This is just something that popped into my head the other day. I've wanted to write a Grey's fic for a very long time but even though I love lots of the couples, I didn't really connect with any. But then I got to know the wonders of Jackson and April and the rest, as they say, is history! This is really AU but not so much at the same time. It's kind of out there but I hope you like it anyway. There's a reference to April's accent (English) around halfway through but that is the AU aspect so just take it as it is.

"Why are we even here?" Jackson Avery asked of his best friend, Mark Sloan as a waiter topped up his flute of champagne. They had only arrived ten minutes ago and he was already bored. This wasn't exactly his idea of a good night.

Mark rolled his eyes, not at all surprised by the younger man's foolishness. "Because, this is only the most prestigious party you will ever attend. You should be thankful that I even got you on the list!"

He was still at a loss. "Why did you get me on the list? Why couldn't you come by yourself? Or bring an actual date."

"I was doing you a favour. If you want to score, then this is the place to do it."

Jackson stared at his best friend curiously for a moment. Something wasn't adding up. Then it hit him. "You knew it was going to be lame, didn't you? That's why you dragged me along with you!" he accused in amused disbelief.

The older of the two knitted his eyebrows together and took a sip of his champagne. "There is absolutely no basis to that accusation…"

"The chief forced you to come didn't he?"

"Publicity for the hospital is very important."

"Then why didn't he send Shepherd? He's like the poster boy for the perfect example of a surgeon."

Mark tried not to take offence to that. "Webber thought that I would be more suited to the needs to tonight's guests…"

Jackson took a brief look around. "Touché," he took another sip of champagne, "But I'm still not happy that you dragged me here. I wanted to spend the night doing tequila shots with the other residents at Joe's not put on a stupid tuxedo and make polite small talk with people that I have never met in my life and probably will never meet again."

"Oh lighten up. We've only have to stay an hour or two. It's not that bad. Oh," he spotted someone that Webber had mentioned on the other side of the room, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Mark, I-" he began to protest but it was no use, Mark was already gone. Jackson internally cursed him while downing the rest of his champagne. If he had to endure this sad excuse for a party then he would make damn sure that he had enough alcohol in his system.

Jackson loitered around the bar for quite some time. In fact, he had lost track of just how long. After talking to that person, Mark moved on to another and another and, frankly, he had lost all hope that his friend would return. His brain told him that he should probably do some socialising of his own but he was far too determined to have an awful time to even contemplate it.

After his second martini, Jackson heard excited voices and followed the sound until his eyes landed on a group of about seven people, with more looking on curiously. It took him a moment to locate the source of this sudden burst of excitement but there was absolutely no doubt in his mind when he did. She was the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen. Her skin was like porcelain under the light and her fiery hair was gathered in an elegant chignon on the crown of her head, supported by diamond and pearl clips. A breath-taking green dress clung perfectly to each and every curve, accentuating her slim waist with an intricate diamanté design. The sleeves were loose and half cut out on top, making her arms seem long and elegant.

But it was not all of this that caught his attention. The red head looked up for a moment, her gorgeous brown eyes immediately making contact with his. Her gaze lingered for a moment, a small smile tugging at the corners of her ruby lips. In that moment, Jackson's heart started thudding against his chest. Who was this girl and why did one glance have him feeling so affected?

As quick as it had started, the moment was over as a greying man brought her attention back to her present company by introducing her to someone else. Jackson was left standing by the bar, martini glass frozen three-quarters of the way towards his mouth. Instead of taking a drink, he placed the glass back on the marble top of the bar. Well, the night had taken a sudden turn, that was for sure.

He was left intrigued by the red head- no, intrigued wasn't the right word; entranced was more like it. Suddenly, the woman's company disappeared and Jackson got ready to move. He needed to talk to her; to find out her name; to know her. He quickly finished off the rest of his drink and started making his way across the room. Unfortunately, when he was four metres away, another crowd engaged her in awestricken conversation. The surgeon cursed internally.

"Ah, Avery, there you are," Mark's voice and a pat on the back pulled him from his train of thought.

Jackson turned to face his best friend and mentor. If he hadn't been so dazed, he would have been really pissed. "Where the hell did you go?" he spotted a smudge on Mark's neck, "Is that lipstick?"

The renowned plastic surgeon rubbed his neck, smiling all the while. He shrugged. "Hey, I was just doing what the chief said!"

"I'm pretty sure that the chief didn't tell you to prostitute yourself for investment. Or even worse; publicity."

Mark chuckled. "Since when have I ever needed a reason? What have you been up to?"

Jackson grimaced. "Standing around by myself like an idiot since you abandoned me for a quickie with a Stepford wife."

"Dude, you're in a room full of people. You could have struck of a conversation with someone- especially a lady someone."

An infectious musical laugh suddenly cut through the air, causing the green eyed surgeon to turn around and lay his eyes upon her again. He wasn't sure that he had ever heard a more endearing sound. "If I had my way I would strike up a conversation with that lady someone…" he said lowly.

Mark followed his best friend's gaze with a very amused smile. He noticed that the girl in question was moving away from her fans. It was the perfect opportunity. "Well then go talk to her!" Jackson looked at the older man briefly because, before he knew it, he had been pushed a good few feet, causing him to collide with someone.

"Oh!" a feminine voice said instinctively. He nearly died when he looked up and saw that it was that someone; the beautiful redhead in the green dress. She looked even more beautiful up close.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" he apologised, already sure that she know thought he was an asshole. He was absolutely going to kill Mark.

To his complete surprise, however, she just smiled. "It's okay. No harm done."

There was a moment of silence between the two before Jackson realised that he really should say something. "I'm Jackson," he introduced himself, sticking out his hand.

The red head chuckled softly and shook it. "April." She replied in an English accent.

"Nice to meet you."


Stuck for something to say, he came out with "Are you enjoying the party?"

April looked around briefly before answering. "I guess. I've been to quite a few of these and they do get quite monotonous after a while."

Jackson nodded. "I know what you mean. This is my first one and I've already seen enough to make me wish it was my last too," he half joked.

It got the desired effect. Her laughter chimed once again. "You're funny."

"Would you like to dance with me?" He asked, knowing if he didn't ask now that he would chicken out and never would. That in itself was very unusual for him as he wasn't exactly timid when it came to women. This one, however, he could see was different.

"Sure," the red head looked around, "I just need to find somewhere to put my drink…"

"Allow me," Jackson replied and took the flute of champagne from her hand. He moved a couple of steps away and placed it in Mark's grasp, who gave him an encouraging look. He then returned to April and took her delicate hand in his, leading her to the dance floor.

She placed her hands on his shoulders and he rested his on her waist. "So you said it was your first time at one of these things. What brought you here?" April asked curiously.

Jackson gestured in Mark's direction. "My friend over there. We're both surgeons at Seattle Grace Mercy West and he was invited so he dragged me along with him. Although now I might just have to thank him."

She chuckled. "So you're a surgeon? That must be very interesting."

"It is. But it's a tough profession. There are a lot of sharks. You have to have your wits about you."

April's faltered ever so slightly. "I know what that's like."

"What about you? What do you do?"

"I'm currently doing a PHD in History and International relations in UW. I was kinda born into all of this."

That only piqued his interest further. "History, that's cool. You must really like it. I was never really the best at it."

April shrugged. "Some people are of the opinion that it's a nothing subject but I love it. History is important. I always say that those who forget the past are bound to repeat it."

Jackson smiled. "I would tend to agree with you on that one."

"Your friend seems pretty interested in what you're doing," she commented, looking at Mark over his shoulder.

The surgeon rolled his eyes. "Just ignore him. That's what I do most of the time. He usually goes away if you don't pay him too much attention," he joked. They continued to sway until the song ended. Just as they politely applauded the band, Mark made his way over to the two.

"I just got paged by Shepherd. It's all hands on deck," he said apologetically.

Jackson sighed. "Fine. I'll meet you outside in a minute." His superior nodded and made his way to the door. "I'm needed at the hosptital…"

April nodded. "Go save some lives."

He hesitated for a moment. "You wouldn't by any chance like to out to dinner with me sometime?"

Her face lit up at the suggestion. "I would love that." The red head spotted a pen in his jacket pocket. She rolled up his sleeve and scrawled digits on his skin. "Here, that's my number. You better call."

Jackson smiled. "I will. Enjoy the rest of the night."

"Good luck. I'll say a prayer for you." With that he said his final goodbye and made his way through the crowd and outside to Mark who had hailed a cab.

"Get in," the older man ordered and the both slid into the back seat. "Seattle Grace Mercy West," Mark quickly told the driver and within a few seconds they were on their way. "So you seemed to be getting on well with the red head; you're welcome."

Jackson rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to thank you for pushing me into her."

"Did the job though, didn't it?" He noticed the trail of numbers on his best friend's arm, "Well done my young apprentice. You just bagged yourself a princess," Mark beamed.

He grimaced. "Don't call her that." April wasn't spoiled like other girls in the same circle. From what he had seen so far, she was smart and funny and kind. It would take a lot for him to believe otherwise.

Mark frowned. "Call her what?"

"A princess. She's actually nice girl." His best friend stared at him for a moment before bursting into laughter. Jackson wasn't amused at all. "What?"

Mark continued to laugh. "You seriously don't know?"

"Don't know what?" he was starting to worry.

"I wasn't using the word 'princess' in a negative way. Avery, she really is a princess."

Jackson started. "A what?"

He was enjoying this way too much. "A princess as in the daughter of a king and queen. The King and Queen of Britain to be specific. I can't believe you didn't know that. Why do you think she had so many people kissing her ass?"

The younger man was completely lost for words. April was a princess. As in, she was in line to the throne of a country. What? Okay, she did have an English accent but still, come on. "She said that she was doing a PHD in UW…"

"Yeah, she is. Hence the reason she's here in Seattle."

Jackson still couldn't believe it. He had talked to a princess. He had joked with a princess. He had danced with a princess.

He was going on a date with a princess.

"Holy shit."

Sloan laughed once again. "You know what? I'm glad you didn't know because I wouldn't trade getting to see the look on your face right now for anything."

Well this certainly put an odd slant on things.