Stiles was scanning the crowd of the party, the bass thudding in the background, watching people grind against one another looking for his newest conquest. He saw quite a few people he knew in the crowd. Scott making out with Allison in a secluded corner, which was sickening to watch for more than a few seconds; Boyd, standing on his own with a few feet of space between him and others, looking like he was waiting for a specific person to arrive; Danny, finally able to get Ethan out on the dance floor with him; Jackson eye-fucking with Lydia, who was standing next to Stiles, looking smoking hot and completely off limits. Stiles was thinking about moving in on Aidan, the proclaimed straight one of the wonder twins when two people entered the party and completely derailed all of Stiles's thoughts and plans.

"Holy bushy eyebrows, Batman" Stiles said aloud.

"Alright, who'd you spot?" Lydia, asked standing on her tip toes and looking in the same direction.

"Him," Stiles replied pointing to the 6' man that was made of pure muscles. He was wearing a tight grey Henley, jeans, and a black leather jacket that fit him like a second skin.

"You mean Derek Hale," Lydia asked with a smirk at Stiles's look of pure want.

"You know him?" Stiles said his voice going up an octave or two as he continued to stare.

"Yeah he's Harris's TA, actually helpful unlike some of the other grad students I know. Also totally single," Lydia explained.

"Really?" Stiles asked, watching the gorgeous blonde Derek had come in with leave him to get a drink. The muscular man had a sour expression like he didn't want to be here.

"Yes, and now he's alone so why don't you go get him?" Lydia said, shoving Stiles forward.

"You're cool with me leaving you alone?" Stiles asked halfheartedly, really not wanting her to say no.

"I doubt I'll be alone for long," Lydia said with a sly smile. Stiles followed her line of sight and saw Jackson maneuvering through the crowd to her.

"Alright, later," Stiles said quickly and dived through the crowd of people separating him from his goal.

A few feet away from Derek, Stiles tripped and was instantly glad he had finished his drink on his way over.

As he was about to spectacularly face plant, Stiles felt extremely muscular arms around him.

"Whoa, you alright? Maybe you should switch to water for a bit" Derek said helping Stiles into an upright position.

"What? No, I'm fine, I trip on air a good portion of the time," Stiles said quickly.

"Alright. Just be careful," Derek said with a slight smile trying to break through.

"Hey, can I get you a drink?" Stiles asked with a smile.

Derek frowned, thinking the offer over.

"Fine," he said with a shrug.

"Cool, name's Stiles, Stiles Stilinski," Stiles said walking backwards.

"Derek Hale," Derek returned and winced as he saw Stiles almost trip over someone's outstretched leg. Stiles twirled around and just caught himself from falling, looking back and smiling at Derek to show he was fine.

The path to the kitchen had chosen this moment to be packed and it took Stiles a good ten minutes to worm his way to there and another ten back to Derek without spilling the drinks he had procured.

"Here you go," Stiles said handing over one of the cups to Derek. The taller man took a sip and made a sour face.

"Sorry, I tend to forget not everyone has my tolerance for sugar," Stiles apologized with a sheepish smile.

"No it's fine," Derek said before taking another sip, his grimace not as bad as the first.

"So why the sour-wolf expression? Besides the drink being too sweet," Stiles asked.

"My friend Erica dragged me here when I was perfectly content to stay home," Derek explained.

"The party isn't really that bad," Stiles asked.

"Nah I suppose not, just loud," Derek replied.

"You want to go talk somewhere a little quieter?" Stiles replied, hoping the other man picked up his subtle proposition.

"Actually I was going to get out of here, I stayed the 30 minutes I promised Erica and my thesis isn't going to write itself," Derek stated.

"Alright. See you around maybe," Stiles said, knowing how to take no for an answer.

"Yeah, look forward to it," Derek said and left.

Stiles turned back to the party and returned to looking for someone who'd be willing to go home with him. He felt someone bumped into him and a hand squeezing his ass. He turned his head to find the person the hand was attached to was Aidan.

Straight my ass, Lydia owes me $10.