I'm terrible at this whole, post bi-weekly thing I mean honestly I need to stop it. Anyway, I'm like halfway through Chapter 3 of my newest once upon a time story so, lets do a lovely chapter 28 shall we?

I own nothing except Adeen and her inability to be a normal person I mean my lord what even is that girl.

Chapter 28.

Adeen sighed as she stared up at her ceiling from her place under her covers on her bed, her yellow hawk like eyes seemed to become glassy and disorientated. And finally after a few minutes she pushed herself up by resting her elbows behind her and lifted up. She had recently gone down for a nap due to Regina's insistence that she needed to rest after been put through a lot of emotional stress. She swung her legs out from under the covers and rested them on the wooden floorboards and let out yet another sigh, grabbed her crutches and proceeded to lift herself from the bed an hopped herself from her bedroom and down the stairs with some struggle.

She sniffled slightly and proceeded to go towards the kitchen, her stomach rumbled with the need to be fed and filled with banana bread. She frowned gently, Regina didn't regularly keep banana bread in her house, too much sugar in it.

"Adeen?" A voice called, husky and low. Regina.

Adeen picked her head up at the voice, the living room. "Regina?" She called back, hopping her way towards the woman's voice that she assumed that she had heard coming from the living room, she pushed her shoulder on the white door and opened it with a fair bit of trouble.

Adeen didn't know what she was expecting but she definitely didn't expect to see Regina and the Queen of Hearts in Regina's living room.

She stared at them for a moment, before looking directly at Regina. "Really?" She asked the woman, her tone cold and harsh. She hopped from the living room to the kitchen just as Regina stood up. Her anger bubbled under her skin, her eyes hardening to become almost stone like.

"Adeen," She started, beginning to walk out. "Adeen come back."

Adeen angrily thumbled with the drawer, finally pulling it out with a slam, retrieving a packet of cigarettes and a lighter she made her way to the front door opening it and slamming it shut once she had stepped into the crisp afternoon air. She lit a cigarette after popping one between her lips and drew the smoke into her lungs. She seethed as she expelled the smoke.

She frowned greatly at the idea of Cora being in her home. She seethed as she thought about what the woman would do. She inhaled from the cigarette once more and turned her head at the sound of the door opening and Regina stepping outside.

"Adeen, what do you think you're doing speaking to me like that?" The former Queen questioned her, her honey eyes staring at her.

"No." She seethed at the woman, taking another drag of her cigarette. "No, I told you what she did and you let her into our home!" She raised her voice, her unused hand shaking from the rage she felt.

"Adeen, I'm trying to work out a way to-"

"Don't fucking lie to me Regina."

"That is enou-"

"No. You don't get to talk." She stepped back taking a drag from her cigarette and glaring at the woman. "You don't care! Nobody cares! Leave me the fuck alone, all anyone does is lie to me. Get away from me Regina."

"Adeen." Regina spoke, calmly but they both knew that was when Regina was the scariest. "You're going to listen, and listen well."

"Leave me a-"

Regina took a step forward and pointed a finger at her nose. "I do care about you. I'm speaking to my mother so I can protect you." She spoke, her eyes had darkened in anger to a chocolate colour. "If I do what she wants then she won't try to hurt you."

"She's just saying that! She doesn't care! She'll do whatever she wants, you know her. You know I'm right." She snapped back at her.

"Adeen. Listen to me."


Regina took a calm breath and her eyes narrowed. "Get inside."


"Get inside right now Miss Marshall."

"Go fuck yourself."

Regina took the cigarette from the girl, threw it to the ground and crushed it under her heel. She grabbed the back of the girl's shirt and pulled her inside. "My office. In the corner."


"Now!" Regina finally raised her voice, her irritation getting the best of her.

Adeen looked at her, somewhat shocked that Regina had raised her voice at her. "Whatever." She snarled at the woman, hopping up the stairs and into the study.

"Drop the attitude Adeen." She raised a brow, daring the girl to test her. "You won't like where it ends for you."

Adeen glared at the woman, mumbling under her breath about the women in the house.

Regina watched her with predatory eyes, only when the girl had gone into the study for a second time that day did she go back to the living room. She stared at the Queen of hearts. "Mother, I think it would be wise to meet away from the house from now on."

"Are you going to allow that girl to speak to you like that dear?" The woman, silky and yet it seemed iron like.

"I will deal with her later." She spoke, leaving no room for discussion. The former Queen ran her hands down her slacks as a way to calm her frustrated nerves. The younger brunette knew she couldn't punish the girl whilst still angry otherwise the girl would react violently to her. The former Queen knew the Marshall guard would base it on the fact that she was abused.

The harsher woman of the duo frowned. "Why are you not stamping out that behaviour now?"

"Mother, please do not question my parenting skills." Regina spoke, her anger spiking. "Mother I think it's best you leave. I'll meet you at the docks tomorrow afternoon."

"Of course dear, I'll see you then." She nodded and with a wave of her hand, magic swirled around the heart stealing Queen.

Once Regina knew that the woman was gone she let out a sigh, sat down on the white leather couch, running her hands over her face. She would've stamped out that behaviour then and there if it had been Henry. The woman frowned as she let out another sigh.

Adeen had taken up the corner she had been at for the first time she was in the office that morning. She shook with anger around the crutches keeping her up. She had been there for ten minutes now, and judging by how angry Regina had gotten, she'd be facing the walls for a while.

Finally after half an hour and a coffee, Regina strutted into her study. She sat behind her desk. "Adeen."

The defiant girl looked at the former Queen with a bored expression. Regina pulled her chair out a bit and pointed to the floor in front of the chair.

The girl hobbled over, with her crutches which only when she reached the desk did she place them against said desk. She hobbled the rest of the way to be in front of the Queen.

"Do you know why we're here for a second time today?" Regina asked the girl with a raised brow.

"Because you hate me and allowed someone who is known to be wanting me dead."

"No. I understand your anger Adeen, but you swore at me. Three times. I could excuse it once Adeen, but that's three strikes."

"Good for you."

"Do you think that's acceptable young lady?"

"It's not exactly smart for me to say yes now is it?" The girl snarled at her.

"Do you have anything else to say to me?"

The girl continued to snarl at the woman, looking at her in defiance.

"I'll take that as a no. She moved slightly, pulling the girl over her lap.