Author's Note- Hey everyone, this chapter turned out to be a bit of sticky one. So much of the history surrounding is still unfolding and your perspective is driven by where you get your news. Hopefully reading this piece will help you to gain a better handle on current world politics. Now before we shift our attention to the last chapter before a 4 year hiatus, I would like to thank Daffodil Moon, the secret trio, and Michigan for leaving reviews for the last chapter. I would also like to thank all of the readers out there across the world. I hope that this series of shorts helped you gain a better understanding and love for the Winter Olympics. Lastly, if you see any major errors in any of the chapters please let me know. I would like to get those mistakes changed so that it is easier for everyone to enjoy the stories. Thanks again.
Disclaimer-I do not own Hetalia or the Winter Olympics. Also there are some terms, such as Nazi that will be used in this post. I am lifting these terms directly from the Russia press and political commentaries and I totally disagree with their current usage.
Winter Olympic Games XXII – Sochi, Russia
Russia was rising again. Under Putin the Russian Federation was beginning to free itself from the shackles imposed on it by the treaties of the 1990's and becoming a nation that the world could once again fear and respect. It was time for him to rise from the shadows and economic pitfalls that had caused his nation to stagnate for two long decades and regain his seat as a superpower…and what better way to do this than to host the Winter Olympic Games.
Russia had long mourned the fact that the Soviet Union had fallen before he had had the chance to fully show his national supremacy by hosting a Winter Olympic Games, so when Sochi as selected to host the Twenty-second Game it was quickly decided that no expense would be spared. Russia wasn't going to just build a spectacular Olympic park he was going build a spectacular resort city. He was not only going to host a Winter Olympic games, he was going to do it in the subtropics.
From the beginning there were people who doubted, men and women that didn't understand the sheer power of Russia's power and dream. When he had announced his 12 billion American dollar budget, the west had called the current venture ego games. Which of course they were, any one daring enough to host the largest Winter Olympics yet had to have an ego to match. When the games went massively over budget and the costs soared to over 51 billion dollars, the west had made a fuss about the fact that the Sochi Games cost more than all the previous Winter Games combined and even exceeded the price tag China had spent on the Beijing Games. Russia really couldn't see what the fuss was about. Of course Russia would spend more than China, he was better than China.
There were critics on the inside as well. There were the occasional protesters who complained about the high levels of corruption and all of the government officials who were using the Games as an excuse to line their own pockets with tax payer money, but these foolish citizens clearly didn't understand how Olympic Games work. Of course there would be corruption. Any big project, any were in the world had corruption issues, just look at the Salt Lake Winter Olympics. As to the fact that Russia bulldozed nearly all of Sochi's landmarks and built structures which some of the local citizens considered to be unsound, they were just selfish people who were not willing to acknowledge all the wonderful new developments their country had graced them with. When the Olympic Games were over people would finally understand just how superior Russia and its government truly were.
Yet by even before the Olympic Games were completed they were rapidly becoming overshadowed by the fact that parts of Ukraine had finally come to their senses and were trying to escape their Nazi overlords in Kiev. It was a situation that was only becoming worse because America and his EU lap dogs stirring up protests with false promises. Russia couldn't not understand why American superpower was so bent on forcing Ukraine to tear itself apart, instead of letting it all peacefully become one with Russia once again. Russia was sure that the history books would side with him, and expose America for the pigheaded, whiny child that he was.
As for what the true legacy of the Sochi Winter Olympics, that was still to be seen.
Historical Note- As you can tell, in the chapter I really followed the Russian political and media reports. That opinion has really not been followed by the rest of the world. The pattern of invasion that was used in the Crimean region is very similar to the attempts by Russia to gain greater control of areas of Georgia and Moldavia. Unfortunately the Russian stance on Crimean has probably meant that all the soft power that the Russian Federation was attempting to purchase by hosting the winter games went down the drain. Add the fact that these games were plagued with chronic corruption and improper construction techniques means that much of the infrastructure will probably crumble within the decade. In short, many international Olympic analysts are predicting that Sochi will guarantee that Russia will not host another winter games any time soon and that twenty-second Winter Olympic Games will soon be considered the biggest Olympic disaster ever.
End Note- Well, now it is time for this story to go on hiatus for another 4 years, so will leave you with a question…Would you all be interested in having me write a similar collection of stories for the Summer or Paralympics games? Also, would it be helpful if I tried to put together a piece about history of Crimea and how that history is affecting the current situation?