I do not own sword art online anime, manga or other released works

As he remembered the world of Aincrad was the place he felt truly at home. During the brief time of the Beta period he was truly alive. The 100 players may not have seen him but every one of them knew of Kirito. During the Beta at the last month they held a tournament and in that tournament 90 players fought duels. Of all the people in it Kirito was the only one to come to the end of it without a single loss. His perfect record declared him the Champion.
The prize for the Champion was an extra month were he could experience the feeling and life as one of the monsters in the game. What people did not know is that the monsters had diferent societies between each monster species, but for the most part were cordial and sociable to each other. Some saw the players as invaders to their peaceful world, other saw them as a challenge.
Kirito lived as and worked as a monster for an entire month. He spent as a young child, all the way to adulthood. His monster parents could not be more proud of their son. As it turns out the monsters also held a tournament and Kirito once again was the Champion. But as the day of the first day of Sword Art Online he was happy to return in his home of Aincrad. But part of him wonders of his monster parents. Did they forget all about him? Will they remember him? or Will they try to kill me just as any other player.
As he wondered and walked towards the fields he heard a voice, "Hey, wait a second. You are a Beta. Look I know that you don't know me but could you show me the ropes?" A guy just out of nowhere asked him to teach him how to play? Kirito could not believe it. But he did remember what his monster mom would say. 'Help those in need' "Oh, alright the name is Kirito, and you are?"
"Thanks, my name is Klein." As the shock hands he explained the party formation process. He took a quick look at him and saw that he was not wearing any decent gear. "Hey, Klein have you thought at all how you want to fight? what role you want in a team?" Klein was surprised by the question ," Sure, I did. I want to become a super tough Tank Samurai!" Kirito could hardly believe what he heard and could almost imagine his monster dad laughing at such a remark.
This looked like it would be a very long day. He took Klein to buy some gear, but he has no money. Figures, this was the first day. He still had some gear that could be used by a beginner, but had to level up to at least 5. He needed to get at least some gear, so he bough for him some new player gear and gave it to Klein. "Look if you work hard and make it to level 5 in say 2 hours i will give you a prize."
"What is the prize?" Klein asked as if he would want to know if it was worth it. "Suprise. Its good but you have to listen to what I say." He formed a salute, "Yes, Sir!" They walked to the field the saw a Boar. Kirito watched as a lowly Boar was playing with Klein not even taking him seriously. "Damn it! Why the hell is this pig giving me a hard time?" Kirito flinched as he heard. Big mistake, amoung monsters there were clear things you do not do. And calling a boar who clearly was being friendly a pig was one of them. He charged right at him and hit him in the family jewels and left.
"Look you just have to start the skill with the movement system. It will help you hit the target." Klein was still rolling in the grass. "Quit doing that it doesn't actually hurt." Klein looked at him and he realized that it was true. "Look it might be easy for you to understand, but i am new. I just don't get it!" He picked up a stone and went through the motions for the first skill. "Look you start the motion of the skill, and then let it build up, and when you feel it like the energy is at its highest let it explode." As he activated the skill the stone went flying and hit a boar on the rear. He charged at Kirito but kept him busy as Klein went through the motions and did feel it and used his first skill and killed the Boar in a single hit, "Alright. I should be a lot higher in level!" Kirito laughed, "What do you think you killed?" Klein looked confused and answered, "A mid boss at least!" He fell down on the grass laughing; you could almost tell that he was breathing pretty hard. "Hey, what so funny?" Klein asked almost looked hurt. "Boars are the equal to slimes in other RPG games. They are the lowest of the low." Klein looked disappointed, "Want to do some more?" Klein looked happy, "Sure thing!"
As the hunt the last monster needed for level 5 for Klein he wondered if the lessons were the surprise. Kirito transferred his level 5 gear to Klein and imediatly put it on. He was one happy guy. "See told you that it would be worth it!" Klein, "Hey, man i know that you done a lot for me, want to meet a couple of my friends. I know that they would like to have you in their party." Kirito did not answer. It would not do for Klein to realize that he was not going all out, and that he had to still use a single skill. As party leader he could control what the other player saw. Klein could not know that he was much greater level than him, or what were his skills.
"I know that Betas tend be solitary, but i have to log out in a minute for dinner. Send me a message if you change your mind" Klein said, as he pulled the main menu and was shocked!There was no log out button. He left he party, still no log out. "Hey, man what is the deal. Where is the log out?" Kirito did the same thing "Must be a bug. But they will find it soon. To have a bug this big on the first day is bad." Klein looked at him. "I hope so I have a pizza coming to my house. But isn't there a voice command or a move that you can do?"
Kirito tried to remember and answered, "Other than the log out you can't even take off the nervegear, and the nerve gear will not run out of power. 30% of the weight of it is the battery." Klein looked less happy by the minute, he called the GM but no reply. There must over a thousand people calling for him. Just ask Klein and Kirito where going to try to figure out what was wrong a bell was heard cross the land.
A brilliant blue light glowed over them and they appeared at the plaza. "What! a forced transport to the Start City?" Klein did not answer he was looking at the sky . "Look something is happening." Klein shouted. "Must be a message explaining what is happening." Kirito replied. A large part of it turned red and began to drip a thick and almost blood looking substance. After a little while the substance took the shape of a man they would recognize as the GM but something was wrong. "The GM has no face, if the player was female, the GM was a glass wearing woman, if the player was male, the GM was an old man looking like a wizard."

"Greetings and Welcome to my world. My name is Kayaba Akihiko. Many of you are wondering why you cannot find the log out button or is that a bug. Rest assured that I will explain everything. The missing Log Out button is not a bug but an actual feature of Sword Art Online. The only way to log out is for someone of you to beat the game." There where cries of anger, fear, and even some foul language. "The Betas could not do it, and they had a whole month to try. I don't even know how big this place is." Klein shouted next to Kirito. Kirito looked at him and placing a hand on his shoulder answered, "100 floors." Klein looked at him with fear. "How do you know?" Kirito looked at him calm, "I know because I was a Beta, remember." Kayaba continued.
"The second part is that the resurrection system is permanently disabled. There is no resurrection after you die, and when you die here you will also die in the real world. A massive surge go through the nervegear and fry your brain, If the nervegear is turned off from the outside world or they attempt to remove it the brain destruction sequence will initialize." More angry shouts were heard. "He is lying, right Kirito!?" Kirito was thinking and said, "No, the nervegear sends information to our brain using the same method as another instrument. That was a microwave oven. If he sends a high enough microwaves it will make the water that our brain cells consist off vibrate and cook it." Klein did not say anything he was angry, afraid, and horrified. "Why would Kayaba do this!?" was heard from a player.
"As of now 100 players did not believe my warning to the media and they are no longer part of this world or the real world. But worry not I made certain that all your bodies will be taken to a medical facility; I will pay and give care for your real bodies. All of you can relax and enjoy the game. As to why would i do this? It is very simple; I wanted to create a world, a world of beauty, wonder, and challenge. For too long did i see the next generation of people take their lives for granted and for to long did i see them not taking life seriously. This had to stop for the good of the entire world. "
Everyone did not care about the world or anything other than themselves. Kayaba was sure of this fact. "This ends the opening tutorial for Sword Arts Online." Kirito immediately began to think like he learned as a monster. Resources were not infinite; the key to survival was growth. Become strong quickly and efficiently.
He grabbed Klein and some scared looking girl and ran to a nearby alley. "Look in a matter of minutes the quests and monsters of this floor will be systematically wiped out. Our only chance is to leave now and head to the next town. We need to secure resources and begin building our strength, and before you even ask now we can take a large group. I know the route and that is why I can make a group of 3 anything bigger and we are not going to make it." The girl turned out was a rather nice looking young woman. Her blue hair and posture made her look like a fragile as a porcelain doll. She introduced her self as Sachi. Klein was trying hard to think of a way to convince Kirito to stay. Everything Kirito had said made absolute sense. "Look Kirito my friends are out on the plaza so I am going to go there, but before I go what is the deal with the mirror in my inventory?"
"The mirror seems to be a reward for the introductory tutorial." He took out the mirror and used it, his avatar took different shape. It was how he looked in life. "How did they know what we look like in the real world?" They each began to think and they came to the same conclusion. "The nervegear setup and calibration." They each answered with a smile on their face. "I will stay and help my friends out there but you and Sachi feel free to go to the next town, I already imposed enough with having you teach me how to play. I will pass it on my friends, but be sure to stay alive Kirito. I might make a guild and invite you by then you will be a real tough guy."