Throne Attempt #2

The carriage chittered back and forth, pushing Hans' weight and balance side to side. He was having a hard time keeping steady and with the tension in the air there was a quick shift in mood. But the fingers that strained his head back felt like they were tearing his scalp with each bump on the road.

Hans had no choice but to go along with his brother's plans. Whatever they were, they made him more than uncomfortable. He shifted in his tattered button up, and looked over to the older brother, who was now beginning to smoke a pipe. This strange sinister sense billowed out of the pipe through the smoke. It's scent drifting to the young prince, sending him nostalgic shutters of the past.

And not the good kind.

It would have been better and probably far more successful, had his older brother tried to take Elsa's crown. Hans could tell which brothers of his were most talented in deception. This one especially... He is a true psychopath.

Hans altered his hands in their bound ties, and with a few more seconds he began to speak. Pulling the attention of the carriage to his presence.

It was strange, Hans older brother looked as if he were expecting or waiting for something during this time.

Hans began speaking. " Brother… What are you going to do with me? Haven't I already caused enough humiliation?

Our reputation is on the line. I don't understand why you aren't doing this yourself. Why is it that you need me?"

Hans' voice was gruff. He sounded dry, like he needed water and just nutrition in general.

After the last utterances, his oldest brother gave a small expression of amusement.

" Oh, brother-

You are so naïve. Of course I am using you, but doing this on my own accord.

Elsa would be a proper queen at my side. She is an exquisite accessory… No wonder you could not succeed in courting her…"

The mentioning of Queen Elsa and his brother's implicative agenda with her began to aggravate the exiled prince. Dropping his head again, so that his facial expression wouldn't show, Hans' bangs fell in front of his face. Another one of his brother's grasped the scruffy hair on the back of his neck and pulled up so that Hans could look at them more forcefully.

Just to show him who is boss. Also grasping his jaw to really to force his mouth open.

The brother that blew the puff of smoke held it out, the burning side, attempting to insert it, and threaten to burn a hole on the inside of his cheek… Or worse.

Hans began to struggle, but his weakened form had no chance against the strong princes that broke his body's will to fight.

Involuntary bits of tears began to stream down the sides of his cheeks as the hands that yanked his jaw open were just barely enough to snap the hinges that held his face together.

The worry for himself was not so much to make him recoil as was the fear that was based around Arendelle's future.

Hans brother's plans for the queen were disgusting. When growing up, Hans' oldest brother usually had the most power, his advantage to being the first born gave him all kinds of power and usually he got what he wanted by any means necessary.

" Understand here, brother.

You get one last chance… One single chance… And if you screw it up…"

His brother inched closer with the burning end of his cigar. He was actually planning on putting a hole in Hans mouth to teach him a lesson. A long lasting lesson…

" I'll make put another-"

Just as they were about to scorch the inner cheek of the restrained prince. Carriage came to a sudden halt, flicking the cigar into one of the brother's eyes… Causing him to scream in pain. The oldest snapped his fingers to the other brother, in which the other grabbed the blinded brother's head and knocked him out cold with a blow to his temple.

" What the fuck is it?"

The oldest growled out at the cabin window, which the coach opened and beckoned his attendance to the front of the carriage where a messenger horse was standing.

The man gave them a letter, strictly confidential. The only way he knew of this carriage was the simple insignia on the back that only the royals of the Southern Isles would know .Such a messenger was briefed with their travels and this task.

The eldest opened the letter with a envelop opener, slicing the waxed seal in half before reading it.

He picked up the cigar, still burning… On the floor of the carriage and took another puff, this time… A small smile crept on to his face.

" Excellent… "

Hans swallowed hard. Readjusting his jaw, since his mouth was nearly stretched past it's limits and looked at his blinded brother on the floor and then the other who had nearly burned his mouth out.

The oldest passed the note to the other brother who had pulled his glove back on after taking out the other brother. He also chuckled. Then his oldest fanned the letter in Hans face….

Signaling for him to also look at it.

The letter was not long.

It was simple, and in his native language, written in an elegant manner.

" They've arrived."