\I don't own Gilmore girls

Rory rushed towards the phone as it rang in the dark house. She was running so fast that as she grabbed the phone she fell to her knees on the hardwood floor. "Hello." She tried to catch her breath.

"Rory." Emily's sobbing voice came over the line.

"Grandma?' Rory wasn't sure as she heard a sobbing woman. "What's wrong?"

"It's your grandfather he took a turn for the worst he…. He had a stroke Rory."

"NO." Rory whimper screamed. Jess rushed forward and gathered her into his arms almost having to pry the phone from her fingers.

"Hello Emily are you still on the phone."

"Yes Jess I'm here." Emily said.

"Okay what's going on because Rory seems like she just had a breakdown."

"It's Richard he had a stroke." It seemed the repeating of the word had sent Emily into her own hysterics because the second the words were out of her mouth she broke down into sobs.

"Okay Emily we'll be there as soon as we can." With that he hung up the phone and got Rory to the couch. "Rory sit there I'm going to get your mother and Luke." He looked between her and the stairs and he wanted to stay with her but he couldn't. He bent down and kissed her forehead and headed up the stairs. Rory watched him go before breaking down into a flood of tears and curling into a ball on the couch.

Jess made his way up the stairs and into Luke and Lorelai's room. He went to his uncle's side of the bed. "Uncle Luke." He whispered nudging his shoulder. Luke grunted and rolled over. "Luke." Jess nudged him harder.

"Jess, what?" Luke sat up looking around. "Jess what are you doing here?"

"Emily called Richard took a turn for the worst. I guess he had a stroke. Can you wake up Lorelai? I have to get back to Rory."

"Right, right." Luke mumbled. Sitting up straighter. "Go to Rory I'll get Lorelai." Jess turned around and headed back down the stairs leaving the older Gilmore girl in his uncle's capable hands well he went down the stairs to his own Gilmore girl. He found her sobbing on the couch and rushed to her side.

"Rory come on up we go." He held her up and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I have you Ror." He whispered. She clung to him shaking and crying as Luke and a white faced Lorelai came down the stairs. "Luke can you grab her shoes." Jess nodded towards Rory's room.

"Right yes okay." Luke said going toward her room and coming back minutes later with Rory's shoes. Jess took them from his uncle and slipped them on her feet helping her to stand up then passing her over to her waiting mothers arms.

"I've got you babe." Lorelai whispered rocking her daughter in her arms like she was a small child once again. Luke gathered coats while Jess slipped on his own shoes. They made their way silent except for Rory's cries to the jeep and crawled inside Luke at the steering Wheel. Silence hung heavy over the car Rory was snuggled into Jess's side and Lorelai was holding Luke's hand in a death grip as they pulled into the hospital. The silent foursome. Rory's tears having just subsided made their way into the hospital finding Emily huddled in a chair.

"Mom," Lorelai rushed forward.

"Oh Lorelai." Emily said standing up and looking at her daughter. "He's not good." She shook her head her red hair falling in disarray around her face. "There doing everything they can but as it stands they don't know if he'll live and if he does they don't think he'll ever walk or talk again." At those words Lorelai felt faint and everyone could hear a whimper escape Rory's mouth. Five people stood in that waiting room waiting for something anything news good or bad as if waiting on the edge of a cliff. No one even moving some of them not even allowing themselves to think. Rory clung to Jess. Lorelai held her mother's hand and Luke's and they waited.

A/N short chapter but I feel the next chapter needs to be it's own. Thanks to everyone that reviewed and please do review I really enjoy them.