Author's Notes: Thank you so much for reading this fics. Those who had followed and supported me all the way, I appreciate your enthusiasm greatly.

Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own Spirited Away

Chapter 20: Graduation

The cherry blossom trees were blooming again. The seniors of Asuwa Koto Gakko (Asuwa High School) were gathered in the front of the schoolyard taking photos. They had just finished their graduation ceremony and everyone was saying their last good byes and taking their last pictures with their friends in school.

"Chihiro! Over here!" Kokoro called. "We are taking a group picture!"

Chihiro who was standing in the yard staring up the cherry blossom trees turned around with a huge smile on her face. She had her long brown hair down her shoulders for she no longer wear the purple hair tie. She ran over to her best friend her soft silky hair flowing behind her.

"Hey wait for me!" Chihiro cried playfully.

Above the cheery blossom tree Hogo the school cherry blossom kodama stood watching the students laughing and chatting below him. A child ghost hovered next to his shoulder.

"Do you think she saw us?" Isamu asked.

"No she didn't Isamu." Hogo said sadly. "She was just admiring the flowers."

"Why did she forget us?" Isamu asked glumly.

"I hear news from the spirit world, she did this for Kohaku-ouji." Hogo said.

"It was the same for Kohaku-ouji too. Once he left the human world, no one remembered him at all." Isamu said sadly.

Chihiro smiled while she stood next to Kokoro and Eiji behind them with some of the students from their class posing for a photo. Isamu flew down towards Chihiro and hovered next to her watching her. He flicked her hair playfully and waited.

Chihiro turned around when she thought she felt someone touched her. When she saw no one she shrugged it away and turned back to the camera. Isamu floated back up to Hogo miserably.

"Whatever you do, she will not see you Isamu." Hogo told him.

"I thought it was worth a try."

"I am going to miss her too, definitely." Hogo said watching her. "I heard that she is moving to Tokyo."

The two spirits watched her as Chihiro chatted with her friends in her most radiant and beautiful smile…

Chihiro had packed her last box in her room. She stood up and walked over to the back shoji door and opened it. She looked out the backyard drinking in the beautiful scenery of the lake and the forest below.

Strangely she felt attached to this place. She didn't know why but she knew that she would miss the quiet and peaceful atmosphere terribly.

"Chihiro are you ready?" Toshihiro asked. "The cab is here."

"I'm done." Chihiro replied and turned away from the backyard.

"Please do call when you reach Tokyo." Toshihiro said. "Don't forget Tokyo is a big city and a dangerous place. Don't go out at night too often."

"I will be fine, Toshihiro-san." Chihiro smiled. "Besides my parents will be meeting me there for a week before the semester starts in university."

"I will ship the rest of the boxes soon." Toshihiro said. "But have you packed your necessities?"

"Yup all packed."

They walked out the house towards the front porch passing by the kodama as they went. They watched Chihiro sadly when she walked by no longer able to see them. Kenta was bouncing next to her and she didn't notice him either.

By the archway the cab driver was carrying Chihiro's luggage down the stairs.

"Thank you for everything Toshihiro-san." Chihiro smiled and gave him a quick hug when they came to the steps. "I'm going to miss you. I will come back to visit when I have holidays."

"Yes please do."

"Bye!" Chihiro waved and ran down the steps.

"She really can't see us anymore, can she?" Kaede asked miserably.

"It can't be help Kaede." Toshihiro said watching Chihiro disappeared down the steps. "I am at lost here too. All my years I had hoped she would take my place in the future. I made her go through so many difficult paths. She was so willing no matter how difficult it was. But now when I see that smile. I sometimes wonder if it was best for her to forget."

"Of course it isn't." Kenta said in tears. "It is not right to steal her memories! Who ever it was that did this, is a thief! Her memories were stolen!"

"Hush now Kenta." Toshihiro smiled softly but sadly. "Let's hope faith is on our side."

The Jade Palace were back to its glory standing tall and proud. Everyone was rejoiced when they hear the news that their ruler had finally gained consciousness. The horrible battle for status and power in the spirit realm had finally ended and balance had come back to their world everyone was celebrating.

Everyone, except for one.

Haku had gain power and reputation in the spirit realm. He had no trouble ruling the Jade Palace maintaining order and peace in his realm. Everyone admired him far and wide. When news that Masami never became his mate, female of imperial status had come to try court the young handsome dragon.

He ignored all their proposals.

He stood in the imperial garden in his royal clothes. It had been long since he wore them and they were actually really uncomfortable. He took no heed to it and stood elegantly with his hands clasped behind his back.

His handsome features were expressionless as he looked down upon the lake. Zeniba's reflection cast upon the stillness of the water.

"I don't know where she is." Zeniba said told Haku. "She must have taken off her hair tie. The one and only magical object she had left. There is no way we can find her in the human world. I hear Toshihiro said she moved to Tokyo. A city where people are materialistic and our magic are weak there."

"No matter what it takes." Haku growled lowly. "Find her!"

He turned away from the lake.

No female in the imperial circle could replace her. No one.

No matter what it took he must find her.

He swept passed the little celebration that was held in the palace hall. He didn't bother to stop them or join them. He knew that the spirits were happy that peace had come and he had return. He would not stop their rejoice over the tranquility of their realm. They had every right to celebrate.

Even peace had come he didn't feel peaceful. He almost snarled at the memory of the day when he woke from the curse.

He was in his room. Jo'ou and Masami were with him. He couldn't recall what happened during the time he was place under the curse. But he thought he remembered Chihiro's crying face in his sub-consciousness.

"Where is Chihiro?" He remembered that was the first thing he asked.

He felt something was awfully wrong. He no longer could feel her presence. Their Guardian contract was broken. Did something happen to her? He was panicking.

"She went back to the human realm." Jo'ou told him calmly.

"What is it that you are not telling me mother?" Haku narrowed his eyes slightly. "How long was I unconscious?"

"Why are you still thinking about her?" Masami scorned hatefully. "She is finally out of your life. You should be happy that the burden is no longer on your shoulders!"

"What did you do?" Haku shouted and in a flashed he clutched Masami around her neck and lifted her off the ground. "If you even did remotely touch a single strand of her hair!"

Masami still didn't flinched and glared at him. She knew that Haku wouldn't hurt her. Even the grip around the neck wasn't hard. They knew each other since they were young. He wasn't the type that will kill or hurt someone deemed close to him before.

"Kohaku, put her down." Jo'ou said calmly.

Haku held on. He had a good mind to crush that neck but his integrity stopped him. Masami was very close to him before. They were good friends but after all this. He couldn't trust her anymore. He promised himself if she did hurt Chihiro he would do it. But he didn't know what happened. After a few second passed, he released his grip and she fell to the floor.

"Masami, please leave us be." Jo'ou told her quietly. "You have already done enough damage for all of us. You are lucky I managed to beg The Skies for mercy for your sake."

Masami frowned, still looked determined and left the room with her head held high.

"She still believes so strongly that her actions are good." Jo'ou explained serenely. "I was a minute too late Kohaku I am sorry. When I arrive Chihiro is no longer here."

"What are you talking about mother?"

"Your soul broke when Yuki-onna died shattering your scale that held the curse. Of course Chihiro didn't know that dragons has a unique ability to heal. It is our biggest secret. That is how we live an eternal life. Masami tricked her into making a deal with her. Chihiro thought that it was the only way to safe you."

"What did she do?" Haku looked frightened now.

"She changed her destiny and gave up her memories of the spirit world."

Haku stared at Jo'ou as if he didn't understand a single word she said.

"She has no memories of any of us." Jo'ou told him. "Including you."

Haku sank back on his bed numbly. Chihiro had forgotten him?

Jo'ou should just let The Skies punish Masami for her deeds. Haku thought angrily. He regretted that he didn't inflict some pain upon Masami.

"I know its hard to accept Kohaku. Chihiro did a great sacrifice. She was supposed to be the rightful human being to take over Toshihiro's place and keep balance. However, it came as a surprise what she sacrifice did a great deal of good to our realm too."

The memories of that day were painful. She gave up so much to save him and his world. Then it became unbearable when he found out during the time of the curse he tried to kill Chihiro. He almost succeeded too when he stabbed her slightly below her left shoulder.

He rubbed his temple agitatedly. Even after all that Chihiro forgave him and gave up everything just for him to live. He knew that he needed her back in his life. No matter what it took he must find her. He didn't want this life if he couldn't be with her.

Chihiro read the address in her hand and looked up at the slightly rundown double storey town house. There were three units on the first floor and another two on the ground level.

The rent was affordable and it was near her university and a supermarket. It was a perfect location. Her room was on the first floor. She walked up the stairs slowly and went to her unit in the middle.

She unlocked the door and went into the small musty room furnished with a low Japanese dining table and a small kitchen on the right. Her bed was on the left hand corner with clothes dresser at its foot. There was also a balcony and everything seemed perfect.

She walked over to the balcony and slid the glass door opened. She stepped out and looked around the rather quiet neighbourhood. It was a nice place. She took in a deep breath. Everything was falling into place perfectly well around her.

She smiled when the breeze caressed her face gently. She leaned on the rail and looked towards the horizon. She could see a rainbow over it. It was beautiful. She started humming her favourite song unconsciously…

Haku knew that his chances to find Chihiro were slim. But he wasn't going to give up. Days were unbearable without her. He promised that they would be together forever. He had no intentions on breaking it.

Jo'ou watched Haku losing his will as days went by. Even how much she didn't agree on Haku trying to find Chihiro, she couldn't bear to see his son losing his heart bit by bit everyday.

In the end, she called him to her.

"What is it mother?"

"There is something I think you might find useful." Jo'ou waved her hand in the air and the Kage no Kagami materialized hovering between them. "I am thinking of handing this to you."

"This is the sacred mirror mother, you want to give this to me."

"Like I said it will be useful." Jo'ou smiled. "It has eyes that goes beyond the spirit and the human world. You do understand what I mean don't you?"

Haku remained silent staring at the mirror. This might be his chance.

"Thank you mother."

The first day of university was overwhelming for Chihiro. There were students from all over the prefecture in Japan. There were also some exchange students.

Chihiro read the paper in her hand and looked up at the sideboards. She was glad she was here early. She didn't want to be late for class and she was utterly lost right now. She held a piece of her work on canvas under one arm and her backpack hung loosely on one shoulder.

"Hey look there he is!"

She heard a girl whispered next to her. She was talking to her friend. Chihiro looked over to who they were staring at.

"That is Kenshin Koertig, the most famous oil painting illustrator in second year! I hear he is half German!"

"Yes I heard he won many awards even when he was only in his teens. His paintings are in the Tokyo Art Gallery!"

"Isn't he handsome!"

"Yes, how I wish I am able to be his partner for our projects one day."

"In your dreams. He works alone. It is sad to see the best looking guy in uni a loner."

Chihiro looked at the boy curiously. He had dark short messy hair. His shirt was dirty with oil paints and he wore a pair of dark jeans. He walked by them without acknowledging the swooning girls and for a moment Chihiro caught his green eyes.

Her heart jumped. Green eyes?

The boy looked over, his gaze fell over her painting before he looked up at her. Their eyes locked for a second before he turned away and continued his way down the corridor mingling into the crowd.

Chihiro shrugged away the weird feeling and venture into her quest to find her class.

The day went on rather excitingly for Chihiro. She was please when the teachers love her work. Her head was in the clouds when she headed back to her room.

She brought some groceries on the way back and was struggling with the groceries bags, her canvas and her backpack all at once. She headed up the steps when her backpack slipped and fell. It bounced down the steps and landed at the bottom.


She was on her way back down again when someone came over and picked her backpack off the ground at the bottom of the steps. She stared into a pair of green eyes.

She felt her heart clenched painfully again.

The person was that boy she saw in university, he walked up the steps slowly and slung her bag on her shoulder again. Without a single word he continued his way up the steps.

Chihiro turned to him quickly.

"Thank you!"

He turned slightly and nodded once.

Chihiro smiled…

In the dark alleyway a pair of crystals blue eyes glowed. White paws padded out into the light. No one noticed the white wolf in a size of a Great Dane sitting in that narrow alley standing guard and watching Chihiro.

"Found you."

Haku looked into the Kage no Kagami and saw Chihiro. She was smiling at something and her brown eyes were sparkling in the light. Her long straight brown hair flowed beautifully down her back and moving slightly in the breeze.

Haku raised his hand towards the reflection and traced the outline of Chihiro's features gently…

The sky was bright blue in a beautiful spring morning. Students from university were lounging around the huge front lawn before their classes. They sat in groups on the grass talking and discussing their work. Some lay on the grass alone listening to music headphone over their ears.

Chihiro entered the grounds carrying a canvas in one hand and a backpack slung over one shoulder. She wore an old shirt covered in colourful paints and a pair faded blue jeans.

"Chihiro!" Kokoro cried running up to her. "Hey! Wait up!"

Chihiro stopped and turned around. She smiled when she saw Kokoro running towards her in her stylish blouse and mini skirt. She was always so beautiful whenever she went.

"Morning Kokoro."

"Gosh, why do you always wear that?" Kokoro asked looking slightly disgusted as she tugged Chihiro's sleeve lightly. "You are hiding your beauty away in this baggy and dirty shirt. I'm sure you will need a guy someday you know."

Chihiro rolled her eyes. "Please, my clothes get dirty every single time. It is easier to just wear the one that already is."

"Hey ladies, how is your morning?" Eiji then came up to them and hugged Kokoro around the waist from the back.

Kokoro looked back with a smile and they kissed.

Chihiro raised her eyebrows and looked around. They sure did attracted attention doing that in public.

"Ahem…" Chihiro closed her mouth with her hand and grinned.

Kokoro turned back to her and giggled. "Sorry… we hadn't been seeing each other because of tight schedule."

"You are joking right?" Chihiro stared at them disbelievingly. "You guys stay under the same roof."

"Well, different schedule then." Kokoro shrugged. "When I am up he is gone. Or when he is up I am gone."

"O…K…" Chihiro said slowly and started walking. "I have morning class today. So we meet during lunch?"

"Sure!" Kokoro waved and turned around to hug Eiji.

Chihiro shook her head with a smile and headed towards the building. Her mind was too occupied with her work she never bothered about seeking out a relationship. It was more like she didn't care.

She passed by a group of the students that were in some of her classes who waved at her and she waved back.

Up high in the trees around the university a huge black raven perched on its highest branch. It was a raven bigger than any usual ravens. It stared down at Chihiro with its startling red eyes silently.

Chihiro stalled in her steps when she felt an odd feeling that someone was watching her. She looked back and around the university ground.

The other students were minding their own business socializing among their own groups. No one was paying any attention to her. She shrugged and turned away walking into the building.

She was actually having fun in university and she was pursuing what she loved. Her friends were here. The day was great. She was sure everything was fine.

It had been eight years since Chihiro lived a normal human life…


Authors Note: Chihiro's high school life ends here. So I decided to end the story. I will put up the sequel soon on her life in university and Haku's quest to get her back into his life again.

thank you again so much for all your support and encouragements!

Please drop your last review for my last chapter. Maybe let me know if I should put up the sequel.