Let the Future Telling, Commence!

Disclaimer: If you thought I owned Naruto then you're dead wrong because I cannot draw to save my life and I am not male therefore you have got the wrong person.

Summary: Minato, his team, Kushina, Tsunade, Jiraiya, and the Konoha 12 along with the sand nin are all in a mysterious room with each other. What could possibly be going on? And why does the blonde kid keep looking at Minato like that? Follows Cannon.

Gaara didn't like the fact that he was stuck in some hotel with his brother and sister. The odd technology of the building didn't help much either. Every time the damn moving room went down his stomach hurtled down and when it went it up his stomach also hurtle down. It made him dizzy and woozy and he didn't like the looks that his sister gave him either.

Honestly if Gaara wasn't her brother, Temari would've busted out laughing at his panic.

. . .

Sasuke was in awe of what he had just seen. He wasn't sure if the faces where really there or if he was possibly just making it all up in his head. But as the blonde man along with his companions strolled off into the moving room he was in only a few minutes before he couldn't help but let out a gasp as the situation processed in his mind. He had just seen the Yondaime Hokage. He had just seen the man that had defeated the Kyuubi...He had just seen Konoha's hero. Holy, Kami. Of course it always occurred to him that it could not be real, or it could be some joke. But seeing as the man never tried to de-henge himself, because you would do that if it was a joke, he kept going as if he truly was the Yondaime. He really couldn't help but feel a little giddy as he waited a bit until running himself to go find Naruto.

No matter their status towards each other he still wanted to see the blonde's reaction. No matter what anyone else said, Naruto was the Yondaime's biggest fan. And how did he know this. Of course with Naruto having such a loud mouth the blonde's fondness of the Hokage had been spoken of many times. More then Sasuke would've liked to hear about. But now it seemed to work in his advantage as he waited for the metal doors to open.

He had no idea where he would find the blonde, but when he did he knew that a whole entire new adventure would begin.

Minato, as he got off the odd moving room, looked about the ruin first floor. And he was slightly shocked to find a fimilar face. "Jiraiya-sensei?" He questioned as he appeared in front of the toad sage. The man looked towards his student as if contemplating his students existance. But once he noticed his student's face his own lit up with happiness.

"Minato!" He practically shouted out. Tsunade, caught by his words looked over Jiraiya and smiled at the familar face.

"Minato, Kushina! It's good to see a familiar face."

Kushina smiled at the blonde and the toad sage. Now they could really figure out what was going on. They exchanged their own greetings, Obito seeming to want to faint in the presence of the sannin. However he kept his excitement to himself as he bit his lip and watch as his sensei causally greeted the two. They were sannin! How could he do that so casually?!

However the mood soon decipitated as Tsuande's head snapped towards the front of the first floor. The happiness that first flooded them was now filled with suspicion. "Four eyes!" She shouted pointing at the man. The man shook slightly as he watched the woman suddenly prosue him again. He was not ready for the rage of a sannin. However he was even more terrified when Kushina joined in.

"Does he know what's going on!?" She questioned.

Tsuande rolled up her sleeves. "I believe so."

Ignoring the woman Jiriaya turned to his student. "Ah, and who is that? Konoha konochi?" He asked pointing the girl that was in Minato's arms. Minato nodded his head.

"This one and," Minato nodded his head towards the blonde in Obito's arms. "that one were arguing in the hall. I went to ask them if they knew what was going on but when they saw me they fainted."

Jiriaya seemed perplexed by that. "Truly? You seem to have that effect on girls. I trained you well." He smiled up at his student ignoring the sweat drop Minato produced. "So, when they wake do you plan on questioning them?"

"I hope to...of course if they just woke up here like I did then that won't go too far..."

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" Kushina's voice rang out, interrupting Jiraiya and Minato's conversation.

The emerald eyed man looked over at the red head with fear in his eyes. He looked a but apprehensive as to answering, as would Minato if he was in his position. With his arms up in a surrender like postion he gave a wobbly smile. "I'm sorry Ma'am, but I cannot tell-"

"THEN TELL ME WHAT I'M DOING HERE!" Kushina demanded, her hair starting to float in the domonic way it usually did when she was angry. Flinching, both Minato and Jiraiya took a step back.

"Now, no need to get so upset…" Turning their heads they looked over towards the door where the emerald eyed man had came out. There stood, tall and mysterious as ever, another man. Though he wore something that seemed to be concealing his identity, Minato felt as though he knew the man. "I'll tell you what you're doing here...as soon as everyone else is here."

Narrowing her eyes Kushina looked back to emerald eyed man, she then let him go and turned, walking towards Minato. "Who are the others?"

The man seemed amused by this as he chuckled slightly, it was not taunting or dark just a legit amused chuckle.

"Some kids you'll get know well…" Nodding his head towards the two girls Minato looked at them. So they were apart of all this. Go figures.

"Understandable, of course you would not mind if I kept an eye on you, would you?"

Snorting the man crossed his arms and grabbed the emerald eye man leaving him by his side. "I can handle that. But I'm going to ask you all a favor..."

Naruto was pissed, and not because of the fact that Sasuke had dragged him around trying to find this guy that Naruto had no clue of, and not just because he kept tripping over the giant pants he found, no he was pissed because Sasuke had let this man take Sakura-chan!

"She was getting on my nerves, so I let him take her." He explained with a shrug, and that was not good enough for Naruto! It was not good enough for Naruto at all! What did he mean that she was getting on his nerves. Sure Sakura was a little...eh, but she was so pretty! That had to count for something!

"What if he was a offender! Why would you let a man take away a girl?" And if anyone else was to hear their conversation, they would definitely say that Naruto had that upper hand in logic, for the first time! But if they did know that the person that took Sakura was in fact the man that risked his life for the Leaf Village, then Sasuke's argument would be great!

Although it is hard to tell the blonde boy who idolizes over a dead man that that dead man is in fact alive...yep, he'd just show the dobe.

"Sakura was with Ino." Sasuke countered and Naruto seemed to contemplate this.

"Well, I guess that's good. Ino would be able to regulate things, she is scary-"

"And unconscious…"

"..." He hadn't meant for it to slip out of his mouth.


"Look dobe, when you see who it is you'll understand." Sasuke snapped, tired of Naruto's antics.

"Unless it is the sandaime, or any other Hokage...who by the way are all dead then I really don't think you should be so relaxed. Ugh! Sasuke!?"

Sasuke turned his head as they finally made their way to the small room. Looking down at his pants he sighed and rolled his eyes. "Look, just trust me. If they really are in danger then we'll just kick the guys ass." He said trying to get Naruto to calm down. When the doors finally shut the blue eyed boy sighed and nodded.


"We get it!"

"But it must be magnified! Such great youth must not be taken lightly!"

Lee jumped on top of a desk looking at the young pre-teens. They were trying their hardest to find clues as to where they were. The shy girl doing much more so, using her Byakugan. Lee could tell the girl was trying to impress Neji, yet the cold Hyuga was not budging. He only looked at her with scorn. Something Lee did not approve of, yet the boy beside her, Kiba he believed his name to be, seemed to not care much. He looked at the girl making sure she was okay and then looked back to searching. And the one with the bugs...well Lee would just say he was standing there quietly, and also managing to make Lee squirm.

"There is nothing in this room." The bug boy finally said, the girl nodded her head and sighed.

"Well, there was only one more number we did not stop on…"

Neji sighed and rolled his head back.

"Floor number one? Are you sure you want to go back down there. That seemed-"

"Troublesome, I know." Shikamaru leaned back in the wooden chair, watching as Choji once again scanned through the kitchen. He had eaten all the bags of chips and now was eating a weird bag of...Chips Ahoy! They were cookies, and quite honestly they did taste good. Of course Choji was not satisfied with just that. "If anything we will get answers and hopefully a way home."

"Well then what are we waiting for?" Choji stood quickly and walked out of the kitchen. Shikamaru was surprised to see that the food Choji had eaten before that were on plates in the kitchen had multiplied since.

Getting up he sighed and headed down towards the moving room. As they entered they heard the soft music that bugged Shikamaru to no end. He was seriously tired of this music. Did they not switch it up often...actually even thinking on the topic made him flinch.

As the doors opened up to reveal the first floor, it was not what he was expecting.

"Sasuke! Where are they?!" Naruto screeched in complete horror as he cupped his lips and looked about the first floor. It was empty. There was a mess, and yet it was empty. And because it was empty Naruto was furious.

Sasuke was sure that they had to be somewhere. Or was it really just someone as a henge. The more that he thought about the more that he became concerned. He did let the Minato look-a-like take away Sakura and Ino, and as much as they were a thorn to his side it was not good that it was his fault. Letting a kidapping happen right in front of you, and you proclaim to be a ninja? That was absurd.

Taking Naruto's hand he began to get worried as he dragged the blonde boy all the way to front desk. He had lived in hotel's before, thus he knew the system. If you had questions, come to the front.

He rang the small bell up front and waited...and then waited...and then waited again.

Naruto, being the anxious impatient person he was was pacing around and mumbling things, glancing at Sasuke, and then mumbling some more. It was odd to see the blonde in such a heated state. While they were always arguing it was never really anything this bad. Who knew that a missing pinkette who did not truly care for the blonde, would make him so upset?

As they waited just about ten minutes, which was a whole hour to Naruto (nobody knows how he handled it when he waited for his sensei) a tall, pale and green eyed man appeared with a very weary look. Sasuke wanted to ask if he was hiding in that room the whole time they were waiting but the man spoke of first, pushing his glasses up.

"I will escort you to your crowd…" He said slightly on edge. Sasuke wondered what happen for him to be so alert, although it was a good thing, they were just two pre-teens. Naruto wanted to pumble the guys head in.

"You were in there the whole TIME!?" He shouted. And the man took many steps back, very weary but also very spectulating. Little did they know his thoughts. They consisted of something like this. It's that same horrible aura. The Wrath of the Uzumaki...I do not want to face it again.

"This way," He said ignoring Naruto's question. Which only seemed to intensify his anger. Sasuke rolled his eyes but followed the man anyways passed all of the trash and destruction on the floor. He was going to ask what happen before the man began to mutter. "Damn blonde." At that moment it was a like world of hope opened up inside of him. So maybe it was true, but and how and why was a whole other story.

As they made their way all the way to the back, a curtain like fabric hung from the doorway. It was a bright, blinding orange which only made both Sasuke and the man sigh. While Naruto only seemed to be brightened by it.

When he pulled open the curtain there were two big white doors. However there was also a gaint keyhole. The man only seemed to find the task extremly boring and poked his finger into the keyhole.

"What are you doing? You need a key. Did you lose yours. I always lose mines."

The man stopped slightly and looked at the blonde with a bit of awe, or more like blunt surprise. It was at that moment Sasuke recognized how young this man looked. It may have been his height that made him seem a lot more older, or the look of pure terror with a mix of disgust that seemed to be on his face a lot. But now he just looked a kid who found something extremely surprising. Of course that face didn't last long. But he did manage a smile. "You would know, wouldn't you?" He mumbled, the question obviously being rhetorical, yet Naruto just had ask.


Sasuke elbowed him.

As the man opened the door Sasuke just knew that all hell was going to break loose. Naruto would see the blonde man and freak out! He was actually excited for this. Odd, he usually only got this excited when…

Feeling all the emotions bubble up in him slowly simmer down and become a sudden hatred he closed his eyes and calmed down. He would not think of that man the way he once looked at him. Never again would he feel that way.


Snapping his head back Sasuke scowled at the blonde but stopped when he heard a fimilar voice.

"Sasuke-kun is here?"

"Don't you dare try anything, forehead."

"Ugh, shut it, Ino-pig!"

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto ran straight passed Sasuke, a huge grin on his face. With his arms wide and ready for a hug he went head first to the ground in trying to give Sakura a hug.

"Sasuke-kun." Sakura completely ignored the pained blonde on the floor. All the while Minato, his team, Kushina, and the two sannin were watching the scene. Some with a sweatdrop, another with boredom, but however two individuals were cackling like mad.

"Did you, ha ha, did you see him! Ha ha!"

"Yeah, he, he tried, ha ha, tried to give the girl...HA HA, a hug and was dissed!"

Minato glared at the two sannin. For such legends they sure weren't very grown up.

Hearing the laughter Naruto snapped his head up turning to the two that had laughed at him. But stopped as his eyes landed on...on, a very familiar man.

He stood in front of them, mouth agape and head swirling with questioned. Sasuke watched while trying to get out of the pinkette's line of vision.


"Lee! You don't have to yell!" A brunette girl with two buns in her head said to the green spandexed boy.

Kakashi felt a headache coming on and Obito cackled.

"It is a carbon copy...of my worst nightmare." He muttered.

The blonde soon was out of sight as Lee showed him up by being loud despite his teammates protest.

Naruto walked in a daze to the other side of the room, pushing passed Lee who was stunned by the young blonde. Soon everyone's eyes were on Naruto as he walked towards Minato and his group, whose eyes soon averted to him looking confused.

Kushina had a slight heart attack as she saw him looking at Minato like that. There was something that seemed to make her so interested in him.

"Yon-Yondaime?" He croaked not loud enough for anyone to hear, but when Minato met the young blonde's eyes Naruto soon fainted under the pressure of it all.

They all blinked at the boy not exactly sure what just happened. However when the familiar man with the emerald eyes came in he did not seemed worried by this. Instead he seemed more expecting of this and sighed as he walked over towards the blonde, picked him up and placed him on the sofa.


Naruto awoke with a full blown headache his eyes darted towards the ceiling which he never noticed was really that high, or that see through. Although it did look a lot like that dream he was having, which was pretty crazy.

"Good, he is up." A voice stated. "I really would like start now."

"B-but, Naruto-kun h-has to vote." Another, yet softer voice said.

"It is fate that has decided that since he fainted before the voting process, he cannot vote."

"Neither can the other blonde? He seems...important."

Turning his head to the side Naruto frowned at his classmates and the three others who were staring him down. "I really hoped this was just some dream." He muttered. Sakura gave him a look and he frowned. "What-"

"CHA!" She quickly kicked him off the chair. "Where are your manners, eh?! Let the ladies sit down!"

Scrambling to get away he quickly removed himself from his current spot and ran over towards the boys.

Kiba gave him a sorry look. "I would've warned you but...it is a girl we're talking about here. They're so unpredictable-"

"What did you say dog breath!"

A vein popped from Kiba's head, but instead of saying of sorry he just repeated what he had said louder. "I SAID THAT GIRLS ARE SO UNPREDICTABLE!" Ino threw a nice right hook his way, leaving Kiba with a swollen cheek.

Naruto just had sweat drop not understanding how that was offensive.

"U-um. We sh-should get back to w-what we were doing." Hinata spoke up from her side of the room. She avoided all eye contact with everyone. Naruto just thought on how weird she was.

Ino nodded. "So Naruto is not voting."

"But in order for it to be fair he must vote!" Lee said, standing in a defensive position. "How else will he show his youth? He has to be apart of this-" Tenten striked Lee on the head giving him a scowl.

"He's not voting. It doesn't matter."

"Uh...what am I voting on?" He asked very confused.

"You're not voting dobe," Sasuke said from the side. "It's already decided let's go." He then proceeded to walk out of...a room? Just where the hell was he?!

The two fan girls squealed, gave each other death looks and looked over at Sasuke and ran to follow him. Kiba just sighed and followed along.

"This is troublesome."

Naruto still looked around with confusion on his voice. He tried to figure out exactly what was going on. "What ARE YOU VOTING ON?!"

He ran along with everyone to see what the commotion was about. Of course when he entered the room within the room he saw the people who he hadn't believed were real.

When he saw the familiar face of the Yondaime he took a deep breath. "Would someone like to answer my questions? Or should I sit here and not have a part in this?" He said giving Neji and Sasuke glares.

"I like the latter." Stated Sasuke as he sat one of the sofas. Sakura nodded in agreement flipping her hair behind her back and taking a seat beside Sasuke. Finding no harm in it Naruto sat besides Sakura. He then tried hard not to tear up after a pretty hard hit was given to his forehead.

Tsuande watched the scene in interest. Leaning against her white haired companion she whispered to him. "That girl has one hell of a right hook." It was then that Jiraiya nodded in agreement.

Naruto gave a look around the room as everyone began to take their seats. He noticed how each sofa had only a seat for three. Oddly and some had a seat for two. The only four adults in the room were the ones who sat in the two seater sofas. Of course Naruto's eyes lingered on the freaking Yondaime Hokage. He watched as the man talked with the red haired woman, laughing and smiling. Something in his stomach stirred when he saw them like that. He quickly looked away when he felt the oh-so hated tears prick his eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" He questioned getting everyone to shut up, some people even glared at him. He didn't care much though. He needed answers.

"Impatient as ever." Looking up Naruto saw the same man with the deep emerald eyes. He had his arms crossed over his chest and even watch looked like a slight smile. If you could call it a smile. Kushina couldn't believe her eyes. It was the same scaredy cat that had been so scared of her before.

He looked towards her and slightly took a step back. Maybe he was still scared.

Clearing his throat. "I had them vote. Would they rather get the opportunity of a lifetime or would like to go home?"

Naruto cocked his head to the side. "Eh? Opportunity of a lifetime…?"

Jiraiya stared hard at the blonde, at first he was bit captivated by looks, but now he was captivated by his pants...the hell. Those are...MINE! But he had no time to speak on the prospect as the emerald eyed man spoke.

The man nodded. "Yes Naruto. Of course I need your vote in order to know what to do."

Kiba looked up in slight disbelief. "We already all voted on the same thing! His vote won't count for shi-"

The emerald eyed young man glared at her. "It is only fair."

Naruto was slightly surprised by that. He had never really been counted into things. So he thought for a moment. "I can vote to either have an opportunity of a lifetime or go home…"

Minato watched the blonde kid for a while. He wondered exactly what the kid might choose. Of course he would be just like the rest of them and choose or so how he believed they chose, because the kids were in another room when they voted.

"An opportunity of a lifetime of course!"

Minato sweat dropped. "Well it's a good thing his vote doesn't count."

"Great, one opportunity of a lifetime coming right up!" He said and when he clapped his hands the whole room shook and changed. It was like going through a vortex. The colors changed the atmosphere changed and the emerald eyed man was gone. All he left was a note on the ground.

Lee walked towards the note and picked it up trying to get of his stupor.

"What the hell was that! What did you do, NARUTO?!"

"I just voted! It sounded cool."

"We all voted to go home, I don't understand how your vote counted."

"And why are you such an idiot that you had to vote for the most dangerous option? Dobe."

"He said opportunity of a lifetime! Who ignores that!"

Sakura, Ino, Tenten and Temari both hit the blonde, mostly in the head. Rin just felt very bad for the blonde but couldn't help but feel a bit pissed.

Kushina sighed and went up to the kid. "Naruto right?" She asked. The kid turned around and looked up at the beautiful red headed woman. She was really pretty and he couldn't help but look up at her with his mouth agape.

She placed a hand on his shoulder, her face blank and neutral...until she started to speak. Her eyes lit up with same familiar golden glint that just screamed run. And her hair...Kami her hair.

"What. The hell. Did you. JUST DO!?"

It took a while for Minato, Tsunade and Jiraiya to drag Kushina away from the poor blonde who had began to run for his life.

The deity, that was still in the hotel looked towards his emerald eyed companion with a smirk. "Is that how you feel?" He asked.

"Yes, but she isn't as bad as you, she's worse."

Grinning the...ahem...deity shrugged. "I guess that's just a part of the Uzumaki blood and she is a woman."

Lee looked over at each person that was fussing in the room they had suddenly appeared in. Everyone was either and or in someway being completely ignorant to the situation...ahem...Shikamaru.

"Guys." He stated but when no one heard him he frowned. TenTen would surely repram him. "GUYS!"

They all stopped and looked over towards him. He held up the note and showed it to one of the older people, a sannin he recognized as the toad sage. He almost went limp in his presences. Taking the note Jiraiya cleared his throat.

Dear Shinobi,

First I would like to say that no matter anyone's vote the outcome would've stayed the same. You are here for an important task, one that cannot go unhandled. So, when you are granted the tools to complete such a task then you go to work on it. Please do not laugh when I tell you the assignment handed to you for it is a serious matter. But for now look at those around you.

Jiraiya stopped and looked at everyone around him. He watched as the others did same. They were all suddenly on edge. He just had to wonder who were the kids that were around him. Especially the sand ninja.

He then looked back down to the paper and started reading.

As crazy as it sounds each and everyone of you aren't in full control of your actions, nor your thoughts because the future has already taken it's course.

Naruto cocked his head to the side. "Eh, eh? Sakura-chan? What is that supposed to mean, eh?"

Sakura looked truly worried and wasn't at all upset at the fact that Naruto had interrupted she just shrugged her shoulders.

Minato narrowed his eyes.

You were not supposed to exist, or at least during this time period, but you have a great importance when it comes to the future. So I have brought you together so you can fix the problem…

"Exactly what problem do we fix?" Obito asked aloud Kakashi thinking along the same lines. Jiraiya sighed.

"It's not a matter of what we fix but we change." He stated. "However I don't have a clue as to why were supposed to believe this." Jiraiya then kept reading.

In the future things will get worse, and people find their greed is above the peace of the world. I want to ensure that peace is fulfilled but...my time is coming to an end. I can no longer fight a losing war.

"Who is this person?" Rin asked trying to see if they were around. Minato wanted to know the same answers.

"And what war is he fighting?"

Temari felt like snorting. This seemed like a load of bull…

You each have an important role in the future, even if your lives are short it can change the course of a whole world. Whatever you chose to do with this information is your decision... And NARUTO ESPECIALLY,

Everyone looked at the blond.

PAY ATTENTION! A ninja's best tool when going out on a mission is information. So yes, I want you to treat this like a mission. The books that you must read in order to finish your mission are in the book cases, their spines are orange and the cover is blue, which symbolizes something...But before you tried and get this finish, first eat something…

Jiriaya looked up at all the people staring at him. He just had to wonder exactly how this would all play out. They did not exactly have a choice in the matter but they did have the ability to do whatever they chose to do with the information given to them. Which was dangerous, since he could not believe that each of these kids would grow to like their future.

"Alright then, we should eat."

The kids looked hesitant but rushed out of the room quickly, a lot of them glancing at Minato then looking back towards one another.

Jiraiya stepped in front of his student and the small group that he had known. Kushina looked a pissed off as usual but that was alright. At least she was not going crazy. Tsunade looked like she could break something.

"It will definitely be interesting to see what are in those books. However I have a feeling that there are a lot of unsettling things in that book."

Kushina nodded. "Whoever wrote the note was possibly in a time of war. Maybe it was with the leaf and sand, seeing as how those kids from the sand were here." Kushina finished.

"Yeah, but then you have those kids who are...either in our past, which I highly doubt, or are in our future...but their still in the past."

Obito sighed. "I have a feeling that Naruto kid has the biggest part in this."

Minato looked at him uncertain. Although everyone had the potential to be a great ninja, he thought Naruto would need a lot more time. "Why do you think that?" He asked.

Rin stepped in for Obito. "Because the person who wrote the note specifically stated that Naruto had to pay attention and treat it like a mission. Just think about it sensei. No one else was given such explicit orders."

"The person also said that the spines of the books were orange. Most people would specifically state out titles. And Naruto's color scheme to involve a lot of orange." Kakashi added in.

Minato looked at his students for a while and then smiled at them with big smiles. They were a really great team.

However back in the kitchen while all of his fellow...future friends (of course he did not know this) were chowing down on breakfast Naruto was searching for the damned book case. He really could not find it and did not know why. Maybe the person in the note could be a bit more specific. And the giant pants were not helping out much either.

He just wanted to finish whatever it was they were supposed to do here and go home and be a bad ass ninja and change whatever bad happened. However the biggest thing he wanted to make sure of was that he did not die. The person in the note had clearly stated that people will die, he just wanted to find a way to prevent that.

And perhaps he could also become someone cool...even as cool as the Yondaime Hokage.

They all sat down after eating and taking their breaks. They were all respectively split up with Naruto having to sit on the ground since Ino and Sakura wanted to sit by Sasuke and since Choji was housing his snacks on the cushion Naruto would've been sitting.

Kushina felt kind of sorry for the blonde kid as he looked around at his peers who were talking amongst each other. He talked briefly with some but most of the time stayed quiet. So she decided they should begin. Standing to her feet she grabbed the book that Naruto had found. It was exactly how the note stated, an orange spine and the hardcover was a dark navy blue. There was no title yet the book was thick.

Clearing her throat she looked to the children who looking up at her in waiting. Holding up the book she shrugged. "All we have to do is read this, then we can go home. Why don't we start now?" She then tossed the book to Obito who looked surprised and bit upset. Yet he was smart on not voicing his frustrations.

"I guess I'll read first." He said simply.

Sasuke and Sakura-

Sakura almost fainted.

Friends or Foes?

Looking at the Uchiha boy she almost blanched. Why would they be anything less than friends. Sasuke snorted. In his mind they were definitely not friends.

Twelve years ago a nine tailed fox suddenly appeared. It's tails lashed out, smashing mountains and sending tidal waves crashing to the shores!

Jiraiya frowned. Leaning in to Tsunade he whispered, "This must have happened not to long before these kids were born, or already born."

"Ahem!" Obito gave a sharp look to Jiraiya. "If I am to read I want as little interruptions as possible."

The ninja rose up to defend their villages.

A man with a bloodied head scowled at the creature with disgust. "Hold the attack and wait for the fourth hokage!" He screamed.

"So the fourth hokage has been chosen."

"You're interrupting yourself, idiot." Rin chided.

"It's getting closer don't let it near the village!" A wounded man screamed.

Minato frowned. The attack happened to the hidden leaf, these kids must've been affected heavily by it. But if the fox had gotten out then that meant that…

Kushina looked down at her stomach with rage and sadness. Although the fox did not feel as close as he use to before she could still feel him.

One shinobi faced the nine tailed fox in mortal combat. He sacrificed his life to capture the beast and seal it into a human body. This ninja was known as the fourth hokage.

Sakura blanched slightly. "The history books said that the fourth killed the nine tails."

Kushina almost felt like snorting. "Killing a tailed beast is impossible."

A young blonde boy awoke with a yawn. He smiled slightly to himself when his calendar and the circle date that was there.

"Today's the day." He said to himself with a small laugh.

As he sat for breakfast he opened up his chopsticks and bowl of ramen-

"Ugh, it's Naruto." Ino said and looked at her fingernails.

Kushina blinked. "You eat Ramen for breakfast?"

Naruto nodded sheepishly.

"Where are your parents? Don't they tell you to not do that?" Obito asked a bit perpplexed.

All of the Konoha 12 went deathly still and they seemed to have the same facade. They may have made fun Naruto and even been really cruel to him but they never really saw him with parents.

Naruto shrugged. "I don't have any parents."

Minato flinched.

He began to eat up his ramen. "Let's chow down!"

As he finished up he got dressed and put on his trademark goggles looking in the mirror to see his whisker marked face.

Another fool that wears those ridiculous goggles, hn. Both Sasuke and Kakashi thought this to themselves.

He then proceeded to look down at the wooden table that held his whole entire future. A ninja head band.

He then switched the two laughing to himself.

As he headed out and walked down the street he saw the strangest thing on a wooden fence. It was a giant lump. However he pretended to ignore it. But when he got closer a young child appeared with his hair up in a ponytail and a green cape over his shoulders.

"You're mine Naruto!" He screamed and went to go after the blonde who was not startled at all by the sudden encounter. The young boy then slipped and fell face first on the ground as he slipped on the cover that was supposed to be covering him.

"Someone that is actually more of an idiot than you, I'm surprised." Kiba said.

"Well it did say he was younger too." Shikamaru piped up.

"Eh, well then it doesn't count."

"What are you doing, Konohamaru?" He asked the boy on the floor.

"I don't know anyone by that name!" Naruto stated.

"How about the third hokage's grandson?" Choji asked, since that was the only person he had heard of with that name. Naruto gasped.

"That brat?!"

Tsuande visibly sweat dropped. "I don't think he has the right to call anyone a brat."

"I wonder exactly which of the old man's children had children." Jiraiya added.

Tsunade wondered this too, along with Minato and his team and Kushina.

"That was a slick move," Konohamaru said in obvious pain. Naruto just stared, unmoved. "That's why I respect you as a rival."


"You're rival is that eight year old~HAHA-"Kiba laughed with jolly.

"That is sad," Kakashi commented.

"Hn. I've seen him do sadder." Naruto glared at them all as Obito continued.

"Ugh," Konohamaru said as he began to stand. They stared at each other for a long while before the blonde spoke up.

"But I didn't do anything."

However Konohamaru didn't seem to hear him as he got his hands in a position to do a jutsu. "Alright," He said with a fierce look. "Fight me fair and square!"

Naruto scratched the back of his head with a bored look. "Sorry but I've got an orientation."

"Orientation?" Konohamaru asked putting his hand down.

Naruto smiled proudly. "That's right. As of today I'm a ninja -ttebayo!" He pointed towards his ninja head band.

"Could you not say that? I mean one day could not use that stupid catch phrase?" Ino asked looking towards the blonde.

Kushina shrinked into her self. "What's so bad about it?" She murmured to her boyfriend.

Minato shook his head vigorously. "Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" However his thoughts were on something else entirely as were two sannin and three kids who were looking at the blonde boy in wide eyes.

"So basically this is what would be going on today if we weren't here. Right?" Sakura asked.

Shikamaru nodded. "We'd be at orientation right now."

Kankuro frowned. They all seemed pretty old, did they fail at first?

"Requirements are different for the sand village remember?" Temari reminded him.

Jiraiya snorted. "So you brats just graduated. No experience out on real mission or anything.

Naruto wanted to pipe in and say that he did complete a B rank mission but then again the Sandaime asked him to keep it secret. It wasn't like anyone would believe him anyways.

Konohamaru looked at Naruto in amazement and Naruto chuckled in awe.

"If all you had to do to get kids to be amazed by you was to be a total idiot then I would've done that from the start." Kiba said.

Sakura huffed. "You are an idiot."

In a room a girl stood in front of the mirror tying her headband to her head. Her pink hair falling to her back. She hummed a song softly as she smiled at herself in the mirror.

However as soon as her mother's voice called for her her whole demeanor changed.

"CHA! I'm coming down in a minute!"

"Bipolar much?" Kiba retorted which earned him a punch to the head but also huge smiles from Obito and Kankuro. Gaara rolled his eyes but he secretly agreed.

As Sakura walked down the street she was walking fairly slowly, until a girl with long blonde hair that was in a ponytail and her head band was tied around her waist. They looked at each other, with Ino giving her a smirk.

"Good morning Sakura."

Sakura glared. "Good morning Ino!"

Soon they were both walking side by side.

"So they actually let you graduate? What a surprise?" Ino said in a snarl.

"Those classes are ancient history. We're both ninja now and we're both equal." Sakura tried to be civil. But she didn't really know why.

That is odd. The pinkette thought to herself.

"I won't lose to you anymore." The pinkette declared. She then sped up, and soon Ino was beside. Then Sakura sped up more, and Ino sped up again. It went on until they were both practically running.

Soon everyone was in the classroom. A majority of people surprised that Naruto had graduated.

Gaara looked to the blonde. He wonded if he was really that much of an idiot.

Kankuro could totally believe it.

When Naruto tried to greet the pinkette she only pushed him aside.

"Move it!" She declared giving him a push to the elbow.

Minato cringed at this thinking back to when he was in the academy and Kushina would manhandle him. Just looking at the boy he knew there was a connection between them both, a connection he wasn't ready to admit to himself.

Kushina was just clueless and felt like snorting. How could a boy let a girl treat him like that!

Sakura looked over towards Sasuke ignoring the injured blonde beside her. "Hey, Sasuke-kun." She said blushing. The boy cast a look her way with no emotion on his face. "Mind if I sit next to you?" She asked.

However soon Ino was beside her gripping her arm tightly.

"Back off forehead I'm sitting next to Sasuke."

"I got here before you," Sakura hissed trying not to look bad in front of Sasuke.

"I got in the classroom first, everybody saw it." Ino declared.

Soon all different girls popped up in hopes to sit next to Sasuke giving their reasons why.

"Oh the fan girls! How I miss those days!" Jiraiya declared.

Tsunade snorted. "What fans girls the one in that book you're making."

Sasuke had no idea what the blonde was talking but he narrow his eyes. "Those girls are troublesome."

Sasuke turned his head away from the girls and scowled. "Clueless."

The Sandaime looked at his crystal ball. "Promising new student Uchiha Sasuke. Is that him?" A person standing beside the Sandaime asked.

"Yes he's the one." The Sandaime answered.

Obito looked towards Sasuke. He wondered what was so special about him. Minato wondered the same thing but not as bitterly as Obito. However the next thing was...startling.

"The only survivor left from the Uchiha clan." Said a woman with fierce red eyes.

Obito read this his face first confused. "Only survivor?"

Minato's eyes narrowed. He did not like the sound of that. Rin and Kakashi looked towards their friend in slight worry.

"Does that mean-"

"Let's just keep reading." Obito declared. And everyone wondered exactly why the people from the so called past were so riled up about it. Especially Sasuke. None of them were Uchiha.

"That's right." The Sandaime said.

And while everyone else was so intent on Sasuke Uchiha a young man with spiky grey hair and a mask over his face-

"Kakashi?" Rin asked. Obito shrugged.

"I guess so."

The others who did not know the silver haired boy well looked at him long and hard trying to imagine him a bit older.

watched the crystal ball his eyes on a certain blonde. "Uzumaki Naruto…" He mumbled.

A long pause was held between them and Naruto huffed out a breath. "Hey why did you stop -ttebayo!"

Everyone else was curious.

"All he did was say Naruto's name. What's so special about it that you had to stop?"

Obito looked towards Kushina who was staring at the blonde. She took in every aspect of him his features his clothes, the way he sat...it was all very odd. Yet at the same time a warmth seemed to bubble up inside her.

Minato looked at Naruto too. He seemed to not want to look them in the eye at all. Did he know? If he did he surely wouldn't have looked so surprised…However as if a ton of bricks had lifted off his shoulders he stood up and walked towards the blonde. He then sat next to him. Kushina did the same and gave him a smile as well as a hug.

For Naruto the whole thing was very weird. He didn't know what was wrong with him but he just had to think that this was what parents felt like...

However for Obito the whole thing was unsettling. He was a bit envious of Naruto. He hadn't even known the blonde for a whole day and the blonde didn't have any super cool jutsus like Kakashi or Rin's heart like Kakashi. Obito had his parents affections and they cared for him but it was just something that Obito could not see that made something in his stomach boil over.

The ground shook and the sky turned grey everything seemed to be a darker and a figure laughed as blood was washed onto clothes so easily. His tanned hands ran over the earth as if it would be last time he'd feel it.

"Next time..." He mumbled as he fell to his knees.

"Next time I'll make it right, and fulfill my promise."

:3 Thanks for reading... And don't jump to conclusions please...thank you, again!

Next Chapter Preview:

"My first impression of you: I hate you."