And we're done! Again, I really appreciate every kudos and comment. I really enjoyed writing Felicity/Dick and hope you got a little bit of enjoyment from them as well. Ultimately, I might be an Olicity shipper, but I wouldn't mind Dick giving Oliver a bit of competition.
Felicity paced back and forth in front of her desk. She'd already chipped her nail polish biting her thumbnail. Every thought she had was fleeting, and she couldn't stay on a topic long enough to think it through. Had Dick known who she was all along? Was he really a good guy? Had she compromised their entire mission?
She flinched when the door slammed open.
"You know who he is?" he thundered as he entered the foundry.
She took a deep breath before turning towards him. She was vaguely aware of Diggle, Roy, and Sara's arrival as well. "Yes, I mean no. I mean, I didn't know who he was until tonight."
"And you didn't think to run a background check?"
"No, Oliver, "masked vigilante" isn't a box people normally check on their taxes. And I don't need to run the credit score of every guy who shows interest in me."
"Right. Because you're too busy sleeping with them to…"
"Ollie!" shouted Sara. "Stop."
Felicity folded her arms. "No, please, let's continue that sentence. Because we all know I'm the only one who's put this team in danger by being overly friendly with an outsider. Right?"
Oliver ran his hands over his face. He stepped closer to Felicity. "I didn't mean…I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry."
Felicity tried to brush past him while muttering, "Mmm hmmm, sure," but was stopped by his hand on her forearm.
He waited until she looked him in the eyes. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "It's just…it just showed me how easy it would be to get close to you. To hurt you. If he wasn't a…good guy. Which I'm still not sold on."
"Don't you think I know that? Don't you think I'm kicking myself and second guessing everything he said? But I…I believe him. I have the same gut reaction to him that I had to you."
"You really trust him?"
She thought for a few moments before answering. "Yes, I do. At least I think I do."
Sara watched the two argue from across the foundry before looking at Diggle. "I didn't know."
"Know what?" he replied.
"That he was in love with her."
John uncrossed his arms and turned to look at Sara. She was frowning. "He doesn't know yet. Or he's buried it so deep, he may never admit it."
She nodded up at him. "You know him pretty well."
The corner of his mouth turned up. "Let me let you in on a secret. He's not as complicated as he likes to think he is. You just have to pay attention and look a little deeper."
Hours later, after everyone had left the foundry, Sara sat next to Oliver on the couch where he was holding a sketchpad and pencil. He looked up when he felt the cushion shift.
"Hey. Just working on some new arrow head designs."
She nodded. "So I'm gonna see if my Dad's working the late shift tonight and wants to grab some coffee."
"Okay. I'll see you later."
"Mmm. No, I don't think you will."
Oliver stopped sketching and frowned. "What? Why not?"
She looked at him affectionately. "Ollie. This…" she gestured between them, "this was never going to be forever. I don't regret it, but I don't…" She sighed. "Someday, I'd like to find someone who looks at me like Nyssa used to." She leaned towards him and bumped him with her shoulder. "The way you look at Felicity."
He frowned. "What? No. I don't…she's…" He ran his hand over his face. "I can't."
"I don't believe that. You could. Maybe not now, but you could. But you also don't get to stop her from finding someone. You don't get to put her on a shelf until you're ready."
"I don't do that."
"Really? So, the whole Barry thing? This new guy?"
"Barry misrepresented himself. I was just looking out for her. How do you even know about that?"
"Digg likes to talk."
He narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, I doubt that. And this Grayson guy; he's trouble."
"Actually, he seems perfect. He'd understand her life. Plus, he looks good in leather."
He didn't respond, but the irritated look on his face told what he was thinking.
"I'm not telling you what to do. Just something you should think about. We lie to enough people; don't lie to yourself, too."
"Mmhmm." He didn't respond further.
She eyed him across the small table. He fidgeted a bit and slouched down in the chair. He'd debated whether to find Felicity last night and hash this all out, but the terse, "Don't call me" text followed by "Kaffeine, 9:30 tomorrow" had ended those thoughts.
He'd found her sitting near the back, an uneaten croissant paired with a large latte.
She exhaled sharply. "So, are we going to ignore what I know? And what I know that you know?"
"Yes?" He raised his eyebrows and smiled. At her look of disbelief, his face fell. "Um, so…no?"
She shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe we can just both know that we know. And go from there."
"I like the way you think. See? This is why I like you." When she didn't return his grin, he became serious. "You should know, last night…that had nothing to do with any of this. That was only because you're you, and I like you. I should've told you, but, uh, secret identities." He swept his hair out of his face. "It's complicated."
She smiled slightly. "Complicated. Yep. It is." She relaxed slightly. There had been a part of her that had been worried he'd just been using her. She'd sat up half the night trying to figure out how she gotten in this situation only to fall into a restless sleep around 4 am.
"I don't know that I can just believe anything you say now, though."
He stared at her for a minute before making a decision. "When I was younger, I went by Robin."
Her brow furrowed, confused. "Robin? I don't understand."
He leaned closer. "Instead of Nightwing, I went by Robin back in Gotham."
"Should I know what that means? Wait. The…the Batman had a sidekick…"
"Partner. I prefer partner."
"That was you. And Bruce Wayne had no idea you were running around the streets of Gotham at nig…oh. Ohh."
"Yeah." He looked sheepish. "That info would be worth a lot to a bunch of people."
"And you told me."
"Uh huh."
"Because this isn't a game, Felicity. And I know it seems like I don't take much seriously, but I do. I take what I do, what you and your friends do, very seriously."
They sat quietly for a moment.
"I would never say anything."
"I know. Or, I hoped."
They stared at each other and a mutual understanding passed between them.
"You're leaving soon." It wasn't a question.
"Yeah, in a few hours. That, I do regret. But fighting crime – especially when it's unsanctioned – can only put off the real world for so long."
"Blüdhaven's pretty far away."
"It is. Good thing I have access to a private jet."
She laughed. "How about we just…see what happens. No expectations. No promises."
"Deal. I can live with that."
He reached over and broke off a piece of her croissant and popped it in his mouth. "Hmmm…you need a name."
"I have a name."
"No, like a code name. Your friends have names. You should have one, too."
"I don't think I need a name."
"My friend, the one I mentioned at dinner?"
"The ex?"
"Mmm, yeah, but we're cool. You remind me of her because you basically do the same thing."
Felicity looked at him confused.
"You know, the same thing for people I know. She's the one who patched me into your frequency."
"Oh! Oh. She's good, then. I had that thing encrypted six different ways. And now ten because of her. Not cool by the way." Her lips pursed, then she sat up and leaned onto the table, curiosity getting the better of her. "What's her system like?"
"Ummm, computers. That she uses with other computers." He smiled. "Sorry, that's all I've got. Her system's pretty customized. For what it's worth, she had a hard time cracking your code. She was quite annoyed at first but by the end I think she had more than a little respect for your skills. I'd put you in contact with each other if I didn't think that would end badly. For me. And maybe the world…" he trailed off. "Anyway, the point of this is that she has a name. And so should you."
"Okay, okay. I'll think about it."
"After you introduce us."
Dick closed his eyes. Nope. No no no. No way was he going to encourage that union.
"I'll…talk to her. She knows like, sixteen different ways to maim me."
At the serious look on face, Felicity laughed. Not the most sympathetic response so she covered, "Okay, how about you see if she's interested in a cybermeet. At least tell me her name." At his look, she continued, "Not her real name, we just went over that. Her code name or whatever you call it."
Felicity dropped the spoon she was using to stir her latte and the clatter echoed in the mostly empty store. "Holy…you know the Oracle?"
Dick stared back at her wide eyed expression. "So, um, you're saying you've heard of her?"
"Of course! There's entire message boards dedicated to the 'completely secure' servers she's gotten into. I may – or may not – be a mod on one of them. Hell, she's one of my role models. Although, I didn't know it was a woman until now. But that makes it even better!"
"Yeah, I've reconsidered. I'm never letting the two of you meet."
Later that day, Oliver found Felicity in her usual spot in front of her computers. He hadn't handled last night well. He knew that. He wasn't good with words, but the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach wouldn't leave.
"Are you going to see him again?"
She spun her chair around and eyed him guardedly. "I don't know. I'd like to. He's…fun. But he lives all the way across the country so I don't see how it could really work. What's with me and guys from out of town? What are the guys in this town doing?" she laughed ruefully.
"Maybe they don't think they're good enough for you."
She looked up at him, but he wasn't looking at her. "Well, that's absurd. I'm not anything special..."
His gaze flew to hers. "You're wrong," he interrupted. "You are."
"I…uh…thanks. I just meant that I have just as many pros and cons as other Starling City women. I'm not out of anyone's league."
"No, but," he paused, "you're the girl you go all in on. The one you don't play games with. The one who makes you want to be a better man."
"Oh," she said quietly.
He stared back silently and she somehow got the feeling they weren't talking about Dick Grayson anymore.
But it was too much, too fast, so she deflected. "Yeah, well, tell that to my ex. He liked to play lots of games. Usually with waitresses… Anyway, back to Dick. At the very least, I think he'll be a good friend. Plus, it's good to set up a network of good guys. Might come in useful in the future. Maybe we should reach out to that Batman guy."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves."
She huffed. "Fine. You're no fun."
He smiled at her skeptical look.
"Dick thinks I need a code name. So you don't reveal my identity over the comms. Which now has tripled security. They won't be breached again. You know, if anyone other than Oracle had done this, I would be much more upset. But this almost feels like, hmmm, what's the word…"
"What's an Oracle?" he asked confused.
"Oh yeah. I'll tell you about that later. So, yeah, sorry, sidetracked. Code names. I should have a code name."
"Yeah, you should. Do you have one in mind?"
She nodded.
He crossed his arms. "Alright. What do you want to be called?"
Felicity slowly smiled, her face lighting up right before she spoke.