Chapter 4
I should probably have mentioned the fact that I hate that Malia died so she hasn't in my story. There is a lot of things I don't like in Hawaii 5-0, people mainly, e.g. Catherine. Although it is nice to see Steve happy, I have never liked Catherine so she won't appear in my story. I like the idea of McKono but it probably won't happen in the show. You may however see it in my story. Danny is one of my favourite characters mainly because he uses sarcasm a lot and always has a comeback ready, kinda like me and I really want to see him happy. I ramble a lot so I'll stop and give you the story now.
Recap: 'We were down there because we...
Story: 'Were getting Fong to check out something that I found in Grace's room' Danny sighed. I raised my eyebrows.
'Did you go routing through Gracie's room?' I questioned.
'Danny, she's thirteen. There are gonna be things she won't want you to see and if what you found is what I think it is, then I knew about it' I explained.
'But I'm her father. I should know about these things' He whined.
'But some things she would rather tell a girl and when she wants to tell you, she will. Now that I know, can I either get a lift or borrow someone's car because I need to get to Chin's to pick up the girls?' I asked.
'We're done here, and were going home but I'll get a lift with Kono' Steve said as he pulled his bag out of Danny's car.
'Thanks Steve' I smiled. 'C'mon, Danny, unless you want to face Chin for leaving him with three girls while Malia is working, I'd get a move on.' Danny sighed and held his hand out for the keys from Steve. Steve got a look of amusement on his face and handed the keys to me.
'It's my car' Danny exclaimed.
'But I'm the better driver' I retorted. Steve sighed and waved goodbye as he walked back to HQ looking for Kono. I could have sworn I heard him say 'How do they live with each other?' but I couldn't be certain since Danny was STILL complaining about the lack of respect he got involving his car. I tossed the keys at him to shut him up and got into the passenger seat. My phone buzzed as I sat down and I saw three missed calls and a text message. Two calls and a text message from Fong and a call from Chin. It occured to me that I had heard my phone ring while I was reading the note on the rock. I checked the message from Fong. It said:
'We need to talk. Call me as soon as you get this. Something is strange about this rock'.
I scoffed.
'Maybe the fact that it was found in the middle of my kitchen' I said.
'Huh?' I looked over at Danny and he had a perplexed look on his face.
'Text from Fong. Something's weird about the rock I brought in' I explained. His face started to change emotions. A flash of jealousy appeared then a look of understanding. I wondered was it because the text was from Fong but I shook it off. Danny started the car and we didn't talk the rest of the car journey until we got to a red light.
'Why did you ring Chin first?' Danny asked with a tone of hurt in his voice. I cringed when I heard the question even though I was expecting it.
'Because Chin was the only other one not working today and I needed someone to look after the girls' I sighed. The light turned green and Danny started driving again.
'I still don't understand' Danny said.
'You were in work and Steve gets pissed off if anyone takes a personal phonecall during work so I figured it would be better not to call you so I rang Chin instead. The girls are fed and on something hopefully edible unlike your burnt offerings' I smiled when I finished as I remembered the last time Danny tried to cook. Who knew you could burn pizza and chips? Danny huffed beside me.
'I'm not that bad a cook'
'Sure, you aren't sweetie' I patted his arm. We had arrived at Chin's and Danny pulled into the driveway. I got out of the car and knocked on the door.
'Mommy' squealed two voices inside. I grinned.
'Why do they expect you and not me' Danny wondered.
'Because I dropped them off' I stated. The door opened and Jess and Izzy both squealed when they saw Danny.
'And then you get that, when they see you' I spotted Grace leaning against the wall. 'No hug from you?'
'He has his hands full' Grace snapped. I raised my eyebrows at the comment. Chin walked out of the kitchen and ruffled her hair. Grace immediately fixed her hair and went back into the sitting room.
'Has she been that snippy since she arrived?' I asked. Chin shook his head.
'No. She's been great. She helped me feed the others and did her homework' He replied. I frowned and walked into the sitting room where I found Grace reading a book.
'You will have to tell your father about it soon' I said as I sat on the sofa.
'Uh huh'
'And I don't want to be the evil stepmother but if you don't tell him, I will'
'Tell me what?' came Danny's voice from the doorway. Grace's head shot up towards her father. She opened her mouth and said ...
I'm so sorry that this is so late but I'm back to classes and I haven't had time to update. This has been on my computer for the last week and every time I went to upload it, I got distracted but anyway here it is. As always reviews are appreciated.