A/N: Oneshot, to get the images out of my head and to share them with you. I have not written anything in English since I was in school and unfortunately that has been a while. Be gentle to an old lady. ;)

Ronan pulls him close, one hand on his hip, one in his hair. Adam hides his face against his neck. He can feel Ronans heartbeat and warmth through the thin shirt. "Adam" Ronan whispers, his mouth so close to his ear, it gives Adam goosebumps. He pulls away a bit and looks at Ronan. Ronans eyes are dark and fixed on Adam. "May I kiss you?" he asks and Adam can neither say yes nor nod, but he can take Ronans face in his hands and put his lips gently on the the other's.

"Can I stay the night?" Ronan asks. Adam suddenly feels his insides getting cold. Shit. He had not even thought so far. Oh damn. Adam feels his palms are getting wet and he begins to stammer.
"Maybe that's not such a good idea ..."
"Adam" Ronan says softly "I just wanted to be near you. But I can drive home, don't worry. "
"No, no," Adam stammers, oh shit, this is embarrassing, he runs his hands through his hair nervously. Be near him. He can hardly bear being near himself.

"Sure, stay. Uh. I ... I need to go to the bathroom." he says quickly, and flees out the door. He sits on the tub edge in the harsh bathroom light and is angry with himself. What the hell is he doing here? He brushes his teeth, he doesn't even know why.
When he comes back to his room, Ronan is sitting cross-legged on his bed wearing his boxers and t-shirt. Thank God he's not naked.
Adam takes off his jeans and socks and sits down on the other side of the bed. What now?
"Um ... should I turn out the light?" he asks nervously. Ronan nods. Adam snaps the bedside lamp and lies down quickly, staring at the ceiling. It rustles next to him when Ronan lifts the blanket.
Adam holds his breath, he can feel the mattress moving next to him as Ronan is lying down. They lie in the dark and do not touch. Adam's feels a pull in his stomach as if Ronan were a magnet. Now he's so close, and still not really there.
"You can come closer, you know" Adam says after a while, trying to sound very cool, but his voice is thin and he is glad that the light is not on.
"You sure?"
"Come on."
Ronan scoots close to him, nestles against his side like a cat. Adam's heartbeat doubles immediately and how lucky it is that you breathe automatically, otherwise he would not have trusted it to function right now.

Adam runs his hand across Ronan's back. Ronans T-Shirt reveals a strip of warm skin above the shorts that Adam simply has to touch. Ronan murmurs "Mmm" and snuggles closer to him. Adam gets so nervous and antsy that he has to laugh.

"What is it," Ronan asks and raises his head, his voice uncertain. "I wouldn't have thought you were so cuddly" says Adam. I cannot believe that you actually want me to touch you, he thinks.

Ronan moves away a bit. "Sorry," he mutters. "No!" Adam says, a little too loud in the darkness "no, please stay." "Okay," Ronan says, but he doesn't come closer again. Adam swallows hard, now he has ruined it, just when it felt so good to have Ronan so close. "Come back here ... please." he says softly, and stretches out a hand to the side to find Ronans hand. He places their entwined fingers on his chest and keeps them there.