Epilogue: Constants and Variables

The twins watched from a distance as the TARDIS de-materialized, leaving them alone in Alucard's world-body, undetectable by him as they stood sentinel in the barren, blood-red landscape.

"And the TARDIS will crash?" the woman asked.

"In Leadworth, 1996. As it should." The man replied. "He'll think it's the strain of leaving the Void without the guide-rope of his blood connecting him to Alucard."

"And his past?"

"As a Time Lord, he'll remember both timelines: His life events and interactions with Rose, Martha, and Donna before he fought Millennium, as well as the altered timeline he just created by encountering Millennium in 1999. Unlike it would with a human, the dissonance will not break his mind."

"And with a little help from us, paradox will be kept at bay and this timeline will remain stable, despite the number of important events that were invalidated or changed by the involvement of the Master and the Doctor."

"Of course."

"And we're sure this is the Doctor we want?"


"Of all the infinite Doctors across all the infinite alternate universes, this is the one?"


"We only get one chance, you realize. It won't be like it was with Mr. Dewitt… all one hundred and twenty-three of him."

"He fulfils all the requirements we set out. And any variance between him and the infinite amount of other Doctors who meet those requirements must be pronounced negligible."

"But we can't know that for sure. You would leave this up to a coin toss?"

"If we've accounted for everything we can, then I see no reason why not."

"Dear brother, don't tell me you still believe in the ridiculous notion of fate after all that we've seen; after all that we've done. What makes you think that because this is the first Doctor we've found that meets our criteria that he will be the one to triumph? The result is concealed from us!"

"All I'm saying… is that he is as good a choice as any other we might make; even if we devoted infinite time to a search."

He continued, his face showing clear emotion for the first time as it twisted with worry.

"And the vampire was right. The Doctor may be the only one able to face Him if our plan fails to prevent His return."

There was a long pause as the twins stared out into space, unblinking. They appeared terrifyingly alien; untouchable and godlike; their minds operating on a level wholly different from anything that could be called human.

"We should go." Rosalind said at length.

"Indeed. We're expected in Paris." Robert agreed. "It wouldn't do to miss our appointment."

Then the pair was gone, leaving Alucard to return home. The vampire gratefully left behind him the sense of covetous eyes burning into his back. The Void was empty once more. No stranded Time Lords, no dimension-jumping cat-boys. Just The Void…

No light.

No dark.

No up.

No down.

No life.

No time.

Without end.


Author's Notes: Ending cameo by two characters from Bioshock Infinite. They'll be appearing more heavily in the as-yet untitled sequel (details coming soon on my author profile).

Many heartfelt thanks for liking this story enough to read it to the end. This was my first multi-chapter fic to be completed, and if just one other person out there is entertained by it, then it was more than worthwhile for me to post it here.
