Author's note: This one has been sitting in my documents since forever. I'm not quite content with it, but I hope you appreciate me trying.

Adam sighs softly as he feels Ronans hands on his ribs. No bruises there for a change and there are not going to be any, either.
Ronan kisses down his side, biting him softly. Adam has to swallow, he did not expect Ronan to be so gentle, but it's nice. Oh god it's nice. Ronan has warm hands and his stubble scrapes Adam's skin just lightly. Adam is eagerly meeting every touch and has to hold his breath when he feels Ronans lips on his belly. Ronan leans his face against him. "So pretty," he murmurs and kisses from Adam's navel upwards. Adam can't take his eyes off him, the dark lashes, the sharp cheekbones and the fine short hair on his neck, he reaches out to touch him. Ronan looks up and leans over Adam. They kiss, playful at first, then more demanding. Adam pulls Ronan down by his shoulders, and though the other hesitates a bit, he lies down on him. The touch of so much warm skin at once is almost too much for Adam. He pulls Ronan close, hides his face against his neck. The air he breathes tingles in his lungs like effervescent powder, he might just dissolve any moment.

Then suddenly the sensation changes and the dizzyness that was so very pleasant just a second ago feels like suffocation. He can't do this. He can't. He is so out of his depth. Suddenly he's ashamed, of being so eager, so wanton. Adam abruptly opens his eyes and pushes Ronan off.

Ronan lies on his back and gives Adam an irritated look, but he readily lets Adam pin his arms above his head. Adam kisses him, rather desperate than tender, but Ronan meets the kiss eagerly. But when Ronan makes an attempt to break the kiss, breathing heavily, Adam clasps both of his wrists with one hand and pulls Ronans head back, fingers scrambling for purchase in the short hair. The dark-haired gasps for air, but still groans under the harsh touch. Adam bends down, biting his neck hard. Ronan pulls away instantly. "Ow, fuck!" They stare at each other, panting.
Ronan rubs his neck, a bruise already forming.
"What the fuck has gotten into you?"
Adam can't answer anything, he runs, and locks himself in the bathroom. With trembling knees, he sinks to the floor in front of the tub.

When he's done fighting down his feelings, he goes back to his room. Unfortunately, Ronan is still there, but at least he's dressed again. Adam quickly picks up a shirt and puts it on, hands shaking. He sits down on the edge of his bed, but cannot bear to look at Ronan. He closes his eyes and his fists clench up all by themselves when Ronan starts talking.

"Adam, I don't get it. I mean, if I've done something you didn't want, then I am sorry. Tell me what it was and I'm not doing it again. But if I am to apologize because you liked it – then I just don't understand. "

"Then maybe you just don't " Adam forces out. "Maybe you should go." He adds. But when Ronan pulls him into a hug, he does not fight back. And Ronan holds him and holds out.