New Chapter! Hello once again, it's time for a new chapter. I actually managed to write one. Yeah!


The Ninjago Underworld was a dark twisted realm of blackness and death. Massive spiders made of bone and steel crawled and hunted anything within the cave like world within the world. All except for one place, the only place the Spykor would not go, the Dark Fortress.

The Dark Fortress was home to ruler of this dark realm, Samukai, King of the Underworld, and Chieftain of the Skulkin. Samukai, who was as cruel in death as he was in life, was once a mighty ruler. A king who once ruled the province that would become Ninjago City, where even back then was the center of life and economy.

Samukais dark rule over the land of the living ended in violence at the hands of a noble spirit who had sought to bring peace to the world, but Samukai refused death. He was reborn in the dark Underworld as a grotesque four armed monster, showing what he truly was on the inside. There he conquered the four warring tribes of the Skulkin, uniting them against the living.

The Skulkin were trapped, however, and could not step foot in the land of the living, but that did not stop Samukai from building an army. To build said army, Samukai had crafted a helmet of Underworld stone and dark magic, the Necromancers Helm. With the helmet, Samukai was able to reanimate the dead of Ninjago, turning them into Skulkin, and adding them the ranks of his army.

On this night, as night is the only time in the Underworld, Samukai was doing just that. In the depths of the Dark Fortress, King Samukai stood at the swirling Pool of Souls where Samukai could combine the power of his helmet to create new warriors. His three lieutenants, Kruncha, Nuckal. and Wyplash stood at the side of room, other warriors stood behind them, chanting dark verses and pounding on large drums.

The power of Samukais helmet, like electricity, fired at the pool creating a new Skulkin warrior. The skeleton pulled itself out of the corrupted, black, sludge like water with a loud shriek of agony. Samukai laughed with glee as it thrashed wildly trying to make sense of what was around it.

"Rise warrior, for you are now Skulkin!" Samukai yelled as his warriors cheered. The skeleton, as if understanding its new place, calmed itself and stepped out of the pool with a new sense of purpose. Several skull warriors of the White Tribe outfitted their new brother with light spiky armor and handed it an axe made of bronze and bone.

That was forty-fifth new warrior Samukai had made this day, and he figured that one more could not hurt. With a hearty laugh, Samukai turned back to the pool and blasted it with the power of his helmet. Like the hundreds of times before, the Pool of Souls spat out a skeleton, a new warrior for the Skulkin.

However something was different with this one. Samukai could see that from the start. The skeleton was not screaming in agony or thrashing around in pain, it looked rather calm. It was doubled over on its knees in the black water, doing nothing.

Samukai repeated himself. "Rise warrior, for you are now Skulkin." But the warrior did nothing. "Rise warrior," Samukai said again. "For you are now Skulkin!" Again, the warrior did nothing. The insubordination made Samukai angry, he drew one of his sacred Skull blades in his upper right hand. "I told you to rise, warrior!"

Suddenly the skeleton slammed its hands hard into the black water, causing some of the more cowardly Skulkin, like Nuckal, to start. The black water of Pool of Souls begun to swirl around the skeleton. Faster and faster the black sludge like water swirled like a whirlpool. The water then started to attach itself and coat the warrior, reaching up over its bones, solidifying and becoming thin black flesh.

"What's happening!" Nuckal squealed as he cowered behind Kruncha.

The black water finished coating the skeleton, ending in wild black hair on top of its skull. For a moment, all was quiet. Samukai stood waiting for something else to happen. Then the warrior spoke.

"You would do well to get that blade out of my face."

"You are a warrior, reborn with my power!" Samukai yelled in outrage. "No one, especially one of my own soliders, speaks to me like that!"

The warrior chuckled darkly. "No one commands me."

"I am Samukai, King of the Skulkin!" He drew all four of his skull daggers. "You will follow my commands! This helmet demands!"

Though his daggers were drawn, Samukai had let his guard fall from rage. "So, whoever wears that helmet commands the Skulkin? Good." The warriors head sprang up, showing Samukai black eyes with red irises and sharp teeth in a grotesque smilie. In an instant the warrior was surrounded by a powerful raging purple and black tornado, which grew as lighting sparked around it.

Samukai was taken aback, as were the rest of the Skulkin, as the tornado grew to massive size. Faster and faster the purple tornado went as it grew, the shadow of the warrior could be seen through the raging storm. Before Samukai could do a thing, he was sucked inside the swirling dark vortex. Unable to get a hold of himself as he spun round and round, Samukai felt a powerful impact on his face.

Again and again, powerful, unnaturally strong impacts slammed into Samukais frame. The Skulkin King could not distinguish what was a punch, and what was a kick. All he could do was grunt in pain at the many impacts.

After what seemed like an hour, Samukai was hit with what felt like a powerful uppercut. With that last blow, Samukai was ejected from the tornado, the Necromancer Helm flying from his head. He landed hard on the chamber floor, his bones cracked in several places.

Finally the tornado died down, the warrior stood triumphant with his left hand outreached. The Necromancer Helm landed perfectly in his outreached hand, and with a smile the warrior placed it on his head.

"There. And now the Skulkin will be led by someone who no only knows how to rule, but how to rule all, including the living. But the title of King is too, tasteless, if you ask me. I was once called a Lord, and so shall I be again." The warrior turned to the Skulkin army. "Now kneel." He commanded. When the Skulkin did nothing, the warrior shouted, his voice like thunder. "I SAID KNEEL!" This time the skull warriors and the three lieutenants bowed to their knees.

"Good." The warrior said. "And soon the world will know the return of Lord Garmadon! Now get started! For war is coming!" The warriors stood and ran out of the room, going to prepare for whatever orders their new Lord commanded.

Lord Garmadon looked down at himself with an uncomfortable expression. "You!" He pointed towards the three lieutenants. "Make me some pants!"


Thank you for reading, if you liked it, you know what do! See you next time!