So I was writing another chapter for The Birds and The Bees when this plot came into my head. I told myself "meh i'll finish this first before I start writing a new story" Then halfway through the chapter, I realized that I was getting nowhere with TBATB because I can't get this plot out of my head. So I was like dang it, I need to write this story NOW. I'll stop talking now and let you lovely folks read my newest creation :)

It was a bright and sunny day in Arendelle, the perfect day to go outside and play. But not for Princess Anna, she was stuck inside the portrait room with nothing to do as her sister was too busy doing her 'Queenly duties'.

"Hey Joan, remember the time that I drew a moustache on you because I think you'd look more cooler, when Papa found out he was so angry. Apparently you were worth a lot of money and I just turned a priceless painting into my colouring book." Anna chuckled as she reminisced with the painting above her while hanging her head outside down from the couch. She glanced at the window and saw the sun shining through the glass. "Look outside, Joan! It's such a lovely day! But Kristoff's too busy gathering ice. Olaf's too busy doing god knows what, and Elsa." The princess sighed. "Elsa's too busy being boring or whatever." Elsa has been super busy these past few days. Anna knows that it's not her sister's fault that she was swamped with work, she's the Queen! Queens are supposed to be busy running the kingdom instead of running around with their little sisters. Elsa tries to make up for their lost time by going to Anna's bedroom after her work, but due to her exhaustion she just ends up falling asleep on Anna's bed after a few minutes of talking.

I should really try to get her to relax, but how? Anna thought as she looked around the room. Her eyes lighted up as her gaze landed on the grandfather's clock by the door. "Do you know what time it is Joan?" Anna exclaimed "It's two o'clock! It's time for Elsa's break!" She tried to stand up, but due to her excitement her feet got tangled with the hem of her dress and she landed face flat on the floor. Anna quickly stood up not minding the pain, said a quick goodbye to Joan and ran to her sister's study as fast as she could. When she reached the door of the study, Anna stopped. She placed her hands on her knees and collected her breath. Then ever so slowly, she raised her hand and knocked on the door three times. A muffled "come in" came from inside the study. Anna placed her hand on the doorknob and opened the door. Inside the study she saw Elsa hunched over a pile of paperwork. Elsa's eyes were closed, wisps of blond hair fell off from her braid, and her hands were massaging her temples. She looked terribly exhausted.

"Is it a bad time?" Anna said softly. The Queen lifted her head up, smiled at the Princess and said in a tired voice. "Of course not, Anna. I'm just a little tired that's all." "A little?" Anna said skeptically while arching an eyebrow at her older sister. "Fine, not little, I'm just very tired." Elsa said while rubbing her eyes. Anna took a seat in front of her sister and said. "Elsa, you look like you're gonna fall of that chair any minute now. Why don't you take a nap or something?" Elsa's head suddenly snapped up. "You know I can't do that Anna! There's so much to do." She started fixing the papers in front of her and said grimly. "I can't just take a break, if there was someone who could take my place maybe I could. But there's just me so I have no choice." An idea suddenly flashed through Anna's head. I know how I'm going to make her relax. She took a deep breath and said smugly.

"I don't know why it takes you so long to finish your work, I mean it looks really easy."

Elsa stopped fixing the papers and fixed her icy blue eyes on Anna. "Easy for you to say, you have it fine since you're not doing anything to help run this kingdom."

Anna looked back at her sister and said a matter-of-factly. "I guess you're right, but if I was in your position I'd have those papers finish in an hour or less." Elsa's eyes glinted with annoyance.

"Is that a challenge?" The Queen asked in a deadly voice.

"Maybe it is." Anna said with a hint of smugness in her tone, her plan was going well. Anna continued "I even bet that I could finish all your work and manage to spend time with you for more than an hour without falling asleep."

The room suddenly dropped several degrees. Elsa's mouth formed a thin line, she was starting to get irritated by her sister's cockiness. "Oh I'd love to see you try." She said.

Anna stood up, extended her hand to Elsa and said. "Care to make it official?" Elsa stood up without breaking eye contact with her sister. She took Anna's hand and said in her most formal voice. "I Queen Elsa of Arendelle hereby challenge Princess Anna of Arendelle to perform my queenly duties for 5 days. I in return shall do whatever the princess does every day. The first to forfeit shall not have any, hmm." Elsa's eyes gleamed as she said "the first to forfeit shall not have any sort of chocolate for one whole month-"

"WHAT?" Anna shrieked. "That's unfair Elsa!"

It was Elsa's turn to smug now. "What's the matter Anna? Don't think that you'll survive a day of being me? You seemed confident earlier." Anna's face heated up as she said defensively. "Well of course I was thinking of you! How awful is it going to be when you won't get to eat any chocolate for a month?"

"Oh don't you worry about me. I'm going to do just fine." Elsa said wickedly as the two shook hands, formally starting their challenge.

Day 1


Knock knock knock

"Princess Anna! It's time to get up!" A voice shouted outside Anna's door.

"Mhmm, gimme five more minutes." Anna mumbled sleepily as she turned around and buried her face on her pillow.

"But Princess Anna, you have a meeting with the Royal Portrait Painter in 15 minutes." The voice outside said.

Anna yawned, eyes still closed she said. "Well maybe you can tell him to come back later."

"Princess Anna, we can't do that. You see your schedule is terribly full today. After your meeting with him you have another meeting with-"

Anna groaned and placed the pillow above her head as she tried to block out the voice. Maybe if she ignored him he'll go away. She was starting to fall asleep again when a loud knock on her door woke her up.

She turned towards the door as an exasperated voice said. "Princess Anna, if you don't get out of your bed this instant I will not hesitate to tell Queen Elsa that you are forfeiting your deal by refusing to do her duties."

"I'm up! I'm up! No need to rat me out jeez." Anna said as she suddenly sat up and rubbed her eyes, trying to get the remaining sleepiness off.

"Very well your majesty, the Royal Portrait Painter will be waiting for you in the study." The voice said. She could hear footsteps walk away from her room. When the footsteps were gone Anna plopped back on her bed and sighed. Why did I do this again? Remembering Elsa's exhausted face yesterday Anna forced herself to get up. For Elsa, the princess thought as she started getting ready for the long long day ahead of her.

I knew I never should have closed my eyes again after getting dressed. Anna thought as she ran towards the study. After getting dressed, Anna closed her eyes for a moment. She fell asleep and woke up 20 minutes later. As she neared the corner Gerda suddenly walked out carrying a tray of food, not seeing the Princess that was running towards her. "Woah!" Anna exclaimed as she veered left missing the servant by a mere inch. "Oh my! Your majesty be careful!" Gerda shouted as Anna didn't even stop running. Anna looked at her and said. "Don't worry I will!" Anna was still looking at her and didn't notice the vase that she was going to run into.

"Oof!" Anna exclaimed as she collided with the vase. She fell down the carpeted floor with a large crash and hit herself in the head. Anna touched her head as she stood up and winced, a bruise was slowly forming. This is going to need some ice. The Princess thought as she started running again.


Elsa was still lying in bed, even as she slept she looked utterly perfect. Her blond hair was kept in place by a braid, and her face looked content and rested. The Queen was sleeping soundly until a loud crash outside her room woke her up.

"What was that?" The queen said shockingly as she sat up. She got up and opened the door, to her right she saw Anna's back round the corner as she ran towards the direction of the study. Why is she running to the study? Is something wrong? Elsa thought as she started panicking. The room dropped several degrees and frost started to gather at her feet. Recollections of yesterday's events went through Elsa's head.

Oh that's right I left Anna in charge of the whole kingdom. Nothing's wrong. Elsa sighed and sat on the edge of her bed as the frost disappeared.

The Queen's eyes widened as she realized what she did.

I left Anna in charge of the whole kingdom.

The frost started to gather by her feet again.


Elsa dashed out of her room not minding that she's still in her sleepwear with a trail of frost following her.

"Gerda!" Elsa shouted at the servant who was walking at the hallway with a tray of food on her hand.

"Your majesty! Is something wrong?" Gerda said as she saw the look of panic on Elsa's face.

"Yes something is wrong!" Elsa exclaimed as she started pulling her hair. "Where's Anna? What happened to the kingdom? Are we in debt? Is anything on fire? Did our stocks go down? What was I thinking leaving Anna in charge?" The queen stammered on as she paced in front of Gerda.

"Your majesty, Anna and Arendalle are doing fine."

Elsa suddenly stopped, and looked shockingly at Gerda. "Are you sure?" She asked, disbelief lacing her voice. Gerda smiled. "Yes I'm sure. She was just on her way to meet with the Royal Portrait Painter." Gerda said as she nodded to the direction of the study. Elsa looked at the empty hallway and said in a small voice. "And nothing is on fire?" Gerda chuckled and said. "No, your majesty. Nothing is on fire, now come on let's get you back to bed." Gerda then grabbed Elsa's elbow and led her back to her room. "Bed?" Elsa exclaimed? "Don't I have things to do?" Gerda laughed and said. "Your majesty, Princess Anna sleeps until lunchtime. And since you have switched duties, it is your job now to sleep for five more hours." Elsa then sat at the edge of her bed and looked at Gerda. "If something goes wrong please tell me immediately."

"Yes your majesty, and don't you worry too much. Princess Anna will do fine." Gerda said as she closed the door. Elsa laid down on her bed, sighing as her body hit the soft mattress. I could get used to this. Elsa thought as she drifted off to sleep.


The door to the study opened suddenly, startling the Royal Portrait Painter. He turned towards it and saw the Princess panting, she looked like she ran 12 miles and there was a large bruise on her forehead. "Your majesty." He stood up and bowed down to the Princess. "Are you okay? I believe there is something on your forehead."

Anna walked towards the table and plopped down on the chair behind it. "I'm fine, I'm fine." The Princess panted. She straightened up her back and cleared her throat. "So, what's the agenda today?" The Royal Portrait Painter looked at her carefully and said. "Your majesty are you sure you're fine? That bump needs to be treated." Anna waved her hand at him and said. "Yes I'm fine don't worry about me." The Royal Portrait Painter sat down in front of her and said. "Well if you say so." He cleared his throat and said. "Your majesty I am here today because the Queen commissioned me to paint the royal family portrait. As you know we have a lot to talk about such as the painting style, what kind of paint will be used, and how you and the Queen would like to be depicted in the painting."

Painting styles? Aren't they all just painted the same? Anna thought. The Royal Painter chuckled and said. "No your majesty, there are actually different styles that can be used when painting." Anna blushed, not realizing that she said it out loud.

The Royal Painter continued. "For the Royal family portrait, we can choose between two styles: Impressionism and Romanticism. Impressionism is painted using relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes. Its goal is to recreate the sensation in the eye that views the subject, rather than delineating the details of the subject." The Royal Painter looked at Anna as if making sure that she was listening. The Princess nodded blankly, gesturing for the Royal Painter to continue. "Romanticism on the other hand, validates strong emotion as an authentic source of aesthetic experience. Making it more, exaggerated than Impressionism. Which one would you like to use your majesty?"

Authentic source of aesthet-what? Anna thought. She didn't know about this kind of things. She loved paintings, heck she even talked to them. But she didn't know a thing about this Impresssions and Romanticisisisim things. Anna wished she listened to her tutor all those years ago instead of hiding from them. "Your majesty?" The Royal Painter said snapping Anna out of her daydream. "Which one would you like to use?" "Well, which one do you think is better?" Anna asked while trying to stifle a yawn. The Royal Painter rubbed his chin and said. "For me, Romanticism is better to be used because we can depict you and the Queen's emotions. Placing emphasis on certain features like-" "Okay, okay!" Anna cut him off. Her head was starting to hurt because of all this art terms.

"I trust your judgment, and I think Romantisisisicm-"

"Romanticism, your majesty." The Royal Painter corrected.

"Yeah, what you said. That will do just fine. I trust you. You're the art expert and I'm not. Tell you what, why don't you decide on what paint to use too since I don't know anything about those kinds of things." Anna said smiling at the Royal Painter. He looked at her with disbelief in his eyes, suddenly he stood up and bowed down to Anna. "Your majesty I am truly honoured to be given such a big decision. I promise I will do my best." He then sat down and said. "For the type of paint, watercolour and oil are usually used for Romantic paintings. I suggest oil, although it would take longer to dry."

"That's fine, I'm in no rush." Anna said. The Royal Painter stood up and said. "Well that's about it your highness. I will have the paints and canvas delivered and we can immediately start around next week." He bowed again and grabbed his bag by the chair. Anna stood up and walked him to the door. "We'll see you next week." Anna said. "Yes your majesty, and thank you again." The Royal Painter said as he walked out. Anna shut the door and leaned against it, she rubbed her temples and sighed. She didn't know what made her head hurt more, all those terms or the bruise at her forehead.

"Your majesty, wake up." Kai said as he tapped Anna's shoulder lightly. "Wha-what time is it?" Anna said groggily as she stretched. Anna fell asleep at the table of the study, she haven't left the room all day. She met with five different people to discuss things like the economy, and something about supply and demand. When her last guest, the Royal Architect, left Anna couldn't take it anymore and rested her head on the table. Next thing she knew Kai was waking her up.

"Your majesty it's time for supper."

"Five more minutes, Kai." Anna said as she rested her head against the table.

"But your majesty, the Queen is already waiting for you." Kai said. At the mention of her sister Anna suddenly perked up. She didn't see Elsa all day and she really missed her. "Elsa's there?" Anna asked the servant in front of her. "Yes your majesty, she's been waiting for you for quite a while now." Kai said, smiling slightly. Anna suddenly stood up knocking her chair over. "Well why didn't you say so!" She said as she dashed out of the room leaving Kai behind.

When Anna walked into the dining room she saw her sister talking to Gerda by the dining table. "Elsa!" Anna shouted as she ran towards her sister. Elsa turned around just as Anna tackled her with a hug. "Oof!" Elsa exclaimed, almost falling to the floor from the impact of Anna's hug. "I missed you." Anna said as she wrapped her arms around her sister's neck and steadied her.

Elsa smiled and said. "I missed you too, did you set any fires today?"

"Nope!" Anna said grinning widely at her sister. Elsa laughed and led her sister to the table. "Well that's great. Now come on, let's eat."

Anna sighed as she climbed under her covers. She was full and exhausted, all she wanted to do was sleep. But before she could even close her eyes her door creaked open and Elsa peeked inside.

"Anna?" Elsa whispered. "You awake?"

"Yeah, I am. Come on in Elsa." Anna said, moving to the side to make room for her sister. Elsa climbed on the bed and laid down beside Anna. "So." Elsa said as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind Anna's ear. "What did you do today?"

Anna sighed loudly and said in a dramatic voice. "A lot! I met up with the Royal Portrait Painter to discuss our family portrait. Then I met up with the guy in charge of Arendelle's trade to discuss our stocks. Then I met with the Royal Architect to talk about the new buildings." Anna stopped and tapped her chin. "Oh I also met with three other people but I don't really remember what we talked about, or who they are." She said sheepishly. Elsa laughed as Anna asked. "What about you? What did you do today?"

Elsa grinned and said. "Nothing."

Anna gasped and sat up. "Nothing? The Queen did nothing today?"

Elsa sat up, her blue eyes twinkling as she boasted. "Yep, that's right. I laid in bed all day, and it felt so good. Just all me Queen Lazy."

Anna laughed and fixed her bangs, pain shot through her head as her hand hit her bruise. Anna winced and tried to hide it from Elsa. But her sister didn't miss anything. "Anna, what's wrong?" Elsa said as she brushed Anna's hair away from her face and saw the bruise. Anna looked down as Elsa gasped. "Anna what happened?" Her sister demanded.

"I-erm. Crashed into a vase." Anna stammered.

"What?!" Elsa exclaimed as the room suddenly got colder. That would explain the crashing noise that she heard that morning.

"It was nothing Elsa, just a little accident. I'm fine don't worry." Anna said quickly. Elsa sighed and held up her hand, a swirl of blue and white appeared as frost formed on her hand. Elsa then placed her frosted hand on Anna's bruise. The princess sighed in relief as the cold made contact with her bruise. "God, that feels good." Anna said. Elsa removed her hand and laid back down.

"Come here." She instructed Anna. The princess laid down next to the queen and rested her head at Elsa's chest. Elsa placed her hand back at Anna's head emitting another sigh from the princess. "Anna you have to be more careful." Anna yawned and said. "I am careful. It was just a little accident." Elsa sighed and said. "Be more careful, Anna."

Anna smiled and teased her sister. "You're so overprotective you know that?"

"I know that, I just don't want you getting hurt." Elsa said her mouth forming a thin line.

Anna yawned again making Elsa giggle. "Sleep now, you have a lot of work tomorrow." The queen said wrapping the sheets around them, keeping one hand on Anna's forehead. After a minute of silence Elsa felt a pair of eyes on her, she looked down and saw Anna looking at her. "What?" Elsa asked. Anna lifted her head and kissed Elsa on the cheek. "Thanks for being overprotective, sis." Anna said softly. Elsa smiled and Anna laid her head back down on her older sister's chest.

"You're welcome." She whispered as Anna closed her eyes and drifted off to a dreamless sleep.