
The thunder cracked as the storm continuous to fall.

A blonde teen huddled in her bed and pulled her blankets tighter.

There was a soft knock.

"Yes?" the teen called.

The door opened as another young teen with brown hair walked in, hugging a fluffy rabbit doll.

"Can I sleep with you tonight, sister?"

The blonde teen smiled. "Of course."

The brown-haired teen climbed into the sheets and lay down next to her sister.

Another loud thunder cracked and the blonde teen buried deeper into her blanket.

She glanced at her brown-haired sister. "Sorry Violet, I'm being a scary cat now."

"It's fine, everyone has their own fears," the teen named Violet said with a smile.

"But second sister isn't scared of anything…..third sister too….." the blonde murmured.

"Miyako-nee, it doesn't matter," Bunny said.

A sound of glass scattering echoed down the hallway followed by fighting yells.

Bunny scooted closer to Miyako. "They're fighting again," she whimpered, "My room is the closest to the living room so I always hear them fight."

Miyako hugged her as the arguing voices continued.

"Mother, father, please stop!" the voice of their oldest sister could be heard in a distance.

Then they heard a loud slap.

"Father! How could you?!" they heard their third sister yell.

"This is nothing to do with you kids! Go back to your rooms now!" their father's scream echoed through the house.

"We're not kids anymore, we're sixteen. And you cannot just slap Momoko like that," the second sister of the family said as calmly as she could.

"Back to your rooms or else you can go and stand in the rain!" the mother yelled.

Everything went quiet for a few minutes before footsteps walked down the hall.

One of the footsteps stopped in front of the room Miyako and Bunny were in.

The doorknob turned as a head poked in.

"Snowbell-nee," Miyako whispered.

Snowbell smiled. "Go to sleep, everything is fine."

Bunny and Miyako nodded.

Snowbell closed the door.

The two huddled together and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Bunny woke up with a startle. She sat up and looked around.

Sunlight streamed into the room from the window.

Quietly she got out of bed, making sure not to wake up her sleeping sister.

She grabbed her jacket and walked out the room then trotted down the hallway and into the living room.

Broken pieces of glasses and vases was scattered all over the floor.

Bunny sighed sadly. 'We have to clean up again….' She thought.

She walked over to the front door and slipped on her slippers. She walked out to the front yard to their mailbox.

It was chilly in the morning after the rain last night so she pulled her jacket tighter around her. She quickly pulled out all the letters and newspapers then ran back into the house.

She closed the door behind her and looked at the letters.

Then her eyes rested on one of the yellow envelope.

Yin-Mo Company Debt

North Korea

To Akastustumi family

Bunny's eyes widened. Debt?!

"Sister!" she yelled, "Sister! There's a strange letter I our mailbox!"

After a few minutes the eldest daughter – Momoko – and the fourth daughter – Snowbell – came out.

"What is it?" Momoko asked.

Bunny handed her the envelope.

Momoko opened it and looked at the letter. Her eyes widened after a moment of reading. "What is this?!" she gasped.

"What now?" Kaoru asked as she and Kenero walked into the living room, soon followed by Miyako.

Momoko turned to her sisters with a pale face. She handed the letter to Snowbell.

After a few seconds Snowbell yelled, "We own the Yin-Mo Company $ 1,000,000,000?!"

"What?! How can that be?!" Kaoru screeched.

"Unless mom and dad have been gambling again and lost," Miyako said.

They fell silent for a while before Kenero spun around and ran towards their parents' room.


They heard Kenero slam open the door.


The sisters rushed to their parents' room and it was indeed empty.

Snowbell rushed to the closet and opened it. All the clothes were gone.

Miyako ran to the drawer and pulled it open. Empty.

Kaoru ran out the room, her footsteps echoed throughout the house.

After a few minutes she came back. "They're not here! They're not in the house!"

"Sister!" Bunny turned to Momoko. "They didn't leave us did they?"

Momoko ran back to the living room and picked up the phone then dialed in some numbers.

The others stood next to her.

"Come on….come on….pick up the phone….." Momoko prayed.


Momoko tried a few more times but soon gave up and sat down on the sofa. She rested her elbows on her knees and covered her face with her hands.

"So I take it that they left?" Snowbell asked.

Momoko nodded.

"What the *BEEP*!" Kaoru yelled and punched the wall.

Kenero clutched her hands into fists so tight that her knuckles turned white.

Miyako and Bunny looked completely shocked.

After a long time of silence, Miyako finally asked….

"Then…..what must we do now?"