One word prompt from NightClan.

Word: Alive


He lives by the ocean. Sometimes, a few kids come running by, asking him to tell them about the Titans. Most of the time, he shoos them away in anger, but sometimes he sees green eyes or blond hair or a pair of glasses and he talks. Sometimes parents come by with cookies and pity in their eyes. He would rather talk to the shitty brats.

Armin was smart but he just couldn't keep up. He fell. Jean didn't ever want to lose sight of someone he cared about again. He fell.

Historia watched Ymir struggle and took it upon herself to end it. After all, they swore to depend solely on themselves.

Hanji went too far and she took Moblit and Annie with her. Levi couldn't say he was surprised actually.

Bertolt and Reiner killed. Sasha and Connie were the ones that died. And Levi took it upon himself to kill them both. He succeeded.

Eren and Erwin took everything on their shoulders. They were put to death by the people who needed someone to blame.

Mikasa found more cruelty and shut her eyes to any other beauty.

And so Levi was alive. He was alone. He had a cane for Mikasa's mistake and his house was by the ocean that was as green as Eren's eyes, with books lining the shelves that told of adventures Armin would enjoy, as well as experiments Hanji would love to try. And the world he lived in was made from Erwin Smith's perfect plan, of course.

He lived and the others had died. That was the result of all they did, of all they fought for. And Levi was jealous. In the end, they had meant something, they had had something to die for. He had nothing to live for. But he was still alive and he still wore the wings on his back. Because he was as he had always been. He was a tool, a symbol, as unfeeling and inadament as the emblem spread across his back. He was lifeless.
