Edit: Updating and rewriting story/chapter 10/2/18


Chapter 1


Tomorrow would be the first day of July and the sun was bearing down unwavering in it's heat. She watched as passerbys fanned themselves and shaded their eyes from the light. Kagome smiled as she noticed Sango, her best friend and fellow co-worker, entering the air conditioned bistro. They met here every Saturday for lunch, even though they saw one another often at the high school they taught at.

Sango plopped down into a chair across from the raven haired woman. "Sorry I'm late," she apologized a bit frazzled. "Concerned parent trying to make sure their kid's grades are good enough to pass this year."

Kagome waved off the apology. "It's fine Sango. So how's your week been?"

"Busy," she summed up. "I'm looking forward to the summer break. How about you?"

"Same," her shoulders raised in a shrug. "Yesterday I had to grade some last minute papers some of the kids snuck onto my desk."

"Oh, that's just the worst," Sango said sympathetically, taking a sip of her water. "Did you order already?"

"Yup, the regular."


A sudden bing sounded from Sango's black leather purse. She reached in and pulled out her cellphone. Before looking she chanted, "Please don't be work related, please don't be work related." Hickory eyes scanned the screen as her face turned a light shade of pink and her lips turned up in a smirk.

"Look at what Rika sent me," she chuckled holding her hand out. "That girl's mind is in the gutter twenty-four seven."

Kagome took the phone to see an article from a very popular women's magazine. The title read 31 Day Sex Challenge. She read the first day challenge and blushed herself. Day 1: Slip a doughnut around his penis, and slowly eat it off.

She handed the phone back with an embarrassed smile. "Well then."

"Better not let Miroku see this. He'll go into a frenzy." At the mention of her husband Kagome could see her friend's gentle smile widen considerably. Even when she complained about him from the time they dated until now her emotions were easily read on her slender face.

"I can't even imagine what Sesshoumaru would do if I tried to do something like that." The man had quite an appetite already...

"You know your husband would love it," Sango winked. "I wonder how many days you could last though."

A thin black brow raised. "What about Miroku and you? Does he have the stamina for that?"

Hickory eyes clashed with blue. "Are you kidding? We're talking about a guy who is horny all the time and wants sex everyday!"

"Yes, but Sesshoumaru is a full-blooded demon. The man can go on for hours without even breaking a sweat."

The brunette straightened her back and gave a playful smile. "Kagome, if I didn't know better, I would say you were challenging me."

Kagome leaned back in her chair with crossed arms. "Am I?"

"We need ground rules," Sango stated with a spark in her eyes.

"Alright. We do the 31 Day Challenge and we have to be honest whether we actually completed the challenge or not."

"Each morning we have to call or text. No sabotaging each other."

"Good one," Kagome complimented in appreciation. "First one to not complete a challenge or give up, loses."

"Let's make it a little harder." A familiar suspicious grin appeared. "If the husband finds out about it, you lose."

Keeping it a secret huh? She admitted that might be quite the obstacle since her husband had very observant eyes. Then again, the love making might just distract him enough. "Agreed. Now what should be at stake?"

"Hm..." Sango tapped her fingers against the wooden table contemplating a prize. "Aha! Loser," she waved her finger in a circular motion, "has to buy the winner a crown and sash saying 'Sex Goddess'." She splayed out her hands in the air like a banner and wiggled her finger for emphasis.

"Deal," Kagome accepted. "Make sure my sash is gold and black," she gave a wink.

"Funny, but I want a nice sparkly silver crown with pink jewels."

"Send me the link to the challenges after we leave here."

"No problem," Sango affirmed. The waiter came over and set down their order.

This will be easy, Kagome thought on a whim. Little did she know what she had gotten herself into.
