Hey everyone! I had no plans to start a new fic until Well I'll be Damned was finished but this one would not let up. I only have this one chapter done so far since I want to finish WIBD first so I can concentrate on this one so there is no update schedule not that I had ever had one.

Okay so this one is a little different and will be a lot darker. There is some technical jargon in there and I'm not expert, most of my stuff I got from shows like Criminal minds and CSI. If I have something wrote wrong or you know it's wrong then let me know. I have great pre reader that will be helping me with the medical stuff so my apologies if shit doesn't sound right. I'm still getting into it.

Again SM owns the characters not me. This story will be very different and OOC so without further ado I give you Blood Trails. Enjoy!

Chapter 1-

The phone was ringing, why was the phone ringing? I just went to bed. I rolled over and saw it was after three in the morning. Okay so I had been asleep for a while, sure as hell didn't feel like it as I groaned and picked up the cordless.

"Masen" I said, my voice still thick with sleep and the person on the other end told me what they had to

"Okay, yes I got it, be there in 30" I finished and hung up the phone

I sighed wearily and got ready to leave my apartment. I turned on the Keurig while I got dressed and put some coffee in a travel mug. I was definitely going to need it. I grabbed my keys, jacket and cane and locked up.

I live in Chicago and even it was going for four am, there was still a fair bit of traffic but I knew all the shortcuts having grown up here and managed to make it to my destination in just under twenty minutes.

"Masen" I heard someone yell as I made my way to the scene, my left leg dragging slightly behind me and feeling rather sore. Thank god I had my cane.

"Mike, watcha got for me?" I asked as we shook hands and walked toward the taped off area. Mike and I grew up together, he was a detective with the Chicago PD and I was they're medical examiner. I had wanted to be a detective as well but my bum leg screwed that up.

"Wish to hell I knew Ed" he sighed

"Just tell me it's not what I think it is" he said while he lit up a cigarette and I coughed as the acrid smell hit my nostrils

"That shit will kill ya, ya know" I shoved him a bit pointing to the cancer stick between his lips and I chuckled when he flipped me off

"Fuck you Masen. I'd rather this kill me than that" he scoffed as he pointed to the body and I saw my assistant Ben Cheney was already at the scene

The crime scene was located in an alley between the buildings that made up the factory and lying face down was a body. I walked closer and nodded to Ben as I got down next to the body.

"Jason O'Connell, 45 years of age. He was the night time security guard and when he didn't come home yesterday his wife got worried. She said she called his boss and they said that everything was fine at his last check in which was about an hour before his shift ended which was around seven am yesterday morning. When he still didn't come home she called his boss again. The guard on duty found his body here about an hour ago" Mike explained as I took the victim's body temp and checked the body over in the position he was in

"CSI team been here yet?" I asked

"Nah, should be shortly though, they said one team was investigating a drive by on the Westside" he explained

"That's unusual" Ben commented and I nodded in agreement

"Any word on what caused it?" I asked while I took a liver temperature and Ben took the vic's fingerprints. It was usually the CSI team that did it but we sometimes shared the work

"I don't give a rat's ass who did it. More than likely some drug deal gone wrong. Just tell me this isn't like the others" he huffed

officer make his way towards us and I heard him tell Mike that the CSI team was here

I told the team the specifics and then I watched as they moved the body around. Suddenly the sky opened up and it started to pour. I knew what that would mean; the body would need to be wrapped up and brought to the lab to investigate before the rain washed all evidence away.

"Well fuck" I heard Mike curse

"Come on guys wrap it up quick we gotta get the body outta here. Lisa, Jack, get all the pics you can and Johnny I want you to follow Masen back to his office to collect any evidence still on the body" I heard Leslie who was the CSI team's leader bark

Johnny nodded to me and Ben and I helped him load the body into the van.

"Ben, you and Johnny take the body back and get it set up, I'll meet ya there" I told him and both guys nodded and got in the van and I watched as they drove off

"Letting the rookie do the work there Eddie" Tyler scoffed

He was Mike's partner and it was no lie that we didn't like each other as Mike and I had been friends since we were kids and even attended the academy together and Mike often came to me for advice about a case. Tyler hated it and would rib me every chance he got. Before I could tell him to shove it up his ass Mike beat me to it yelling

"Tyler, how about you be a real detective and go see the vic's wife. Let her know we found her husband and we'll need her soon to identify the body. Say a couple of hours Ed?" he asked and I smirked at Tyler watching him huff and walk away. I told Mike that yeah I should be done in a couple of hours and that I just needed to make a quick stop before going to the lab.

"Leg pain again?" he asked softly knowing that I hated anyone to know when it was bothering me

"Yeah, doc said the nerves are inflamed and will cause pain from time to time" I explained while absently rubbing my thigh

"Well we have been flat out the last several weeks, maybe you need a break" he offered and I gave him a hard glare

"Mike, you know that neither one of us can walk away from this" I told him

"Yeah I know, just promise me that when this is done you will take some time off" he asked

"This body may not be like the others at all but yeah I will if you promise to take some time off too" I offered knowing that he wouldn't make the promise, he loved his job and he would never take time off unless he was forced too

"Yeah whatever. Go get what ya need and then get to work Eddie" he said flipping me off

"Later Mikey" I chuckled knowing the reaction I'd get and I wasn't disappointed as he growled and yelled

"Don't call me Mikey! You know how much I hate that"

"Yeah just about as much as I hate being called Eddie" I laughed as I got into my car and made my way to the pharmacy

After getting my prescription I popped a couple of pills, swallowing them with a mouthful of coffee and I prayed that the stronger dose the doctor gave me would help. I hated taking meds but the nerve pain in my leg could sometimes render me immobile and I needed to be able to move right now.

I drove to my lab which was located in an old colonial style building that had once belonged to a wealthy cotton farmer way back when and he moved his family here when the civil war broke out. The man had lost his fortune during the stock market crash back in the 30's and the house remained unused until the city decided to renovate it and move some of the overstuffed city offices to this building. City records were now held in the dome located on the roof and a reception area was located as soon as you walked in. My office and lab was in the basement and I often referred to it as something out of a horror movie but I loved it and it was quiet or it had been three months ago.

I made my way in and found Ben was the only one there. The body was stripped down with a sheet covering his torso waiting for me.

"Hey Ben, Johnny finished did he?" I asked knowing the answer but I had to make sure

"Yeah about 15 minutes ago. I did an initial check and took some hair and nail samples" Ben told me

"Got a blood sample sent to tox?" I asked and he nodded

"Have you checked over the body?" I continued and hoped that Ben could tell me that this wasn't like the other bodies

"I checked but didn't see anything boss but well you may want to take a look at this" he said as he motioned me closer

I watched as he took a scalpel and cut a line down the vein of his chest where the Y incision would be as to not mutilate the body and I sighed. No blood came out, which wasn't entirely odd for someone who had been dead for over 12 hours but I could see that there was no blood surrounding the tissue of the incision.

"Damn, please tell me there aren't any marks on the body" I sighed

"I couldn't see any so far but I'm still checking" Ben said and I nodded

I kept working and wasn't surprised when Mike walked into my office 2 hours later.

"Yo Ed, Jason's wife is here to identify the body what can ya tell me?" he asked and I looked at him shaking my head knowing that he would understand

"Nooooo" he said a little angry

"Yeah Mike, I'm sorry but it's the same as the others. His body is completely drained of blood, there's no finger prints on the body and well look here" I said beckoning him closer as I rolled the body to it side and lifted his hair a little to expose the gash in his neck. It was higher than the other bodies but you could clearly see the bite marks that ripped the flesh wide open and this time there was two puncture marks in the vic's wrist.

"Fuck me. What the hell do we have here Ed?" Mike spat

"I have no idea. This is the sixth one in three months, I think it's time to call in the Feds and the BAU before more bodies start to pile up" I said as we both walked to my office and looked at the picture surrounding my walls of the other five victims and I felt a shiver run down my spine as I looked at the brutal images on my wall and I was hoping that we found the cocksucker before he struck again.

"Crouches in the corner biting my nails". Okay so what did you think? Hate it? Love it? Let me know! Thanks for reading. Oh and recommendations, Drotuno has a new one out called Masen Manor, you need to read this. Only 1 chapter so far and it's awesome. Look it up!

See ya next time
