Sunrise Sunset

~Last time, Hermione buys a car, spends time with Jacob, and runs after a black Grim-like dog that only she seems to be able to see.

Chapter 17

She was running, branches were stinging her as they hit her skin, but she could not lose sight of the black dog in front of her. It had stopped to allow her to catch up before it started running again, "where are we going," she kept asking but he never answered.

They came to a clearing, it was beautiful, the ground was covered in yellow and white flowers, the sun gleamed down through the trees. The light bounced off the flowers making the very air around her to glow, it was in a word magical. The black dog stood in the middle of the meadow, he was looking at her, staring her down, beckoning her to come to him. She kept asking him "who are you", and "do I know you?"

As she moved towards him, he seemed to shift, he was now human. Tall, he had medium black hair that hung down to his chin, slightly curling. He said on an old fallen log and looked at her with piercing gray eyes. "I know you," she said walking slowly, cautiously towards him. His lips were moving but she could not hear him. Something moved in the woods behind her, the hair on the back of her neck stoop, and she felt a chill run down her arms.

The man sitting in the clearing beckoned her to him. He was standing now, she watched as he pulled what looked like a stick from his pocket and she found herself standing behind him. He was speaking but she still could not hear what he was saying, a large white misty dog flowed forth from the stick in his hand and she watched in shock as the mist in the woods cleared.

Suddenly she heard her name being called from the forest, it sounded like her cousin, and whoever was with her. She did not want to see them, she wanted to know who the man with her was, he was a dog, but he was a man. He turned to her and gave her a sad smile before he walked into the woods and seemingly disappeared.

"Bella, what's wrong?" Edward asked after answering the phone, she was talking a mile a minute and he had to ask her twice to slow down so that he could understand her.

"Hermione, she ran into the woods and I can't find her," Bella said slightly out of breath, "she ran after some dog that she saw but I couldn't see it. I kept calling after her, but they were too fast, and I lost her. What if she's hurt or gets lost?"

"Sit tight we'll be right there," Edward said along with other words of; do not worry we will find her.

"Alice, do you see anything?" Edward asked after getting off the phone with Bella.

"I can see that she chose to follow the dog she seems to think she saw, and she's in the woods somewhere and she's safe but I can't see where she is," Alice said to him lightly.

"I'm coming with you," Rosalie said putting her hand on Edwards's shoulder, she turned to the rest of their family, "we'll be back soon."

After Rosalie and Edward left, Alice turned to look at Carlisle, "I think it's time that you shared with us what you know about Hermione."

Carlisle nodded "When Edward and Rosalie return," Carlisle said with what would sound like a heavy sigh. "First I have to make a phone call," and with that, he left the room.

Hermione was sitting on a log in the meadow that Edward had shown Bella when she first came to him to tell him she knew what he was. She was sitting primly on a fallen log that Bella could have sworn was not there the last time. They called out to her, but she did not seem to hear them, she was lost in her own little world, large tears dropping from her eyes.

From what Bella could see there were a couple of scratches on her face from tree branches but all in all she looked ok.

"Hermione," Bella said gently sitting next to her. When she did not respond she put her hand on her shoulder to try and nudge her. Hermione jumped, let out a tiny yelp, "Hermione it's ok."

"Bella," Hermione said in an awed whisper, "I'm sorry I ran off without you."

"Hemione are you alright?" Bella asked concerned, she put her hand to Hermione's forehead. "you don't seem to have a fever."

Hermione laughed before pulling Bella into a hug.

"What did you see?" Rosalie asked breaking the moment.

"I don't think you would believe me if I told you," Hermione said trying to rain in her emotions, "I saw a black dog, but when I pointed him out to Bella she didn't see him. I just had to follow, it felt like he was beckoning me. So, I ran after him, and I followed him here, and then he shifted into a man, and I feel like he was someone I used to know, but when he talked I couldn't hear him. And then it felt like there was something dark following us in the forest it gave me chills.

He motioned me to stand behind him like he wanted to protect me, I could not hear what he was saying. He pulled out what looked like a twig and pointed it at the forest and a large misty dog came out of it and suddenly the darkness was gone. And then I heard you calling, and he gave me a small smile and disappeared into the darkness of the forest."

Edward and Bella looked at each other in worry, was she losing her mind, Rosalie, on the other hand, smiled, "maybe your memories can't come back the way some peoples memories would, so they have manifested outwardly."

"You think so?" Hermione asked in a small voice.

"I do," Rosalie said with a bright smile, she brought her in for a hug and just held her there for a few minutes. "we should get you home."

"Ok," Hermione said with a grateful smile.

"Come on," Rosalie said turning her back to Hermione, "feel life a Piggie back ride?"

Hermione laughed, climbed onto Rosalie's back, she watched Bella do the same with Edward. the siblings grinned at each other, "hold on tight," Edward said to Bella, "Race ya!"

Their laughter rang out as they raced forwards, Hermione had never felt so alive.

"They've headed back," Alice said with a smile, "Piggie back rides and racing."

Carlisle smiled, he picked up the phone and debated on whether he should call his contact in England about Hermione, but he wondered if he should wait and talk to Hermione about it first. In the end, he decided not to call until after he talked to Hermione. A little later, Alice came to him and told him that whatever he decided would work out just fine, where Hermione was concerned.

Later that evening when Edward and Rosalie returned home, they decided that they needed to know what it was that Hermione seemed to forget. Bella seemed to know, Charlie seemed to know, and now it seemed that Carlisle was letting on he knew more than what he was saying.

After Hermione told Carlisle about what had happened in the woods, he told her if it happened again it would be best to keep a journal. He asked her about her drawing skills if there were anyways, she could draw the person she saw. She shook her head no, and Alice offered to give it a try.

Then she had to talk to Jacob, he had not been happy when she told him later that evening what had happened. Eventually, after about five minutes of silence, he finally forgave her but forbid her from running off like that again.

She considered sending a letter to Harry, to ask him who it was, but she didn't know how to start a letter to a person she could only remember having brief contact with, still, she did promise to at some point let her know how she was getting on. She must have written and crumbled at least 20 before she gave up. How should she go about it? She rubbed her temples, begging for the words to come, she finally decided on just a simple greeting, with a small explanation of her experience. She sent it off in the mail before she could change her mind. She asked him to pass her greetings to Molly, the nice lady who helped her at the hospital.

The very next week she received a letter from Harry, he knew who the man was, but they agreed with her doctor that the memories should come back on their own. He even asked if she would mind writing to a girl named Luna. Hermione wrote two short letters, one to harry and included the one for Luna with a stamped envelope.

June came and soon Rosalie, Jasper, and Emmet graduate from school. Even though they had graduated a few times before they still had a small party with Hermione and Bella. Shortly after, Rosalie and Emmet went on a trip to spend some time alone they would be gone a couple of months but promised Hermione that she would call her regularly, as well as bring her back several presents for her birthday. Emmet gently gave Hermione bear hug and told her not to worry they would be back if she was ever in need of them.

After Emmet and Rosalie left for their trip, Jasper and Alice started spending more time by themselves. They would go hunting and just spend time together out in nature. Jasper was having a hard time being around Bella. The girl was so clumsy, her blood would call to him on occasion. While he was not obsessed with it, he had to feed regularly to be around her. He found that the tension was high. Edward stopped bringing Bella around the house as often to give jasper some space. Hermione found him on the couch most afternoons with Bella wrapped around him, and at night outside her window.

Then in the afternoon, Charlie came home with exciting news for Hermione, the bookstore owners were looking for someone to buy the store from them with the hopes that they could still run it until she graduated next year. When he told her the price, she nearly fainted, "Hermione are you alright?" He asked when she woke up.

"Yes," she said smiling widely, "why do they want so little for it?"

"What do you mean so little?" Bella cried astonished, "100 thousand dollars is a lot of money!"

"Actually," Edward said with a laugh, "I've seen the bookstore that's a very good price."

"Are you an expert?" Charlie asked surprised.

"Well no, but a good book business in say Seattle would be much more than that," Edward said logically, "plus you have to consider that the inside needs redecorated and the books for purchase is way out of date."

"He does have a point," Charlie said sitting down on the other side of Bella, "Would you like to go look, they are excited to meet you. Chris and Toni would like to go over things with you, whenever you are free."

"But I wouldn't be able to buy it until September when I turn 18, that's when part of my trust fund become available," she said unsure.

"Why don't we go have a look-see," Charlie said pulling her to her feet, Edward and Bella stood as well, "Edward would you like to come as well, you too Bella."

"Sure!" Bella said excitedly, "you said you'd hire me to read all the new books!"

Hermione laughed, "so I did," she said handing her keys to Charlie, "want to drive?"

After the trip to look at the book store Hermione was hooked on the idea, all she could think about was how to attract people to it, so instead of just a book store, she would set up a lending library for older books. Put in a couple of comfortable chairs, set up a research section with tables kind of like a library, and she would try to get Wi-Fi set up. She met with the owners once a week to go over ideas and worked three days a week so that customers could get a feel for her. She also wanted to make it easy for people to order books, so they did not have to go to Seattle. So, every time someone asked for a book, they did not have she made a list, which eventually included CDs and books on tape.

Chris and Toni were an older couple well into their 50's, they had no kids, and were the only child of only children. While they were happy in forks, they wanted to use the money to buy a condo and move to New Mexico. Hermione was happy that she could help them with their dream to move to a warmer climate. They taught her everything they knew so that by her birthday she would be all set.

Soon June was over, and July was upon them, while the sun was out on occasion it was still rainy although a bit warmer. July was spent at the beach with Jacob building sandcastles and having bonfires with the tribe. Occasionally Leah and her cousin Emily who had come to visit for the summer would join them. Leah was in love with Sam Uley her boyfriend for two and a half years. Sometimes when they were not sitting together, she would watch them stare at each other, sometimes Hermione would have to fan herself for the head the look he gave Leah. Leah would giggle at Hermione's reaction, and Emily would smile and shaker her head before returning her conversation with Hermione.

"Do you have a nickname, Hermione?" Emily asked kindly.

"My Dad used to call me shorty," Hermione said with a giggle once, "you can give me a nickname if you want, then I can call you Em."

Emily laughed, "I would prefer Emma or Millie."

Hermione smiled at the older girl, "what would you suggest for me?" she asked.

"How about Mione or Hermie," Emily asked half-joking about the second one, "or I could call you Hermia" then she tested is a couple of times in a sing-song voice. *

"Ok Emma," Hermione said with a giggle, "Hermia is it!"

"And what are the two of you giggling about like a couple of schoolgirls?" Leah asked coming over to join them.

"Nicknames," Emily said to her with a smile, "I'm Emma and this is Hermia."

"Hermia," Leah said trying it out, "hmm, if it's ok with you I will use your full name."

"Whatever you like," Hermione said with a grin.

"oh no," Leah said to the gleam in her eyes, "you're not giving me a nickname."

"Aww!" Emily whined, "I was going to call you Lele."

"Emily, just no," Leah whined.

"Lele," Hermione said with a smile, "what if we make a pact that only the two of us can use your nickname?"

"No," she said in a firm voice.

"Aww come on," Emily said, "I'll let you call me Emmie," she was giving Leah the puppy dog eyes now.

"Emmie and Lele," Hermione giggled behind her hand."

"You mean, Emmie, Lele, and Hermia," Leah corrected pointing her finger in her direction, this cause Hermione to smile brightly, it was almost as if they were kids again, only without the mud.

Hermione made her way back to what she now called the enchanted meadow, she would sit and meditate. Luna, encouraged her in her long rambling letters to try it, she's said in one letter, "I don't know if it will help with memory problems, however, it never hurts to try does it?" and she was right it never hurt to try it. She found Luna to be smart and she enjoyed reading her letters. She would talk about all kinds of weird animals and Hermione did not pay her any mind, she seemed like a nice girl.

She had not had any luck, so far but she was not ready to call it quits yet. She would picture him in her mind, but she still had no idea who he was. She laid in the meadow and watched the clouds go by, which caused the light to dim and brighten occasionally.

She laid back and closed her eyes, she did not think of anything, she took a deep breath, breathing out slowly she sighed. "I don't know who you are but I miss you," she rolled onto her side, she was eye level with the flowers and as she looked at them the tops blurred into a yellow and white haze. She smiled; the clouds had moved in such a way that they seemed to glow. Sitting up, she hugged her knees with one arm and gently touched the flowers with her fingers. Luna would love this, she thought to herself. To her, Luna seemed to by the type of person who might belong in a magical meadow, with all the creatures she writes about.

She sat there for another hour before returning home; and just like that July was over.

"Bella you can't be serious," Charlie said banging his hand on the table, "I don't think that we should tell anyone about Hermione's problem and the real reason for it, we were trusted to keep her safe."

"But Carlisle already knows," Bella said excitedly, "We could have a conference just the three of us, I need someone to talk to."

"Why Bella? What does our discussion about Hermione…? How does that help her?" he asked stuttering over the words.

"How can it hurt?" she asked sadly, "something is going on with her and she needs someone who is going to be there to help her figure it out. She doesn't understand, I just want to help her."

"Ok," Charlie conceded, "let us try things your way, but if she finds out, it's all your idea."

Bella smiled happily, "I will gladly tell anyone who asks that it was indeed my idea, but that won't be an issue. We don't know how her memory will manifest around her, I have an idea on who to ask; but it would be better if Hermione asked them herself, the only problem is getting her to."

Charlie stood and put his hand on his daughter's shoulder, "I know you want to help your cousin Bella," he said taking a deep breath, "it's nice to see you try to help her, I know if things were opposite that she would do the same."

"Now, do you want to tell me, who it is that you think may have the answers?" Charlie asked still worried that his lovable niece would be unhappy with him for trying to go around her to help her learn answers.

A/N: What do you think. I had to force it in some places and if you can see that I am sorry I tried to make it work better, but we needed some girl bonding because Bella is busy doing other things. Please leave me a review and tell me what you think! This is turning into quite the story, I find myself having to invent another theory to fit one of my stories! I hope you enjoy, and hopefully, the next chapter will be done in time for Monday or Tuesday.