Ana and Luke trotted through the open doors belonging to the Hermes cabin. Luke watched as Anna carefully stepped over the ledge, seeing as she was still quite unsteady after being in a near coma for three days.
"See Athena?" Hermes bragged with a smug grin tugging his lips. "Not all my children are reckless morons."
Athena rolled her eyes dramatically. Her grey irises reminded me of all the good things she possessed; the power to produce annoying children, the power to turn people into snake woman and not blink an eye, the power to be a completely over dramatic bit-
"That's one for you Hermes," she said in a snotty voice that made me want to puke. "Compared to all the responsible things my cabin does on a daily basis."
Hermes stuck out his tongue, because he is just as awesome at comebacks as me.
"Alright everybody!" Luke hollered over the usual thundering chatter of the Hermes cabin. "We've got a new camper for you to meet!"
The cabin groaned. Two near identical boys fell onto their beds in unison. Anna looked around and self-consciously moved her hair to cover the left side of her face.
Luke looked over and saw her somewhat hurt expression, and his eyes hardened. He looked around the cabin with slight anger.
"None of that," he said firmly. "It's about time you guys treated the other campers like family. You have to remember how you all felt arriving here all by yourselves."
Aphrodite smiled blissfully. "How sweet of him, protecting her."
"Aphrodite..." I let the sentence hang threateningly. Call me over-protective, but Anna was much too young to be dating. Hell, where could you even go out to eat at this age? Chucky freakin' Cheese?
Hephaestus grumbled from behind his beard "Now, now Poseidon." He looked at his hands, fiddling with a small piece of scrap medal. I felt bad for the god of mechanics. He was so very awkward- and put bluntly, so very, very ugly- but had a big heart. He cared so much for his wife, but she spent all her time cheating with Ares. It was unfair.
"Watch!" Zeus barked like a command dog. The majority of the council jumped, but I yelled back at him.
"Down Sparky!" Zeus growled like a true animal, but didn't retaliate.
The two boys who looked identical were the first to respond to Luke, jumping up together and greeting Anna with exuberance. They both took her hands and shook them with vigor, like in cheesy comedy movies.
"Hey newbie," they one on the right laughed. "I'm Travis."
"And I'm Connor," the other said. He pulled her in for a hug, pecking her cheek unabashedly. Anna seemed frazzled, and when he pulled back from the unexpected embrace, Connor had her necklace dangling from his fist, and Travis had her Minotaur horn.
Luke watched with disapproval, but remained silent.
"Hermes your kids are...a handful." Artemis scoffed.
Hermes looked kind of guilty (which pleased me because I was none too overjoyed about those two stealing my baby girl's things). "They're just kidding around, being friendly. I'm Luke will make them fork it over." But there was a strange nervous waver in his confidence.
"Hey!" Anna looked outraged. "Give it back now!" Her former timid behavior disappeared, replaced by the confidence she'd adapted when insulting Clarisse. Her cheeks turned the color of fresh roses, and though I'm sure she had meant to seem intimidating, the sudden blush of anger only made her look more beautiful.
Connor smirked and looked at Luke, who shook his head. The boy glanced at Travis, and the both laughed.
"Alright, alright," Travis chuckled as he and his brother handed back the stolen items. "But only because we wouldn't offend Lucas' girly-friend already."
I scowled so fiercely that Apollo had to remind me not to drown Hawaii.
"See Uncle P?" Apollo crowed. "It's obvious he has the hots for her!"
"Apollo, I swear to all the gods that if you taunt me and my daughter one more time, I'll really hurt in the only place that the sun ain't shining."
The God of Sun shut up; even though he controlled sunlight, he was smart enough to know which place I was talking about.
Luke turned bright red with embarrassment and fury, glaring at Travis and Connor. The entire cabin was laughing under their breath, afraid to anger Luke (apparently he was an extremely good swordsmen). The ragged scar was illuminated, the clear white standing out against o sea of red mortification.
To my surprise Anna didn't seem too embarrassed. It upset me that- as Aphrodite and Hera so happily pointed out, she actually seemed a bit pleased.
"Well Anna you sleep there," Luke muttered quickly, pointing awkwardly to a spot on the floor. "Let's go."
And with that, the escaped right before the Hermes cabin erupted with laughter, continuing the rest of the tour until it was time for dinner, which would be another adventurous learning experience by itself.
AN/ Hey Lovies!
I would like to formally apologize for being gone for all those months. I really hope you all don't hate me. There is no excuse, and though I originally canceled the story, I would love to continue it with the support of all of you guys! Just so I know you haven't all left, please REVIEW! They keep me so motivated and are the main reason why I decided to change my mind about deleting this. REVIEW PLEASE!
Thank you for sticking with me,
Julie, your fellow Hunter of Artemis