
Mike opened the door, hearing laughing and giggling coming from the kitchen. The same sound that welcomed him every day. He grinned. Hannah and Abbie were always playing a game or laughing at something silly.

Abbie was her mother's daughter. She was almost three.

She came running around the corner and he scooped her up as she shrieked with laughter, tickling her and getting a warm kiss, his cheeks between her hands. He carried her back to the kitchen and kissed Hannah who stirred something on the stove.

"Hey," Hannah smiled, "How was work?"

Mike shrugged, his attention still on Abbie. "Mostly paperwork."

He sat down at the breakfast bar with Abbie in his lap, tickling her and making her giggle.

Hannah smiled and started pulling out dishes to set the table, watching Mike play with Abbie. No matter how hard of a day she'd had, it was always better once she picked Abbie up from daycare. It was even better when she got to see Mike greet their daughter. He absolutely loved being her dad.

He'd been such a trooper, a true boy scout. He'd never winced away from a dirty diaper, always volunteered to get up in the middle of the night with her, took her on Saturday mornings so Hannah could sleep in just a little bit longer.

They'd been so scared when she found out she was pregnant… but this had only been right. Having Abbie was incredible. Hannah fell in love with Mike so much more because of her, every little moment when she was pregnant made her love him more… and when Abbie was born, it almost made her burst with love for him.

When they found out that they were having a girl, he'd been so much more affectionate and doting. He kissed her every chance he'd gotten and touched her stomach even more so. He was so thrilled to become a father to their little girl. He couldn't wait to hold her. Hannah loved how excited he was.

The first time Mike felt her kick, she almost broke down. He was so excited, so thrilled. Every night he came home after that, he felt her belly to see if his girl was kicking again.

And finally, when she was two weeks from her due date, she told him what she'd known for a long time.

"I can't believe Abbie will be here in two weeks…" he murmured, her belly between his hands. She was so big that he even felt how uncomfortable she'd gotten.

She nodded. " I know… It's hard to remember what I'm like without a belly."

Mike smiled, leaning down and kissing it. "I love it… I love being able to kiss you and feel Abbie rolling around at the same time. I can't wait to hold her…"

Hannah smiled. "Me, too… You're sure we have everything?"

He glanced around the apartment. Her friends had thrown her a baby shower and they were up to their eyeballs in baby products. "Crib, changing tables, enough clothes and diapers to last us through next year… We're good to go… Just gotta get her here…"

Her smile fell a little. She was nervous about labor. She was even more nervous that Mike wouldn't get there in time. There was no telling when her water would break and even less telling if Mike would be anywhere near.

"I promise I'll be there…" Mike said, knowing he would do anything to get to the hospital as fast as he could.

Dr. Stewart had offered a scheduled c-section so that Mike could absolutely be there, but both of them declined it. A surgery that intense scared them both. They'd much rather Abbie come on her own.

"I'll really need you there… This won't be one of those times that I brush you off and say that I'm find on my own…" Hannah admitted, looking a little scared.

He nodded. "I know… That's why it's even more important that I'm there. Once you start getting contractions, I'll be on my way. Even if you'll be in labor for another 16 hours, I'll get there as soon as I can… Just call…"

She smirked. "I definitely will… Thank you for everything… I love you, Mike."

He grinned, kissing her. "Well now, I'll definitely be there… I love you, too, Hannah."

He couldn't believe she'd finally said it. He'd almost just given up and chalked it up to the fact that maybe she'd never say it.

Mike pulled her close, hands sliding around her waist, tucking her head under his chin, feeling Abbie kicking against him. He now had everything.

"Seth called earlier," Hannah said, setting the table, "He's coming in to town and wants to do dinner with us this week."

Mike nodded, smiling at Abbie in his lap. "Okay… sounds good."

"Your mom sent us another box of clothes and toys for Abbie," Hannah said, smiling and rolling her eyes.

Mike chuckled. "Again? Didn't she send one last week?"

Hannah nodded, setting the salad on the table. "I sent her more pictures and videos of Abbie, that's why."

He smiled. His mom was crazy about Hannah and had taken the news that she was pregnant better than either had thought. She'd been as thrilled as Dave had. And then once Abbie was born, she was sending them presents and things for her new granddaughter almost every other week.

Hannah dried her hands off with a towel and kissed Mike, Abbie's arms already outstretched towards her mother. "Up."

She took Abbie and put her on her hip and Mike smiled, watching them grab the last few things for dinner. He loved coming home to them every day.

Hannah sat Abbie in her lap at the table and fixed her golden brown hair, putting it in a ponytail. Mike took his seat at the other end of the table and started loading their plates with pasta and salad.

"No sketti, Daddy!" Abbie whined and Mike frowned.

Hannah shrugged, feeling Abbie's forehead. "Her teacher at daycare said she wasn't feeling well today. She had some crackers earlier. She'll eat when she's hungry."

Mike watched Abbie curl up in Hannah's lap, hiding her face and sniffling. He finished dishing up their food and passed Hannah her plate, watching Abbie take a peek at it.

"How's Ryan?" Hannah asked, eating her dinner.

Mike nodded. "Good… Still working hard… but good… He's actually seeing Claire now…"

Hannah grinned. "Really?"

She learned that Claire was alive almost three years ago. Mike hadn't wanted to tell her, but it'd all come out anyways. Ryan wanted to be with her desperately, but Claire wanted Joe dead more than that.

They'd still had feelings for each other, but hadn't pursued anything, saying that their time was done. Ryan had, however, seen her a few times here and there… but Mike was happy to hear that he wasn't hiding it anymore. They were actually becoming something like a couple again.

"Good for them," Hannah smiled.

They finished dinner, which Abbie had a bite of, and they started their nightly routine.

Every night after dinner, they traded chores. One would take Abbie for her bath and get her ready for bed while the other cleaned up and did the dishes. Tonight, Mike was on bath duty and Hannah was cleaning.

He got up and scooped Abbie up from Hannah's lap, her already tired body conforming to his shoulder.

Hannah smiled and started on dishes as he winked to her from the hallway. She loved how much Mike helped her at home. He was a wonderful partner to her and an even better father to Abbie.

She could hear Mike and Abbie talking as she had her bath, telling him all about her day and her friends.

"I wrote my name on my paper!" Abbie boasted.

Hannah could hear Mike laugh. "Yeah? What is your name?"

"Abigail Emernon Weston," Abbie replied confidently.

"Abigail Emerson Weston," Mike corrected her, "Emerson."

"Emerwon," Abbie tried. Hannah could almost see Mike shake his head. She'd get it one day.

She finished cleaning the kitchen and packed Abbie's lunch for daycare for the next day, tucking it away in the fridge and turning off the kitchen lights.

In Abbie's room, she sat in Mike's lap while he wrangled a hair brush, trying to brush his daughter's hair into a ponytail. Her hair was like Hannah's. If they didn't put it up at night, it'd be wild by the morning.

Hannah leaned against the doorframe smiling. "You all right there, boy scout?"

Mike smiled, snapping the hair tie in place. "I'm getting better at this… Okay, munckin, bed time."

He tucked her into bed and handed her her favorite stuffed pony, incidentally a present from Ryan from when she was born.

Mike leaned down and gave her a kiss and a hug, loving the feeling of her tiny arms wrapped around his neck.

"Love you, daddy."

Hannah smiled, going to Abbie's bed for her turn. "Love ya, kiddo. See you in the morning."

"Nightlight?" Abbie asked, looking over at it.

Hannah turned it on, kissing Abbie on the forehead one more time. "Do I ever forget?"

Abbie grinned and shook her head. "Love you, Mommy."

Hannah made sure she was tucked in tight and closed the door almost all the way behind her. Abbie didn't like doors being closed all the way so they always left it a little bit open for her.

Mike was waiting for her in the hallway, kissing her. "She's getting too big."

She laughed. "You're telling me! Seems like she was just born yesterday!"

He smiled, hands on her hips. "Don't you ever think about having another?"

Hannah rolled her eyes, smiling. "Didn't we agree we'd have a small family?"

Mike shrugged. "Yeah… But it'd be nice to see you pregnant again… and have a newborn in the house…"

She smiled. "Abbie's so perfect… our next kid would raise hell."

Mike laughed. "Probably. Maybe we should just quite while we're ahead."

Hannah grinned. "I already have everything I could ever want."

He kissed her nose. "Me, too."

It was true. He had everything he could ever want.

Her hand slipped into his, the cold metal of his wedding band against her skin. They'd gotten married when Abbie was nine months old. Just a little ceremony, with their family and friends.

Mike had been so happy. Hannah was finally his, completely and legally. He couldn't believe how lucky he was. He was so in love with Hannah and Abbie was his whole world. He loved his family more than anything.

All that Hannah had done for him and all that he'd done for her… And then Abbie… He loved Hannah so much more because of their daughter. He loved how well she took care of her. She'd been so worried that she wouldn't bond to their baby or that she wouldn't be a good mother. But the second she set eyes on Abbie, her fears were laid to rest. She was completely in love with her, almost not willing to give her up and let Mike hold her.

Mike kissed her gently, holding her to him. "I love you both so much."

She smiled. "I love you, too… and Abbie definitely does. You're turning her into a daddy's girl."

He grinned. "I love being her dad. Making her a daddy's girl was always the plan."

Hannah smirked, tugging his hand. "Shower?"

Mike glanced back at Abbie's room to make sure she was still sleeping. "You don't have to ask me twice."

Thank you, all, for partaking in this journey! I hope you've enjoyed this story! I know some of you may be disappointed that this has ended, but when one door closes, another one opens. Happy reading to you all and thank you for following!