Kirigiri grips her stand.
She was wrong.
The shocked looks on her friend's faces don't help, even if they aren't directed at her. They are directed at the brunette boy sitting on Monokuma's throne.
"I promise, Kirigiri- San."
His voice when he said that, his smile when he said that, the honesty in his voice bounces around in her mind, spreading to her throat, threatening to choke her.
Why, Naegi- Kun…
Said boy is sitting on the throne, the stuffed bear in his lap. It had only been a minute ago, but it felt like hours.
"It's Junko Enoshima."
That one sentence, three words, ended everything. They had voted. The slot machine showed Junko's face three times.
Have we won?
Instead of the machine reading "Guilty," It had said "WRONG."
How… Why… Who is it?
There was a moment of silence before panic set in.
We were wrong… Are we going to die now?
No one said anything. They merely stared at eachother, dumbfounded, looks of disbelief on their faces.
That was before the laughter started.
Before an insane grin crossed their friend's face.
It had come from their friend, their ally, the one everyone trusted, Naegi.
All Kirigiri could do was stare.
How… How is this possible?
"Hey, Kirigiri- San."
She looked over at him, crossing her arms.
"You thought it was Enoshima?"
Kirigiri nodded.
She kept her cool as he stepped of his spot.
She kept her cool as he crossed to Monokuma's throne.
She kept her cool as he sat down and placed said bear in his lap.
Although it was quite hard when he grinned at her.
"Did you honestly think that Junko Enoshima could have pulled this off?" He giggles.
Kirigiri bites her lip and looks away.
He leans over and looks at her, his elbow on his knee, his hand resting on his chin. "What's wrong, Kirigiri? The promise we made getting to you?"
She looks back at Naegi, still biting her lip.
"I lied. Did you think I care about you? Or anyone here?" He giggles again. "Bullshit."
Kirigiri turns and looks him fully in his green eyes, now glinting with insanity. "What was your motive to get out trust?"
Another fit of giggles. "Easy. All I wanted to ever do is bring despair on my friends."
A laugh escapes from him again.
Kirigiri shows no expression.
"I think it's about time I finished this."
She doesn't move, even as the red button that sentenced so many of them to death rises before him.
Even as looks of panic and horror cross her friend's faces.
Even as Naegi pushes the red button in front of him.
Even as the brunette boy that she trusted laughs maniacally as she is pulled to her doom.
Yup. That was dark.
Somehow that got out a lot of stress and frustration.
Fun fact- I was actually saying all of the lines I wrote for Naegi out loud, even adding in some insane laughter after a few. That was actually pretty fun.
I'm gonna shut up now.
Thanks for reading!