconnect to Domo, and I manage to make a connection.

"Hey, did you kick me?"I ask him.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. And all the sudden, my whole server list is gone, except for this one server called….Survival of the Fittest. Oh great, this is like another one of those dumb fanfiction stories where you get stuck in minecraft and you have to fight your way out. I hate those dumb fanfics!"he rages. I smile. He was funny when he raged how bad minecraft fanfictions were. I personally thought they were okay.

"So….ready to get sucked into minecraft and into another bad minecraft fanfiction?"I ask him. I hear a grumble from the other side, but I hear a distinctive click. He was connecting to the server. I follow lead, and double click on the server icon.

Connecting to server…..logging in….Suddenly I spawn in a vast cavern. There are hundreds of players. When I press tab, I'm shocked. That isn't possible. There are 65,000 players or plus on this same server. Why was my computer not lagging? On the chat screen, it's nearly impossible to see what somebody says because 65,000 people are chatting at the same time, but I get gist of it. Everybody who was playing minecraft had all their servers deleted and then and put in this one. I know it's hopeless to contact Domo now, and the line disconnected again.

Suddenly, even though I had the volume turned off, (If my parent's here the distinctive minecraft music they might suspect something) it turns all the way up again.

"Welcome minecrafters! I am so terribly sorry for the inconvenience I have caused you. But I assure you that it was for the best. We want to greet the players with the 1.10 update. I know, I know, woah, right? But we want to thank you. No, I am not Notch by the way. I did not hack your computers by turning the volume up. I simply want to thank you everybody for participating in minecraft. In fact, I think it is necessary to gift all of you, right? He knows he won't get a response.

"Anyway, I have another announcement. the 1.10 update has just been loaded into your computers automatically. You will also find that you cannot log off this server until I finish my speech. Anyway, to celebrate the tenth big update of minecraft, I would like to greet you with….."he pauses and falters. "Excuse me, it seems we have a problem. One moment. Ah there we go. Ahem. Here we go!"he says. Suddenly, an item appears into my inventory. Then another one. Then another. One last one pops up. The first one is labeled the map. The second one is an ender pearl. It's simply labeled the PTC2BE. The other one is a potion. It's the….energizer? The next one is a microphone icon. Weird. The last one is a command block, which is by far the strangest. It's labeled, DO NOT REMOVE FROM INVENTORY IT WILL RESULT IN EXTERMINATION OF ACCOUNT. Okay, I'm beginning to think of a minecraft fanfiction. I press escape on the menu. He's right. The log off button is gone.

"Ahem! As you see here, you have different items. The first one is your map. It will show you everywhere where you need to go. The second is an ender pearl, which will act as a teleporter, and will show you to the nearest boss. Warning, they are very powerful. PTC2BE is process to complicated to be explained. The next one is called the energizer. It will give you energy when needed and will definitely help you in the update. The one with the microphone will give you the ability to talk to all players like regular talking. However, only players in a radius of a certain amount of blocks, depending on your voice level, can hear you. Lastly, the command block is essentially what runs this entire update. It's currently our place holder. You see, the 1.10 update is so huge it needs to constantly update to the get the whole thing through. Every single computer would crash instantly if we tried to install the 1.10 update into all your guys computer at the same time."

I click on the microphone. It reads, mic on. Suddenly I'm flooded with hundreds of voices. He said it would be in a certain radius to avoid millions of voices at once, but unfortunately there were many many many players crammed into one cavern, so I was stuck hearing Spanish, English, Russian, German, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and just about every single other language out there. It was pretty overwhelming. When I clicked the volume button for my computer, it wouldn't go down. Crap. I hear a knock on the door.

"What are you doing? I hear voices?"my mother asks.

"Uh...Nothing. Just…."I say hurriedly.

"Right." I hear the lock, well….unlocking. She has a key? Well I guess that was expected. She stares at the minecraft computer screen.

"Well. You are grounded mister."

"No! Come on, you don't understand-"I say before being cut off.

"No buts." She walks over to the computer, and tries to push the screen down, but it won't budge.

"What did you do?"she asks.

"Nothing." I try it myself and it won't move at all. Suddenly, the voice starts talking again.

"Now that you all are done looking at your cool new items, I think its time to introduce you to our greatest invention of all. The Rift connector. It will allow players to connect to minecraft. Now, it's not like a system. You don't need to buy it or something. In fact…"he says, starting a malicious tone. I roll my eyes. Here goes a really bad minecraft fanfiction.

My mom glares at me. "You're not supposed to talk to strangers-Daniel!"she shrieks. "What-oh…"I trail off. My body is starting to evaporate. Little squares disperse from my body. I can't feel anything.

"Daniel! Daniel!"thats the last thing I hear before the world goes black.