A/N: Well it has certainly been a very long time, hasn't it... More than a year... Man I'm an awful author, for suddenly just ditching this fic when it was nearing it's end. So so so sorry! I don't know what exactly possessed me to start writing like a maniac again, but I think I'm going to start writing more often. I missed it, and missed knb dearly (even though it's all ended /cries. At least we have the Extra Game, right?). I won't make any promises as to whether or not I'll start writing another team for the Five Things They Ruined series, but I'm hoping to. I've got a few ideas lolling around in this big ol' head of mine. Please forgive me for my extremely long absence, but I hope to be back for good and start writing more often! So keep a look out for some more of my fics, okay? And I don't exactly know how I feel about this chapter tbh. After such a long leave, I'm not sure I have their characters down to a pat yet, but hopefully it wasn't too OOC. And to those still sticking around after all this time, thank you so much! Now, without anymore, here's the final chapter of Five Things Touou Ruined! Thank you so much for all of your kind words and reviews c:
How much did a hit man cost again?
v. Susa's bank account
Susa was often left wondering just how forgettable he really was. No one ever seemed to remember him, and if they did, they would always mention his basketball team.
He was his own person, for god's sake. Susa Yoshinori. Two words, six syllables, how hard was it really to remember? Was he really that forgettable? People even knew that one kid from Seirin, who's, mind you, whole purpose was to disappear, but they couldn't remember him?
If he was lucky, people would look at him and say, "Hey, that's one of Touou's players!". He'd even be okay with them calling him one of Aomine's teammates (which most people do). But to not be recognized at all? Or even worse, be mistaken for Kaijou's center, Kobori? They might as well just make him Kuroko 3.0 right then and there.
Sure, he didn't have a special talent like the others. But who needed a quick release shot or the ability to get into the zone anyway. He had raw talent and potential, so why the hell was that not enough anymore? People nowadays were expecting way too much.
And sure, he was pretty plain looking. Nothing compared to Aomine, or even Wakamatsu – he knew, there was no need to keep telling him – but he didn't consider himself ugly by any means. He'd had his fair share of girlfriends and all of them were very pretty, thank you very much.
But whether he was attractive or not was not the point (but if anyone asked, the answer would be yes, okay?). The point was that on a scale of one to Kuroko, how forgetful Susa was would be rated a Kuroko minus one.
Except when someone needed money.
You see, Susa started to notice an interesting decline in his bank account. The decline in the amount of money in it, that is. And that decline got even steeper once Aomine joined (damn him and his expensive taste in shoes). And he also noticed and interesting pattern in which people oh so conveniently forgot about him again as soon as they borrowed money from him.
No one paid much heed to Susa any other time, but as soon as someone needed spare change, or even their entire lunch paid for, they would immediately call for Susa. He had no idea why, exactly. It wasn't like he was the richest member of the team, or even the one with the best job. So why the hell did everyone come to him when they needed some extra cash?
"Susa, let's go to the mall today." He cringed when he heard the deep voice, that conveniently forgot the honorifics, call out to him. Aomine, who had surprised Susa by coming into practice without Momoi having to drag him there that morning, swung an all too casual arm around his shoulders and grinned at his senpai. "There's a sale today. at Nike, you know."
And now Susa knew the reason why Aomine came to practice at all. To swindle him out of his money.
Susa scowled and pushed the too familiar arm off. "I'm not your personal bank account," he said. Aomine didn't even have to say it, but Susa knew his ulterior motive.
Aomine just continue to grin, annoying Susa even more. "What are you talking about, senpai," he drawled, "I just wanted to invite you out with me. It'll be fun, won't it?"
Before Aomine could say anymore, Imayoshi walked into the gym and looked around as if he was looking for someone. His eyes lit up and a dangerous smile appeared when he saw Susa. Susa sighed. Why him?
"Susa, just the man I was looking for!" Imayoshi's grin was devilish, and Susa knew that whatever reason Imayoshi was looking for him, it most definitely could not have been good. And he was right. Like always. "Run to the vending machine and get me a Gatorade, will you? I'm parched."
"And I'm broke," Susa replied, albeit quietly so Imayoshi couldn't hear him. He didn't want to know the consequences if he had. He sighed once more and jiggled the change in his pocket, estimating that it was probably enough to buy a Gatorade for his dear captain.
On his way out, he bumped into Wakamatsu, who suddenly looked all to eager to have ran into him. "Ah, Susa! Do you have a few hundred yen?" he asked, unabashedly, Susa noted.
Susa rubbed his temples, already done with his teammates even though practice hadn't even officially started yet. "What for?"
Wakamatsu grinned. "I owe Sakurai from a few days back and he wants the money now. Thanks senpai!" As he walked past he thumped Susa on the back good naturedly, though it only added to Susa's annoyance. "I'll just go grab it from your wallet, okay?" And without waiting for an answer, Wakamatsu walked towards the locker room where Susa knew he knew where the wallet was.
Deciding to not run back and rip Wakamatsu's pretty blond hair straight out of his head, and just exhaling loudly instead, he continued on his trek to buy Gatorade for Imayoshi.
He somehow made it without anyone else trying to swindle him out of his money. He quickly bought the Gatorade and hurried back towards the gym, where an expectant Imayoshi was waiting.
As he handed his captain the bottle, Susa thought about the times that the Touou team had treated him to something.
His mind came up blank.
Imayoshi took a sip. "Ah, that's better. Thanks Susa. I'll pay you back later."
"So, after practice I was thinking we could go check out that sale Nike was having," Aomine said, walking up to the pair with his all too cocky smirk. Susa wondered if he'd get reprimanded for punching that smirk off of his face.
He opted instead to wonder how much assassins cost and whether or not they were willing to make sure certain someones never had the chance to lay their dirty hands on his hard earned money again.
(Imayoshi never paid him back and Susa never did find out how much a hit man cost either. But it didn't matter. Judging from the way the Touou regulars used his bank account as if it were their own, he probably couldn't afford one anyway.)