AN: I know, a long delay, I'm sorry, I had kind of a writers block. At the moment I'm sitting at the river Dee in Llangollen with my little netbook. Watching the water, enjoying the sun and thinking back, how I do love Wales.
Background music: Iwan Rheon – Dinard (if you don't know him, check him out) And the sound of water rushing down the cliffs of the river Dee.
Comments are love!
How can you be quiet, when everything is screaming at you.
How can you hold back, when you just want to feel again.
How can you you move, when you just want to capture the moment.
How can, how can, how can you not?
Oh how he loved shopping! Shopping was always fun and damn, shopping with a bloody style queen on the same wave length as him, dream coming true! He wondered why they never had done that before, sure there was always some kind of big, all endangering mysterious force, which kept them busy, but seriously SHOPPING!
OK, the small town in the middle of nowhere was far from being a fashion metropolis, but they had discovered a second hand store with some awesome pieces. The real shopping tour would start once they were in a bigger city. London was a must! He was smiling so much his cheeks were hurting. But whatever, it was fun and Kenzi looked happy. It was a bit of a normal life, something she didn't have since she had joined Team Sex-machine. That being turned into a Fae, would bring back normality to her, who would have, could have thought?
But of course, this trip was not just fun and normality. He had to start her training. He wanted to know how much she could do, he was more than curious to see if she was as talented as he guessed. But how to start? Teaching was not really his strong point, Mo had been the sad proof, but for Kenzi he would try, try again.
She was just trying on a black bolero smiling at him while she posed. She looked more like herself, a mix of his clothes and the second hand stuff. They had found a pair of boots fitting her perfectly, lucky catch.
"Yeah, that's you! Definitely you!"
He stepped a bit closer to her standing behind her righting a label. Yes, she would start here, starting today.
"Let's try out your abilities now, we have a few people here and I doubt they will realise what's truly happening. Maybe we can do more tonight in the club, but there will be more people."
Kenzi stared at him with her big blue eyes, slightly biting her bottom lip.
"You're sure? I mean, I'm all for the club, people drunk or high...but here?"
"More people, loud music and we have to work on your concentration, the less the better. In that case and only in that case luv, we do know in all other cases more is a must!", he smirked.
"Try what I told you, select one person, try to feel them with your hand, a bit like you want to touch them. Than think of what they should do, try something small, scratching their arse or something like that."
She slowly nodded looking still a bit unsure. Her eyes travelled over the available people; a young woman, heavily pregnant with her friend trying on a purple miniskirt, an older guy with a balding hairline watching the two girls, the cashiers and a young stud with sleek hair, a goatee and dark sunglasses in the dimmed little shop. Decisions, decisions, he had no idea who she would choose.
A deep breath could be heard taken and a slender hand raised carefully, light blue eyes fixed on their target. Her face full of concentration, while he was only curious, how well she would be able to handle this task. The people in the shop still acted like before, the girls chatting, the guys staring. Finally he heard a frustrated sigh and turned back to Kenzi.
"It's not fucking working! I tried to make the guy drop his sunglasses but I can't make him do it. I am just standing here looking ridiculous like a scarecrow! Can't I just practise with you? You said you don't know if it works or not! It might work, so I don't have to you know, wave around like a crazy cat woman."
He had to grin a bit, stepping a bit closer, fixing the collar of the bolero while looking straight into he eyes.
"So you want to mesmer me, want me to do your bidding? Luv' you do know, you only have to ask!" Raising his eyebrow suggestively; yes, she just needed to ask and he would do anything for her, for her, always for her.
Kenzi pushed against his shoulder, trying to bring back the distance that had existed before. But Vex was studier than the the petite Goth girl, who was all but trying to hide the blush forming on her cheeks by looking down, her hair creating a curtain.
"Try it, make me go away." Just a soft breath reaching her ears, far to close.
Her hand was still pressed against his chest, feeling every beat of his heart. Yeah, he did have a heart beating far too fast in his chest, beating like drums against his ribs. So close, so bloody close and still too far away. His Kenzi, his mate.
The girl just stared at him, eyes wide and shocked, but hidden from all eyes by his wider stature. Slowly the look changed, concentration bleeding in.
There was a slight pull; not so bad, that he would have needed to follow, but there it was, the pressure to step, no, not away, but a bit closer. She had power indeed. A human might would have already followed her lead, but he was steeled against it.
Nodding slowly he smiled at her. "That's it luv', you can do it! Now try it with the humans!"
He stepped aside, giving her space, but showing that he was the master of his actions, not her.
A loud slap could be heard a moment later and he turned around to see the pregnant girl slapping the creep's cheek and a swearing like no other. A quick glance to Kenzi showed a more than happy grin.
"Oh fuckballs, that's awesome!"
"You made the girl slap the leech?"
"Nope! I made him open his pants and slobbering checking out her friends booty!" she whispered barely loud enough for him to hear.
Oh yeah, that was a way too, the guy did not know what hit him, literally! Bloody brilliant. Yes, he could teach!
Soft lips on his right cheek killed all sane thoughts immediately, what...
"Thank you Vex, thank you for giving me, giving me this chance. I'll never be helpless or weak again."
"You were never weak."
No, she never had been, she was the strongest, the one binding everything together, his sanity. So much stronger than himself.
Times would change. And he thought, time would change and so would he.