Disclaimer: I do not own TMI. This doesn't have any spoilers for those who have read to the end of COG. Also to those looking for an update on my story The Forgotten Warrior I am so so so sorry but in my defence I wrote it on my phone and lost the files sooo.

What could have been

"Clary, wheres your father?" Jocelyn asked her 16 year old daughter.

"He's with Uncle Luke," she said not looking up from her painting.

"When are the Herondales coming over," Jonathan asked.

"Soon, and Jace will be coming with them." Jocelyn replied."Thats why I wanted to know where your father was." At that point Valentine walked in Lucian. Valentine walked behind Clary and put his hands over her eyes and said, "Guess who."

"Hmmm, let me think who has a deep voice and an artist's hands. Ohh I know, its Dad." Clary said very sarcastically. He laughed. Then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in. Its open," they all yelled in a problably never to be repeated unison then they looked at each other and all busted out laughing. Valentine explained what happened while Clary went and hugged Jace who had recently become her boyfriend. Jonathan gave him a slight glare. He was a very over protective big brother that was good at fighting as Jace had found out soon after he and Clary had started dating.

Amatha Herondale said,"We brought the Lightwoods."

"Hey Alec, Hey Izzy." Jon said. They all visited for a while. Then the Herondales and Lightwoods had to leave.

*Later that Night*

"Jon, put me down," giggled Clary. He was swinging her around her room. He put her on her bed.

"Night Clary, Love you" He said.

"Love you to Jon." She replied.

Jocelyn sat up in her bed gasping. It had all been a dream. Tears welled in her eyes and spilt down her cheeks. She began rocking herself back and forth in her bed slightly, thinking about what could have been.